32 research outputs found

    Gauss-Manin connections for p-adic families of nearly overconvergent modular forms

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    We interpolate the Gauss-Manin connection in p-adic families of nearly overconvergent modular forms. This gives a family of Maass-Shimura type differential operators from the space of nearly overconvergent modular forms of type r to the space of nearly overconvergent modular forms of type r + 1 with p-adic weight shifted by 2. Our construction is purely geometric, using Andreatta-Iovita-Stevens and Pilloni's geometric construction of eigencurves, and should thus generalize to higher rank groups.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in the Annales de l'Institut Fourier. Minor revisions. 11 page

    Iwasawa theory for symmetric powers of CM modular forms at non-ordinary primes

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    Let f be a cuspidal newform with complex multiplication (CM) and let p be an odd prime at which f is non-ordinary. We construct admissible p-adic L-functions for the symmetric powers of f, thus verifying general conjectures of Dabrowski and Panchishkin in this special case. We also construct their "mixed" plus and minus counterparts and prove an analogue of Pollack's decomposition of the admissible p-adic L-functions into mixed plus and minus p-adic L-functions. On the arithmetic side, we define corresponding mixed plus and minus Selmer groups. We unite the arithmetic with the analytic by first formulating the Main Conjecture of Iwasawa Theory relating the plus and minus Selmer groups with the plus and minus p-adic L-functions, and then proving the exceptional zero conjecture for the admissible p-adic L-functions. The latter result takes advantage of recent work of Benois, while the former uses recent work of the second author, as well as the main conjecture of Mazur-Wiles.Comment: Submitted. 24 pages. Comments welcome

    Explicit computations of Hida families via overconvergent modular symbols

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    In [Pollack-Stevens 2011], efficient algorithms are given to compute with overconvergent modular symbols. These algorithms then allow for the fast computation of pp-adic LL-functions and have further been applied to compute rational points on elliptic curves (e.g. [Darmon-Pollack 2006, Trifkovi\'c 2006]). In this paper, we generalize these algorithms to the case of families of overconvergent modular symbols. As a consequence, we can compute pp-adic families of Hecke-eigenvalues, two-variable pp-adic LL-functions, LL-invariants, as well as the shape and structure of ordinary Hida-Hecke algebras.Comment: 51 pages. To appear in Research in Number Theory. This version has added some comments and clarifications, a new example, and further explanations of the previous example

    On Greenberg's LL-invariant of the symmetric sixth power of an ordinary cusp form

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    We derive a formula for Greenberg's LL-invariant of Tate twists of the symmetric sixth power of an ordinary non-CM cuspidal newform of weight ≥4\geq4, under some technical assumptions. This requires a "sufficiently rich" Galois deformation of the symmetric cube which we obtain from the symmetric cube lift to \GSp(4)_{/\QQ} of Ramakrishnan--Shahidi and the Hida theory of this group developed by Tilouine--Urban. The LL-invariant is expressed in terms of derivatives of Frobenius eigenvalues varying in the Hida family. Our result suggests that one could compute Greenberg's LL-invariant of all symmetric powers by using appropriate functorial transfers and Hida theory on higher rank groups.Comment: 20 pages, submitte