161 research outputs found

    Eyes on the prize: cultural hybridity in literature by African women

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    In his introduction to Culture and Imperialism, Edward Said notes that to overlook the cultural encounters resulting from imperialism is to miss what is essential about the world in the past century (xx). African writers since Chinua Achebe have explored that interplay of cultures on the continent and in the diaspora. African women writers such as Buchi Emecheta of Nigeria and Ama Ata Aidoo of Ghana, though only recently gaining comparable critical attention, are no exception. But their works also focus on how such cultural encounters shift gender roles and relations, issues which male writers rarely address. As post-colonial African feminists, Emecheta and Aidoo write in a tradition that Carole Boyce Davies describes in her introduction to Ngambika as a hybrid of sorts, which seeks to combine African concerns with feminist concerns (12). In particular, Emecheta’s The Joys of Motherhood and Aidoo’s The Dilemma of a Ghost explore how characters deal with cultural encounters by assuming or denying responsibility for negotiating their identities. When they do negotiate, they examine the conventions of each culture they encounter and select which characteristics to adopt, which to transform, and which to reject. In so doing, they shape hybrid identities and hybrid cultures. These works portray women characters who take such responsibility. Though their actions often are limited by colonial and patriarchal cultures, they gain power in those cultures by shaping hybrid identities for themselves and their children. Indeed, these works demonstrate what feminist Gayatri Spivak notes in her essay Explanation and Culture, that the personal and the political are of one fabric. In controlling hybridity at the personal and community levels, women shape national identity. Thus, these works also pose important challenges to theorists such as Frantz Fanon and Malcolm X, who advocate decolonization via separatism and violence. The women’s works suggest that shaping hybrid cultures is a more creative, inclusive, and realistic means of decolonization. And, condemning the way motherhood has been used to oppress women, they present it instead as a powerful instrument for shaping culture


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    ABSTRACT Harvan Priahutama, 2020. "Personality Development of Shinji Ikari's Personality in Hideaki Anno's Neon Genesis Evangelion Anime". Thesis of Japanese Language and Culture Study Program, Diponegoro University, Semarang. Advisor Fajria Noviana, S.S., M.Hum. This study aims to explain the personality development of the main characters in the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method with literature review. The theory used to analyze is Erik Erikson's theory of personality development with the narrative structure approach of the film Himawan Pratista. The approach includes story actors, problems and conflicts, goals, narrative relationship with space, narrative relationship with time, and setting or setting. Meanwhile, Erik Erikson's theory of personality development which consists of 8 stages only the writer took 5 stages because the main character is still 14 years old. The theory of personality development is then used to analyze the personality development of the main character contained in the anime. The results is from the 5 stages studied, Shinji made it through 4 stages while 1 stage he failed to pass. Some factors that influence the development of Shinji's personality are his environment, people around him, and Shinji's mindset. Keywords: Anime, personality, personality development.

    The internal career orientation of permanent and contracting information technology staff.

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    The primary aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between types of employment (permanent or contracting) for two variables: flow and career success orientation in an information technology environment. The study was performed in a sub-division of a large telecommunications company that focuses on software development and implementation. Two questionnaires measuring flow and career success orientation, were administered to groups of 150 permanent and 150 contracting staff respectively. Factor analyses indicated that the career success orientation questionnaire measured two dimensions labeled as ‘work focus’ and ‘self focus’, and the flow questionnaire measured ‘enjoyment’ and ‘control of consciousness’. Contracting and permanent employees were compared with regard to the four dimensions and it was found that contract workers experienced their work more optimally than the permanent workers did, because they obtained higher scores on the ‘control of consciousness scale’

    Ďábel se skrývá v detailech: Vliv skupinových charakteristik na volební chování v Národní radě Slovenské republiky z pohledu multiplexní analýzy sociálních sítí

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    (in English): Many non-political factors have significant influence on the many ways of decision-making in politics. Researchers like Masket (2008) found a significant relationship between seating arrangements in parliament and the decisions that the seated politicians take. More interesting, however, are findings by Tunkis (2016) or Škvrňák (2021) that show how social factors influence decisions made in political organizations. However, literature is not clear on the question of how sociodemographic factors like gender or ethnicity wield significantly influence political decision- making. These studies are few and far between and do not focus on countries in the CEE region, like Slovakia. Atop of that, literature on this topic does not use social network analysis, which provides several advatantages that this thesis considers as worth exploring. One of them is the concept of optimal graph partitioning, which finds natural groups of like-minded nodes in terms of their links. This is exploited in an interesting way in a paper by Arinik, Figueiredo & Labatut (2020), which aims to analyze the Euroepan Parliament by mapping them onto multiplex signed graphs, which introduce more complete mapping of social organizations that contain a mechanism of internal conflict. This thesis tries to apply the method...(česky) Mnoho nepolitických faktorů má významný vliv na mnohé způsoby rozhodování v politice. Výzkumníci jako Masket (2008) našli významný vztah mezi uspořádáním křesel v parlamentu a rozhodnutími, která v nich sedící politici přijímají. Zajímavější jsou však poznatky Tunkise (2016) nebo Škvrňáka (2021), které ukazují, jak sociální faktory ovlivňují rozhodování politických organizací. Literatura však není jasná v otázce, jak sociodemografické faktory jestli pohlaví nebo etnicita významně ovlivňují politické rozhodování. Těchto studií je málo a nezaměřují se na země v regionu střední a východní Evropy, jako je Slovensko. Literatura na toto téma navíc nepoužívá analýzu sociálních sítí, která poskytuje několik výhod, které tato práce považuje za vhodné prozkoumat. Jedním z nich je koncept optimálního rozdělení grafů, který najde přirozené skupiny stejně smýšlejících uzlů z hlediska jejich vazeb. Zajímavým způsobem to využívá článek Arinika, Figueiredo & Labatut (2020), jehož cílem je analyzovat Evropský parlament jejich mapováním do multiplexních znaménkových grafů, které zavádějí úplnější mapování společenských organizací, které obsahují mechanismus vnitřního konfliktu. Tato práce se pokouší aplikovat metodu multiplexního dělení znaménkového grafu z pera Arinika et al. (2020) k otázce významného...Katedra sociologieDepartment of SociologyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Being and Becoming Children of Light: A Comparison of Thomas 50 and John 12:35-36 and Their Respective Gospels

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    Abstract Being and Becoming Children of Light A Comparison of Thomas 50 and John 12:35-36 and their Respective Gospels Mary Gedeon-Harvan Scholars have postulated numerous theories about the Gospel according to Thomas and the Gospel according to John from a diachronic perspective on issues of provenance, dating and authorship. They have argued for the existence of community conflicts centered on bodily resurrection, soteriology and divine light indwelling human beings. Using Logion 50 and John 12:35-36 as a springboard, this thesis examines these gospels synchronically comparing how their respective genres and textual nuances unveil the distinct audiences of these ancient writings. It also explores how the texts themselves point to the different ways that the Thomasine and Johannine authors and their audiences related to Jesus and the (living) Father, their views on salvation and the heavenly kingdom, and their self-image as (potential) children of God/Light. The audiences’ distinct viewpoints in turn required the texts to present the character of Jesus as executing differently his revelatory mission to each of them. Different views regarding the concepts of oneness and that of light and darkness are also examined. In Thomas oneness denotes singularity whereas in John it denotes unity. Light and darkness also symbolize different views in these gospels. In Thomas they represent gnosis versus ignorance while in John they take on a moral sense.

    Gathering Sensor Data in Home Networks with IPFIX

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    Abstract. New developments in military, health and home areas call for new approaches for data acquisition in real-time. Such application areas frequently include challenging requirements for collection, process-ing and analysis of environmental data. Wireless Sensor Networks can collect such environmental data efficiently. Collected sensor node data needs to be transmitted in an efficient way due to limitations of sensor node resources in battery power and available bandwidth. In this paper, we present a method for efficient transmission of sensor measurement data using the IETF standard IPFIX. We show that its template based design is suitable for efficient transmission of senor data with low band-width consumption. In this paper, we present the protocol and its imple-mentation in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Additionally, a header compression scheme is introduced which further reduces communication cost during data transmission.