16 research outputs found
Empowerment of Gunung Sari Village Community Groups, to optimize the potential of the village towards the Tourism Independent Village
The tourism sector in Gunung Sari Village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency, is not the main sector in its community activities. The existence of natural tourism in the form of waterfalls, camping ground and hot springs is a potential for the village to realize the Bogor Regency Mission. Existing tour operators are not residents or village communities. The active participation of village communities has not been seen in the management, operational and maintenance of tourist attractions. The tour paramilitary group 20 can be an agent for villages to empower communities in the tourism sector. Srikandi Gunung Sari group is a community group that involves mothers and produces local food products in the form of banana chips and cassava. In an effort to increase the active participation of village communities in tourism activities in Gunung Sari Village, the empowerment of the Laskar Tourism Group 20 and Srikandi Gunung Sari was carried out through education, workshops, mentoring and facilitation activities. The main target of this activity is the village community who can independently manage, maintain and improve the tourism sector in Gunung Sari village towards a sustainable tourism independent village
Strengthening School Counseling Guidance Activities through e-counseling
Cybercounseling is defined as a professional counseling practice that occurs when the counselee and counselor are separately and utilize electronic media to communicate via the internet. Several problems arise in student coaching activities by Guidance Counseling teachers, namely: not yet optimal use of cyber counseling applications, recording of student progress, which is still done manually, and the unavailability of facilities for students to express academic and non-academic problems. The technology provided is an e-counseling application. The method used in this activity is an e-counseling implementation workshop. Computer Vocational Schools as partners have been involved in the stages of needs identification, implementation, and trials. The school elements involved are Principals, Students, BK teachers, and homeroom teachers. This technology provides an alternative repository of student development. Based on the results of the workshop, it was found that the repository was available at 85% and the usability level of the system was 75%
Aplikasi Diagnosis Penyakit Sapi Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factors Berbasis Android
Sejak tahun 1950 perkembangan aplikasi dengan basis sistem pakar sangat diminati. Untuk mempersingkat waktu dalam mengambil keputusan diperlukan sistem pakar. Bisnis peternakan sangat menjanjikan, akan tetapi memerlukan perhatian yang sangat tinggi terhadap adanya serangan penyakit, seperti halnya sapi yang sangat rentan terhadap berbagai penyakit. Dengan adanya aplikasi system pakar yang dapat mendiagnosa secara cepat, akurat dan tepat terhadap penyakit dini yang ditimbulkan maka diharapkan dapat membantu peternak dalam memperkecil angka kematian disebabkan oleh penyakit yang mengakibatkan kerugian. Diperlukan ketepatan dan keakuratan perhitungan dalam mendiagnosis gejala penyakit sehingga menyimpulkan hasil dengan menggunakan metode certainty factors. Metode Certainty Factors sering diterapkan dalam banyak permasalahan nyata
Penerapan K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) untuk Klasifikasi Anggrek Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi Daun dan Bunga
Sistem klasifikasi anggrek dibuat dengan menerapkan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor dan inputan berupa teks. Sistem ini bertujuan membantu masyarakat umum dalam mengenali tanamanan anggrek berdasarkan genus dan varietasnya. Karakter morfologi yang digunakan sebagai atribut dalam klasifikasi diantaranya bentuk daun, bentuk bunga, bentuk sepal lateral, warna sepal lateral, bentuk sepal dorsal, warna sepal dorsal, bentuk petal, warna petal, bentuk ujung bibir dan corak bunga. Penerapan algoritma pada sistem klasifikasi anggrek diharapkan dapat memberikan hasil keputusan terbaik. Prinsip kerja dari algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor adalah data yang diuji diklasifikasikan berdasarkan keanggotaan terdekat yang terbanyak dari data uji. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menghitung kuadrat jarak euclidian masing-masing objek terhadap data sampel, kemudian diurutkan dari nilai terkecil hingga terbesar dan pencarian nilai k sebagai hasil keputusan. Pengujian sistem dilakukan terhadap 15 data latih menghasilkan nilai akurasi 53,33%, dengan jumlah nilai benar 8 data dan jumlah nilai salah 7 data.Keywords: K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN), Sistem Klasifikasi, Anggrek Kedisiplina
Development of a Village Information System for Acceleration of Village Services in Desa Tegal Kecamatan Kemang Bogor
The Village Information System (SID) is an information system that changes raw data into ready-to-use information. In addition, SID will provide convenience to village officials in providing services to the community. The development of this SID is expected to be able to provide acceleration and improve the performance of village officials in terms of service quality to the community, productivity, responsiveness, responsibility and productivity. The development of a village information system in service activities in Tegal village is a transformation from manual to computerized, so systematic efforts are needed in the preparation involving subjects, objects and methods related to the transformation process. The development of the village information system uses the software development life cycle (SDLC). Efforts to control the quality of the Tegal Village Information System use four characteristics of ISO 9126, to know that the parts in the application system have correctly displayed error messages if an error occurs in inputting data.The result of this service activity is that every Village Apparatus can understand the material that has been submitted and can practice the results of the village administration work in a computerized manner based on the Village Information System
Population Data is individual data or aggregate data that is structured as a result of Population Registration and Civil Registration activities. Birth Certificate is a Civil Registration Deed as a result of recording the birth event of a baby whose birth is reported to be registered on the Family Card and given a Population Identification Number (NIK) as a basis for obtaining other community services. From the total number of integrated birth certificate reporting for the 2018 Population Administration Information System (SIAK) totaling 570,637 there were 503,946 reported late and only 66,691 were reported publicly. Clustering is a method used to classify data that is similar to others in one group or similar data to other groups. K-Nearest Neighbor is a method for classifying objects based on learning data that is the closest distance to the test data. k-means is a method used to divide a number of objects into groups based on existing categories by looking at the midpoint. In data mining preprocesses, data is cleaned by filling in the blank data with the most dominating data, and selecting attributes using the information gain method. Based on the k-nearest neighbor method to predict delays in reporting and the k-means method to classify priority areas of service with 10,000 birth certificate data on birth certificates in 2019 that have good enough performance to produce predictions with an accuracy of 74.00% and with K = 2 on k-means produces a index davies bouldin of 1,17
Community-Based Local Wisdom Development : Strengthening Accounting and Production Management Skills “Batik Village New Normal Bogor”
Batik art which is an intangible cultural heritage native to Indonesia that can be developed based on the potential of local wisdom in each region. This activity is aimed at increasing the ability and providing understanding to the local community-based batik MSME group in managing simple finances and optimal production management. The method used in this activity is theoretical and concept training which is carried out face-to-face, mentoring and direct monitoring in the field by the resource persons. This activity is targeted to be able to increase the 2 (two) new normal batik business groups that have just been formed, able to implement an appropriate and good bookkeeping system in the operation of their business. And can also run an effective and efficient production management system, so as to be able to produce good batik products and have a competitive advantage compared to batik products that are already on the market
The Academic Triangle Implementation in Bogor New Normal Batik Village as a Collaborative Learning Center
The main objective of this study is build the new normal bogor batik village which is integrated with collaborative learning, so as to create the academic triangle ecosystem. The academic triangle is cyclical in nature, which continues as an ecosystem of education, research and entrepreneurship (not only being an entrepreneur but an entrepreneurial spirit that never gives up in the face of all obstacles). This cycle involves lecturers and students who at the same time have a positive impact on improving the social economy and strengthening local culture. Hopefully, in the end, the ecosystem can become a laboratory for strengthening the academic triangl