2,470 research outputs found

    Vegetable consumption pattern of households in selected areas of the old rivers state in Nigeria

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    The vegetable consumption pattern of households in selected areas in the old  Rivers State (now Rivers and Bayelsa States) in Nigeria was investigated. Areas studied were Port Harcourt the State capital, Igwuruta, Ahoada and Kaiama. Resultsshowed that mothers consumed 59 ± 0.45g to 130 ± 2.04g/person/day of   vegetables between the months of May and July, the peak season of vegetable production. Factors that influenced vegetable consumption were found to be chiefly season and culture. Other factors were availability/price for 43.8% of households in Kaiama, a riverine community, while taste and nutrition knowledge wielded minor influences. Leafy vegetables were consumed at least four times per week in Igwuruta and Port Harcourt, while households in Ahoada and Kaiama, where culture had strong influence, consumed them only occasionally. Vegetables consumed were mainly pumpkin leaves (Telfairia occidentialis) and okro (Abelmoschus esculentus) in areas where season played a strong role. In areas where culture had a strong  influence, bitterleaf, a leafy vegetable that undergoes rigorous process of squeezing and washing and is only scantly used in soups, was the vegetable of choice. Other vegetables less frequently consumed were Amaranthus hybridus, Pterocarpus spp.,Gnetum africanum and Piper guineense leaves. These were used chiefly in varioussoup dishes eaten as accompaniments with the starchy staples. Other dishes inwhich leafy vegetables were consumed were pottage in those areas of high  vegetable consumption, and occasionally in stew by all households investigated. Household size of 5 to 8 persons consumed their soup dishes between two and four days, while larger households of nine and above ate their soups in one day. However, households with deep freezer facilities stored their soup dishes for up to seven days. In spite of the reasonable consumption of vegetables during the peak season of production, reports of micronutrient deficiencies in Nigeria are rife, indicating a need for intervention. Possible reasons for the high prevalence of  micronutrient deficiencies are seasonal variations in vegetable production,  inadequate processing and preservation of vegetables for all year distribution and culture which may limit adequate consumption of leafy vegetables even when they are in abundance. This situation underscores the need for nutrition education,  coupled with a program on dietary diversification to create awareness, increase production, processing, preservation and consumption of vegetables.Key words: Vegetable consumption, season, culture, nutrition education Le modĂšle de consommation de lĂ©gumes tel que pratiquĂ© par des mĂ©nages dans desrĂ©gions sĂ©lectionnĂ©es de l’ancien Etat de ‘Rivers’ (aujourd’hui Etats de Rivers et deBayelsa) au Nigeria a fait l’objet de recherche. Les rĂ©gions Ă©tudiĂ©es Ă©taient Port  Harcourt, la Capitale de l’Etat, Igwuruta, Ahoada et Kaiama. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que des mĂšres consommaient entre 59 ± 0.45g et 130 ±  2.04g/personne/jour de lĂ©gumes entre les mois de mai et de juillet, la saison  maximale de production de lĂ©gumes. Il s’est avĂ©rĂ© que les facteurs qui ont influencĂ© la consommation de lĂ©gumes Ă©taient principalement la saison et la culture. D’autres facteurs Ă©taient la disponibilitĂ©/le prix pour 43.8% des mĂ©nages de Kaiama, une  communautĂ© riveraine, tandis que le goĂ»t et la connaissance en matiĂšre de nutrition ont jouĂ© une influence mineure. Les lĂ©gumes verts Ă©taient consommĂ©s au moins quatre fois par semaine Ă  Igwuruta et Ă  Port Harcourt, tandis que les mĂ©nages  d’Ahoada et de Kaiama, oĂč la culture a une forte influence, ne les consommaient que de temps Ă  autre. Les lĂ©gumes consommĂ©s Ă©taient principalement les feuilles de courge (Telfairia occidentialis) et okro (Abelmoschus esculentus) dans les rĂ©gions oĂč la saison jouait un grand rĂŽle. Dans les rĂ©gions oĂč la culture a une forte  influence, la feuille amĂšre, un lĂ©gume vert qui subit un processus rigoureux qui consiste Ă  le presser et le laver, et qui n’est utilisĂ© que lĂ©gĂšrement dans les soupes, Ă©tait le lĂ©gume favori. D’autres lĂ©gumes moins frĂ©quemment consommĂ©s Ă©taient les feuilles d’Amaranthus hybridus, de Pterocarpus spp., devGnetum africanum et de Piper guineense. Ces lĂ©gumes Ă©taient utilisĂ©s surtout dans les diffĂ©rentes variĂ©tĂ©sde soupes mangĂ©es comme des accompagnements avec les aliments de base  riches en fĂ©culents. D’autres plats dans lesquels des lĂ©gumes verts Ă©taient  consommĂ©s Ă©taient des potages dans ces rĂ©gions de grande consommation de lĂ©gumes, et de temps Ă  autre en ragoĂ»t par tous les mĂ©nages qui ont fait l’objet de l’étude. Les mĂ©nages d’une taille de 5 Ă  8 personnes consommaient leurs plats de soupes entre deux et quatre jours, tandis que de plus grands mĂ©nages de neuf  personnes et plus mangeaient leurs soupes en une journĂ©e. Cependant, les  mĂ©nages qui ont des rĂ©frigĂ©rateurs conservaient leurs plats de soupes jusqu’à sept jours. En dĂ©pit de la consommation raisonnable de lĂ©gumes pendant la saison maximale de production, les rapports sur les carences en micronutriments au Nigeria vont bon train, indiquant une nĂ©cessitĂ© d’intervention. Les raisons possibles qui expliquent cette prĂ©valence Ă©levĂ©e des carences en micronutriments sont les variations saisonniĂšres en production de lĂ©gumes, un traitement inadĂ©quat et une mauvaise conservation des lĂ©gumes Ă  rĂ©partir sur toute l’annĂ©e, ainsi qu’une culture qui peut limiter une consommation adĂ©quate des lĂ©gumes verts mĂȘme lorsqu’il y en a en abondance. Cette situation met en exergue la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’une Ă©ducation portant sur la nutrition, complĂ©tĂ©e par un programme sur la diversification  alimentaire en vue d’une prise de conscience, d’une augmentation de la production, du traitement, de la conservation et de la consommation des lĂ©gumes.Mots-clĂ©s: Consommation de lĂ©gumes, saison, culture, Ă©ducation portant sur la nutritio

    Concentrations of trace metals (lead, iron, copper and zinc) in crops harvested in some oil prospecting locations in Rivers State, Nigeria

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    Concentrations of the trace metals lead, iron, copper and zinc were estimated in  crops harvested in some oil prospecting locations in Rivers State, Nigeria. The   locations were; Agbada-Aluu (AA), Ebocha (EB), Idu Ekpeye (IE), Obagi (OB) and Trans Amadi Layout (TA), with the Teaching and Research Farm of Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt as control. Crops investigated were cassava (Manihot esculenta), cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta), okra (Hibiscus esculentus), pumpkin leaves (Telfairia occidentalis) and waterleaf (Talinum  traingulare). Results of the mean lead concentrations were from 1.1ÎŒg/g in cocoyam to 9.1 ÎŒg/g in okro, showing higher trends in the industrialized areas. While cocoyam had the lowest lead concentration, the concentration rest of the crops did not differ significantly from one another. Crops from locations TA, OB, IE and EB had  significantly higher concentrations of lead, although IE, AA and TF were not  significantly different from one another. Mean concentrations of iron were between 40 ÎŒg/g in cassava from TF, and 651 ÎŒg/g in pumpkin leaves from TA - the industrial base of Rivers State - reflecting a high level of pollution from the various industries in that location. Differences in concentration of iron in crops showed pumpkin leaves to have the highest level of iron, followed by the other green  vegetables – waterleaf and okra - although no significant differences occurred between okra, cocoyam and cassava. Copper concentrations were between 4.4 ÎŒg/g in cocoyam from locations TF and 23 ÎŒg/g in pumpkin leaves from TA. Pumpkin leaves had the highest concentrations of copper, followed by okra, then waterleaf, with cocoyam and cassava having the least significant levels. Zinc concentrations in crops were between 29 ÎŒg/g in cocoyam from TF to 240 ÎŒg/g in pumpkin leaves from EB. Pumpkin leaves and okra contained the highest levels of the metal,  followed by waterleaf, then cassava and finally cocoyam. In terms of location, TA, OB and EB had the highest concentrations in crops, the least occurring in TF and AA. These results reflect higher concentrations of metals in crops from the  industrialized locations, with the green vegetables, particularly pumpkin leaves, having the highest uptake, while cocoyam invariably had the least. These findings give cause for concern, particularly as heavy metals are bio-accumulative in the system and portend a serious health risk to man and animals.Key Words: Trace metals, concentrations, food crops, oil prospecting locations Des concentrations de mĂ©taux en traces (plomb, fer, cuivre et zinc) ont Ă©té  Ă©valuĂ©es dans des cultures rĂ©coltĂ©es dans certains endroits de prospection de pĂ©trole dans l’Etat de Rivers State, Nigeria. Ces endroits Ă©taient Agbada-Aluu (AA), Ebocha (EB), Idu Ekpeye (IE), Obagi (OB) et Trans Amadi Layout (TA), avec la ferme d’enseignement et de recherche de l’UniversitĂ© des Sciences et Technologie de Rivers State, avec Port Harcourt comme contrĂŽle. Les cultures qui ont fait l’objet d’analyse Ă©taient le manioc, (Manihot esculenta), la patate douce (Colocasia  esculenta), le gombo, (Hibiscus esculentus), les feuilles de courge (Telfairia  occidentalis) et un lĂ©gume hydrophile (Talinum traingulare). Les rĂ©sultats de la moyenne des concentrations de plomb se situaient entre 1,1ÎŒg/g dans la patate douce et 9,1 ÎŒg/g dans le gombo, ce qui montre de plus hautes tendances dans les rĂ©gions industrialisĂ©es. Alors que la patate douce avait la plus faible concentration, le reste des cultures ne diffĂ©raient pas considĂ©rablement l’une de l’autre. Les  cultures provenant des rĂ©gions TA, OB, IE et EB avaient des concentrations  nettement supĂ©rieures en plomb, tandis que celles de IE, AA et TF ne diffĂ©raient pas beaucoup l’une et de l’autre. Les concentrations moyennes de fer se situaient entre 40ÎŒg/g dans le manioc de TF, et 651 ÎŒg/g dans les feuilles de courge de TA – la base industrielle de Rivers State– ce qui reflĂšte un niveau Ă©levĂ© de pollution des diffĂ©rentes industries de cette rĂ©gion. Des diffĂ©rences de concentration de fer dans les cultures ont montrĂ© que les feuilles de courge ont la plus haute teneur en fer, suivies par les autres lĂ©gumes verts – le lĂ©gume hydrophile et le gombo – bien qu’aucune grande diffĂ©rence ne se soit produite entre le gombo, la patate douce et le manioc. Des concentrations de cuivre se situaient entre 4,4 ÎŒg/g dans la patate douce des rĂ©gions TF et 23 ÎŒg/g dans les feuilles de courge des rĂ©gions TA. Les feuilles de courge avaient les plus hautes concentrations de cuivre, suivies par le gombo, puis le lĂ©gume hydrophile, tandis que la patate douce et le manioc avaient les niveaux les plus bas. Les concentrations de zinc dans les cultures se situaient entre 29 ÎŒg/g dans la patate douce  de TF et 240 ÎŒg/g dans les feuilles de courge de EB. Les feuilles de courge et le gombo contenaient les niveaux les plus Ă©levĂ©s de ce mĂ©tal, puis le lĂ©gume hydrophile, ensuite le manioc et finalement la patate douce. En ce qui concerne le lieu, TA, OB et EB avaient les concentrations les plus hautes dans les cultures, les concentrations les plus basses se trouvaient dans TF et AA. Ces rĂ©sultats reflĂštent des concentrations de mĂ©taux plus Ă©levĂ©es dans les  cultures des rĂ©gions  industrialisĂ©es, tandis que les lĂ©gumes verts -particuliĂšrement les feuilles de courgeavaient la plus haute assimilation, et la patate douce avait  invariablement la plus faible. Ces rĂ©sultats suscitent des apprĂ©hensions,  particuliĂšrement parce que les mĂ©taux lourds sont bio-cumulatifs dans le systĂšme et qu’ils prĂ©sagent de sĂ©rieux risques sanitaires pour les hommes et les animaux.Mots-clĂ©s: MĂ©taux en traces, concentrations, denrĂ©es alimentaires, endroits de prospection de pĂ©trole

    Assessment of the equivalence of a generic to a branded femoral stem.

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    AIMS: The aim of this study was to compare the design of the generic OptiStem XTR femoral stem with the established Exeter femoral stem. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We obtained five boxed, as manufactured, implants of both designs at random (ten in total). Two examiners were blinded to the implant design and independently measured the mass, volume, trunnion surface topography, trunnion roughness, trunnion cone angle, Caput-Collum-Diaphyseal (CCD) angle, femoral offset, stem length, neck length, and the width and roughness of the polished stem shaft using peer-reviewed methods. We then compared the stems using these parameters. RESULTS: We found that the OptiStems were lighter (p < 0.001), had a rougher trunnion surface (p < 0.001) with a greater spacing and depth of the machined threads (p < 0.001), had greater trunnion cone angles (p = 0.007), and a smaller radius at the top of the trunnion (p = 0.007). There was no difference in stem volume (p = 0.643), CCD angle (p = 0.788), offset (p = 0.993), neck length (p = 0.344), stem length (p = 0.808), shaft width (p = 0.058 to 0.720) or roughness of the polished surface (p = 0.536). CONCLUSION: This preliminary investigation found that whilst there were similarities between the two designs, the generic OptiStem is different to the branded Exeter design. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2017;99-B:310-16

    Pseudotumors in association with well-functioning metal-on-metal hip prostheses: a case-control study using three-dimensional computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

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    Many papers have been published recently on the subject of pseudotumors surrounding metal-on-metal hip resurfacing and replacement prostheses. These pseudotumors are sterile, inflammatory lesions within the periprosthetic tissues and have been variously termed masses, cysts, bursae, collections, or aseptic lymphocyte-dominated vasculitis-associated lesions (ALVAL). The prevalence of pseudotumors in patients with a well-functioning metal-on-metal hip prosthesis is not well known. The purpose of this study was to quantify the prevalence of pseudotumors adjacent to well-functioning and painful metal-on-metal hip prostheses, to characterize these lesions with use of magnetic resonance imaging, and to assess the relationship between their presence and acetabular cup position with use of three-dimensional computed tomography

    Analysis of retrieved STRYDE nails

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    AIMS: The aim of this study was to present the first retrieval analysis findings of PRECICE STRYDE intermedullary nails removed from patients, providing useful information in the post-market surveillance of these recently introduced devices. METHODS: We collected ten nails removed from six patients, together with patient clinical data and plain radiograph imaging. We performed macro- and microscopic analysis of all surfaces and graded the presence of corrosion using validated semiquantitative scoring methods. We determined the elemental composition of surface debris using energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and used metrology analysis to characterize the surface adjacent to the extendable junctions. RESULTS: All nails were removed at the end of treatment, having achieved their intended lengthening (20 mm to 65 mm) and after regenerate consolidation. All nails had evidence of corrosion localized to the screw holes and the extendable junctions; corrosion was graded as moderate at the junction of one nail and severe at the junctions of five nails. EDS analysis showed surface deposits to be chromium rich. Plain radiographs showed cortical thickening and osteolysis around the junction of six nails, corresponding to the same nails with moderate - severe junction corrosion. CONCLUSION: We found, in fully united bones, evidence of cortical thickening and osteolysis that appeared to be associated with corrosion at the extendable junction; when corrosion was present, cortical thickening was adjacent to this junction. Further work, with greater numbers of retrievals, is required to fully understand this association between corrosion and bony changes, and the influencing surgeon, implant, and patient factors involved. Cite this article: Bone Jt Open 2021;2(8):599-610

    The role of the helper lipid on the DNA transfection efficiency of lipopolyplex formulations.

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    Multifunctional, lipopolyplex formulations comprising a mixture of cationic liposomes and cationic, receptor-targeting peptides have potential use in gene therapy applications. Lipopolyplex formulations described here are typically far more efficient transfection agents than binary lipoplex or polyplex formulations. It has been shown previously that the peptide component mediates both DNA packaging and targeting of the nanoparticle while in this report we investigate the contribution of the lipid component. We hypothesised that the lipid components synergise with the peptides in the transfection process by promoting endosomal escape after lipid bilayer fusion. Lipopolyplexes were prepared with cationic liposomes comprising DOTAP with either neutral lipid DOPE or DOPC. DOPE promotes fusogenic, inverted hexagonal lipid structures while DOPC promotes more stable laminar structures. Lipopolyplexes containing DOPE showed substantially higher transfection efficiency than those formulated with DOPC, both in vitro and in vivo. DOPE-containing lipopolyplexes showed rapid endosomal trafficking and nuclear accumulation of DNA while DOPC-containing formulations remained within the late endo-lysosomal compartments. These findings are consistent with previous finding for the role of DOPE in lipoplexes and support the hypothesis regarding the function of the lipid components in lipopolyplexes. These findings will help to inform future lipopolyplex design, strategies and clinical development processes

    Early Life Socioeconomic Circumstance and Late Life Brain Hyperintensities : A Population Based Cohort Study

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    Funding: Image acquisition and image analysis for this study was funded by the Alzheimer's Research Trust (now Alzheimer's Research UK). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the participants of the Aberdeen 1936 Birth Cohort (ABC36), without whom this research would not have been possible.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Fluid flow through porous media using distinct element based numerical method

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    Many analytical and numerical methods have been developed to describe and analyse fluid flow through the reservoir’s porous media. The medium considered by most of these models is continuum based homogeneous media. But if the formation is not homogenous or if there is some discontinuity in the formation, most of these models become very complex and their solutions lose their accuracy, especially when the shape or reservoir geometry and boundary conditions are complex. In this paper, distinct element method (DEM) is used to simulate fluid flow in porous media. The DEM method is independent of the initial and boundary conditions, as well as reservoir geometry and discontinuity. The DEM based model proposed in this study is appeared to be unique in nature with capability to be used for any reservoir with higher degrees of complexity associated with the shape and geometry of its porous media, conditions of fluid flow, as well as initial and boundary conditions. This model has first been developed by Itasca Consulting Company and is further improved in this paper. Since the release of the model by Itasca, it has not been validated for fluid flow application in porous media, especially in case of petroleum reservoir. In this paper, two scenarios of linear and radial fluid flow in a finite reservoir are considered. Analytical models for these two cases are developed to set a benchmark for the comparison of simulation data. It is demonstrated that the simulation results are in good agreement with analytical results. Another major improvement in the model is using the servo controlled walls instead of particles to introduce tectonic stresses on the formation to simulate more realistic situations. The proposed model is then used to analyse fluid flow and pressure behaviour for hydraulically induced fractured and naturally fractured reservoir to justify the potential application of the model

    Role of surface nickel content on human cell cytoskeleton formation on Nitinol

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    Cell activity on an implant surface can be modulated by cues such as topography, chemistry or stiffness(1,2). For Ni-Ti alloy this is achieved mainly by alteration in chemistry. However, high nickel concentrations may be a concern in the use Nitinol on a larger scale. Current reports on Nitinol bring contradictory data(3-5) suggesting that high nickel content is not particularly dangerous and nickel-titanium alloys are safe to be used. On the other hand it was shown that nickel has a toxic effects on cells(6). Nevertheless, shape memory effects and pseudo-elasticity could support different treatments (e.g. scoliosis) and currently, Nitinol is used to produce porous foams and coatings (Actiporeℱ), pins, clamps and intramedullary nails. In this paper authors investigated a role for nickel surface concentration on influencing cell behaviour e.g. cytoskeleton formation and organization in vitro

    Role of liposome and peptide in the synergistic enhancement of transfection with a lipopolyplex vector

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    Lipopolyplexes are of widespread interest for gene therapy due to their multifunctionality and high transfection efficiencies. Here we compared the biological and biophysical properties of a lipopolyplex formulation with its lipoplex and polyplex equivalents to assess the role of the lipid and peptide components in the formation and function of the lipopolyplex formulation. We show that peptide efficiently packaged plasmid DNA forming spherical, highly cationic nanocomplexes that are taken up efficiently by cells. However, transgene expression was poor, most likely due to endosomal degradation since the polyplex lacks membrane trafficking properties. In addition the strong peptide-DNA interaction may prevent plasmid release from the complex and so limit plasmid DNA availability. Lipid/DNA lipoplexes, on the other hand, produced aggregated masses that showed poorer cellular uptake than the polyplex but contrastingly greater levels of transgene expression. This may be due to the greater ability of lipoplexes relative to polyplexes to promote endosomal escape. Lipopolyplex formulations formed spherical, cationic nanocomplexes with efficient cellular uptake and significantly enhanced transfection efficiency. The lipopolyplexes combined the optimal features of lipoplexes and polyplexes showing optimal cell uptake, endosomal escape and availability of plasmid for transcription, thus explaining the synergistic increase in transfection efficiency
