147 research outputs found


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    Asma merupakan salah satu penyakit peradangan kronis pada saluran pernapasan yang mengakibatkan obstruksi saluran pernapasan dengan derajat bervariasi. Gejala asma memiliki dampak terhadap anak seperti penurunan prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan prestasi belajar siswa SMA dengan penyakit asma pada boarding school dan non-boarding school di kota Banda Aceh. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan desain cross-sectional. Responden penelitian berjumlah 100 siswa yang diambil dari tanggal 23 September 2019 hingga 13 Oktober 2019 dengan metode probability random sampling, yaitu stratified random sampling. Hasil penelitian dengan menganalisis data menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan prestasi belajar pada siswa SMA dengan penyakit asma yang tinggal di asrama dan siswa yang tidak tinggal di asrama dengan nilai p=0,319 (p>0,05). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tidak ada perbedaan prestasi belajar pada siswa SMA dengan penyakit asma yang tinggal di asrama dan siswa yang tidak tinggal di asrama

    ATM Service Quality and its Effect on Customer Retention: A Case from Pakistani Banks

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    The concept customer retention has received a considerable attention from a few decades in both areas as academic and industry. In the dynamic market environment, customer retention is seen as much important factor to compete in the market. Banks deals very closely to their customers, find, and fulfill their needs. Due to the technological advancement, banks are offering technology based services to the customers, the aim is to have a competitive advantage in satisfying their customer needs and hence to retain their customers. This research attempts to find the technology based ATM service quality, that how the customer are satisfied with it and hence being retained with the bank. The study will find the factor of ATM service quality that are helpful in retaining the customers. Data was collected from different banks of Pakistan and result depicts that the satisfaction of the bank customers with ATM service quality leads to retain the customer with the bank. Hence, the manger should need to focus on the quality ATM service to their customers, to retain their customers with the Banks

    DOES FDI PROMOTE PEACE? A Relationship Between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Global Peace

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    Peace is a superlative form of pleasant and harmonious atmosphere, cause happiness all over the globe. Global peace is chimerical plans of terrestrial non-violence through nations enthusiastically cooperate by means of voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance which prevents conflict between nations. Nowadays some new thesis and theories regarding promotion of global peace are on-going in the world. Not only world trade being dependent on global peace, previously, global peace and concord may be influenced and brought nearer to reality through escalating world trade unlike in the past theories where trade was a function of global peace. In this study we discuss that can peace may be the function of trade, can it be used to exterminate terrorism and develop harmony among nations. In this article, we concentrate and evaluate various studies on this issue. It is common understanding that global trade thrives well during peacetime but here we argue that global peace prosper well during enhanced global trade. We should also recognize the important role that trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) engage as a main catalyst in fabricating and procuring peace. International trade brings entities and individuals together by means of motivation and business. This interaction provides not only, mutual gain allied with business relationships but also promotes relationships and mutual understandings. Global peace and prosperity based on these foundations. In this modern age most theologists believe that "trade naturally promotes peace," In contrast, a number of economists and political scientists strongly advocate the concept that “trade leads to peace”. This article develops a critical framework concluding that higher gains from trade among two trading nations suppress the level of conflict between them. Keywords: International trade, Foreign Direct Investment, Conflict and Global peac

    Penerapan RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Pada Sistem Presensi Guru dan Karyawan Berbasis Web

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    Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem presensi guru dan karyawan pada SD Negeri 1 KembangSari, Kecamatan Selong dengan menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266 sebagai kunci untukmengisi presensi guru dan karyawan melalui sensor RFID dan ID Tag berbasis website. Alat inibekerja dengan konsep Internet Of Things (IoT) yang mana semua perangkat keras yangdigunakan dijadikan satu rangkaian dengan sebuah mikrokontroler NodeMCU. Kemudiandilakukan konfigurasi alat dan web sistem menggunakan software Arduino IDE danpengkodingan web sistem menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Perangkat IoT yangdigunakan dalam sistem adalah sensor RFID RC-522 dan NodeMCU. Sensor RFID RC-522akan membaca tag ID yang dimiliki oleh guru atau karyawan yang membaca sebuah kode dalamID tersebut untuk diproses lebih lanjut. Semua kode ID tag dari masing-masing guru dankaryawan akan disimpan pada server database untuk digunakan lebih lanjut. Perangkat lunakdigunakan oleh operator dan operator harus mendaftarkan kode ID tag guru terlebih dahulu.Lalu akan memasukkan data sesuai dengan tanggal dan jam masuk pada saat melakukanpresensi. Semua guru dan karyawan akan melakukan presensi secara manual dengan caramenempelkan ID tag ke sensor RF reader yang sudah didaftarkan sebelumnya. Presensi akandilakukan sebanyak 2 kali, presensi pertama akan dilakukan saat guru dan karyawan masukkantor, dan prsensi kedua dilakukan saat guru dan karyawan pulang dari kantor. Dari hasilpengujian, alat ini sudah berfungsi dengan baik karena mampu melakukan presensi masuk danpresensi pulang secara real-time, kemudian menyimpan data tersebut ke dalam database dandapat diunduh sewaktu diperlukan

    Strategi Pengelolaan Wisata Syariah Kota Pekanbaru

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    The legacy of the Malay kingdom of Riau has become a valuable historical site as one of the areas of the Islamic kingdom which has become a current sharia tourist destination. The purpose of this study was to determine the management strategy of the Riau Province An-Nur Grand Mosque, the Ar-Rahman Grand Mosque in Pekanbaru City, and the Senapelan Grand Mosque in Pekanbaru City as religious tourism destinations in Pekanbaru City. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interviews, documentation, and analyzing books related to research. The data analysis used was an interactive analysis model. The results of this study illustrate that 1. The implementation of planning in Islamic tourism in Pekanbaru City through the formation of the board 2. The implementation of the organization that has been formed by the management in managing the mosque as a religious tourism destination based on the main task and schedule made as a form of board coordination 3. Implementation of the movement has followed training and comparative studies of mosque administrators as religious tourism and providing salaries or wages to administrators 4. Controlling Implementation of Sharia Tourism management in Pekanbaru City is included in asset instruments under government control and supervision as the Pekanbaru City Grand Mosque 5. Marketing through promotion has been implemented with several types of online and print media. 6. Financial implementation is carried out with a system of transparency and accountability based on predetermined standards. 7. Operational implementation of activities that have been carried out routine mosques such as prayer 5 times, majlis taklim, tabligh akbar and other religious activities 8. The application of R & D from the development of mosques as religious tourism destinations in Pekanbaru City received attention from the local government as a Raya and Paripurna mosque that has budget and expenditure on the running of mosque activities in the religious activity program in Pekanbaru City 9. Implementation of the Information System Mosque has been carried out in the information system on the management of religious tourism at the Great Mosque of An-Nur, Riau Province. Keywords: Strategy, Management, Sharia Touris

    Formal Finance Usage and Innovative SMEs: Evidence from ASEAN Countries

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    This paper provides evidence on the likelihood of formal finance usage among innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operating in ASEAN countries. To this end, the SMEs are classified into four categories, namely non-innovators and product, process, and product-and-process innovator SMEs. Subsequently, a propensity score weighting (PSW) analysis is performed to adjust for diversity existing across innovative SMEs. The resulting propensity scores are further used to perform the causal effect analysis based on the average treatment effect (ATE) approach, which measures the likelihood of formal finance usage among different types of innovative SMEs. Our ATE results reveal that SMEs simultaneously engaged in product and process innovation show a higher likelihood of using formal finance than non-innovators. However, formal finance usage of SMEs perusing only product/service or process innovation is not any different from non-innovators. Furthermore, our pairwise analysis shows that product and process innovators also exhibit a higher likelihood of formal finance usage than product/service or process innovators. Besides, younger and medium-size product and process innovating SMEs are more likely to use formal finance. These results are robust for different subsamples and firm- and country-level controls

    Pandemic crisis versus global financial crisis: Are Islamic stocks a safe-haven for G7 markets?

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    This study draws a comparison between the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the COVID-19 pandemic crisis to assess the safehaven potential of Islamic stocks for G7 stock markets. We employ the cross-quantilogram framework of Han et al., which considers the non-linearity in the relationship, and thus captures the correlation between the Islamic and G7 stock markets across various quantiles reflecting different market conditions. The analysis also includes the time-varying cross-quantile correlation to observe the evolution of Islamic stocks’ safe-haven potential. Our full sample analysis shows that Islamic stocks do not exhibit safe-haven properties for G7 stock markets. During the GFC period, Islamic stocks show some diversification benefits for the G7 stock markets. Notably, Islamic stocks emerged as a robust safe-haven asset for the G7 stock markets during the pandemic crisis. The study carries essential insights for equity investors and regulators of G7 and other countries to implement diversification/hedging strategies that would involve Islamic stocks to protect equity investments and the overall financial system amid the financial downturns

    Geopolitical Risk and Tourism Stocks of Emerging Economies

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    A bulk of literature suggests that geopolitical events such as terrorist attacks dampen tourism demand. However, there is little research on whether this effect helps predict the return of the tourism equity sector. We provide country-level evidence on whether local and global geopolitical risk (GPR) predicts the first and second moments of tourism stocks in emerging economies. This objective was achieved by employing the non-parametric causality-in-quantiles (CiQ) model and a cross-quantilogram (CQ) test, which allowed us to uncover the predictive potential of GPR for the tourism sector equities. Our findings, obtained through the CiQ model, suggest that while both local and global GPRs carry significant potential for predicting the returns and volatility of tourism stocks of most emerging economies under normal market conditions, they seem to play no such role in certain countries. These countries include South Korea, for which only a limited number of tourism stocks trade on the domestic stock market compared to other sectors, and Colombia, for which both the domestic stock market and tourism sectors are at an emerging stage. Further, it turns out that, compared to its local counterpart, global GPR has a more pronounced predictive power for the tourism stocks of emerging economies. Finally, with some exceptions, the results are qualitatively similar, and hence reasonably robust, to those when a directional predictability model is applied. Given that geopolitical shocks are largely unanticipated, our findings underscore the importance of a robust tourism sector that can help the market recover to stability as well as an open economy that allows local investors to diversify country-specific risks in their portfolios. Implications and directions for future research are discussed
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