25,875 research outputs found

    Planetary astronomy program

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    Observations and analyses of asteroids, Trojans and cometary nuclei are presented. Spectrophotometry was used to observe the cometary nuclei. The spectra are plotted as a function of semimajor axis and eccentricity. Trojans and other asteroids at great solar distances show a variety of spectra, many of them quite red despite the low measured albedoes for many of these asteroids. The asteroid spectra are grouped according to diameter and taxonomic class

    Analysis of the loop length distribution for the negative weight percolation problem in dimensions d=2 through 6

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    We consider the negative weight percolation (NWP) problem on hypercubic lattice graphs with fully periodic boundary conditions in all relevant dimensions from d=2 to the upper critical dimension d=6. The problem exhibits edge weights drawn from disorder distributions that allow for weights of either sign. We are interested in in the full ensemble of loops with negative weight, i.e. non-trivial (system spanning) loops as well as topologically trivial ("small") loops. The NWP phenomenon refers to the disorder driven proliferation of system spanning loops of total negative weight. While previous studies where focused on the latter loops, we here put under scrutiny the ensemble of small loops. Our aim is to characterize -using this extensive and exhaustive numerical study- the loop length distribution of the small loops right at and below the critical point of the hypercubic setups by means of two independent critical exponents. These can further be related to the results of previous finite-size scaling analyses carried out for the system spanning loops. For the numerical simulations we employed a mapping of the NWP model to a combinatorial optimization problem that can be solved exactly by using sophisticated matching algorithms. This allowed us to study here numerically exact very large systems with high statistics.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, paper summary available at http://www.papercore.org/Kajantie2000. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1003.1591, arXiv:1005.5637, arXiv:1107.174

    Effective dynamics using conditional expectations

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    The question of coarse-graining is ubiquitous in molecular dynamics. In this article, we are interested in deriving effective properties for the dynamics of a coarse-grained variable ξ(x)\xi(x), where xx describes the configuration of the system in a high-dimensional space Rn\R^n, and ξ\xi is a smooth function with value in R\R (typically a reaction coordinate). It is well known that, given a Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution on xRnx \in \R^n, the equilibrium properties on ξ(x)\xi(x) are completely determined by the free energy. On the other hand, the question of the effective dynamics on ξ(x)\xi(x) is much more difficult to address. Starting from an overdamped Langevin equation on xRnx \in \R^n, we propose an effective dynamics for ξ(x)R\xi(x) \in \R using conditional expectations. Using entropy methods, we give sufficient conditions for the time marginals of the effective dynamics to be close to the original ones. We check numerically on some toy examples that these sufficient conditions yield an effective dynamics which accurately reproduces the residence times in the potential energy wells. We also discuss the accuracy of the effective dynamics in a pathwise sense, and the relevance of the free energy to build a coarse-grained dynamics

    F-8C digital CCV flight control laws

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    A set of digital flight control laws were designed for the NASA F-8C digital fly-by-wire aircraft. The control laws emphasize Control Configured Vehicle (CCV) benefits. Specific pitch axis objectives were improved handling qualities, angle-of-attack limiting, gust alleviation, drag reduction in steady and maneuvering flight, and a capability to fly with reduced static stability. The lateral-directional design objectives were improved Dutch roll damping and turn coordination over a wide range in angle-of-attack. An overall program objective was to explore the use of modern control design methodilogy to achieve these specific CCV benefits. Tests for verifying system integrity, an experimental design for handling qualities evaluation, and recommended flight test investigations were specified

    Optimal Vertex Cover for the Small-World Hanoi Networks

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    The vertex-cover problem on the Hanoi networks HN3 and HN5 is analyzed with an exact renormalization group and parallel-tempering Monte Carlo simulations. The grand canonical partition function of the equivalent hard-core repulsive lattice-gas problem is recast first as an Ising-like canonical partition function, which allows for a closed set of renormalization group equations. The flow of these equations is analyzed for the limit of infinite chemical potential, at which the vertex-cover problem is attained. The relevant fixed point and its neighborhood are analyzed, and non-trivial results are obtained both, for the coverage as well as for the ground state entropy density, which indicates the complex structure of the solution space. Using special hierarchy-dependent operators in the renormalization group and Monte-Carlo simulations, structural details of optimal configurations are revealed. These studies indicate that the optimal coverages (or packings) are not related by a simple symmetry. Using a clustering analysis of the solutions obtained in the Monte Carlo simulations, a complex solution space structure is revealed for each system size. Nevertheless, in the thermodynamic limit, the solution landscape is dominated by one huge set of very similar solutions.Comment: RevTex, 24 pages; many corrections in text and figures; final version; for related information, see http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher

    Density Matrix Renormalization Group in the Heisenberg Picture

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    In some cases the state of a quantum system with a large number of subsystems can be approximated efficiently by the density matrix renormalization group, which makes use of redundancies in the description of the state. Here we show that the achievable efficiency can be much better when performing density matrix renormalization group calculations in the Heisenberg picture, as only the observable of interest but not the entire state is considered. In some non-trivial cases, this approach can even be exact for finite bond dimensions.Comment: version to appear in PRL, acronyms in title and abstract expanded, new improved numerical example

    On Which Length Scales Can Temperature Exist in Quantum Systems?

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    We consider a regular chain of elementary quantum systems with nearest neighbor interactions and assume that the total system is in a canonical state with temperature TT. We analyze under what condition the state factors into a product of canonical density matrices with respect to groups of nn subsystems each, and when these groups have the same temperature TT. While in classical mechanics the validity of this procedure only depends on the size of the groups nn, in quantum mechanics the minimum group size nminn_{\text{min}} also depends on the temperature TT ! As examples, we apply our analysis to different types of Heisenberg spin chains.Comment: To appear in: Proceedings of the SPQS conference, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74 (2005) Supp

    A posteriori analysis of discontinuous galerkin schemes for systems of hyperbolic conservation laws

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    In this work we construct reliable a posteriori estimates for some semi- (spatially) discrete discontinuous Galerkin schemes applied to nonlinear systems of hyperbolic conservation laws. We make use of appropriate reconstructions of the discrete solution together with the relative entropy stability framework, which leads to error control in the case of smooth solutions. The methodology we use is quite general and allows for a posteriori control of discontinuous Galerkin schemes with standard flux choices which appear in the approximation of conservation laws. In addition to the analysis, we conduct some numerical benchmarking to test the robustness of the resultant estimator

    Design and fabrication of a long-life Stirling cycle cooler for space application. Phase 3: Prototype model

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    A second-generation, Stirling-cycle cryocooler (cryogenic refrigerator) for space applications, with a cooling capacity of 5 watts at 65 K, was recently completed. The refrigerator, called the Prototype Model, was designed with a goal of 5 year life with no degradation in cooling performance. The free displacer and free piston of the refrigerator are driven directly by moving-magnet linear motors with the moving elements supported by active magnetic bearings. The use of clearance seals and the absence of outgassing material in the working volume of the refrigerator enable long-life operation with no deterioration in performance. Fiber-optic sensors detect the radial position of the shafts and provide a control signal for the magnetic bearings. The frequency, phase, stroke, and offset of the compressor and expander are controlled by signals from precision linear position sensors (LVDTs). The vibration generated by the compressor and expander is cancelled by an active counter balance which also uses a moving-magnet linear motor and magnetic bearings. The driving signal for the counter balance is derived from the compressor and expander position sensors which have wide bandwidth for suppression of harmonic vibrations. The efficiency of the three active members, which operate in a resonant mode, is enhanced by a magnetic spring in the expander and by gas springs in the compressor and counterbalance. The cooling was achieved with a total motor input power of 139 watts. The magnetic-bearing stiffness was significantly increased from the first-generation cooler to accommodate shuttle launch vibrations