4 research outputs found

    Analisis Deksriptif Pembelajaran Dalam Jaringan (Online) Mahasiswa Diploma Tiga Keperawatan Universitas Ngudi Waluyo Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Learning is the process of student interaction with lecturers and learning resources in a learning environment. Online learning becomes an option during the covid-19 pandemic to avoid direct contact with students due to covid-19. The purpose of this study is to find out the description of learning online in the students of Diploma Tiga Nursing Program Ngudi Waluyo University. This research method is descriptive with a cross sectional approach. The total of samples is 92 students. The result of the research showed that study learning plan was given before the lecture (96.7%), materials are given in accordance with the study learning plan (76.1%), there are obstacles during online learning (83.7),  explanation of lecture materials by lecturers can be understood (72.8%), no feedback during online learning (90.2%), Lesture assessment is conducted transparently (68.5%), media used in online learning is sipolin of Ngudi Waluyo University (50%), 43.5 % use google meet, assignment using in accordance with the study learning plan (98.9%), learning method of students center learning (95.7%). Concluded that the online learning in Diploma Three of Nursing Program of Ngudi Waluyo University went well. Suggestions for learning activities can be improved especially in the aspects of learning media that can be given in a variety.Online learningStudentCovid-1

    Hubungan Usia Anak Penderita Thalasemia Dengan Frekuensi Transfusi

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    Introduction Thalassemia is a genetic disease that is detected when someone is still a child. as an effect of this disease the child can not be separated from the treatment of blood transfusion. Treatment of transfusion in patients with thalassemia is the only way to prevent death in children. Thalassemia children visit to do blood transfusion to the hospital an average of 2 to 3 times within a month. Thalassemia patients must undergo regular and routine blood transfusions to maintain their health and stamina, so that patients can still be active. Transfusion will provide new energy to the patient because the blood from the transfusion has a normal hemoglobin level able to meet the needs of the patient's body to live everyday life. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the age of children with thalassemia with frequency of transfusion. This type of research is cross sectional. Cross sectional research is research that aims to study the relationship between factors and the effects it causes. The sample used in this study was 30 samples. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling. The research instrument used was a questionnaire sheet. The questionnaire in this study is a questionnaire made by the researcher based on operational definitions, therefore the researcher first tests the validity and reliability before the research. The research results obtained from the analysis of the relationship test results (p-value = 0.036). This p-value is smaller than the established α value of 0.05 (5%). So that Ho is rejected, the conclusion is that there is a significant relationship between the age of the child with thalassemia patients. Based on this study it was found that there is a relationship between the age of the child with the frequency of transfusion

    Analisis Deksriptif Pembelajaran Dalam Jaringan (Online) Mahasiswa Diploma Tiga Keperawatan Universitas Ngudi Waluyo Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Learning is the process of student interaction with lecturers and learning resources in a learning environment. Online learning becomes an option during the covid-19 pandemic to avoid direct contact with students due to covid-19. The purpose of this study is to find out the description of learning online in the students of Diploma Tiga Nursing Program Ngudi Waluyo University. This research method is descriptive with a cross sectional approach. The total of samples is 92 students. The result of the research showed that study learning plan was given before the lecture (96.7%), materials are given in accordance with the study learning plan (76.1%), there are obstacles during online learning (83.7),  explanation of lecture materials by lecturers can be understood (72.8%), no feedback during online learning (90.2%), Lesture assessment is conducted transparently (68.5%), media used in online learning is sipolin of Ngudi Waluyo University (50%), 43.5 % use google meet, assignment using in accordance with the study learning plan (98.9%), learning method of students center learning (95.7%). Concluded that the online learning in Diploma Three of Nursing Program of Ngudi Waluyo University went well. Suggestions for learning activities can be improved especially in the aspects of learning media that can be given in a variety.Online learningStudentCovid-1

    Gambaran Pengalaman Ibu dalam Pemberian Makanan Pendamping Asi Terhadap Pertambahan Berat Badan Anak Usia 6-12 Bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gatak Sukoharjo

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    Complementary food for breast milk is given to children aged 6 months, because at that age breast milk alone cannot meet the nutritional needs needed for child growth. If children aged 6-12 months do not get additional nutrition from complementary foods, it will cause growth problems and malnutrition. Therefore, to overcome the nutritional deficiencies needed to improve the quality and quantity of complementary food for breast milk given.To analyze the experience of mothers in providing complementary food for breast milk children aged 6 - 12 months to the child's weight growth in the Gatak Health Center, Baki, Sukoharjo. To analyze the experience of mothers in providing complementary foods for children aged 6-12 months of the child's weight growth in the Gatak Health Center, Baki, Sukoharjo.The research method used is quantitative descriptive with a cross sectional approach. With 30 respondents, in the selection of respondents using the Accidental Sampling technique.Researchers obtained results that illustrate the experience of mothers in supplementary feeding of breast milk for weight gain of children aged 6-12 months is mostly. Distribution of the characteristics of posyandu respondents in Trangsan Village, the working area of the Gatak Community Health Center, Sukoharjo are mostly housewives, senior high school / senior vocational education and child care mostly carried out by the mother herself. Characteristics of supplementary food for breast milk in the Posyandu of Trangsan Village, the working area of the Gatak Health Center, Sukoharjo are mostly good