4,594 research outputs found

    Alterglobalization, Global Social Movements, and the Possibility of Political Transformation Through Sport

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    Alterglobalization is the name for a large spectrum of global social movements that present themselves as supporting new forms of globalization, urging that values of democracy, justice, environmental protection, and human rights be put ahead of purely economic concerns. This article develops a framework for the study of the influence of alterglobalization on sport by: outlining a periodization of social move¬ments and sport; proposing a typology of responses to the politics of globalization; and proposing a typology of recent social movements associated with sport. The arti¬cle does not report on an empirical research project, but provides a stock take of what has happened since the 1990s regarding the politics of globalization and the politics of sport, with specific reference to global social movements. The questions raised in this article include: What form do the movements challenging the world sports order today take? Does an alterglobalization movement exist in sport? What alternative models of sport do they propose

    La mesure et l’amélioration de la productivité dans les services sociaux : des choix difficiles

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    La mesure de la productivité est difficile dans les services professionnels en général et dans les services sociaux en particulier. Puisqu'il est impossible d'obtenir des indices de productivité inattaquables, plusieurs se résignent à gérer sans indices. Une autre avenue consiste à mettre sur pied des programmes d'amélioration de la productivité basés sur des mesures imparfaites et/ou incomplètes, mesurant davantage l'efficience que l'efficacité. Ceux qui les utilisent doivent toutefois être conscients des limites de ces indices et soucieux de les améliorer constamment. Différentes approches sont présentées : le décompte des activités des praticiens, les matrices multicritères et le décompte des cas traités ; leurs avantages et inconvénients respectifs sont discutés. Après une présentation de certains aspects critiques à considérer lors de la mise en place de tels indices — soit la dynamique de comparaison à instaurer et le développement organisationnel nécessaire — quatre expériences québécoises récentes ou en cours sont présentées sommairement

    L’investissement politique du corps et l’État-providence canadien

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    Tariff-Rate Quotas, Rent-Shifting and the Selling of Domestic Access

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    Tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) have replaced quotas at the end of the Uruguay Round. We analyze TRQs when a foreign firm competes against a domestic firm in the latter’s market. Our benchmark is the strategic rent-shifting tariff. We show that the domestic price-equivalent TRQ is a better instrument welfare-wise, as it can extract all of the rents from the foreign firm. We show that different pairs of within-quota tariff and quota can support full rent extraction. The implication is that reduction of the former and enlargement of the latter, holding the above-quota tariff constant, may have no liberalizing effects. The first-best TRQ and the strategic tariff generate different prices. When firms have identical and constant marginal cost, the first-best TRQ entails selling a subsidy to the foreign firm and forcing the exit of the domestic firm.Financial Economics, International Relations/Trade, Marketing, Political Economy,

    Laser light scattering and ultracentrifuge studies on sheep liver cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemistry at Massey University, New Zealand

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    The techniques of laser light scattering and ultracentrifugation were used to investigate the association - dissociation behaviour of sheep liver cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase. Diffusion and sedimentation coefficients were obtained by these techniques. The enzyme was studied at pH 7.4, a pH at which the enzyme was in an active, associated form, and also at pH 5.2 where the enzyme was thought to be in an inactive, dissociated form (Buckley et al., 1991). Whilst the gel chromatography results reported in this thesis agreed with those observed by Buckley et al. (1991), laser light scattering and ultracentrifuge results displayed no sign of any dissociation taking place. These results led to the proposition of the existence of a predissociated, inactive state of the enzyme. It was thought that this state was able to be converted back to the associated, active form of the enzyme through use of known methods for preventing dissociation and promoting association and activation of the inactive enzyme, but that this state could also dissociate into a smaller species. Laser light scattering studies were also performed on the enzyme in the presence of Mg2+ or propanal, since these were known to promote association of the enzyme in some instances, as well as inhibit it in other cases (Buckley et al., 1991). It was found that the addition of Mg2+ had no significant effect on the diffusion coefficient of the enzyme, but that the presence of propanal at pH 7.4 promoted large-scale aggregation of the enzyme, whilst having little effect at pH 5.2


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    Seafood Safety and Trade

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    Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, International Relations/Trade,

    Sport Policy in Canada

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    The first and most comprehensive analysis of the new Canadian Sport Policy adopted in 2012
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