363 research outputs found

    Gravitational time delay in orthogonally polarized radiation passing by the sun

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    Two parallel investigations into the degree, if any, to which orthogonally polarized rays are deflected differently on passing through the gravitational field of the sun were previously conducted. The first involved very long and intermediate length baseline radio interferometry. The second was initially based on observations of radiation transmitted by the Pioneer 6 spacecraft, on passing behind the sun in 1968. This work was extended by using Helios-A and Helios-B spacecraft. It was calculated that the differential deflection between orthogonally polarized components is less than one part in 10 to the 7th power of the total gravitational deflection, or less than about 10 to the -7th power arc sec, in total

    Far-infrared spectral studies from the G. P. Kuiper Airborne Observatory

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    The grant to carry out far-infrared spectral studies of astronomical sources from the G. P. Kuiper Airborne Observatory was first funded in October 1978 and officially ended on October 31, 1986. During these eight years, A variety of previously undetected spectral lines was discovered, and these were used to determine the physical and chemical conditions prevailing in regions of active star formation. They served to clarify the nature of the ionized hydrogen regions often adjacent to star-forming clouds, the characteristics of shocks which may signify the onset of star formation, and the nature of coolants that channel away energy thus enabling a cloud to collapse to form new stars

    Polarisation observations of VY Canis Majoris H_2O 5_(32)–4_(41) 620.701 GHz maser emission with HIFI

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    Context. Water vapour maser emission from evolved oxygen-rich stars remains poorly understood. Additional observations, including polarisation studies and simultaneous observation of different maser transitions may ultimately lead to greater insight. Aims. We have aimed to elucidate the nature and structure of the VY CMa water vapour masers in part by observationally testing a theoretical prediction of the relative strengths of the 620.701 GHz and the 22.235 GHz maser components of ortho H_2O. Methods. In its high-resolution mode (HRS) the Herschel Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI) offers a frequency resolution of 0.125 MHz, corresponding to a line-of-sight velocity of 0.06 km s^(-1), which we employed to obtain the strength and linear polarisation of maser spikes in the spectrum of VY CMa at 620.701 GHz. Simultaneous ground based observations of the 22.235 GHz maser with the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie 100-m telescope at Effelsberg, provided a ratio of 620.701 GHz to 22.235 GHz emission. Results. We report the first astronomical detection to date of H_2O maser emission at 620.701 GHz. In VY CMa both the 620.701 and the 22.235 GHz polarisation are weak. At 620.701 GHz the maser peaks are superposed on what appears to be a broad emission component, jointly ejected from the star. We observed the 620.701 GHz emission at two epochs 21 days apart, both to measure the potential direction of linearly polarised maser components and to obtain a measure of the longevity of these components. Although we do not detect significant polarisation levels in the core of the line, they rise up to approximately 6% in its wings

    Photon orbital angular momentum and torque metrics for single telescopes and interferometers

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    Context. Photon orbital angular momentum (POAM) is normally invoked in a quantum mechanical context. It can, however, also be adapted to the classical regime, which includes observational astronomy. Aims. I explain why POAM quantities are excellent metrics for describing the end-to-end behavior of astronomical systems. To demonstrate their utility, I calculate POAM probabilities and torques from holography measurements of EVLA antenna surfaces. Methods. With previously defined concepts and calculi, I present generic expressions for POAM spectra, total POAM, torque spectra, and total torque in the image plane. I extend these functional forms to describe the specific POAM behavior of single telescopes and interferometers. Results. POAM probabilities of spatially uncorrelated astronomical sources are symmetric in quantum number. Such objects have zero intrinsic total POAM on the celestial sphere, which means that the total POAM in the image plane is identical to the total torque induced by aberrations within propagation media & instrumentation. The total torque can be divided into source- independent and dependent components, and the latter can be written in terms of three illustrative forms. For interferometers, complications arise from discrete sampling of synthesized apertures, but they can be overcome. POAM also manifests itself in the apodization of each telescope in an array. Holography of EVLA antennas observing a point source indicate that ~ 10% of photons in the n = 0 state are torqued to n != 0 states. Conclusions. POAM quantities represent excellent metrics for characterizing instruments because they are used to simultaneously describe amplitude and phase aberrations. In contrast, Zernike polynomials are just solutions of a differential equation that happen to ~ correspond to specific types of aberrations and are typically employed to fit only phases

    The 51.8 micron (0 3) line emission observed in four galactic H 2 regions

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    The (0 III) 51.8 microns line from four H II regions, M42, M17, W51 and NGC 6375A was detected. Respective line strengths are 7 x 10 to the minus 15 power, 1.0 x 10 to the minus 14 power, 2.1 x 10 to the minus 15 power and 2.6 x 10 to the minus 15 power watt cm/2. Observations are consistent with previously reported line position and place the line at 51.80 + or 0.05 micron. When combined with the 88.35 microns (0 III) reported earlier, clumping seems to be an important factor in NGC 6375A and M42 and to a lesser extent in W51 and M17. The combined data also suggest an (0 III) abundance of approximately 3 x 0.0001 sub n e' a factor of 2 greater than previously assumed

    A cooled telescope for infrared balloon astronomy

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    The characteristics of a 16 inch liquid helium cooled Cassegrain telescope with vibrating secondary mirror are discussed. The telescope is used in making far infrared astronomical observations. The system houses several different detectors for multicolor photometry. The cooled telescope has a ten to one increase in signal-to-noise ratio over a similar warm version and is installed in a high altitude balloon gondola to obtain data on the H2 region of the galaxy

    Airborne infrared and submillimeter astronomical polarization measurements at different wavelengths

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    Because observations of the Kleinmann-Low region of the Orion Nebula reveal significant polarization in the wavelength range from 1 to 13 micron m, polarization at wavelengths greater than 15 micron were investigated. Far infrared polarization measurements were made of a number of sources using an instrument mounted at the bent cassegrain focus of the Kuiper Airborne Observatory's 90 cm telescope. About two hours of data were obtained on the Orion Nebula on each of two flights, and more careful calibration on Jupiter (assumed to be unpolarized) were obtained on both nights. The data on Orion and Jupiter for three filters are presented. Possible explanations are suggested for reconciling the high polarization observed by others in 1974 with the lower values obtained in this study

    Procedures for dealing with certain types of noise and systematic errors common to many Hadamard transform optical systems

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    Sources of noise and error correcting procedures characteristic of Hadamard transform optical systems were investigated. Reduction of spectral noise due to noise spikes in the data, the effect of random errors, the relative performance of Fourier and Hadamard transform spectrometers operated under identical detector-noise-limited conditions, and systematic means for dealing with mask defects are among the topics discussed. The distortion in Hadamard transform optical instruments caused by moving Masks, incorrect mask alignment, missing measurements, and diffraction is analyzed and techniques for reducing or eliminating this distortion are described

    The cloud of interplanetary boulders

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    Density estimation of 10-meter size boulders in interplanetary spac

    Chemical Composition of the Early Universe

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    A prediction of standard inflationary cosmology is that the elemental composition of the medium out of which the earliest stars and galaxies condensed consisted primarily of hydrogen and helium 4He with small admixtures of deuterium, lithium 7Li, and 3He. The most red-shifted quasars, galaxies, and Ly-alpha absorbers currently observed, however, all exhibit at least some admixture of heavier elements, as do the most ancient stars in the Galaxy. Here we examine ways in which the abundance of these same elements, if present before the epoch of population III formation, might be observationally established or ruled out