
The Implementation of Drama in Teaching Speaking


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah siswa di kelas VIII SMPN 3 Batang Hari Nuban Lampung Timur akan mampu menerapkan drama bahasa Inggris dalam hal verbal komponen yaitu articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar & vocabulary). Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VIIIA dengan 24 siswa. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang difokuskan pada analisis produksi berbicara siswa dengan melihat kriteria evaluasi untuk berbicara dalam drama yang dikemukakan oleh Stanishlavski (1989). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 83,33% siswa mampu menerapkan drama bahasa Inggri sdalam hal verbal komponen terdiri dari articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar & vocabulary) dan sisanya 16,66% siswa masih rendah. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa accuracy (grammar & vocabulary) adalah yang paling mudah sedangkan yang paling bermasalah adalah fluency. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa drama dan komponen verbalnya dapat diaplikasikan oleh siswa di pembelajaran berbicara.This research was aimed at finding whether the students at the second grade of SMPN 3 Batang Hari Nuban East Lampung would able to apply English drama in terms of verbal components of articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar & vocabulary). The subject of this research was class VIIIA with 24 students. This was descriptive qualitative research which focused on the analysis of students’ speaking production by seeing the criteria of evaluation for speaking in drama proposed by Stanishlavski (1989). The result showed that 83.33% students were able to apply English drama in terms of verbal components of articulation, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy (grammar & vocabulary) and the rest of 16.66% students were still poor. The result also showed that accuracy (grammar & vocabulary)is the most applicable whereas most problematic is fluency. It could be concluded that drama and its verbal components are applicable for students in speaking class

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    Last time updated on 07/01/2018