135 research outputs found

    Power and Influence as Determinants of Re-Entry Behaviour

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    Organisations are hierarchical in nature.  The higher you are in the hierarchy, the more powerful you will be to take decisions and influence the work of others.  For this reason, managers and those higher up have very important roles to play in the positive transfer of learning.  They take decisions on the training event, resources for use, the deployment of skills acquired from training, and the creation of an enabling environment for transfer of Learning. Successful managers were observed as having power and influence in the organisation, and that “he who has influence has power” and vice versa.  Interdependence, seen as major feature of modern organisations, requires that the manger should be able to relate successfully with the diverse professional groups and departments in the organisation.  Some relationships are that of dependence while others are independent in nature.  In spite of the nature of the relationship, managers must strive to work harmoniously with all components, towards the achievement of organisational goals. Several means of acquiring power and influence in the organisation were discussed, but that of Owen (2007) was recommended as being the more comprehensive of all.  Appropriately applied to learning transfer, it is hoped the organisational objectives will be easily achieved when training is conducted. Keywords: Power, Influence, Re-Entry Behaviou

    Training Intervention and Strategies for Positive Learning Transfer

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    The performance of orgnisational members determines the success or failure of any organisation.  Often, organisational members fail to perform at optimal level, leading to decline in productivity.  In such situations, assessment is made, to find out the causes of such a decline, whether training or non-training related.  Training is used as an intervention strategy when the phenomenon affecting productivity requires acquisition of knowledge skills and attitude, while non-training related factors are treated by some other appropriate methods.  The study set out to identify variables responsible for low performance in organisations, the intervention measures employed in combating skills and knowledge-related problems, and strategies by which the outcome of training-intervention measure could be actualized. Training Needs Analysis (TNA) was identified as an important pre-training exercise if the intervention must be focused, and after the training, determined effort for successful ‘learning transfer’.  Transfer may not always be obtainable, as a result of which strategies for effective learning transfer become imperative for organisations.  It is therefore important for organisation to incorporate in their training interventions strategies that will allow for maximum transfer of learning. Key Words: Training Intervention, Positive Transfer of Learning

    Ownership structures and firm performance in Nigeria: A canonical correlation analysis

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    This study examined the relationship between ownership structure and performance of listed non-financial firms in Nigeria. Secondary data on managerial ownership, ownership concentration, foreign ownership, institutional ownership, Tobin q, return on assets, return on equities, and earnings per shares were collected from forty (40) sampled firms. The data were analyzed using canonical correlation and the findings showed that managerial and foreign ownerships are the dominant ownership structures while Tobin q, EPS, and ROA are the dominant performance measures. The study also found that ownership concentration, foreign ownership, and institutional ownership are positively correlated with firm performance, while managerial ownership is negatively correlated with firm performance. The study recommended that listed non-financial firms should encourage foreign investments in their firms and rewards performing managers with shares in the firm. &nbsp


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    Umpan merupakan faktor penting pada perikanan pancing. Pemahaman tingkah laku dan respon makan ikan menjadi bagian penting untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan umpan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mendeskripsikani pola reaksi ikan kuwe (C ignobilis) terhadap perlakuan umpan, dan menganalisis pengaruh lama waktu perendaman umpan dan waktu pengamatan terhadap respon C ignobilis. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode percobaan. Umpan yang digunakan adalah potongan daging ikan cakalang. Sampel ikan C ignobilis sebanyak 5 ekor (TL 29-30 cm). Data penelitian meliputi waktu respons makan ikan terhadap umpan masing-masing adalah umpan tidak di rendam, umpan direndam 1 jam dan (C) umpan direndam 2 jam yang dilakukan secara acak pada pagi hari (jam 07.30-09.30) dan malam hari (jam 21.00-23.00). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga fase dalam proses C ignobilis memangsa umpan meliputi fase appearance, approach, dan attack. Respons makan C ignobilis terhadap potongan umpan cakalang secara parsial pada pagi hari dan malam hari tidak berbeda (P>0,05). Terdapat perbedaan respons makan C ignobilis lebih cepat pada kondisi waktu pagi hari dibandingkan pada malam hari (P<0,05)

    The Prospect of Proportional Representation of States: A Study of the Nigerian Defence Academy

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    Nigeria is country with 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) with an unequal population among them. However, the same numbers of slots are allocated to the state in all public institutions without any regard to population sizes of the states. This system creates a feeling of marginalization and domination especially from the states with larger population who are left with higher number of unemployed due to this system of allocation to the states. With such feelings, it became imperative to find out if there is justice in the treatment of un-equals equally by allocating the same number of slots to all the states regardless of population density? The objective is to suggest on a more equitable formula for the allocation of slots to all the states and the FCT. To achieve this objective, a one-on-one semi-structured interview was conducted on 15 respondents who are critical to the research area. The findings have revealed that proportional representation of states where by the actual population size of each state will determine the number of slots allocated to that state is appealing and also has the capacity to alleviate if not eliminate the feelings of marginalization and domination expressed across the country. Keywords: Consociational democracy, proportional representation, federal character principle, marginalization, domination

    Examining Ligphart’s Favorable Conditions for Consociational Democracy in Nigeria

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    The examination of favorable factors for establishing and maintaining consociational democracy is essential in order to assess the probability that consociational model will be successful in diverse societies. However, previous studies on Nigeria have not adequately dealt with these factors. So, attempt has been made on this paper to examine the absence or presence of those favorable factors for consociationalism in Nigeria. It was revealed that the country scored about 67% in these factors. So, the assessment of favorable factors appears to suggest that consociationalism could be realistic choice for Nigeria in managing its diversity. Keywords: Favorable factors, Consociational democracy, Heterogeneous society, Federal Character, Nigeri

    Human Resource Sourcing In Idah Local Government Council, Kogi State, Nigeria 2007 – 2011: The Issues

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    There is no gainsaying the fact that local government system is primarily created in Nigeria to bring government nearer to the people. However, this cannot be achieved in the absence of competent human resources who are the principal actors in any given organization. This paper lucidly discussed the extent to which Idah Local Government Council in Kogi State complied with the employment guidelines. It adopted secondary data as the major source of data and the Weberian Bureaucratic Model was used for analysis. One hundred and forty three (143) employees employed from 2007- 2011 by both Idah Local Government and the Kogi State Local Government Service Commission were sampled. Based on this, empirical data were collected and presented using Semi Text Method of data presentation, and content analysis which its validity was ascertained by consulting experts. The paper majorly identified that neither the Commission nor Idah Local Government advertised vacancies before employment was done within the period under review and strongly recommended among others that, appropriate laws should be enacted to check the excesses of political influence over matters that are purely bureaucratic in nature, especially employment/appointment, training, posting and discipline of employees. Key Words: Personnel, Guidelines, Compliance, Local Government, Local Government Service Commissio

    In silico protein prediction of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene from novel rhizobacterium Bacillus cereus UPMLH24

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    In this study, computational methods were used to predict information hidden in the small subunit 16S rRNA gene from newly isolated plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria B. cereus strain UPMLH24. In the present study, the computational methods employed revealed that the small subunit 16S rRNA gene sequence from B. cereus strain UPMLH24 contained a number of small open reading frames that encoded several functional proteins. Computational predictions classified seven phyla of organisms associated with small open reading frames of novel B. cereus strain UPMLH24. The data generated from computational predictions in the present study could form the basis for further research to advance new hypotheses in the microbiology of rhizobacteria


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    Increasing of global awareness related to environmental management, ecosystems, and fisheries resources is a trigger in the reactualization of community traditions and institutions. People of Tidore Islands City, known as indigenous people with their coastal and marine institutional traditions in North Maluku Province, have a local order handed down in the utilization of the coastal and marine resources. This study aimed to analyze the existence of traditions and institutions and their effects on managing coastal and marine resources in the City of Tidore Islands. The research was conducted on June-August 2019 in the city of Tidore Islands. This research encompass 4 Subdistrict and 2 villages namely, Tomalou, Mareku, Soasio and Dowora Subdistrict as well as Mare Gam and Maitara village,. The research applied a qualitative method, which involves in-depth interview techniques, observation, and documentation. Data were analysed using a qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study showed that there are five local wisdoms that are maintained by the people of Tidore Islands City nowadays. These local wisdom is a legacy from the ancestors in the management of coastal and marine resources, namely Karo Kahiya (Calling the Dolphins), Fola Sow (Lit. House of Medicine), Jere (Sacred), Cofa (Fish breeding) and Saihu (Leader/Fishing Master). The approach to management of coastal and marine resources with procedures or traditions and institutions contributed a significant impact (very effective) on local communities in relation to the sustainable use of coastal and marine resources. as well as the preservation of local traditions and customary institutions. ABSTRAK Meningkatnya kesadaran global terkait pengelolaan lingkungan, ekosistem dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya perikanan menjadi pemicu dalam reaktualisasi tradisi dan kelembagaan masyarakat. Masyarakat Kota Tidore Kepulauan yang dikenal sebagai masyarakat adat dengan tradisi kelembagaan pesisir dan lautnya di Provinsi Maluku Utara, merupakan masyarakat yang memiliki tatanan lokal yang turun temurun dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya pesisir dan laut dimaksud. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganlisis eksistensi tradisi dan kelembagaan serta pengaruhnya terhadap pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir dan laut di Kota Tidore Kepulauan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Juni- Agustus 2019, di Kota Tidore Kepulauan meliputi 2 desa dan 4 kelurahan yakni, Desa Mare Gam, Desa Maitara, Kelurahan Tomalou dan Kelurahan Mareku, Kelurahan Soasio dan kelurahan Dowora. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, yang melibatkan teknik-teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan sampai saat ini masih terdapat lima kearifan lokal yang tetap terjaga oleh masyarakat Kota Tidore Kepulauan yang merupakan warisan dari para leluhur dalam pengelolaan sumbedaya pesisir dan laut, yakni Karo Kahiya (Memanggil Lumba Lumba), Fola Sow (Rumah Obat), Jere (Keramat), Cofa (Penangkaran Ikan) dan Saihu (Pemimpin/Nakoda dalam Operasi Penangkapan Ikan). Pendekatan pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir dan lautan dengan tradisi dan kelembagaan telah memberikan dampak yang sangat signifikan (sangat efektif) bagi masyarakat setempat dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya pesisir dan lautan yang berkelanjutan maupun pelestarian tradisi dan kelembagaan adat istiadat setempat. Kata Kunci: Tradisi, kelembagaan, pengelolaan, sumberdaya, Tidor

    Penerapan E-Learning Menggunakan Media Edmodo dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Nilai Karakter untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar pada Konsep Usaha dan Energi

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    This study aims to test the application of e-learning using edmodo media in learning physics based on character values to improve student learning outcomes in work and energy materials. This type of research is an experiment, using the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design design. The instrument used in this study was a pretest and posttest questions consisting of 12 question numbers to test the improvement of student learning outcomes using e-learning using edmodo media. The pretest value data normality test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test resulted in 0.035, and for the posttest value obtained 0.457. The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes with an average gain value of 0.82 which is included in the high criteria. The results of the data hypothesis analysis were obtained from the pretest and posttest values based on the output "statistical test" known to Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) is 0.00. (0.05). Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it can be concluded that there is an increase in student learning outcomes by using e-learning using edmodo media in physics learning based on character values on business and energy materials