1,701 research outputs found

    Media Tradisional Sebagai Media Komunikasi Pembangunan Masyarakat Titidu Gorontalo

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    Communication media as a means to convey information is traditional and modern. The rapid development of communication technology in modern media by some communication experts is allegedly able to change the traditional form of communication found in Indonesia. The author is interested to know the benefits of the implementation of the Gorontalo tribal tradition as a traditional communication media play a role in development in the village of Titidu? By using the method of observation and in-depth interviews with 34 sources obtained from purposive sampling techniques. This study was also complemented by a literature review to deepen data and data processing using descriptive qualitative analysis. The findings show the existence of traditional media that still survive in the village of Titidu aims to preserve the traditions of the Gorontalo tribal people who place the tradition based on syara 'and syara' based on the book of God as a way of life, so that the culture of Gorontalo people highly values traditions especially those with Islamic nuances. The tradition is related to customs in the form of wedding ceremonies, coronation and reception of officials, funerals, hair cutting and weighting. Art in the form of remembrance (obeyed), burdah (buruda), funds and zamrah. Dance movements or sports such as langga, longgo, and literature in the form of prose and poetry. By implementing interpersonal, group, free and social communication to socialize regional development in the fields of innovation (health, education, national defense, arts, development), government policy, program accountability in the village head's remarks.Media komunikasi sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan informasi bersifat tradisional dan modern. Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi komunikasi pada media modern oleh beberapa pakar komunikasi disinyalir dapat merubah bentuk komunikasi tradisional yang terdapat di Indonesia. Penulis tertarik untuk mengetahui manfaat pelaksanaan tradisi suku Gorontalo sebagai media komunikasi tradisional berperan dalam pembangunan di Desa Titidu.  Dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap 34 narasumber yang di dapat dari teknik sampling purposive. Penelitian ini juga dilengkapi dengan kajian pustaka untuk memperdalam data serta pengolahan data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Temuan menunjukkan keberadaan media tradisional yang masih bertahan di Desa Titidu bertujuan untuk melestarikan tradisi masyarakat suku Gorontalo yang menempatkan adat bersendikan syara’ dan syara’ bersendikan kitab Allah sebagai pandangan hidup, sehingga secara kultural masyarakat Gorontalo sangat menghargai tradisi-tradisi terutama yang bernuansa Islami. Tradisi tersebut berhubungan dengan adat istiadat berupa upacara pernikahan, penobatan dan penyambutan pejabat, pemakaman, pengguntingan rambut serta pembeatan. Kesenian berupa dzikir (diikili), burdah (buruda), dana-dana dan zamrah. Gerak atau olahraga tarian seperti langga, longgo, dan sastra berupa prosa maupun puisi. Dengan menerapkan komunikasi antar pribadi, kelompok, bebas dan sosial untuk mensosialisasikan pembanguan daerah pada bidang inovasi (kesehatan, pendidikan, bela negara, kesenian, pembangunan), kebijakan pemerintah, pertanggungjawaban program dalam sambutan kepala desa.

    THE COMMUNICATION CLIMATE OF AN ORGANIZATION IN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL FOUNDATION (A Case Study Of Department Of Infrastructures And Facilities In Wahid Hasyim Islamic Boarding School Foundation Yogyakarta)

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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Iklim komunikasi organisasi di dalam Lembaga Sarana Prasarana di Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta. Iklim komunikasi organisasi yang baik sangat penting dalam sebuah organisasi. Dengan berjalannya iklim komunikasi organisasi kredibilitas dan kemajuan organisasi dapat tercapai. Iklim komunikasi di suatu organisasi berbeda dengan organisasi yang lainnya dari suasana atau atmosfer organisasinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian mengungkap berbagai informasi kualitatif dengan deskripsi-analisis yang di teliti dan penuh makna. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa iklim komunikasi organisasi yang ada di lembaga sarana prasarana adalah iklim sosial yang terbentuk saling mendukung meskipun dalam pelaksanaan komunikasi belum berjalan secara maksimal. Komunikasi yang kurang maksimal tersebut menyebabkan informasi yang penting tidak didapatkan oleh seluruh anggota kelompok akan tetapi hanya segelintir anggota. Dampak yang paling berpengaruh akibat komunikasi yang tidak sehat adalah beban organisasi hanya bertumpu pada segelintir orang dan timbulnya sikap acuh terhadap pekerjaan anggota organisasi. Perkembangan informasi yang dinamis setiap harinya seharusnya dapat di bagikan melalui media sosial. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi buruknya komunikasi antara lain, kurangnya kepercayaan antar anggota organisasi, kurangnya tanggung jawab, dan perubahan informasi yang terlalu dinamis. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk memperbaiki komunikasi dalam organisasi ini adalah dengan memberikan kepercayaan, tanggung jawab, dan membagikan informasi dengan teratur. Abstract. The research aims at finding the communication climate of an organization in the Department of Infrastructures and Facilities of Wahid Hasyim Islamic Boarding School Yogyakarta. A pleasant communication climate of an organization is significant. A communication climate of an organization that works well will help it to achieve credibility and development. Communication climate, atmosphere, and environment, in one organization, are different from another. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. This research explains various qualitative data with a careful and meaningful description analysis. This research shows that organizations' communication climate in the Department of Infrastructures and Facilities is supported by social climate. Although in the case of communication, there is still room for improvement. Since the lack of communication, some information might not access by all of the group members. The lack of communication can result in uneven workloads and lack of member responsibilities. Dynamic information changes should share via social media. Some factors that can affect poor communication are lack of trust between members, lack of responsibilities, and information changes that are too dynamic. Researchers found that giving trust, being responsible, and regularly sharing information can improve communication


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    Reliability assessment of a working system is perfunned to identuy the most likely fuLiures and time-to-fuilure so that appropriate actions can be planned to diminish the effucts of the fuilures. Traditional model of reliability assessment assumes every working system would P.ave two states wP.ich are the st.ate du.ring perfectly workiP.g and the complete fuilure state. However, systems that exhibit multi-state behavior rr.ay have 1iPite number of fuilure rate V>il.~h are called multi-state system (MSS). The MSS system will degrade from a perfect working system to certain minor fuilure states befure it complete~' .taiL Hence, new approach is needed to predict tire reliability of such system. This report contains the selected MSS analysis as the new approach to assess the reliabiL;cy of a MSS system and the findings about the selected method which is Discrete-Time Markov Chain (DTMC) analysis. The data was taken from UTP Gas District CooliP.g (GDC) production report fOcusing on the perfunnance of a gas turbine in terms of kW. The perfunnance data was clustered into some perfunnance states and the state transition probabilities were estimated. From tlte estimation, reliability function and distribution parameter were obtained to be used to calculate tlte Mean Time Between Failure (M1BF) of the system. At the end of the project, the reliability of the MSS that predicted using DTMC analysis was compared to the reliability predicted using traditioml method wpjch was the exponential distribution method. The analysis shows that DTMC analysis has better prediction th.an the exponential distdbutjon method. Moreover, by exploiting the state transition probabilities estimation process, the change of operation demand as well as Preventive Maintenance planning could be included in the analysis. Briefly, MSS analysis gave better reliability prediction of the MSS and the behavior of the system could be analyzed


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    This report highlights the investigation on cylindrical dielectric resonator array antenna, CDRA feed with micro-strip transmission line through aperture coupling with the addition of a parabolic reflector. The application of interest for this design is for WLAN data transmission IEEE 802.11 a band. The CDRA proves to be a viable alternative to the current micro-strip patch antenna as it gives higher gain, wider bandwidth and also low radiation loss. The CDRA antenna with parabolic reflector is design for a point to point WLAN application at a center frequency of 5.52 GHz. The design simulation is done using the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) while the substrate prototype is fabricated using printed circuit board (PCB) with the CDRA glued to the substrate using silicon glue. This report consists of an introduction, problem statement, objectives, literature review and methodology used to conduct the research on the CDRA design and its performance. This report also discuss the result obtain through CST simulation and the actual prototype radiation pattern and the maximum gain obtained

    Thermal Mechanical Simulation of Corner Joint Configuration

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    Welding is widely used in manufacturing industries to assemble various products. It is well known that welding process relies on an intensely localized heat input, which tends to generate undesired residual stresses and deformations in welded structures. Residual stresses are stresses that remain after the original cause of the stresses such as heat gradient during welding process. They remain along a cross section of the component even without external cause. This study has been conducted with objectives to develop finite element model of welding and compute temperature distribution and deformation of welded plate


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    This study aims to describe the conflicts that occur in Pombewe Village, Sigi Biromaru Subdistrict, Sigi Regency, Application of Democratic, Authoritarian and Permissive Education Models to children in Pombewe Village, Sigi Biromaru Subdistrict, Sigi District, and also the role of families in places of social conflict in the Village Pombewe, Sigi Biromaru District, Sigi Regency. The people involved in this study were children who were involved in the conflict, and village heads, community leaders and parents. To obtain more complete information from the research sample in this study using a purposive technique that is by deliberately approving informants according to certain criteria or considerations. Data collection techniques used by the author are: observation, interview and questionnaire. Questionnaire data were analyzed using frequency or percentage tables. While the interview data and analysis of data analysis used descriptive qualitative analyzed through 3 drunks, namely: Data Reduction, Data Presentation and Data Verification. The results of the study showed conflict in Pombewe Village, Sigi Biromaru Subdistrict, Sigi District, between Karampe and Boyavou sub-villages were classified as discussing direct violence. (direct violence), while the Application of the Democratic, Authoritarian and Child Education Models in Pombewe Village, Sigi Biromaru Subdistrict, Sigi Regency is relatively weak while the Application of Permissive Education Model is classified as very strong. Related to the Role of the Family in dealing with conflicts that are given advice, commemorated and given coverage, the approval that he did was outrageous, as proposed to the police, besides that parents also succeeded in association.The conclusion is in the debate that occurs in the community in need of cooperation between the parents and village officials. Parents are expected to implement a family education system with a coordination model, so that children can open, get attention and affection so that children avoid things that have a negative impact.


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    The political turmoil in Malaysia following the resignation of Mahathir Mohammad (February 2020), and the success of Muhyiddin Yassin in the position of Prime Minister, made the political atmosphere even more dynamic. There are those who think that Malaysian politics currently shows a serious problem with the fierce battle between political figures. There have even been various accusations that say there is treason that justifies any means to achieve the goal. Muhyiddin Yassin, who is Mahathir's representative in the Malaysian Indigenous United Party (PPBM), was accused of treason. Likewise, Azmin Ali who was deputy chairman of the People's Justice Party (PKR) was accused of treason by Anwar Ibrahim, so that Azmin was fired from the PKR. Mahathir Mohammad is a senior Malaysian political figure with long experience in politics. The political communication that Mahthir has built is very intelligent with his success as a UMNO figure and the Prime Minister of Malaysia for more than 20 years. As a doctor, since the age of 25, he has been active in politics through the UMNO party. Mahathir understands that politics is very dynamic and political figures must be able to adapt to the existing political dynamics. It was this political dynamic that made Mahathir leave UMNO when he saw the many deviations committed by his figures. Mahathir then formed a new party, Partai Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) which succeeded in ending UMNO's domination in the 2018 elections. Mahathir's political communications were truly tested when he succeeded in becoming the second prime minister of Malaysia at the age of 92 years. The political message delivered by Mahathir was able to convince the Malaysian people about the direction of national development. His long and successful experience in politics made him known as the father of modernization in Malaysia. However, in the end, he was removed by Muhyiddin Yassin (his own friend) from the seat of Prime Minister at the age of 94. Because actually in politics there are no friends and enemies who are eternal, it is political interests themselves that are eternal

    Masalah Disiplin

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    Artikel ini membincangkan masalah disiplin di sekolah yang telah menjadi isu masyarakat yang sering dibincangkan oleh semua lapisan masyarakat. Kejadian melanggar disiplin sekolah ini turut mempengaruhi keputusan akademik pelajar