98 research outputs found

    Gene Expression Profiling of Mono- and Co-Culture Models of the Respiratory Tract Exposed to Crystalline Quartz under Submerged and Air-Liquid Interface Conditions

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    In vitro lung cell models like air-liquid interface (ALI) and 3D cell cultures have advanced greatly in recent years, being especially valuable for testing advanced materials (e.g., nanomaterials, fibrous substances) when considering inhalative exposure. Within this study, we established submerged and ALI cell culture models utilizing A549 cells as mono-cultures and co-cultures with differentiated THP-1 (dTHP-1), as well as mono-cultures of dTHP-1. After ALI and submerged exposures towards α-quartz particles (Min-U-Sil5), with depositions ranging from 15 to 60 µg/cm(2), comparison was made with respect to their transcriptional cellular responses employing high-throughput RT-qPCR. A significant dose- and time-dependent induction of genes coding for inflammatory proteins, e.g., IL-1A, IL-1B, IL-6, IL-8, and CCL22, as well as genes associated with oxidative stress response such as SOD2, was observed, even more pronounced in co-cultures. Changes in the expression of similar genes were more pronounced under submerged conditions when compared to ALI exposure in the case of A549 mono-cultures. Hereby, the activation of the NF-κB signaling pathway and the NLRP3 inflammasome seem to play an important role. Regarding genotoxicity, neither DNA strand breaks in ALI cultivated cells nor a transcriptional response to DNA damage were observed. Altogether, the toxicological responses depended considerably on the cell culture model and exposure scenario, relevant to be considered to improve toxicological risk assessment

    Comparing α-Quartz-Induced Cytotoxicity and Interleukin-8 Release in Pulmonary Mono- and Co-Cultures Exposed under Submerged and Air-Liquid Interface Conditions

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    The occupational exposure to particles such as crystalline quartz and its impact on the respiratory tract have been studied extensively in recent years. For hazard assessment, the development of physiologically more relevant in-vitro models, i.e., air-liquid interface (ALI) cell cultures, has greatly progressed. Within this study, pulmonary culture models employing A549 and differentiated THP-1 cells as mono-and co-cultures were investigated. The different cultures were exposed to α-quartz particles (Min-U-Sil5) with doses ranging from 15 to 66 µg/cm(2) under submerged and ALI conditions and cytotoxicity as well as cytokine release were analyzed. No cytotoxicity was observed after ALI exposure. Contrarily, Min-U-Sil5 was cytotoxic at the highest dose in both submerged mono- and co-cultures. A concentration-dependent release of interleukin-8 was shown for both exposure types, which was overall stronger in co-cultures. Our findings showed considerable differences in the toxicological responses between ALI and submerged exposure and between mono- and co-cultures. A substantial influence of the presence or absence of serum in cell culture media was noted as well. Within this study, the submerged culture was revealed to be more sensitive. This shows the importance of considering different culture and exposure models and highlights the relevance of communication between different cell types for toxicological investigations

    Protein Profiling of Serum Extracellular Vesicles Reveals Qualitative and Quantitative Differences After Differential Ultracentrifugation and ExoQuickTM Isolation

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    Solid tumor biopsies are the current standard for precision medicine. However, the procedure is invasive and not always feasible. In contrast, liquid biopsies, such as serum enriched for extracellular vesicles (EVs) represent a non-invasive source of cancer biomarkers. In this study, we compared two EV isolation methods in the context of the protein biomarker detection in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colorectal cancer (CRC). Using serum samples of a healthy cohort as well as CRC and IBD patients, EVs were isolated by ultracentrifugation and ExoQuickTM in parallel. EV associated protein profiles were compared by multiplex-fluorescence two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and subsequent identification by mass spectrometry. Validation of gelsolin (GSN) was performed using fluorescence-quantitative western blot. 2D-DIGE resolved 936 protein spots in all serum-enriched EVs isolated by ultracentrifugation or ExoQuickTM. Hereof, 93 spots were differently expressed between isolation approaches. Higher levels of GSN in EVs obtained with ExoQuickTM compared to ultracentrifugation were confirmed by western blot (p = 0.0006). Although patient groups were distinguishable after both EV isolation approaches, sample preparation strongly influences EVs' protein profile and thus impacts on inter-study reproducibility, biomarker identification and validation. The results stress the need for strict SOPs in EV research before clinical implementation can be reached

    Impact of Nanocomposite Combustion Aerosols on A549 Cells and a 3D Airway Model

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    The use of nanomaterials incorporated into plastic products is increasing steadily. By using nano-scaled filling materials, thermoplastics, such as polyethylene (PE), take advantage of the unique properties of nanomaterials (NM). The life cycle of these so-called nanocomposites (NC) usually ends with energetic recovery. However, the toxicity of these aerosols, which may consist of released NM as well as combustion-generated volatile compounds, is not fully understood. Within this study, model nanocomposites consisting of a PE matrix and nano-scaled filling material (TiO2_{2}, CuO, carbon nano tubes (CNT)) were produced and subsequently incinerated using a lab-scale model burner. The combustion-generated aerosols were characterized with regard to particle release as well as compound composition. Subsequently, A549 cells and a reconstituted 3D lung cell culture model (MucilAirâ„¢, Epithelix) were exposed for 4 h to the respective aerosols. This approach enabled the parallel application of a complete aerosol, an aerosol under conditions of enhanced particle deposition using high voltage, and a filtered aerosol resulting in the sole gaseous phase. After 20 h post-incubation, cytotoxicity, inflammatory response (IL-8), transcriptional toxicity profiling, and genotoxicity were determined. Only the exposure toward combustion aerosols originated from PE-based materials induced cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and transcriptional alterations in both cell models. In contrast, an inflammatory response in A549 cells was more evident after exposure toward aerosols of nano-scaled filler combustion, whereas the thermal decomposition of PE-based materials revealed an impaired IL-8 secretion. MucilAirâ„¢ tissue showed a pronounced inflammatory response after exposure to either combustion aerosols, except for nanocomposite combustion. In conclusion, this study supports the present knowledge on the release of nanomaterials after incineration of nano-enabled thermoplastics. Since in the case of PE-based combustion aerosols no major differences were evident between exposure to the complete aerosol and to the gaseous phase, adverse cellular effects could be deduced to the volatile organic compounds that are generated during incomplete combustion of NC

    Comparing the Toxicological Responses of Pulmonary Air–Liquid Interface Models upon Exposure to Differentially Treated Carbon Fibers

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    In recent years, the use of carbon fibers (CFs) in various sectors of industry has been increasing. Despite the similarity of CF degradation products to other toxicologically relevant materials such as asbestos fibers and carbon nanotubes, a detailed toxicological evaluation of this class of material has yet to be performed. In this work, we exposed advanced air–liquid interface cell culture models of the human lung to CF. To simulate different stresses applied to CF throughout their life cycle, they were either mechanically (mCF) or thermo-mechanically pre-treated (tmCF). Different aspects of inhalation toxicity as well as their possible time-dependency were monitored. mCFs were found to induce a moderate inflammatory response, whereas tmCF elicited stronger inflammatory as well as apoptotic effects. Furthermore, thermal treatment changed the surface properties of the CF resulting in a presumed adhesion of the cells to the fiber fragments and subsequent cell loss. Triple-cultures encompassing epithelial, macrophage, and fibroblast cells stood out with an exceptionally high inflammatory response. Only a weak genotoxic effect was detected in the form of DNA strand breaks in mono- and co-cultures, with triple-cultures presenting a possible secondary genotoxicity. This work establishes CF fragments as a potentially harmful material and emphasizes the necessity of further toxicological assessment of existing and upcoming advanced CF-containing materials

    Sphingolipid subtypes differentially control proinsulin processing and systemic glucose homeostasis

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    Impaired proinsulin-to-insulin processing in pancreatic β-cells is a key defective step in both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes (T2D) (refs. 1^{1},^{,}2^{2}), but the mechanisms involved remain to be defined. Altered metabolism of sphingolipids (SLs) has been linked to development of obesity, type 1 diabetes and T2D (refs. 3−8^{3-8}); nonetheless, the role of specific SL species in β-cell function and demise is unclear. Here we define the lipid signature of T2D-associated β-cell failure, including an imbalance of specific very-long-chain SLs and long-chain SLs. β-cell-specific ablation of CerS2, the enzyme necessary for generation of very-long-chain SLs, selectively reduces insulin content, impairs insulin secretion and disturbs systemic glucose tolerance in multiple complementary models. In contrast, ablation of long-chain-SL-synthesizing enzymes has no effect on insulin content. By quantitatively defining the SL-protein interactome, we reveal that CerS2 ablation affects SL binding to several endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi transport proteins, including Tmed2, which we define as an endogenous regulator of the essential proinsulin processing enzyme Pcsk1. Our study uncovers roles for specific SL subtypes and SL-binding proteins in β-cell function and T2D-associated β-cell failure
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