14 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Drama in Teaching Speaking

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah siswa di kelas VIII SMPN 3 Batang Hari Nuban Lampung Timur akan mampu menerapkan drama bahasa Inggris dalam hal verbal komponen yaitu articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar & vocabulary). Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VIIIA dengan 24 siswa. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang difokuskan pada analisis produksi berbicara siswa dengan melihat kriteria evaluasi untuk berbicara dalam drama yang dikemukakan oleh Stanishlavski (1989). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 83,33% siswa mampu menerapkan drama bahasa Inggri sdalam hal verbal komponen terdiri dari articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar & vocabulary) dan sisanya 16,66% siswa masih rendah. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa accuracy (grammar & vocabulary) adalah yang paling mudah sedangkan yang paling bermasalah adalah fluency. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa drama dan komponen verbalnya dapat diaplikasikan oleh siswa di pembelajaran berbicara.This research was aimed at finding whether the students at the second grade of SMPN 3 Batang Hari Nuban East Lampung would able to apply English drama in terms of verbal components of articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar & vocabulary). The subject of this research was class VIIIA with 24 students. This was descriptive qualitative research which focused on the analysis of students’ speaking production by seeing the criteria of evaluation for speaking in drama proposed by Stanishlavski (1989). The result showed that 83.33% students were able to apply English drama in terms of verbal components of articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar & vocabulary) and the rest of 16.66% students were still poor. The result also showed that accuracy (grammar & vocabulary)is the most applicable whereas most problematic is fluency. It could be concluded that drama and its verbal components are applicable for students in speaking class

    Analysis of Classroom Interaction in the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui proses interaksi kelas melalui Initiation-Response-Feedback (IRF), (2) untuk mengetahui pola yang dominan muncul di kelas, dan (3) untuk mengetahui pola interaksi di kelas sesuai atau tidak dengan aspek kurikulum 2013. Sampel dari penelitian adalah kelas IPA dan IPS di tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Hasil dari pola interaksi melalui Sinclair and Couthard Initiation-Response-Feedback model menunjukan : Teacher Elicitation (20%), Check (21%), Student Information (20%), Student Elicitation  (13%), Teacher Information (12%), dan Teacher Direct (11%). Di kelas IPA, interaksi didominasi oleh murid, Student Inform 30%. Pola yang terjadi di kelas IPS didominasi oleh guru, Teacher Elicitation 15%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pola interaksi yang muncul tidak sesuai dengan aspek – aspek kurikulum 2013.The aims of this research were (1) to investigate the process of classroom interaction through initiation-response-feedback (IRF), (2) to find out the exchange pattern of classroom interaction that dominantly appear, and (3) to find out whether or not the exchange pattern of classroom interaction is suitable with curriculum 2013. The sample of this research were science class and social class of SMA in the year 2013/2014. The research is qualitative research. The result of the classroom interaction pattern suggested by Sinclair and Coulthard Initiation-Response-Feedback (IRF) model namely: Teacher Elicitation (20%), Check (21%), Student Information (20%), Student Elicitation  (13%), Teacher Information (12%), and Teacher Direct (11%). In the science class handled by the students, amounting Student Inform 30%. The exchange pattern in social class taken by the teacher, Teacher Elicitation 15%. It can be concluded that the exchange pattern is not suitable with 2013 curriculum principle

    The Use of Picture Series in Improving Students' Speaking Recount Text Skill

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat adakah perbedaan signifikan kemampuan berbicara siswa setelah diajar dengan picture series dan melihat jenis picture series yang paling efektif untuk mengajar speaking. Subjek terdiri dari 30 siswa kelas X dari SMAN. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain time series dengan memberikan 3 kali pre-test, 3 kali perlakuan, dan tiga kali post-test. Peneliti menggunakan 2 rater untuk menilai penampilan berbicara siswa. Pair sample t-test digunakan untuk menganalisis data kuantitatif dan hipotesis dengan SPSS (16.0). Hasil analisa pertama 11.031 (t-value) > 2.048, analisa kedua 14.955 (t-value) > 2.048 (t-table), analisa ketiga 23.108 (t-value) > 2.048 (t-table), hasilnya menunjukan ada perbedaan signifikan pada kemampuan berbicara siswa setelah diajar dengan picture series. Dari ketiga picture series, jenis picture series dari google image adalah yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa.The aims of this research were to find out whether there is any significant difference of students' speaking ability after being taught by using picture series and to know which one of picture series is effective for teaching speaking. The subjects of this research consisted of 30 students of SMAN Grade X. The study employed times series design by giving three pre-tests, three treatments, and three post-tests. There were two raters to judge the students' speaking performance. Pair sample t-test was used to analyze the quantitative data and the hypothesis testing was computed using SPSS (16.0). The result is 1st pair 11.031 (t-value) > 2.048, 2nd pair 14.955 (t-value) > 2.048 (t-table), 3rd pair 23.108 (t-value) > 2.048 (t-table) means that there are significant differences of students' speaking ability after being taught by using picture series. Regarding the three picture series given, the picture series from google image is the most effective in improving speaking ability

    Correlation Between Students’ Frequency Of Listening To English Songs And Their Vocabulary Achievement

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    The objective of this research is to investigate whether there is significant correlation between students’ frequency of listening English songs. The research was conducted at SMPN 3 Bandar Lampung. This is quantitative research using ex post pasto design. The data were taken from the questionnaire and the test was given to the VIII D class. The sample was chosen randomly through lottery. There are two kinds of tests, i.e.  the questionnaire of students’ listening frequency that consists of thirty questions and vocabulary test that consists of thirty questions of multiple choice. The data were analyzed by using the statistical formula of Pearson Product Moment. The result of the this research, rvalue  (0.738) was higher than rtable (0.463). It means that there is correlation and H1is accepted. It can be concluded that there is significant correlation between the students’ frequency of listening English song and their vocabulary achievement. Most of the students who have good frequency of listening English song tended to have good score in vocabulary test too. It can be concluded that students’ frequency of listening English song influence their vocabulary achivement

    Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Through Total Physical Response at the Fifth Grade of Elementary School

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan yang signifikan dari pencapaian kosakata sebelum dan setelah diajarkan melalui TPR dan untuk mengetahui apakah ada setiap peningkatan aktivitas siswa melalui penerapan TPR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) nilai rata-rata  pretest adalah 59.90 sedangkan nilai rata-rata posttest adalah 78,86 . Peningkatan nilai rata-rata adalah 18.96 setelah treatment. Ini berarti bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan pencapaian kosakata siswa antara pretest dan posttest setelah diajarkan melalui TPR. (2) TPR dapat meningkatkan aktivitas siswa dalam belajar. Ini menunjukan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan dari pencapaian kosakata siswa antara pretest dan posttest setelah di ajarkan melalui TPR. Dengan kata lain, mengajarkan kosakata melalui TPR dianggap lebih baik dalam meningkatkan prestasi kosakata siswa daripada metode lain dan dapat digunakan sebagai acuan mengajar kosakata bahasa inggris.This research was intended to find out whether there was any significant increase of the students` vocabulary before and after being taught through TPR and to find out whether there was any improvement of students’ activity through the implementation of TPR. The result shows: (1) mean score of the pretest was 59.90 while the mean score of the posttest was 78.86. The increase of the mean score was 18.96 after the treatments. It means that there was a significant increase of the students` vocabulary achievement between pretest and posttest after being taught through TPR. (2) The hypothesis proposed in this research was accepted. It means that there was a significant increase of the students` vocabulary achievement between pretest and posttest after being taught through TPR. In other words, teaching vocabulary through TPR is considered to be better in increasing the students` vocabulary achievement than any other methods and it can be used as reference to teach English vocabular

    The Implementation of Jigsaw Technique in English

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    The objectives of this research are to improve (1) students' speaking ability (2) students' speaking activity and (3) the quality of teacher's performance. The subject of this research is the second grade students of SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung, class XI IPS 1. An action research was carried out in order to improve students' speaking ability by using Jigsaw Technique in English speaking class. There were two indicators that were used in this research, i.e. learning product and learning process. The result of the research shows that Jigsaw Tehnique improves the students' speaking ability. In term of learning product, in cycle 1, students' average speaking score was 61,8 and in cycle 2, it was 67,05. In learning process, it was found that there were some students who could not comprehend the text because the students lacked of vocabulary in cylce 1. But in cycle 2, all of the students could comprehend the text well and focuss on the activities. They became more active in speaking class because the students were given different style of Jigsaw Technique.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan (1) kemampuan bicara siswa (2) aktivitas bicara siswa dan (3) kualitas performa guru. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa-siswi kelas 2 IPS 1 SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung. Penelitian tindak kelas digunakan sebagai metode untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bicara siswa melalui teknik Jigsaw dalam kelas bicara bahasa Inggris. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa ada kenaikan pada kemampuan bicara siswa. Terdapat dua indikator yang digunakan pada penelitian ini, yaitu produk pembelajaran dan proses pembelajaran. Pada produk pembelajaran di siklus pertama, skor rata-rata siswa adalah 61,8 dan di siklus ke-dua adalah 67,05. Pada proses pembelajaran, ditemukan bahwa ada beberapa siswa yang tidak dapat memahami teks dikarenakan rendahnya pembendaharaan kosakata yang dimiliki. Tetapi di siklus 2, semua siswa dapat memahami isi teks dengan baik dan fokus pada kegiatan mereka. Mereka menjadi lebih aktif dalam kelas bicara karena siswa diberikan teknik Jigsaw dengan style yang berbeda