298 research outputs found

    Family Man

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    The Chester Bridge

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    Black Coat Birdman

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    Vincentian Spirituality

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    This article explores how Vincentian spirituality was embodied in Vincent de Paul and Frederic Ozanam. It draws parallels between their times and ours and discusses the ways in which their spirituality can be applied to the future. Particular emphasis is placed on Christ’s presence in persons who are poor and in those who are baptized. Baptism makes us all part of the body of Christ, creates relationships among us, and therefore “obliges us by justice” to care for others. To treat others with justice and with dignity is to make sure that meaning is acknowledged in every life and that every person’s needs are met. Vincentian spirituality is “a way of looking at the world and at our relationships; it is a way of making the judgments that direct our ordinary and extraordinary activities.” It is active and requires us to be involved in social and political debate. Suggestions for practicing Vincentian spirituality are offered


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    Scheelite-type sodium neodymium(III) ortho-oxidomolybdate(VI), NaNd[MoO4]2

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    Scheelite-type NaNd[MoO4]2 contains one crystallographic position (site symmetry ) for the large cations, which is mixed-occupied by Na+ and Nd3+ cations in a 1:1 molar ratio. Thus, both are surrounded by eight O atoms in the shape of a trigonal dodeca­hedron. Furthermore, the structure consists of crystallographically unique [MoO4]2− units (site symmetry ) surrounded by eight sodium and neodymium cations, which are all vertex-attached. The polyhedra around the Na+/Nd3+ cations are connected to four others via common edges, building up a three-dimensional network in whose tetra­hedral voids of O atoms the Mo6+ cations reside

    Scheelite-type sodium neodymium(III) ortho-oxidomolybdate(VI), NaNd[MoO4]2

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    The crystal structure of Scheelite-type NaNd[MoO4]2 is described in the paper

    Macrocyclisation of 2-(5-(2-hydroxyethyl)furan-2-yl)acetic acid model compounds of nonactic acid

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    The macrocyclisation of hydroxyethylfuranyl acetic acid and of dehydrogenated model compounds of nonactic acid was investigated to develop a facile synthesis of nonactin analogues. By applying the Yamagushi macrocyclisation to our ω-hydroxyacids, we were able to isolate a mixture of di-, tri-, tetra- and pentameric macrocycles. Graphical abstrac

    the very different redox behaviour of isoelectronic complexes with [PtCl2] and [AuCl2]+

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    The new, potentially ambidentate heterocyclic ligand 2,3-bis(1-methylimidazol-2-yl)quinoxaline (bmiq) was obtained from 2,3-bis(1-methylimidazol-2-yl)glyoxal and 1,2-diaminobenzene. Its coordination to PtCl2 and to the isoelectronic [AuCl2]+ in [AuCl2(bmiq)](AuCl4) occurs via the imine N donors of the imidazolyl groups, leading to the formation of seven-membered chelate rings with boat conformation. According to the spectroelectrochemistry (UV-vis-NIR, EPR), the reversible electron addition to the [PtCl2(bmiq)] and the free ligand takes place in the (non-coordinated) quinoxaline part of the molecule, similarly as for related complexes of dipyrido[3,2-a:2′,3′-c]phenazines (dppz), 2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)quinoxalines (bpq) and 2,3-bis(dialkylphosphino)quinoxalines (QuinoxP). DFT calculations confirm the experimental results (structures, spectroscopy) and also point to the coordination potential of the quinoxaline N atoms. The electron addition to [AuCl2(bmiq)]+ takes place not at the ligand but at the metal site, according to experimental and DFT results