4,154 research outputs found

    The effect of previous wingate performance using one body region on subsequent wingate performance using a different body region

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    The 30 second Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT) is the gold standard measure of anaerobic performance. The present investigation aimed to determine if a previous WAnT using one body region significantly affected a subsequent WAnT using a different body region. Twelve male university students (n = 12, 23 ± 2 years, 84 ± 16.1 kg, 178.5 ± 7.4 cm) volunteered to complete two repeated WAnT protocols (either lower body WAnT followed by an upper body WAnTor vice versa) on two separate testing occasions. The upper body WAnT was conducted on a modified electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer using a flywheel braking force corresponding to 5% bodyweight. The lower body WAnT was conducted on an electronically braked cycle ergometer using a flywheel braking force corresponding to 7.5% bodyweight. Participants had a 1 minute rest period for transition between WAnTs. Data are reported as mean ± standard deviation. No significant differences were identified in power indices for the lower body between 30 s WAnTs. When the upper body WAnT was performed 2nd, absolute peak power (p < 0.01), mean power (p < 0.001) and relative mean power (p < 0.001) were significantly lower compared to when the upper body WAnT was performed 1st. The value of maximum revolutions per minute was significantly lower (p < 0.001) when the upper body WAnT was performed after the lower body WAnT, compared to when it was performed 1st (193.3 ± 11.4 1st vs 179.8 ± 14.4 2nd). Previous upper body sprint exercise does not significantly affect lower body sprint exercise; however, previous lower body sprint exercise severely compromises subsequent upper body sprint performance

    Hippocampal BDNF regulates a shift from flexible, goal-directed to habit memory system function following cocaine abstinence.

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    The transition from recreational drug use to addiction involves pathological learning processes that support a persistent shift from flexible, goal-directed to habit behavioral control. Here, we examined the molecular mechanisms supporting altered function in hippocampal (HPC) and dorsolateral striatum (DLS) memory systems following abstinence from repeated cocaine. After 3 weeks of cocaine abstinence (experimenter- or self-administered), we tested new behavioral learning in male rats using a dual-solution maze task, which provides an unbiased approach to assess HPC- versus DLS-dependent learning strategies. Dorsal hippocampus (dHPC) and DLS brain tissues were collected after memory testing to identify transcriptional adaptations associated with cocaine-induced shifts in behavioral learning. Our results demonstrate that following prolonged cocaine abstinence rats show a bias toward the use of an inflexible, habit memory system (DLS) in lieu of a more flexible, easily updated memory system involving the HPC. This memory system bias was associated with upregulation and downregulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression and transcriptionally permissive histone acetylation (acetylated histone H3, AcH3) in the DLS and dHPC, respectively. Using viral-mediated gene transfer, we overexpressed BDNF in the dHPC during cocaine abstinence and new maze learning. This manipulation restored HPC-dependent behavioral control. These findings provide a system-level understanding of altered plasticity and behavioral learning following cocaine abstinence and inform mechanisms mediating the organization of learning and memory more broadly

    Development of techniques to classify marine benthic habitats using hyperspectral imagery in oligotrophic, temperate waters

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    There is an increasing need for more detailed knowledge about the spatial distribution and structure of shallow water benthic habitats for marine conservation and planning. This, linked with improvements in hyperspectral image sensors provides an increased opportunity to develop new techniques to better utilise these data in marine mapping projects. The oligotrophic, optically-shallow waters surrounding Rottnest Island, Western Australia, provide a unique opportunity to develop and apply these new mapping techniques. The three flight lines of HyMap hyperspectral data flown for the Rottnest Island Reserve (RIR) in April 2004 were corrected for atmospheric effects, sunglint and the influence of the water column using the Modular Inversion and Processing System. A digital bathymetry model was created for the RIR using existing soundings data and used to create a range of topographic variables (e.g. slope) and other spatially relevant environmental variables (e.g. exposure to waves) that could be used to improve the ecological description of the benthic habitats identified in the hyperspectral imagery. A hierarchical habitat classification scheme was developed for Rottnest Island based on the dominant habitat components, such as Ecklonia radiata or Posidonia sinuosa. A library of 296 spectral signatures at HyMap spectral resolution (~15 nm) was created from >6000 in situ measurements of the dominant habitat components and subjected to spectral separation analysis at all levels of the habitat classification scheme. A separation analysis technique was developed using a multivariate statistical optimisation approach that utilised a genetic algorithm in concert with a range of spectral metrics to determine the optimum set of image bands to achieve maximum separation at each classification level using the entire spectral library. These results determined that many of the dominant habitat components could be separated spectrally as pure spectra, although there were almost always some overlapping samples from most classes at each split in the scheme. This led to the development of a classification algorithm that accounted for these overlaps. This algorithm was tested using mixture analysis, which attempted to identify 10 000 synthetically mixed signatures, with a known dominant component, on each run. The algorithm was applied directly to the water-corrected bottom reflectance data to classify the benthic habitats. At the broadest scale, bio-substrate regions were separated from bare substrates in the image with an overall accuracy of 95% and, at the finest scale, bare substrates, Posidonia, Amphibolis, Ecklonia radiata, Sargassum species, algal turf and coral were separated with an accuracy of 70%. The application of these habitat maps to a number of marine planning and management scenarios, such as marine conservation and the placement of boat moorings at dive sites was demonstrated. Committee Informatio

    Understanding Mobile Search Task Relevance and User Behaviour in Context

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    Improvements in mobile technologies have led to a dramatic change in how and when people access and use information, and is having a profound impact on how users address their daily information needs. Smart phones are rapidly becoming our main method of accessing information and are frequently used to perform `on-the-go' search tasks. As research into information retrieval continues to evolve, evaluating search behaviour in context is relatively new. Previous research has studied the effects of context through either self-reported diary studies or quantitative log analysis; however, neither approach is able to accurately capture context of use at the time of searching. In this study, we aim to gain a better understanding of task relevance and search behaviour via a task-based user study (n=31) employing a bespoke Android app. The app allowed us to accurately capture the user's context when completing tasks at different times of the day over the period of a week. Through analysis of the collected data, we gain a better understanding of how using smart phones on the go impacts search behaviour, search performance and task relevance and whether or not the actual context is an important factor.Comment: To appear in CHIIR 2019 in Glasgow, U

    Music Among Friends

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    Program listing performers and works performe

    Generational Differences in Use of Social Media in Today’s Workplace

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    This study examined the use of social media at work. Undergraduate students and professors were surveyed to try to find a generational relationship between the younger generation’s view of using sites such as Facebook while working and how some participants from an older generation perceived it. We also examined the effects of Facebook outside of work and whether or not postings made there could jeopardize a position at work. The results from our survey and research conclude that social media is an increasing problem because it serves as a distraction and predict that with increasing individual use of social media it will become more of a problem at work if it is not properly managed by the employer

    Mathematical Modelling of Tyndall Star Initiation

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    The superheating that usually occurs when a solid is melted by volumetric heating can produce irregular solid-liquid interfaces. Such interfaces can be visualised in ice, where they are sometimes known as Tyndall stars. This paper describes some of the experimental observations of Tyndall stars and a mathematical model for the early stages of their evolution. The modelling is complicated by the strong crystalline anisotropy, which results in an anisotropic kinetic undercooling at the interface; it leads to an interesting class of free boundary problems that treat the melt region as infinitesimally thin

    Perceptions of the effect of fragmented attention on mobile web search tasks

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    Mobile devices are rapidly becoming our main method of accessing the Internet and are frequently used to perform on-the-go search tasks. The use of such devices in situations where attention must be divided, such as when walking, are common and research suggests that this increases cognitive load and, therefore, may have an impact on performance. In this work we conducted a laboratory experiment with both phone and tablet devices with the aim of evaluating common mobile situations that cause fragmented attention, impact search performance and impact on user perception. To do this the distraction level was varied by simulating 3 everyday situations: 1) walking quickly (on a treadmill), 2) navigating a pre-defined route and 3) sitting still which was used as the baseline condition). The results showed that different experimental conditions had a number of different effects on the participants' perceptions of their own search performance, how hurried they felt and how engaged they were in the tasks

    Searching on the Go: The Effects of Fragmented Attention on Mobile Web Search Tasks

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    Smart phones and tablets are rapidly becoming our main method of accessing information and are frequently used to perform on-the-go search tasks. Mobile devices are commonly used in situations where attention must be divided, such as when walking down a street. Research suggests that this increases cognitive load and, therefore, may have an impact on performance. In this work we conducted a laboratory experiment with both device types in which we simulated everyday, common mobile situations that may cause fragmented attention, impact search performance and affect user perception. Our results showed that the fragmented attention induced by the simulated conditions significantly affected both participants' objective and perceived search performance, as well as how hurried they felt and how engaged they were in the tasks. Furthermore, the type of device used also impacted how users felt about the search tasks, how well they performed and the amount of time they spent engaged in the tasks. These novel insights provide useful information to inform the design of future interfaces for mobile search and give us a greater understanding of how context and device size affect search behaviour and user experience
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