27 research outputs found


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    This research was aimed to find out whether or not there was any significant difference in speaking skill between the students’ who were taught by using Round Robin technique and those who were not. The population was all the tenth-grade student of SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri Sembawa in the academic year 2019/2020 consisting of 130 students. The writers used purposive sampling technique in choosing the sample. There were 66 students of tenth grade students of SMK-PPN Sembawa involved in this study as the sample. They were divided into two groups, experimental and control groups, consisting of 33 students for each group. The method used quasi non-equivalent group design. Spoken test was used to collect the data.  Furthermore, the result of the data was analysed using independent sample t-test. The result showed that the mean score of experimental group increased from 70.88 in pre-test to 78.67 in post-test. The result of data analysis showed that the t-obtained was 2.625 and it was higher than t-table 1.9977. It meant that there was a significant difference between experimental and control group in speaking skill. The students who were taught using Round Robin technique could perform better in speaking skill than the students who were not taught using this technique. Keywords: Round Robin technique, speaking skill, descriptive tex

    Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Website SMK Negeri 2 Palembang Menggunakan Regresi Linear Berganda

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    Website merupakan salah satu alat yang dirasa cocok untuk membantu memenuhi kebutuhan informasi akademis termasuk SMK Negeri 2 Palembang salah satu peranan pihak sekolah sebagai media sumber informasi dan pendidikan dimana yang menjadi informasi resmi bagi program atau informasi yang ingin disampaikan. SMK Negeri 2 Palembang. SMK Negeri 2 Palembang memiliki situs website resmi dengan alamat http://smkn2palembang.sch.id/ sebagai sarana menginformasikan kepada guru, siswa dan siswi, Bagaimana mengukur dan menganalisa kualitas website SMK Negeri 2 Palembang berdasarkan model kualitas kepuasan pengguna (user satisfaction) yang terdiri dari variabel ease of use, customization, download delay dan content. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 363 responden yang terdiri dari guru, pegawai dan siswa, teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan secara langsung ke responden. Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi linier menunjukkan bahwa nilai koefisien regresi untuk keempat variabel yaitu ease of use, customization, download delay dan content bernilai positif berarti bahwa jika nilai keempat variabel semakin baik, maka kepuasan pengguna akan meningka


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    Retirement period was the time when an employee dismissed from work due to age and the employee was also sued to adapt it. Retirement could cause stress that leads to anxiety for people with health and financial problems. The stress of elderly pensioners was closely related to the concept of self-efficacy, which serves to influence the person to mobile motivation in themselves more strongly to faced pressure and challenges. The purpose of this study is to know the relationship between self-efficacy with stress level in the elderly pensioner in Paguyuban Wredatama UNDIP Semarang. The sampling method used was total sampling with sample 119 pensioners. The type of this research is descriptive correlation research with cross sectional research design. The results showed that Elderly with low self-efficacy experienced a moderate level of stress as much as 80.4% (45 respondents) while the elderly with high self-efficacy experienced moderate level stress level of 17.5% (11 respondents). Spearman Rank test results from both variables showed a negative relationship between self-efficacy with stress level in elderly pensioners with correlation result (rxy: -0,669) p value 0,000 (p <0,05). This study expects to allow the Elderly and Paguyuban administrators to improve self-efficacy and be able to control stress levels. Keywords: Self-efficacy, Stress Level, Elderly Pensioners References: 65 (1989-2016


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    Kelompok produsen garam rebus pada industri rumah tangga garam di Kabupaten Brebes adalah para wanita pesisir yang relatif lebih telaten, teliti dan sabar membuat kualitas garam rebus baik. Cara membuat garam rebus adalah dengan merebus air laut atau larutan garam selama 3–4 jam. Desa Kaliwlingi merupakan satu-satunya desa penghasil garam rebus di Kabupaten Brebes sehingga peningkatan produksi melalui peningkatan peran wanita pesisir sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran wanita dan peningkatan pendapatannya melalui peningkatkan mutu garam rebus. dengan modifikasi penjernihan sumber air garam. Pengamatan terhadap penambahan jumlah anggota UKM Mekarsari I dan II dan penambahan peralatan produksi garam rebus dilakukan selama 2 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan jumlah anggota kelompok UKM Mekarsari, dari 8 orang menjadi 14 orang dan penambahan alat produksi berupa blong wadah bahan baku dan wajan perebus menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan produksi sebesar 21,6 ton per bulan. Peningkatan produksi dan kualitas garam rebus nampak melalui peningkatan peran wanita pesisir pada industri garam rebus di Kabupaten Brebes

    Komposisi Makroalga Yang Berasosiasi Di Ekosistem Padang Lamun Pulau Tumpul Lunik, Pulau Rimau Balak Dan Pulau Kandang Balak Selatan, Perairan Lampung Selatan

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    Assosiation between macroalga and seagrass ecosystem in South Lampung has been determined.  There were 3 sampling locations, ie. Station 1 (Tumpul Lunik Island), Station 2 (Rimau Balak Island) and Station 3 (Kandang Balak Selatan Island). Observation of macroalga and seagrass were carried out using quadran transect method (0,5 x 0,5 m2) along 100 meter with 10 meter distance berween transect. It is done triplicates. The research showed that there were twelve species macroalgae belong to three families found in seagrass bed. Their distribution were varied. Highest density of macroalga was Halimeda makroloba in habitat of seagrass Enhalus acorides at around Pulau Tempul Lunik Island. The substrat was sand and rubble which support good growth of both species The presence of macroalgae in seagrass bed could be a competitor related to the space for live and nutrient utilization in the waters.      Pengamatan tentang asosiasi antara makroalga di ekosistem padang lamun perairan Lampung Selatan telah dilakukan. Lokasi pengamatan yang terbagi menjadi 3 stasiun, yaitu Stasiun 1 (Pulau Tumpul Lunik), Stasiun 2 (Pulau Rimau Balak) dan Stasiun 3 (Pulau Kandang Balak Selatan). Pengamatan makroalga dan lamun di masing-masing lokasi dilakukan dengan metoda transek kuadran (0,5 x 0,5 m) sepanjang 100 meter dengan jarak pengamatan setiap 10 meter untuk penghitungan dengan kuadran. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan ulangan sebanyak 3 kali garis transek di setiap stasiun pengamatan.  Duabelas jenis makroalga dari 3 Famili telah ditemukan di ekosistem padang lamun dengan sebaran kepadatan makroalga yang beragam. Kepadatan tertinggi makroalga ditemukan pada jenis Halimeda makroloba yang banyak ditemukan tumbuh pada habitat lamun Enhalus acorides di sekitar Pulau Tempul Lunik. Kondisi perairan yang bersubstrat dasar pasir dan pecahan karang sangat mendukung untuk pertumbuhan ke dua jenis vegetasi tersebut. Kehadiran makroalga di ekosistem padang lamun dapat menjadi kompetitor bagi keberadaan dan kondisi  penutupan lamun, terkait dengan persaingan dalam menempati ruang dan pemanfaatan nutrien di perairan

    Kandungan Timbal Pada Air, Sedimen, Dan Rumput Laut Sargassum sp. Di Perairan Jepara, Indonesia

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    Concentration of Lead in the Seawater, Sediment, and the Seaweed Sargassum sp. in Jepara waters, Indonesia   The increasing human activities led to an increase in waste disposal which eventually accumulates and decrease the water quality of rivers and seas. One of the pollutant resulted by human activities is heavy metal. The presence of heavy metals in the waters could directly harm the bioorganisms and indirectly affect human health by food chains. The purpose of this research is to investigate the lead content (Pb) in the water, sediment, and seaweed Sargassum sp., as well as to determine the status of pollution in Teluk Awur waters, Jepara. The research was conducted in November 2017 and January 2018 using descriptive method. Sampling sites were decided by Purposive Sampling Method. Analysis of lead content was conducted using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry). The results showed that the lead content of seawater in Teluk Awur, Jepara, was within 0.003 mg/L and not on the level of concern, according to KepMen LH No. 51/2004. The range of lead content in the sediment was 47- 68,35 mg/kg and considered as polluted, according to NRCC GBW07313. The range of lead content in the seaweed Sargassum sp. was 0.22-0.79 mg/kg and has exceeded the quality standard  specified by PerBPOM No. 23/2017.   Meningkatnya  kegiatan  manusia  menyebabkan  peningkatan  pembuangan  limbah  yang pada akhirnya bermuara ke sungai maupun laut, yang mengakibatkan perairan laut menjadi tercemar. Salah satu pencemar akibat aktivitas   manusia   adalah   logam   berat   timbal yang dapat membahayakan kehidupan organisme perairan secara langsung, maupun tidak langsung terhadap kesehatan manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan logam berat Pb pada air, sedimen, dan rumput laut Sargassum sp. serta untuk mengetahui status pencemaran di Perairan Teluk Awur, Jepara. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November 2017 dan Januari 2018. Metode penelitian yang digunakan  adalah  metode  deskriptif.  Penentuan  lokasi  penelitian  dilakukan dengan Purposive Sampling Method. Analisis logam berat Pb dilakukan dengan menggunakan AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry). Hasil penelitian menunjukan kandungan logam berat Pb di Perairan Teluk Awur, Jepara, pada air laut yaitu 0,003 mg/L dan masih belum tercemar menurut KepMen LH No.51/2004. Kandungan logam berat Pb pada sedimen yaitu berkisar 47 - 68,35 mg/kg dan telah tercemar menurut NRCC GBW07313. Kandungan logam berat Pb pada rumput laut Sargassum sp. yaitu berkisar 0,22 - 0,79 mg/kg dan telah melebihi baku mutu yang ditentukan oleh PerBPOM No. 23 Tahun 201

    The Effect of Ultrasonic Wave Exposure on The Chlorophyll-a, b And Carotene Content of Nannochloropsis sp.

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    Determination of chlorophyll-a, b and carotene content in microalgae is strongly dependent on the destruction of its cell wall during extraction process.  Harvesting of microalgae is important  because it will influence the nutrition content. The objective of present work is to optimize harvesting of Nannochloropsis sp by application of ultrasonic wave with frequency of 40 KHz under different exposure time.  There were 3 treatments, i.e. exposure time of 5, 10 and 15 minutes.  The chlorophyll-a, b, and carotene content were measured to gauge the effect of treatments. The result revealed that the cell wall of Nannochloropsis sp which made from carbohydrate were successfully broken by ultrasonic source equipment. It showed that the exposure time of  5, 10 and 15 minutes affected cell wall’s breaking percentage of Nannochloropsis sp cell by 10,35;  32,15; and 72,09 %, respectively. The longer exposure time of ultrasonic wave, the higher content of  chlorophyll-a, b, and carotene