20 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Atribut-Atribut Kualitas Audit Terhadap Kepuasan Klien (Studi Empiris pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat daerah Surakarta, DIY dan Semarang)

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    The study aims to analyze the influence of client experience, industry expertise, responsiveness, technical competence, executive involvement, audit committee, and reputation to the client satisfaction. Kind of this research is survey research. The population in this study are auditors who work at Public Accounting fir, in Surakarta, Yogyakarta, and Semarang. Determination of sample using purposive sampling and get 41 respondents. The data collected was primery data. Data analysis technique using multiple regresssion analysis. The result of this study indicate that the variables industry expertise, executive involvement, and reputation have influence on the client satisfaction, while the client experience, responsiveness, technical competence, and audit commitee has no influence on the client satisfactio

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Penalaran Matematika Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Terintegrasi Pada Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT)(PTK Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas VIII Semester Genap SMP Negeri 1 Teras Tahun 2015/2016)

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the efforts of Improving the ability of mathematical reasoning with the subject of students of class VIII D SMP Negeri 1 Teras academic year 2015/2016 with an integrated scientific approach model NHT. This study includes the type of classroom action research. Techniques of collecting data through observation methods, tests, field notes, and documentation. Data analysis techniques through the flow method that includes three components of data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal of conclusions (data verification). The validity of data using triangulation of investigators. The result of the research shows the increase of reasoning ability seen from 1) the students in submitting initial guess before the action of 12 students (37,50%) after the action become 28 student (87,50%), 2) the student in finding pattern before action of 6 student (18,75%) after action to 24 students (75,00%), 3) students in mathematical manipulation before the action of 9 students (28.12%) after action to 22 students (68.75%) and 4) students in drawing conclusions before action 5 Students (15.63%) after action to 21 students (65,62%) Based on the above description concluded that the application of integrated scientific approach on NHT can improve the ability of mathematical reasoning

    Praktik Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan Harta Zakat Infaq dan Shadaqah Untuk Penanggulangan Wabah Covid-19 di LAZISMU UMS dalam Prespektif Fatwa MUI No 23 tahun 2020

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the economy of the Indonesian people so that it has touched the hearts of the Amil Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah Institutions to help the economy of the people affected by Covid-19. On the other hand, the Indonesian Ulama Council also helped by releasing various fatwas. The purpose of this research is to find out how the management and utilization of zakat, infaq, and shadaqah assets in LAZISMU UMS and synchronize its practice with the provisions of MUI fatwa No. 23 of 2020. This research is a type of field research (field research) with a normative approach that is sourced from Primary and secondary data by collecting interview data and documentation and analyzed by qualitative descriptive method with a deductive mindset. As a result LAZISMU UMS has carried out the management and utilization of assets, infaq, and shadaqah during the Covid-19 pandemic and in accordance with the provisions of the MUI fatwa No 23 of 2020

    Model Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Untuk Prediksi Laju Erosi Dan Sedimentasi Sub Das Keduang Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    Erosion and sedimentation are the problems that often occur in the watershed ecosystem. Those problems can be reduced by applying a proper watershed management, especially in the upstream watershed. In this case, the model can be used to know the output of the performance of a watershed. Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a hydrological model used to determine the impact of the land use and physical environmental conditions on the rate of erosion and sedimentation spatially and temporally. Keduang sub watershed is one of sub watersheds in Bengawan Solo river in which the upper course is located at Gajah Mungkur Reservoir. This research aims to: (1) know the spatial distribution hydrologic response unit (HRU) in the areas of research (2) know the accuracy of the SWAT in predicting the rate of erosion and sedimentation, (3) analyze the rate of erosion and sedimentation in Keduang sub watershed. The statistical method used to test the model is by using the equation Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NS) and the coefficient of determination. The results obtained is the distribution of HRU dominated by HRU fields with patterns clustered at the center and spread to the southern part, the results of model validation is R2 = 0.79 and NS = 0.41, which means the model can acceptable if the value of R2> 0.5, the area with a high erosion rate is 17,950.75 ha / 51.22% and 7,771.25 ha / 22.17% to a very high erosion rate, and the average sedimentation in Keduang sub watershed outlet of which 408.19 tons ha-1 yr-1 in 2011-2014


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    Hasil KKN PPM tahun 2013 di Desa Sumbergiri, Kecamatan Ponjong telah mampu menggerakkan perekonomian masyarakat secara signifikan. Dari berbagai kegiatan ekonomi berbasis home industry yang telah berhasil diidentifikasi dan di tingkatkan adalah kegiatan home industry jamu, krecek singkong, kacang bawang dan marning (“Anugerah” dan “Barokah”), serta ekstrak kulit manggis (“Super Xanthone”). Dari identifikasi dan pendampingan yang telah dilakukan, teridentifikasi persoalah-persoalan sebagai berikut: (1)rendahnya kemampuan wirausaha pelaku home industry, (2)proses produksi yang belum menerapkan good manufacturing product (3) belum semua produk home industry memiliki sertifikat P-IRT, (4)pengemasan masih belum menarik dan menjual, (5) organisasi usaha yang belum optimal, (6) pemasaran masih terbatas pada pesanan. Untuk membantu mengatasi berbagai persoalan tersebut, KKN PPM melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan berupa (1)pelatihan kewirausahaan bagi pelaku home industry dan masyarakat umum, (2) pendampingan proses produksi tekait dengan penerapan good manufacturing product, (3) mengusahakan pensertifkatan produk home industry agar ber sertifikat P-IRT (4) melakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan disain kemasan produk home industry, (5)Melakukan pendampingan KUB untuk mendorong sinergi antar pelaku usaha, dan (6)melakukan pendampingan dan pelatihan pemasaran berbasis propmosi dan teknologi informasi. Dalam melakukan kegiatannya, KKN-PPM bekerja sama dengan pemerintah Dusun Payak, Desa Sumbergiri, Kelompok Tani “SUKA MAKMUR”, Posdaya Gemilang, Posdaya, Putra Manunggal”, Posdaya “Giri Raharja”, Posdaya “Mudi Maju” dan Posdaya “Ngudi Rejeki”. Upaya yang akan dilakukan mengacu pada strategi dasar pengembangan perekonomian desa yang diarahkan pada terciptanya struktur perekonomian yang semakin maju, kuat, dan mandiri dengan sektor andalannya yaitu perdagangan, industri, pertanian, perikanan, dan peternakan, serta sektor pariwisata dan sektor jasa lainnya. Khusus untuk industri kecil yang merupakan sektor basis dalam aktivitas ekonomi di Desa Sumbergiri. Pengembangan industri kecil dalam arti yang luas diarahkan pada aktivitas ekonomi yang maju, mandiri, dengan memperhatikan kelestarian lingkungan, serta mampu menjadi pendorong bagi perkembangan sektor-sektor yang lain. Luaran yang diharapkan dari KKNPPM ini yaitu: (1) terbentuknya KUB-KUB di tiap dusun lokasi KKN-PPM. (2)terbentuknya kerjasama antar KUB yang sudah ada di Desa Sumbergiri. (3)Terimplementasinya good manufacturing product pada pelaku home industry, mulai dari pemilihan bahan baku, proses produksi, dan pasca produksi (4)meningkatanya kualitas kemasan produk home industry berbasis teknologi sederhana, (5) meningkatanya jaminan kualitas produk dengan tersertifikasinya produk home industry dengan P-IRT, (6)Tersedianya media promosi dan counter bagai pemasaaran produk home industry, baik secara kasat mata maupun maya. (7)Meningkatnya kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa Sumbergiri khususnya warga masyarakat di dusun tempat lokasi KKN-PPM, dan (8) tercapainya Desa Sumbergiri yang Mandiri, Indah, iii dan Berbasis Industri (Madani). Semua kegiatan dilakukan dengan pendampingan dan bantuan ahli, peralatan teknologi tepat guna, serta peralatan pengungkit kualitas dan kuantitas produk home industry. Beberapa saran yang dapat diberikan dengan telah selesainya kegiatan KKN-PPM ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1)Pelatihan yang telah diberikan diharapkan terus dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produk (2)Berbagai peralatan teknologi tepat guna yang telah diberikan, sebaiknya digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya dan digunakan secara berkelompok dengan koordinir oleh ketua kelompok di masing-masing wilayah dusun. (3) Upaya untuk mendapatkan legalitas produk yang telah berhasil dilakukan untuk berbagai produk, dapat dilanjutkan untuk semua produk home industry yang ada di Sumbergiri, sehingga meningkatkan nilai jual produk

    Upaya Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Meningkatkan Karakter Kedisiplinan Siswa di SMP Negeri 1 Baki Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

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    Discipline character is an action that shows orderly behavior and adheres to various rules and regulations, which flow itself from habits from childhood. The character of this discipline is one of the efforts used to improve moral quality and the quality of education by creating quality students. In this study, we will describe the efforts of Islamic religious education teachers to improve the character of students 'discipline in Middle School 1 Baki and identify supporting factors and any inhibiting factors in improving the character of students' discipline in Middle School 1 Baki. The type of research used in this study is field research. Data collection methods used were interviews, observation, and documentation. The analytical method used is data collection, data merging, data processing, and conclusions. From the research, the researcher obtained the efforts of Islamic religious education teachers to improve the character of student discipline in Middle School 1 Baki, namely by holding activities such as strengthening character education carried out every morning before the teacher's doorbell in front of the gate greeting new students and checking attributes that are used by complete students not and also student bikes are not allowed to be climbed, literacy is done 15 minutes before the first hour begins in literacy there is a reading of knowledge books or general then there are memorized Al-Qur'an and also singing national songs, dhuha prayers in congregation done by individuals with teacher supervision, the dhuhur prayer in congregation is carried out in rotation by the teacher and followed by the teacher and employee students, Friday prayers are conducted on a scheduled basis and before the advice is finished both students and teachers cannot leave the place to listen advice. The character formation is carried out by several methods, namely: habituation methods and exemplary methods. Efforts to improve student discipline character run smoothly. As for the supporting factors including family, friends, teachers, facilities and the environment both at school and at home always motivate and invite in positive terms. The inhibiting factor experienced in SMP Negeri 1 Baki is that it includes a lack of attention from parents, there are still students who have not been disciplined, a friend's environment that is not good (always inviting into negative things)

    Pengaruh Kompetensi, Independensi, Integritas, Pengalaman Kerja, Dan Etika Auditor Terhadap Kualitas Audit(Studi Pada Kantor Akuntan Publik Surakarta dan Yogyakarta)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the competence, independence, integrity, experience, and ethics of auditors on the quality of audits. The population in this study is the Public Accounting Firm s in Surakarta and Yogyakarta. The sample were selected using purposive sampling method, ie a total of eight Public Accounting firms. The analisys method used is multiple regression analisys. The resuls showed that the variables integrity and ethics of auditors effect on the quality of audits. While the competence, independence,and experience does not effect the quality of audits


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    Politisasi proses pembangunan desa, sekurang-kurangnya dapat menggeser prinsip-prinsip dan ukuran-ukuran manejemen di bawah prioritas-prioritas politik. Delam hal terjadi pertentangan politik, maka pemborosan pembangunan tak dapat dielakkan , kerena pertentangan politik ekan menjadi identik dengan pertentangan pembangunan. Partisipasi dan keswadayaan pembengunan seolah-olah telah berubah menjadi semacam oposisi pembanguna


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    Penelitian ini mengulas tentang fenomena kewiraswastaan menengah-kecil di kota Surabaya. Fenomena termaksud menyangkut gambaran mengenai siapa wiraswastawan tersebut , bagaimana mereka muncul, dan mekanisme survival non~ekonomi macam apE. yang mereka manfaatkan, Adapun kota Surabaya sendiri, di dalan hirarki 505ia1 kawasan Jawa Timur, dapat dikategorikan sebagai kota pusat yang sangat dinami


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    Penelitian ini mengulas tentang fenomena kewiraswastaan menengah-kecil di kota Surabaya. Fenomena termaksud menyangkut gambaran mengenai siapa wiraswastawan tersebut , bagaimana mereka muncul, dan mekanisme survival non~ekonomi macam apE. yang mereka manfaatkan, Adapun kota Surabaya sendiri, di dalan hirarki 505ia1 kawasan Jawa Timur, dapat dikategorikan sebagai kota pusat yang sangat dinami