6,829 research outputs found

    An investigation for the development of an integrated optical data preprocessor

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    A laboratory model of a 16 channel integrated optical data preprocessor was fabricated and tested in response to a need for a device to evaluate the outputs of a set of remote sensors. It does this by accepting the outputs of these sensors, in parallel, as the components of a multidimensional vector descriptive of the data and comparing this vector to one or more reference vectors which are used to classify the data set. The comparison is performed by taking the difference between the signal and reference vectors. The preprocessor is wholly integrated upon the surface of a LiNbO3 single crystal with the exceptions of the source and the detector. He-Ne laser light is coupled in and out of the waveguide by prism couplers. The integrated optical circuit consists of a titanium infused waveguide pattern, electrode structures and grating beam splitters. The waveguide and electrode patterns, by virtue of their complexity, make the vector subtraction device the most complex integrated optical structure fabricated to date

    Feasibility investigation of integrated optics Fourier transform devices

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    The possibility of producing an integrated optics data processing device based upon Fourier transformations or other parallel processing techniques, and the ways in which such techniques may be used to upgrade the performance of present and projected NASA systems were investigated. Activities toward this goal include; (1) production of near-diffraction-limited geodesic lenses in glass waveguides; (2) development of grinding and polishing techniques for the production of geodesic lenses in LiNbO3 waveguides; (3) development of a characterization technique for waveguide lenses; and (4) development of a theory for corrected aspheric geodesic lenses. A holographic subtraction system was devised which should be capable of rapid on-board preprocessing of a large number of parallel data channels. The principle involved is validated in three demonstrations

    An investigation for the development of an integrated optical data preprocessor

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    The successful fabrication and demonstration of an integrated optical circuit designed to perform a parallel processing operation by utilizing holographic subtraction to simultaneously compare N analog signal voltages with N predetermined reference voltages is summarized. The device alleviates transmission, storage and processing loads of satellite data systems by performing, at the sensor site, some preprocessing of data taken by remote sensors. Major accomplishments in the fabrication of integrated optics components include: (1) fabrication of the first LiNbO3 waveguide geodesic lens; (2) development of techniques for polishing TIR mirrors on LiNbO3 waveguides; (3) fabrication of high efficiency metal-over-photoresist gratings for waveguide beam splitters; (4) demonstration of high S/N holographic subtraction using waveguide holograms; and (5) development of alignment techniques for fabrication of integrated optics circuits. Important developments made in integrated optics are the discovery and suggested use of holographic self-subtraction in LiNbO3, development of a mathematical description of the operating modes of the preprocessor, and the development of theories for diffraction efficiency and beam quality of two dimensional beam defined gratings

    Quantitative characterization of the x-ray imaging capability of rotating modulation collimators with laser light

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    We developed a method for making quantitative characterizations of bi-grid rotating modulation collimators (RMC ’s) that are used in a Fourier transform x-ray imager. With appropriate choices of the collimator spacings, this technique can be implemented with a beam-expanded He -Ne laser to simulate the plane wave produced by a point source at infinity even though the RMC ’s are diffraction limited at the He -Ne wavelength of 632.8 nm. The expanded beam passes through the grid pairs at a small angle with respect to their axis of rotation, and the modulated transmission through the grids as the RMC ’s rotate is detected with a photomultiplier tube. In addition to providing a quantitative characterization of the RMC ’s, the method also produces a measured point response function and provides an end-to-end check of the imaging system. We applied our method to the RMC ’s on the high-energy imaging device (HEIDI) balloon payload in its preflight configuration. We computed the harmonic ratios of the modulation time profile from the laser measurements and compared them with theoretical calculations, including the diffraction effects on irregular grids. Our results indicate the 25-in. (64-cm) x-ray imaging optics on HEIDI are capable of achieving images near the theoretical limit and are not seriously compromised by imperfections in the grids

    Conceptual mechanization studies for a horizon definition spacecraft attitude control subsystem, phase A, part II, 10 October 1966 - 29 May 1967

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    Attitude control subsystem for spin stabilized spacecraft for mapping earths infrared horizon radiance profiles in 15 micron carbon dioxide absorption ban

    On the frequency and remnants of Hypernovae

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    Under the hypothesis that some fraction of massive stellar core collapses give rise to unusually energetic events, termed hypernovae, I examine the required rates assuming some fraction of such events yield gamma ray bursts. I then discuss evidence from studies of pulsars and r-process nucleosynthesis that independently suggests the existence of a class of unusually energetic events. Finally I describe a scenario which links these different lines of evidence as supporting the hypernova hypothesis.Comment: TeX, To appear in ApJ Letter

    The Anti-Coincidence Detector for the GLAST Large Area Telescope

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    This paper describes the design, fabrication and testing of the Anti-Coincidence Detector (ACD) for the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) Large Area Telescope (LAT). The ACD is LAT first-level defense against the charged cosmic ray background that outnumbers the gamma rays by 3-5 orders of magnitude. The ACD covers the top and 4 sides of the LAT tracking detector, requiring a total active area of ~8.3 square meters. The ACD detector utilizes plastic scintillator tiles with wave-length shifting fiber readout. In order to suppress self-veto by shower particles at high gamma-ray energies, the ACD is segmented into 89 tiles of different sizes. The overall ACD efficiency for detection of singly charged relativistic particles entering the tracking detector from the top or sides of the LAT exceeds the required 0.9997.Comment: 33 pages, 19 figure

    The LWA1 Radio Telescope

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    LWA1 is a new radio telescope operating in the frequency range 10-88 MHz, located in central New Mexico. The telescope consists of 258 pairs of dipole-type antennas whose outputs are individually digitized and formed into beams. Simultaneously, signals from all dipoles can be recorded using one of the instrument's "all dipoles" modes, facilitating all-sky imaging. Notable features of the instrument include high intrinsic sensitivity (about 6 kJy zenith system equivalent flux density), large instantaneous bandwidth (up to 78 MHz), and 4 independently-steerable beams utilizing digital "true time delay" beamforming. This paper summarizes the design of LWA1 and its performance as determined in commissioning experiments. We describe the method currently in use for array calibration, and report on measurements of sensitivity and beamwidth.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures, accepted by IEEE Trans. Antennas & Propagation. Various minor changes from previous versio

    Branching of the Falkner-Skan solutions for λ < 0

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    The Falkner-Skan equation f'" + ff" + λ(1 - f'^2) = 0, f(0) = f'(0) = 0, is discussed for λ < 0. Two types of problems, one with f'(∞) = 1 and another with f'(∞) = -1, are considered. For λ = 0- a close relation between these two types is found. For λ < -1 both types of problem allow multiple solutions which may be distinguished by an integer N denoting the number of zeros of f' - 1. The numerical results indicate that the solution branches with f'(∞) = 1 and those with f'(∞) = -1 tend towards a common limit curve as N increases indefinitely. Finally a periodic solution, existing for λ < -1, is presented.

    Mycelial compatibility and aggressiveness of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates from Brazil and the United States.

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    ABSTRACT: The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic diversity among Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates from Brazil and the USA, assess their aggressiveness variability, and verify the existence of an isolate-cultivar interaction. Isolate variability was determined by mycelial compatibility grouping (MCG), and isolate aggressiveness by cut-stem inoculations of soybean cultivars. Two experiments for MCGs and two for aggressiveness were conducted with two sets of isolates. The first set included nine isolates from the same soybean field in Brazil and nine from the Midwest region of the USA. The second set included 16 isolates from several regions of Brazil and one from the USA. In the first set, 18 isolates formed 12 different MCGs. In the second set, 81% of the isolates from Brazil grouped into a single MCG. No common MCGs were observed among isolates from Brazil and the USA. The isolates showed aggressiveness differences in the first set, but not in the second. Although aggressiveness differed in the first set, soybean cultivars and isolates did not interact significantly. Cultivar rank remained the same, regardless of the genetic diversity, aggressiveness difference, and region or country of origin of the isolate. Results from screening of soybean cultivars, performed by the cut-stem method in the USA, can be used as reference for researchers in Brazil. RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade genética entre isolados de Sclerotinia sclerotiorum do Brasil e dos EUA, determinar sua variabilidade quanto à agressividade e verificar a existência de interação isoladocultivar. A variabilidade dos isolados foi determinada por agrupamento de compatibilidade micelial (ACM), e a agressividade dos isolados, por meio de inoculações, com corte da haste, em cultivares de soja. Dois experimentos de ACM e dois de agressividade foram realizados, com dois conjuntos de isolados. O primeiro conjunto incluiu nove isolados, do mesmo campo de soja no Brasil, e nove da região Meio?Oeste dos EUA. O segundo conjunto incluiu 16 isolados de várias regiões do Brasil e um dos EUA. No primeiro conjunto, 18 isolados formaram 12 ACMs diferentes. No segundo conjunto, 81% dos isolados do Brasil formaram um único ACM. Nenhum ACM comum foi observado entre os isolados do Brasil e dos EUA. Os isolados apresentaram diferenças quanto à agressividade no primeiro conjunto de isolados, mas não no segundo. Embora a agressividade tenha diferido no primeiro conjunto, as cultivares de soja e os isolados não interagiram significativamente. A classificação das cultivares permaneceu a mesma, independentemente da diversidade genética, da diferença quanto à agressividade e da região ou país de origem do isolado. Resultados da seleção de cultivares de soja, realizada pelo método de inoculação de corte da haste nos EUA, podem ser utilizados como referência para pesquisadores no Brasil