33,664 research outputs found

    A review of fracture mechanics life technology

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    Current lifetime prediction technology for structural components subjected to cyclic loads was reviewed. The central objectives of the project were to report the current state of and recommend future development of fracture mechanics-based analytical tools for modeling and forecasting subcritical fatigue crack growth in structures. Of special interest to NASA was the ability to apply these tools to practical engineering problems and the developmental steps necessary to bring vital technologies to this stage. A survey of published literature and numerous discussions with experts in the field of fracture mechanics life technology were conducted. One of the key points made is that fracture mechanics analyses of crack growth often involve consideration of fatigue and fracture under extreme conditions. Therefore, inaccuracies in predicting component lifetime will be dominated by inaccuracies in environment and fatigue crack growth relations, stress intensity factor solutions, and methods used to model given loads and stresses. Suggestions made for reducing these inaccuracies include: development of improved models of subcritical crack growth, research efforts aimed at better characterizing residual and assembly stresses that can be introduced during fabrication, and more widespread and uniform use of the best existing methods

    A comparison of two-coloured filter systems for treating visual reading difficulties

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    Copyright @ 2013 Informa UK Ltd.Purpose: Visual disturbances that make it difficult to read text are often termed “visual stress”. Coloured filters in spectacles may help some children overcome reading problems that are often caused by visual stress. It has been suggested that for optimal effect each child requires an individually prescribed colour for each eye, as determined in systems such as the “Harris Foundation” coloured filters. Alternatively, it has been argued that only blue or yellow filters, as used in the “Dyslexia Research Trust” (DRT) filter system, are necessary to affect the underlying physiology. Method: A randomised, double blind trial with 73 delayed readers, was undertaken to compare changes in reading and spelling as well as irregular and non-word reading skills after 3 months of wearing either the Harris or the DRT filters. Results: Reading improved significantly after wearing either type of filter (t = −8.4, p < 0.01), with 40% of the children improving their reading age by 6 months or more during the 3 month trial. However, spelling ability (t = 2.1, p = 0.05) and non-word reading (f = 4.7, p < 0.05) improved significantly more with the DRT than with the Harris filters. Conclusion: Education and rehabilitation professionals should therefore, consider coloured filters as an effective intervention for delayed readers experiencing visual stress

    Bridging the Perspectives and Developmental Needs of All Participants in Curriculum-Based Telementoring Programs

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    Telementoring, also referred to as e-mentoring or online mentoring, has been carried out in a wide range of K–12 environments and continues to grow in popularity. Through a review of several studies, we argue that the potential for telementoring to support deeper and more authentic school learning will not be fully realized unless researchers pay more conscious attention to the developmental character of telementoring relationships. We discuss the flaws of up-front training as an approach to improving program outcomes, and compare three other strategies (iteration, facilitation, and open access to models) that can be used in combination to supplement training

    A Study of Naturally Occurring Algicides Produced by Freshwater Algae

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    The mode of action of the algicide produced by Pandorina morum was examined by exposing Volvox globator and isolates spinach chloroplasts to a partially purified algicide preparation. Oxygen evolution of Volvox, whole chloroplasts and broken chloroplasts (minus the Calvin cycle),was reduced indicating that the algicide inhibits the light reactions of photosynthesis. Oxygen evolution studies of other Volvocaceae confirmed the observation that Pandorina morum is not significantly influenced by its own inhibitor. Molecular weight approximation by gel filtration established that the inhibitor has a low molecular weight (probably below 100 mw). Field studies indicate that this algicide has tremendous potential as a control for the growth of nuisance algal growth

    Comparison of experimental and theoretical drag characteristics for a 10-percent-thick supercritical airfoil using a new version of an analysis code

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    Comparisons of experimental and theoretical drag characteristics for a 10-percent-thick supercritical airfoil using a new version of an advanced analysis code. Comparisons are made at near-design normal-force coefficients for Reynolds numbers from 2 to 11 million. Comments are made concerning various input parameters to the code

    Storage of light in atomic vapor

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    We report an experiment in which a light pulse is decelerated and trapped in a vapor of Rb atoms, stored for a controlled period of time, and then released on demand. We accomplish this storage of light by dynamically reducing the group velocity of the light pulse to zero, so that the coherent excitation of the light is reversibly mapped into a collective Zeeman (spin) coherence of the Rb vapor

    Diluted Networks of Nonlinear Resistors and Fractal Dimensions of Percolation Clusters

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    We study random networks of nonlinear resistors, which obey a generalized Ohm's law, VIrV\sim I^r. Our renormalized field theory, which thrives on an interpretation of the involved Feynman Diagrams as being resistor networks themselves, is presented in detail. By considering distinct values of the nonlinearity r, we calculate several fractal dimensions characterizing percolation clusters. For the dimension associated with the red bonds we show that dred=1/νd_{\scriptsize red} = 1/\nu at least to order {\sl O} (\epsilon^4), with ν\nu being the correlation length exponent, and ϵ=6d\epsilon = 6-d, where d denotes the spatial dimension. This result agrees with a rigorous one by Coniglio. Our result for the chemical distance, d_{\scriptsize min} = 2 - \epsilon /6 - [ 937/588 + 45/49 (\ln 2 -9/10 \ln 3)] (\epsilon /6)^2 + {\sl O} (\epsilon^3) verifies a previous calculation by one of us. For the backbone dimension we find D_B = 2 + \epsilon /21 - 172 \epsilon^2 /9261 + 2 (- 74639 + 22680 \zeta (3))\epsilon^3 /4084101 + {\sl O} (\epsilon^4), where ζ(3)=1.202057...\zeta (3) = 1.202057..., in agreement to second order in ϵ\epsilon with a two-loop calculation by Harris and Lubensky.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    Globular Cluster Systems in Brightest Cluster Galaxies. III: Beyond Bimodality

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    We present new deep photometry of the rich globular cluster (GC) systems around the Brightest Cluster Galaxies UGC 9799 (Abell 2052) and UGC 10143 (Abell 2147), obtained with the HST ACS and WFC3 cameras. For comparison, we also present new reductions of similar HST/ACS data for the Coma supergiants NGC 4874 and 4889. All four of these galaxies have huge cluster populations (to the radial limits of our data, comprising from 12000 to 23000 clusters per galaxy). The metallicity distribution functions (MDFs) of the GCs can still be matched by a bimodal-Gaussian form where the metal-rich and metal-poor modes are separated by ~0.8 dex, but the internal dispersions of each mode are so large that the total MDF becomes very broad and nearly continuous from [Fe/H] = -2.4 to Solar. There are, however, significant differences between galaxies in the relative numbers of \emph{metal-rich} clusters, suggesting that they underwent significantly different histories of mergers with massive, gas-rich halos. Lastly, the proportion of metal-poor GCs rises especially rapidly outside projected radii R > 4 R_eff, suggesting the importance of accreted dwarf satellites in the outer halo. Comprehensive models for the formation of GCs as part of the hierarchical formation of their parent galaxies will be needed to trace the systematic change in structure of the MDF with galaxy mass, from the distinctly bimodal form in smaller galaxies up to the broad continuum that we see in the very largest systems.Comment: In press for Astrophysical Journa

    High efficiency photon counting using stopped light

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    Single-photon detection and photon counting play a central role in a large number of quantum communication and computation protocols. While the efficiency of state-of-the-art photo-detectors is well below the desired limits, quantum state measurements in trapped ions can be carried out with efficiencies approaching 100%. Here, we propose a method that can in principle achieve ideal photon counting, by combining the techniques of photonic quantum memory and ion-trap fluorescence detection: after mapping the quantum state of a propagating light pulse onto metastable collective excitations of a trapped cold atomic gas, it is possible to monitor the resonance fluorescence induced by an additional laser field that only couples to the metastable excited state. Even with a photon collection/detection efficiency as low as 10%, it is possible to achieve photon counting with efficiency approaching 100%.Comment: 4 page

    Ultra-Slow Light and Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Effects in a Coherently Driven Hot Atomic Gas

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    We report the observation of small group velocities of order 90 meters per second, and large group delays of greater than 0.26 ms, in an optically dense hot rubidium gas (~360 K). Media of this kind yield strong nonlinear interactions between very weak optical fields, and very sharp spectral features. The result is in agreement with previous studies on nonlinear spectroscopy of dense coherent media