136 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana citra perusahaan PT.PLN (Persero) di pemberitaan media online Detik.com. Citra perusahaan dalam penelitian ini ialah menganalisis setiap isi konten pemberitaan terkait perusahaan pada isu subsidi listrik tepat sasaran 2016. Penilaian citra dilakukan di media online karena mengikuti perkembangan zaman yang dimana media online telah menjadikan arus penyebaran informasi menjadi lebih luas dan cepat. Periodesasi pemberitaan yang diteliti terhitung dari bulan November 2015 – Juni 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Dari kategori dan indikator yang telah dibuat, ditemukan bahwa banyak digunakan nada pernyataan buruk pada judul berita namun tidak sama halnya dengan isi konten berita yang cenderung mendapatkan penilaian positif. Hal itu dikarenakan narasumber yang dominan dan terdapat dalam konten pemberitaan merupakan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam proses pembuatan keijakan subsidi listrik tepat sasaran. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perusahaan PT.PLN (Persero) dalam penelitian ini mendapatkan citra yang positif dari pemberitaan di media online Detik.com terkait Isu Subsidi Listrik Tepat Sasaran 2016.;---The purpose of this research is knowing how corporate image PT.PLN (Persero) in Detik.com news portal. Corporate image evaluation in this research is analyze every news content related by issues that corporate are facing. The reason to do corporate evaluation in online media because the proggres of technology make online media can be quickly to spread information. The news periodization which researched it’s counted from November 2015 till June 2016. This research is use content analysis methods with quantitative approach. From category and indicators that have been made, founded that many used worst tonality in the news headline, but it’s doesn’t same with the explanation about the case which tend to get positive value assesment. It is due dominant source that consist in news content is coming from the public who get involved in policy making. Therefore, can be concluded from this research that PT.PLN (Persero) get a positive image in online media news Detik.com related by the issue policy of right on target electricity subsidies 2016

    ROLE IN Obstetric Acupuncture

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    Term " acupuncture" coming from Latin Ianguage “acus” meaning needle, and punctura meaning to be jabed. InChinese, thousands of last year, noted that sore army effect of arrow sometime get over disease they which have suffer during through years. Emerge idea that, by jabing husk certain dot, disease will recover. Chineman start to imitate arrow effect, by jabing husk use needle. Acupuncture represent important shares in traditional medication Chinese, including other technique like "kop", "moxibustion", masase ("Tuina"), and Chinese herb drug. More than 20 the last year of popularitas acupuncture have mounted many shares in all the world. More and more interest to usage of acupuncture in practice midwifery. Organizational Health of World (WHO) express that there are complete evidence which supporting conducive acupuncture therapy effect become important shares in service of health of primary and that acupuncture have to fully integrated with conventional doctor


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    Kelainan psikiatri umum terjadi pada wanita hamil dan pasca bersalin, namun sering tidak terdiagnosis dan tertangani. Sekitar satu dari empat wanita hamil dan pasca bersalin mungkin mengalami gangguan psikiatri namun mayoritas pasien tersebut tidak mendapatkan penanganan adekuat sebagai bagian dari pelayanan obstetri. Kelainan depresi umum terjadi pada kehamilan, mempengaruhi 9-23% masa anterpartum, dan 12-16% masa postpartum. Dari kejadian tersebut 3-11% mengalami bentuk paling berat dari depresi, kelainan depresi mayor


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    Pelayanan PMTCT semakin menjadi perhatian dikarenakan epidemi HIV/AIDS di Indonesia meningkatdengan cepat. Infeksi HIV dapat berdampak kepada ibu dan bayi. Dampak infeksi HIV terhadap ibuantara lain: timbulnya stigma sosial, diskriminasi, morbiditas dan mortalitas maternal. Sebagian besarinfeksi HIV pada bayi disebabkan penularan dari ibu, hanya sebagian kecil yang terjadi karena prosestransfusi. Kecenderungan Infeksi HIV pada Perempuan dan Anak Meningkat oleh karenanya diperlukanberbagai upaya untuk mencegah infeksi HIV pada perempuan, serta mencegah penularan HIV dari ibuhamil ke bayi yaitu PMTCT (Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission). Dengan intervensi yangbaik maka risiko penularan HIV dari ibu ke bayi sebesar 25 hingga 45% bisa ditekan menjadi kurang dari2%. Intervensi tersebut meliputi 4 konsep dasar: (1) Mengurangi jumlah ibu hamil dengan HIV positif,(2) Menurunkan viral load serendah-rendahnya, (3) Meminimalkan paparan janin/bayi terhadap darah dancairan tubuh ibu HIV positif, dan (4) Mengoptimalkan kesehatan dari ibu dengan HIV positif

    Effect of Successful Implementation of SIPKD and Human Resource Competence in supply chain management and Budget Decision Making (Survey of Local Governments in West Java and Banten Provinces)

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    Abstract- This study aims to determine the effect of the successful implementation of SIPKD and human resource competencies on supply chain management and budget decision-making quality. Hypothesis-testing research is conducted using qualitative primary data collected from questionnaires. The total population of the data set was 37 local governments. Structural equation modeling is the analytical method used to measure the successful application of SIPKD and human resource competence on financial statement quality and budget decision-making quality. The results of this study indicate that the successful implementation of SIPKD and human resource competence significantly influence financial statement quality. An improvement in financial statement quality is influenced by the successful implementation of SIPKD, and human resource competencies improve budget decision-making quality

    Pengaruh Persepsi Nilai, Brand Awareness dan Persepsi Risiko terhadap Keputusan Mengambil Kredit Pensiunan yang Dimediasi oleh Citra Merek di Bank Bukopin Cabang Semarang

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    This research was conducted in workshop PT. Bank Bukopin, Tbk., Semarang branch. Started from a finding which showed an indication that the consumer’s decision to take a pension credit of workshop PT. Bank Bukopin.Tbk.,Semarang branch is still low. The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of perceived value, brand awareness, perceived risk and brand image on purchase decision. The approach in this research involved five variables, namely perceived value, brand awareness, perceived risk and brand image that can allegedly explain the low purchase decision of pension credit PT. Bank Bukopin, Tbk., Semarang branch. The analysis of this research used Structural Equation Modeling method. The results showed that perceived value and brand image proved positive and significant effect on purchase decision. While brand awareness and perceived risk had negative but not significant effect on brand image