71 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Metode Pembayaran Cash on Delivery dan Online Customer Review Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Tiktok Shop di Kota Depok

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    This research aims to determine the effect of cash on delivery and online customer reviews on purchasing decisions at Tiktok Shops in Depok City. The type of research used is quantitative research. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling, namely the purposive sampling method using 130 respondents who have made purchases at the Tiktok Shop. The data collection technique used a questionnaire on the Google form with a Likert scale of 1-5 with 26 statements. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS 25. The results of this study indicate that the cash on delivery variable X1) has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions (Y). Online customer reviews (X2) have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions (Y). Cash on delivery (X1) and online customer reviews (X2) have a simultaneous positive influence on purchasing decisions (Y) at the Tiktok Shop in Depok City

    Optimalisasi Ceramah Spiritual (Islam) Dalam Penurunan Tingkat Stres Penderita Kusta Reaktif

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    Leprosy disease still represents the problem of the world of very complex. The problem does not only from facet of health physic- but also extending until social problem, economic, cultural, security and national resilience. The big of stressor for leprosy will generate the disease transportation; journey going worse and optimalization deliver a lecture the spiritual (Islam) in degrading storey; level stress to leprosy reaction still need clarification. Research method is Quasy Experiment Design, sample taken by using techniques of purposive sampling with a number of 10 people at Hospital of Leprosy Sumber Glagah Mojokerto. Analyze by Wilcox on signed rank test, with the meaning storey; level 95%. Result of research show the decrease level of stress after conducted by discourse spiritual (Islam) at leprosy of type of Reversal and ENL that is by = 0,05, got by p = 0,003, From this research result is researcher suggest, for it self leprosy to develop; build the adaptive coping which do not get out of the support of family of society fund, and also for health worker that is Nurse can identify and implementation with a way of develop; building adaptive coping and can decreasing the level of stress leprosy

    The Effect of Coffee and Salt on Elderly Restriction with Hypertension

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    Introduction: One of elderly's problem in Health Center Karambitan II Tabanan Bali was hypertension. Elderly usually likes or has a habit consuming coffee and salty food everyday. This study was used a pre-experimental one group pre-post test design. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of consumption limitation of coffee and salt on vital sign in elderly with hypertension. The subjects were elderly with hypertension which stay with their family who lived at Karambitan II Tabanan Bali Health Center region. Method: There were 28 samples which recruited by using total sampling who met to the inclusion criteria. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test, with significance level α≤0.05. Result: The result showed that there was an effect of consumption limitation of coffee and salt on systolic blood pressure (p=0.00000), diastolic blood pressure (p=0.00000) and heart rate (p=0.00000). Discussion: It can be concluded that there was an effect of consumption limitation of coffee and salt to decrease blood pressure and heart rate in elderly with hypertension who lived at Karambitan II Tabanan Bali Health Center regio. Community nurses should give health education for elderly in public health center periodically for reducing incidence of hypertension


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    Intriduction: Elderly at risk of sleep disorders caused by the decline in physical and mental abilities. One of sleep disorder management is self care management. Family support can help the elderly carry out self care management of sleep disorders. Family support is given in the form of emotional, appreciation, instrumental, and information support. This study was aimed to analyze the relationship between family supportwith self-care management of the elderly with sleep disorders. Methods: Design used in this study was a correlational study. The population was 26 elderly with sleep disorder listed at Elderly PosyanduGembongan, Gedeg, Mojokerto. Respondents are 25 selected through a purposive sampling. The independent variable was family support that obtained through questionnaire. The dependent variable was self-care management of the elderly with sleep disorders that obtained through structured questionnaire form. Data were analyzed by Spearman's Rho with a significance level of α< 0.05. Results:The results of the correlation test showed p = 0.018 and r = 0.469. So, the results showed that there is a correlation between family support with self-care management of the elderly with sleep disorders. Discussion: It can be concluded that the correlation between the two variables is strong enough. Family support effect on self-care management of the elderly with sleep disorders. Therefore, more research is needed to involving the family in improving self-care management of the elderly with sleep disorders. Keywords: family support, self-care management, elderly with sleep disorder

    Neglect Elderly in Family: A Systematic Review

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    Neglect is a failure to provide services in providing well or failure in providing mental illness services such as leaving the elderly, refusing to give food or preparing meals or health-related services. Where the elderly suffers a physical setback that causes people to grow old, is actually a biological phenomenon, but the regulation of the system, status, role and social function of the elderly in families and communities is cultural construction. Methods literature searches are performed in major database such as Ebsco Host, proquest, sciencedirect, scopus, sagepub, medline, and google scholar with time limits used are journals from january 2007 to december 2017 Results from various research journals raised in this study, all have a similar goal that is aware of the factors that cause neglect of the elderly in the family. From the obtained journals, research chose random sampling technique. Conclusion The elderly neglect of the elderly so as not to increase the physical condition of the elderly, the psychological state of the elderly should be healthy, the elderly's daily activities are not dependent on the family, and social support of the elderly, and the family's economic level affects the occurrence of neglect of the elderly

    Aromatherapy as the Intervention of Anxiety: Systematic Review

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    Background: Anxiety is a common problem that patients often experience in both the Hospital and the Community. Aromatherapy is used as an intervention to lower anxiety levels cause safely, easily, cheaply and without side effects. There are differences in method, type, dose, duration and technique of aromatherapy intervention so that require further study.Methods: The search of literature from various online databases obtained 10 RCT research journals to be analyzed according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results: All of 10 articles significantly decreased anxiety. Inhalation method was used in 9 of 10 studies and 1 study used massage. The essential aromatherapy type of lavender oil or its combination is used in 8 articles (7 significantly decreased anxiety), 1 using bargamot and 1 using satureja. Duration of giving aromatherapy between 5-40 minutes at most 30 minutes (3 studies). A dose of aromatherapy 2 drops in 5 studies. Provision of intervention 1 times most used (5 studies), most intervention is 12 times (1 study). The longest intervention time is 4 weeks (2 studies).Conclusions: Generally recommend the use of lavender aromatherapy (lavandula angustifolia) intervention through inhalation method with a dose of 2 drops within 30 minutes to effectively decrease the anxiet


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    Introduction: Child health care center is one of the interventions that have been commonly used to increase physical activity in children. Methods: We identified articles through databases searching: EbscoHost, PubMed, published between (2008-2018). Results: fifteen articles were analyzed and selected from 1000 journal articles found for this systematic review. Conclusions: the studied evaluated that child health care center are recommended for the children to increase their physical activity in home, school, and community setting. However, many of these studied still lacked of intervention length, method and sample size. So we suggest to do further research by using more RCT, with good preparation in all aspect, to succeed the implementation and application of the program

    Sleep Therapy as Immunomodulator of Elderly with Sleep Disorder

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    Introduction: Sirep is one of the nursing intervention to solve sleep problems. Moreover, sirep as immunomodulator for cortisol level, IFN-γRa and IL-10 is still unknown. Sleep disorder can make decrease of immunity, concentration disability, decrease of coordination, alteration of personality, etc. Decrease of immunity can caused by increase or imbalance of stress hormone (cortisol). Increase of cortisol in along time can suppresed T lymphocytes. Objective of this study was to analyze the effect of sleep therapy (sirep) as immunomodulator in elderly with sleep disorder Method: This study used Quasy-Experimental Pre-Post Test Control Group Non Randomised design. Result: Result showed that Sleep therapy (sirep) can changed IFNgRa level in serum elderly with Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test had p0.01. Discussion: Sleep therapy of elderly can released cortisol level serum changing, so sleep therapy as immunomodulator in elderly with sleep dissorder was verified. Discussion: Sleep therapy must applied on elderly with sleep disorder, because sleep therapy become immunomodulator on elderly with sleep disorder was verified

    The Hipertension Corelation with Ankle Brachial Index, and Anxiety Level in Elderly With Hipertension

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    Elderly with hypertension will experience an increase in blood pressure due to decreased vascular function. Hypertension causes low ankle brachial index and high levels of anxiety in the elderly. This study was to explain the hypertension corelation with ankle brachial index, and anxiety level in elderly with hipertension in Puskesmas Papar Kabupaten Kediri Indonesia. The study was using cross sectional methode. The population was elderly with hypertension in Puskesmas Papar with a purposive sampling of 110 people. The independent variable was Hipertension. The dependent variables were Ankle Brachial Index and Anxiety Level. Instruments were spygmomanomater and Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI). Results showed that there was a significant correlation between Hypertension with Ankle Brachial Index (p=0.00), and there was significant correlation between Hypertension with the Anxiety Level (p=0.00). Future study may use digital spigmomanometer for specific and saving time measuring the Blood Pressure and Ankle Brachial Index

    Factors that Affect the Cognitive Function in Elderly at Jetak Public Health Center of Tuban Regency

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    Background: The aging process causes various health problems due to elderly physiological changes, one of which is the decline in cognitive function. This problem can disrupt the lives and social activities of the elderly. In general, the decline in cognitive function is influenced by several factors, such as sex, age, education level, family, occupation, sleep patterns, reading habits, smoking, coffee and alcohol consumption. Method: type of research using quantitative research with cross sectional descriptive design. Sampling with probability sampling simple random sampling. The sample of this study was 175 elderly in Jetak Public Health Center, Tuban Regency. This study uses a mini mental state examination questionnaire (MMSE) for cognitive function. This research was conducted in November 2017. Results: This study showed that 53.9% of respondents experienced a decrease in cognitive function, 60.4% of them aged between 75-90 years, and 68.4% low education level, 32.4% less attention from family, 23.7% elderly do not have work at home. Conclusion: Most of elderly Jetak Public Health Center of Tuban Regency have decreased cognitive function. The highest age of the elderly who suffers from cognitive impairment is 75-90 years of age, and lacks attention from the family, low education and no home wor
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