921 research outputs found

    Uncovering transgression in the textiles collection of the National Army Museum Te Mata Toa : a research report presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Museum Studies, at Massey University, ManawatĹŤ, New Zealand

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    This research centres on the textiles collection of the National Army Museum Te Mata Toa (NAM) which encompasses military clothing and associated items, holding examples from the New Zealand Wars of the 19th century to the present. The collection overall is visually conventional and male-centric with a noticeably lower proportion of women-related textiles, these mainly comprising World War II nursing and other service uniforms, such as those of the Women’s Land Service. The Museum’s displays reflect this understated female narrative. The intention of my research was to question whether a patriarchal view has caused women- related garments in NAM’s textiles holding to be overlooked, resulting in less focus on collecting and researching these textiles. Despite their layered social history contributions being directly related to New Zealand’s military life, had a lack of professional training and best practice knowledge adversely affected the textiles collection? To consider the question I have applied Laura Mulvey’s “male gaze” theory of filmic spectatorship (ways of viewing) to the museum textiles context. The theory argues that whereas men are positioned as protagonists and spectators, actively controlling narratives and events, women are peripheral, dependent, the spectated upon. However, women are also transgressive, capable of disturbing a male world view (Mulvey, 1975, p.18). Applying this theme to textiles appeared logical as I noticed non-conventional or aberrant female-related objects emerging during curatorial work. Three dissonant objects, purposefully selected, are the focus of a qualitative research framework using case studies within a specifically NAM context. Examples from the uniforms, souvenirs and comforts categories follow the prescribed steps of Jules David Prown’s material culture method (1982) for framing the case studies, and semi-structured interviews were also conducted. The findings reveal that collecting habits have caused a lesser female narrative in the textiles collection, despite the case study objects’ ability to evoke strong feelings and memories. Through the practices undertaken in relationship to objects themselves, the research also makes a case for systematic application of material culture studies frameworks to collection management and collection research

    Microbiological influences on fracture surfaces of intact mudstone and the implications for geological disposal of radioactive waste

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    The significance of the potential impacts of microbial activity on the transport properties of host rocks for geological repositories is an area of active research. Most recent work has focused on granitic environments. This paper describes pilot studies investigating changes in transport properties that are produced by microbial activity in sedimentary rock environments in northern Japan. For the first time, these short experiments (39 days maximum) have shown that the denitrifying bacteria, Pseudomonas denitrificans, can survive and thrive when injected into flow-through column experiments containing fractured diatomaceous mudstone and synthetic groundwater under pressurized conditions. Although there were few significant changes in the fluid chemistry, changes in the permeability of the biotic column, which can be explained by the observed biofilm formation, were quantitatively monitored. These same methodologies could also be adapted to obtain information from cores originating from a variety of geological environments including oil reservoirs, aquifers and toxic waste disposal sites to provide an understanding of the impact of microbial activity on the transport of a range of solutes, such as groundwater contaminants and gases (e.g. injected carbon dioxide)

    Virus shapes and buckling transitions in spherical shells

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    We show that the icosahedral packings of protein capsomeres proposed by Caspar and Klug for spherical viruses become unstable to faceting for sufficiently large virus size, in analogy with the buckling instability of disclinations in two-dimensional crystals. Our model, based on the nonlinear physics of thin elastic shells, produces excellent one parameter fits in real space to the full three-dimensional shape of large spherical viruses. The faceted shape depends only on the dimensionless Foppl-von Karman number \gamma=YR^2/\kappa, where Y is the two-dimensional Young's modulus of the protein shell, \kappa is its bending rigidity and R is the mean virus radius. The shape can be parameterized more quantitatively in terms of a spherical harmonic expansion. We also investigate elastic shell theory for extremely large \gamma, 10^3 < \gamma < 10^8, and find results applicable to icosahedral shapes of large vesicles studied with freeze fracture and electron microscopy.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Microbial impacts of CO2 transport in Sherwood Sandstone

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    Work carried out by BGS and the Japan Atomic Energy Authority (JAEA) has shown that microbial processes can have profound effects on the transport properties of host rock (i.e. the movement of fluids and contaminants through the host material) relevant to radioactive waste disposal. Recent research, performed as part of the BGS Radtran project, has examined Sherwood Sandstone samples in the context of radioactive waste disposal; this particular formation is also a potential reservoir for carbon dioxide storage in the UK. As part of the BGS opportunities fund programme, this project has, for the first time, evaluated interactions between fluids saturated with carbon dioxide/Sherwood Sandstone/microbes (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) in transport experiments, using BGS developed apparatus under pressurised subsurface conditions. This pilot study has highlighted the impacts of differences in the physical characteristics of core Sherwood Sandstone samples collected adjacent to each other in a core sample, and the ability of P. aeruginosa to survive in CO2 saturated artificial groundwater and the potential to form a biofilm in an environment suitable likely to be found at a carbon capture and storage location. These results demonstrate that in this short study, the injection of P. aeruginosa into the biotic experiment does not appear to impact on the physical transport properties of the Sherwood Sandstone, although the presence of CO2 appears to enhance the mobilisation of a number of chemical species. However, in other work which utilised the same organism and rock type but without introduction of CO2 saturated fluid, post-inoculation injection changes were observed. These included short but rapid saw-tooth like changes in the pressure profile (Wragg et al, 2012). These impacts were not observed in the current study which suggests that the CO2 saturated fluid was impacting on the ability of the microbes to alter permeability. This short study has, however, indicated the need to carry out longer term investigations to reproduce these initial findings

    Determination of the Fermi Velocity by Angle-dependent Periodic Orbit Resonance Measurements in the Organic Conductor alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4

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    We report detailed angle-dependent studies of the microwave (f=50 to 90 GHz) interlayer magneto-electrodynamics of a single crystal sample of the organic charge-density-wave (CDW) conductor alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4. Recently developed instrumentation enables both magnetic field (B) sweeps for a fixed sample orientation and, for the first time, angle sweeps at fixed f/B. We observe series' of resonant absorptions which we attribute to periodic orbit resonances (POR) - a phenomenon closely related to cyclotron resonance. The angle dependence of the POR indicate that they are associated with the low temperature quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) Fermi surface (FS) of the title compound; indeed, all of the resonance peaks collapse beautifully onto a single set of f/B versus angle curves, generated using a semiclassical magneto-transport theory for a single Q1D FS. We show that Q1D POR measurements provide one of the most direct methods for determining the Fermi velocity, without any detailed assumptions concerning the bandstructure; our analysis yields an average value of v_F=6.5x10^4 m/s. Quantitative analysis of the POR harmonic content indicates that the Q1D FS is strongly corrugated. This is consistent with the assumption that the low-temperature FS derives from a reconstruction of the high temperature quasi-two-dimensional FS, caused by the CDW instability. Detailed analysis of the angle dependence of the POR yields parameters associated with the CDW superstructure which are consistent with published results. Finally, we address the issue as to whether or not the interlayer electrodynamics are coherent in the title compound.Comment: 28 pages, including 6 figures. Submitted to PR

    Orbital quantization in the high magnetic field state of a charge-density-wave system

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    A superposition of the Pauli and orbital coupling of a high magnetic field to charge carriers in a charge-density-wave (CDW) system is proposed to give rise to transitions between subphases with quantized values of the CDW wavevector. By contrast to the purely orbital field-induced density-wave effects which require a strongly imperfect nesting of the Fermi surface, the new transitions can occur even if the Fermi surface is well nested at zero field. We suggest that such transitions are observed in the organic metal Îą\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2KHg(SCN)4_4 under a strongly tilted magnetic field.Comment: 14 pages including 4 figure

    Postpartum diet quality: a cross-sectional analysis from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health

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    Reproductive-aged women are at high risk of developing obesity, and diet quality is a potential modifiable risk factor. There is limited research exploring diet quality and its association with time since childbirth. Using data from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (ALSWH) survey 5 (2009) of women born between 1973-1978, who reported having previously given birth, we investigated the association between time since childbirth and diet quality, and differences in energy, macronutrients, micronutrient intake, and diet quality assessed by the dietary guideline index (DGI) in women stratified by time from last childbirth, early (0-6 months; n = 558) and late (7-12 months; n = 547), and all other women with children (>12 months post childbirth n = 3434). From this cohort, 8200 participants were eligible, of which 4539 participants completed a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and were included in this analysis. Overall, diet quality was higher in early and late postpartum women (mean DGI score 89.8 (SD 10.5) and mean DGI score 90.0 (SD 10.2), respectively) compared to all other women with children (>12 months post childbirth), mean DGI score 85.2 (SD 11.7), p 12 months), smoking compared with non-smoking and medium income level compared with no income was negatively associated with diet quality. A lower diet quality in women greater than 12 months post childbirth may be reflective of increased pressures, balancing childrearing and return to work responsibilities. This highlights the need to support women beyond the postpartum period to improve modifiable factors associated with weight gain, including diet quality, to optimize health and reduce chronic disease risk.Julie C. Martin, Anju E. Joham, Gita D. Mishra, Allison M. Hodge, Lisa J. Moran, and Cheryce L. Harriso

    Spin and charge ordering in self-doped Mott insulators

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    We have investigated possible spin and charge ordered states in 3d transition-metal oxides with small or negative charge-transfer energy, which can be regarded as self-doped Mott insulators, using Hartree-Fock calculations on d-p-type lattice models. It was found that an antiferromagnetic state with charge ordering in oxygen 2p orbitals is favored for relatively large charge-transfer energy and may be relevant for PrNiO3_3 and NdNiO3_3. On the other hand, an antiferromagnetic state with charge ordering in transition-metal 3dd orbitals tends to be stable for highly negative charge-transfer energy and can be stabilized by the breathing-type lattice distortion; this is probably realized in YNiO3_3.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Bomb-<sup>14</sup>C analysis of ecosystem respiration reveals that peatland vegetation facilitates release of old carbon

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    The largest terrestrial-to-atmosphere carbon flux is respired CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;. However, the partitioning of soil and plant sources, understanding of contributory mechanisms, and their response to climate change are uncertain. A plant removal experiment was established within a peatland located in the UK uplands to quantify respiration derived from recently fixed plant carbon and that derived from decomposition of soil organic matter, using natural abundance &lt;sup&gt;13&lt;/sup&gt;C and bomb-&lt;sup&gt;14&lt;/sup&gt;C as tracers. Soil and plant respiration sources were found respectively to contribute ~ 36% and between 41-54% of the total ecosystem CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; flux. Respired CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; produced in the clipped (‘soil’) plots had a mean age of ~ 15 years since fixation from the atmosphere, whereas the &lt;sup&gt;14&lt;/sup&gt;C content of ecosystem CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; was statistically indistinguishable from the contemporary atmosphere. Results of carbon mass balance modelling showed that, in addition to respiration from bulk soil and plant respired CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;, a third, much older source of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; existed. This source, which we suggest is CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; derived from the catotelm constituted between ~ 10 and 23% of total ecosystem respiration and had a mean radiocarbon age of between several hundred to ~ 2000 years before present (BP). These findings show that plant-mediated transport of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; produced in the catotelm may form a considerable component of peatland ecosystem respiration. The implication of this discovery is that current assumptions in terrestrial carbon models need to be re-evaluated to consider the climate sensitivity of this third source of peatland CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;
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