40 research outputs found

    Hungarian higher education and its international comparison

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    In the Széll Kálmán Plan the government committed itself to transform the higher education system; this change is necessary and actual. Reduction of neither the state-controlled higher education institutions, nor the number of students participating in higher education is justified: in an international comparison the number of Hungarian state-controlled institutions is significantly below the European average; in terms of the number of state financed students per one million inhabitants our arrears is considerable compared both to the surrounding and to the European developed countries. Number of people graduated in higher education in Hungary is below the OECD and UE19 average. In terms of higher education expenditures Hungary is amongst the last countries. However, government investments into higher education return significantly; Hungary is within the leading group in terms of this index. While rate of employment in basic and secondary education is below the average of OECD and EU19, our index in higher education is average or even above that. In the case of an employee with a higher education qualification the increased tax incomes mean approximately 20 million Ft additional income as compared to the case of a physical employee. Education directly defines the development path of a country; therefore it is extremely important for trends of modification to be professionally established and to serve growth

    Characteristics of Hungarian Higher Education in an International Perspective

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    In the Széll Kálmán Plan, the government made a commitment to transform the higher education system, which change is both necessary and topical. Neither a reduction in the number of state-controlled higher education institutions, nor in the number of students participating in higher education is justified. In an international comparison, the number of Hungarian state-maintained institutions is significantly below the European average; in terms of the number of state financed students per one million citizens, our lag compared both to neighbouring and to the developed countries of Europe is considerable. The proportion of higher education graduates in Hungary is below the OECD and EU-19 average. In terms of higher education expenditures, Hungary is one of the laggards among OECD countries. At the same time, government investments into higher education generate significant returns; in terms of this particular indicator, Hungary is one of the leaders of the pack. While the rate of employment in basic and secondary education is below the OECD and EU-19 average, our indicator value in higher education is average or even above average. Education directly defines the development path of a country; it is, therefore, extremely important for trends of modification to be professionally sound and to serve growth

    Fenntartható és precíziós mezőgazdasági rendszerek módszertani támogatása = Methodical support of sustainable and precision agricultural systems

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    A klímaváltozási szcenáriók alapján a kukorica aránya a kukoricaövbe való északi belépésnek köszönhetően növekszik, majd a déli kilépésnek megfelelően csökken. A búza aránya egyértelmű tendenciaként növekszik, úgy hogy az arány a folyamat végére 24%-ról 39%-ig emelkedik. Az árpa a kukoricával ellentétesen viselkedik, azaz a kukoricaövbe érve aránya csökken majd azt elhagyva újra növekszik és csupán a GR területen esik vissza ismét. A rizs termesztése egyértelműen csak a jóval délebbi területeken jellemző, hazánkban tehát csak a klímaváltozási folyamat második szakaszában merülhet fel komoly formában. A burgonya a klímaváltozás analógokkal jelzett irányában többé-kevésbé csökkenő tendenciát mutat. A szervesanyag mennyiségének növekedésével a talaj makroaggregátumainak vízállósága nő. Ennek kimutatására a lassú nedvesítéses módszert tartjuk legalkalmasabbnak. Csernozjom talajon még intenzív művelésben sem mutatható ki számottevő erózió, az alacsony lejtőszög és magas növényborítottság miatt. Csapadékos időjárás esetén a Hajdúság talajvízszintje 0,5-1 m-rel emelkedik meg. 3-4,5 m mélységű talajvíz esetében még intenzív művelés mellett sem mutatható ki a határértékektől jelentősen eltérő NO3-N a talajvíz-kutakban. A talajvíz fizikai és kémiai tulajdonságai alapján öntözésre alkalmas. A talaj pHKCl értékét a műtrágyázás és az öntözés 0,8-1,2-del csökkenti. Indokolt a mésztrágyázás. Számítógéppel a talajnedvesség és a NO3-N tartalom dinamikája 10%-os hibával modellezhető. | Based on the climate change scenarios, the proportion of maize increases when it enters the maize belt in the North and it decreases, when it leaves the belt in the South. The proportion of wheat is obviously rising, it will grow from 24% to 39% at the end of the process. Barley is the opposite; its proportion decreases when entering the maize belt and it starts to rise again when leaving it, decreasing only on the areas of Greece. Rice is mainly produced in the Southern areas, thus Hungary can only deal with it in the second phase of the climate change process. Potato shows a more or less decreasing trend towards the direction of climate change indicated by analogues. The water-proof character of the soil?s macroaggregates rises as organic matter increases. The slow moistening method is the most suitable to prove this. Significant erosion cannot be indicated on chernozem soil even in intensive production, due to the low slope angle and high plant density. In rainy weather (2005-2006), the ground water level of Hajdúság increases by 0,5-1 m. At a ground water level with a depth of 3-4,5m, a significantyl different NO3-N content from the limit values cannot be indicated in ground water wells, not even in intensive production. Ground water can be used for irrigation, due to its physical and chemical features. Irrigation reduces soil?s the pHKCl value by 0,8-1,2.Liming is justified. The dynamics of soil moisture and NO3-N content can be modelled by computer at a 10% error ratio