31 research outputs found

    Intra-oral compartment pressures: a biofunctional model and experimental measurements under different conditions of posture

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    Oral posture is considered to have a major influence on the development and reoccurrence of malocclusion. A biofunctional model was tested with the null hypotheses that (1) there are no significant differences between pressures during different oral functions and (2) between pressure measurements in different oral compartments in order to substantiate various postural conditions at rest by intra-oral pressure dynamics. Atmospheric pressure monitoring was simultaneously carried out with a digital manometer in the vestibular inter-occlusal space (IOS) and at the palatal vault (sub-palatal space, SPS). Twenty subjects with normal occlusion were evaluated during the open-mouth condition (OC), gently closed lips (semi-open compartment condition, SC), with closed compartments after the generation of a negative pressure (CCN) and swallowing (SW). Pressure curve characteristics were compared between the different measurement phases (OC, SC, CCN, SW) as well as between the two compartments (IOS, SPS) using analysis of variance and Wilcoxon matched-pairs tests adopting a significance level of α = 0.05. Both null hypotheses were rejected. Average pressures (IOS, SPS) in the experimental phases were 0.0, −0.08 (OC); −0.16, −1.0 (SC); −48.79, −81.86 (CCN); and −29.25, −62.51 (SW) mbar. CCN plateau and peak characteristics significantly differed between the two compartments SPS and IOS. These results indicate the formation of two different intra-oral functional anatomical compartments which provide a deeper understanding of orofacial biofunctions and explain previous observations of negative intra-oral pressures at rest

    Facial and dental alterations according to the breathing pattern

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    There is controversy in the literature about possible interaction of the respiratory mode with the facial and dental structures. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to perform a longitudinal assessment of the changes in facial and dental structures in Angle's Class II, division 1 malocclusion individuals, divided according to the respiratory pattern (predominantly nasal or mouth), at two distinct moments of craniofacial development. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Pogonium and nose measurements were made on the lateral cephalometric tracings (LS'-Pog', LS'-B', B'-Pog', Pog'-PogTeg', Line NB, Pog-NB, N'-Prn, Prn-NPog, N-Prn-Sn, Prn-Sn-LS). Dental measurements were made on the plaster models (distances between the tips of the canine cusps and the tips of mesial cusps of the first molars) of 40 individuals aged 10 to 14 years (moment 1) and 13 to 16 years (moment 2), 23 being nose breathers (NB) and 17 being predominantly mouth breathers (MB). RESULTS: The Student's-t test and two-way ANOVA with repeated measures were applied to indicate differences between the mean values of these variables according to the moments and/or respiratory mode. CONCLUSIONS: There were alterations in the facial measurements, without interference of the breathing pattern. However, the breathing pattern infuenced dental alterations

    Avaliação do efeito da expansão rápida da maxila no padrão respiratório, por meio da rinomanometria anterior ativa: descrição da técnica e relato de caso Evaluation of the effect of rapid maxillary expansion on the respiratory pattern using active anterior rhinomanometry: case report and description of the technique

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    A finalidade deste artigo é avaliar o efeito da expansão rápida da maxila (ERM) no padrão respiratório. Por intermédio de um caso clínico, será relatado como indivíduos com atresia da maxila e problemas respiratórios podem se beneficiar com a expansão rápida da maxila. Outro aspecto que deve-se salientar é como profissionais da área da saúde, principalmente ortodontistas e otorrinolaringologistas, têm à sua disposição exames complementares para o diagnóstico do paciente com "Respiração Bucal"<br>The aim of the present investigation is to evaluate the effect of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on the respiratory pattern. A clinical case is presented to describe how patients with atresic maxilla and respiratory problems can benefit from rapid maxillary expansion. The article highlights that the health professional, mainly the Orthodontist and the Otorhinolaryngologist, may use complementary exams to diagnose a mouth breather patien