213 research outputs found

    Conservation of Tasmanian macrophytic wetland vegetation

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    Approximately 200 macrophytic species, of which thirty-one were poorly reserved or unreserved, were recorded from 530 Tasmanian wetlands. An iterative strategy locates six wetlands within which sixteen of these species occur, individual wetlands being suggested to provide a minimum level of reservation for the remaining species. Half of the major wetland plant communities, as defined by dominant lifeform and species, are unreserved, and a further quarter are poorly reserved

    Acoustic Wave Velocity as a Selection Trait in Eucalyptus nitens

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    Previous studies in Eucalyptus nitens have revealed favourable genetic correlations exist between acoustic wave velocity (AWV) in standing trees and modulus of elasticity (MOE), which can determine the suitability of trees for structural timber and/or engineered wood products. This study investigates the strength and stability of genetic variation in standing tree AWV across a range of environments in Tasmania, where there are a number of large plantation estates and breeding trials. Trees under study were from open-pollinated progeny trials established in 1993. Across sites, for standing tree AWV the ranking of E. nitens races did not change and within-race additive genetic correlations were strong (0.61 to 0.99). Heritabilities (0.16 to 0.74) and coefficients of additive genetic variation (2.6 to 4.8) were moderate for this trait. Correlations between standing tree AWV and both basic density and diameter at breast height (DBH) were favourable. Results indicate that there is potential to improve MOE in E. nitens through the exploitation of genetic variation in AWV among and within races, the expression of genetic variation in AWV is relatively stable across different growing environments, and past selection for basic density and growth in pulpwood breeding programs is unlikely to have adversely affected MOE

    Gene diversity in grevillea populations introduced in Brazil and its implication on management of genetic resources.

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    A variabilidade isoenzimática para seis populações de Grevillea robusta, oriundas de um teste de procedências/progenies, implantado no delineamento em blocos casualizados com 5 plantas por parcela, no Sul do Brasil, é descrita. A estrutura genética da população foi analisada utilizando-se marcadores bioquímicos, aos 5 anos de idade, especificamente para os locos MDH-3, PGM-2, DIA-2, PO-1, PO-2, SOD-1, e SKDH-1. As procedências do norte de ocorrência natural (Rathdowney e Woodenbong) apresentaram divergência genética superior, em relação à média das progênies, considerando o número de alelos por locus, (Ap), a riqueza alélica (Rs), a diversidade genética de Nei (H), e o coeficiente de endogamia (f). A endogamia foi detectada em diversos graus. A testemunha comercial apresentou o maior coeficiente de endogamia, (f = 0,4448), comparativamente à média das procedências (f = 0,2306), possivelmente devido à insuficiente amostragem populacional na região de origem (Austrália). Apesar de sua ocorrência natural restrita, observou-se correlação positiva entre divergência genética e distância geográfica entre as populações originais. A distância genética e análise de cluster, baseada no modelo bayesiano, mostrou três grupos de procedências distintos: 1) Rathdowney- QLD e Woodenbong-QLD; 2) Paddy?s Flat-NSW; e 3) Mann River-NSW, Boyd River-NSW e a testemunha comercial (material utilizado no Brasil). O agrupamento da testemunha com as procedências Mann River-NSW e Boyd River-NSW sugere um maior potencial das procedências do norte para o melhoramento genético visando à produção de madeira no Brasil, devido a sua elevada diversidade genética e baixo coeficiente de endogamia

    Dopamine Regulates Angiogenesis in Normal Dermal Wound Tissues

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    Cutaneous wound healing is a normal physiological process and comprises different phases. Among these phases, angiogenesis or new blood vessel formation in wound tissue plays an important role. Skin is richly supplied by sympathetic nerves and evidences indicate the significant role of the sympathetic nervous system in cutaneous wound healing. Dopamine (DA) is an important catecholamine neurotransmitter released by the sympathetic nerve endings and recent studies have demonstrated the potent anti-angiogenic action of DA, which is mediated through its D2 DA receptors. We therefore postulate that this endogenous catecholamine neurotransmitter may have a role in the neovascularization of dermal wound tissues and subsequently in the process of wound healing. In the present study, the therapeutic efficacy of D2 DA receptor antagonist has been investigated for faster wound healing in a murine model of full thickness dermal wound. Our results indicate that treatment with specific D2 DA receptor antagonist significantly expedites the process of full thickness normal dermal wound healing in mice by inducing angiogenesis in wound tissues. The underlined mechanisms have been attributed to the up-regulation of homeobox transcription factor HoxD3 and its target α5β1 integrin, which play a pivotal role in wound angiogenesis. Since D2 DA receptor antagonists are already in clinical use for other disorders, these results have significant translational value from the bench to the bedside for efficient wound management along with other conventional treatment modalities

    Mass Mortality of Adult Male Subantarctic Fur Seals: Are Alien Mice the Culprits?

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    Background: Mass mortalities of marine mammals due to infectious agents are increasingly reported. However, in contrast to previous die-offs, which were indiscriminate with respect to sex and age, here we report a land-based mass mortality of Subantarctic fur seals with apparent exclusivity to adult males. An infectious agent with a male-predilection is the most plausible explanation for this die-off. Although pathogens with gender-biased transmission and pathologies are unusual, rodents are known sources of male-biased infectious agents and the invasive Mus musculus house mouse, occurs in seal rookeries. Methodology / Principal Findings: Molecular screening for male-biased pathogens in this potential rodent reservoir host revealed the absence of Cardiovirus and Leptospirosis genomes in heart and kidney samples, respectively, but identified a novel Streptococcus species with 30 % prevalence in mouse kidneys. Conclusions / Significance: Inter-species transmission through environmental contamination with this novel bacterium, whose congenerics display male-bias and have links to infirmity in seals and terrestrial mammals (including humans)

    BCR-signalling synergizes with TLR-signalling for induction of AID and immunoglobulin class-switching through the non-canonical NF-κB pathway

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    By diversifying antibody biological effector functions, class switch DNA recombination has a central role in the maturation of the antibody response. Here we show that BCR-signalling synergizes with Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling to induce class switch DNA recombination. BCR-signalling activates the non-canonical NF-κB pathway and enhances the TLR-dependent canonical NF-κB pathway, thereby inducing activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), which is critical for class switch DNA recombination. Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) triggers dual TLR4/BCR-signalling and induces hallmarks of BCR-signalling, including CD79a phosphorylation and Ca2+ mobilization, and activates both the NF-κB pathways to induce AID and class switch DNA recombination in a PI(3)K p85α-dependent fashion. CD40-signalling activates the two NF-κB pathways to induce AID and class switch DNA recombination independent of BCR-signalling. Finally, dual BCR/TLR-engaging NP–lipopolysaccharide effectively elicits class-switched NP-specific IgG3 and IgG2b in mice. Thus, by integrating signals of the non-canonical and canonical NF-κB pathways, BCR and TLRs synergize to induce AID and T-cell-independent class switch DNA recombination