261 research outputs found

    Nurse-Facilitated Health Checks for Persons With Severe Mental Illness: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective: This study tested the effectiveness of a nurse-delivered health check with the Health Improvement Profile (HIP), which takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete and code, for persons with severe mental illness. Methods: A single-blind, cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted in England to test whether health checks improved the general medical well-being of persons with severe mental illness at 12-month follow-up. Results: Sixty nurses were randomly assigned to the HIP group or the treatment-as-usual group. From their case lists, 173 patients agreed to participate. HIP group nurses completed health checks for 38 of their 90 patients (42%) at baseline and 22 (24%) at follow-up. No significant between-group differences were noted in patients’ general medical well-being at follow-up. Conclusions: Nurses who had volunteered for a clinical trial administered health checks only to a minority of participating patients, suggesting that it may not be feasible to undertake such lengthy structured health checks in routine practice

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.18, no.6

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    A College Girl’s Creed by Ruth Jensen, page 1 Tea Timing in Taste by Harriet Beyer, page 2 You and I and Radio by Berniece Williams, page 3 Your Fortune in Fashion by Ruth Hubley Thayer, page 4 Flashes from the Field of Research by Myrtle Campbell, page 5 From Cellulose to Satin by Audrey Wells, page 6 Sally Suggests Wardrobe Resolutions by Barbara Field, page 7 What’s New in Home Economics edited by Marjorie Pettinger, page 8 Good Light for Good Sight by Virginia Thompson, page 10 Centerpiece Styles by Nancy Fifield, page 11 Explore Your Vocation by Helen Greene, page 12 Alums in the News by Grace Strohmeier, page 13 Behind Bright Jackets edited by Winnifred Cannon, page 14 Does Your Vocabulary Date You? by Eleanor White, page 15 Keeping Posted by the editor, page 1

    The effect of a lifestyle intervention in obese pregnant women on gestational metabolic profiles: findings from the UK Pregnancies Better Eating and Activity Trial (UPBEAT) randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Pregnancy is associated with widespread change in metabolism, which may be more marked in obese women. Whether lifestyle interventions in obese pregnant women improve pregnancy metabolic profiles remains unknown. Our objectives were to determine the magnitude of change in metabolic measures during obese pregnancy, to indirectly compare these to similar profiles in a general pregnant population, and to determine the impact of a lifestyle intervention on change in metabolic measures in obese pregnant women. Methods: Data from a randomised controlled trial of 1158 obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) pregnant women recruited from six UK inner-city obstetric departments were used. Women were randomised to either the UPBEAT intervention, a tailored complex lifestyle intervention focused on improving diet and physical activity, or standard antenatal care (control group). UPBEAT has been shown to improve diet and physical activity during pregnancy and up to 6-months postnatally in obese women and to reduce offspring adiposity at 6-months; it did not affect risk of gestational diabetes (the primary outcome). Change in the concentrations of 158 metabolic measures (129 lipids, 9 glycerides and phospholipids, and 20 low-molecular weight metabolites), quantified three times during pregnancy, were compared using multilevel models. The role of chance was assessed with a false discovery rate of 5% adjusted p values. Results: All very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles increased by 1.5–3 standard deviation units (SD) whereas intermediate density lipoprotein and specific (large, medium and small) LDL particles increased by 1–2 SD, between 16 and 36 weeks’ gestation. Triglycerides increased by 2–3 SD, with more modest changes in other metabolites. Indirect comparisons suggest that the magnitudes of change across pregnancy in these obese women were 2- to 3-fold larger than in unselected women (n = 4260 in cross-sectional and 583 in longitudinal analyses) from an independent, previously published, study. The intervention reduced the rate of increase in extremely large, very large, large and medium VLDL particles, particularly those containing triglycerides. Conclusion: There are marked changes in lipids and lipoproteins and more modest changes in other metabolites across pregnancy in obese women, with some evidence that this is more marked than in unselected pregnant women. The UPBEAT lifestyle intervention may contribute to a healthier metabolic profile in obese pregnant women, but our results require replication. Trial Registration: UPBEAT was registered with Current Controlled Trials, ISRCTN89971375, on July 23, 2008 (prior to recruitment)

    Parents' perception of self-advocacy of children with myositis: an anonymous online survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Children with complex medical issues experience barriers to the transition of care from pediatric to adult providers. We sought to identify these barriers by elucidating the experiences of patients with idiopathic inflammatory muscle disorders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We collected anonymous survey data using an online website. Patients and their families were solicited from the US and Canada through established clinics for children with idiopathic inflammatory muscle diseases as well as with the aid of a nonprofit organization for the benefit of such individuals. The parents of 45 older children/young adults suffering from idiopathic inflammatory muscle diseases were surveyed. As a basis of comparison, we similarly collected data from the parents of 207 younger children with inflammatory muscle diseases. The survey assessed transition of care issues confronting families of children and young adults with chronic juvenile myositis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Regardless of age of the patient, respondents were unlikely to have a designated health care provider assigned to aid in transition of care and were unlikely to be aware of a posted policy concerning transition of care at their pediatrician's office. Additionally, regardless of age, patients and their families were unlikely to have a written plan for moving to adult care.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We identified deficiencies in the health care experiences of families as pertain to knowledge, self-advocacy, policy, and vocational readiness. Moreover, as children with complex medical issues grow up, parents attribute less self-advocacy to their children's level of independence.</p

    Challenges and solutions to system-wide use of precision oncology as the standard of care paradigm

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    The personalised oncology paradigm remains challenging to deliver despite technological advances in genomics-based identification of actionable variants combined with the increasing focus of drug development on these specific targets. To ensure we continue to build concerted momentum to improve outcomes across all cancer types, financial, technological and operational barriers need to be addressed. For example, complete integration and certification of the ‘molecular tumour board’ into ‘standard of care’ ensures a unified clinical decision pathway that both counteracts fragmentation and is the cornerstone of evidence-based delivery inside and outside of a research setting. Generally, integrated delivery has been restricted to specific (common) cancer types either within major cancer centres or small regional networks. Here, we focus on solutions in real-world integration of genomics, pathology, surgery, oncological treatments, data from clinical source systems and analysis of whole-body imaging as digital data that can facilitate cost-effectiveness analysis, clinical trial recruitment, and outcome assessment. This urgent imperative for cancer also extends across the early diagnosis and adjuvant treatment interventions, individualised cancer vaccines, immune cell therapies, personalised synthetic lethal therapeutics and cancer screening and prevention. Oncology care systems worldwide require proactive step-changes in solutions that include inter-operative digital working that can solve patient centred challenges to ensure inclusive, quality, sustainable, fair and cost-effective adoption and efficient delivery. Here we highlight workforce, technical, clinical, regulatory and economic challenges that prevent the implementation of precision oncology at scale, and offer a systematic roadmap of integrated solutions for standard of care based on minimal essential digital tools. These include unified decision support tools, quality control, data flows within an ethical and legal data framework, training and certification, monitoring and feedback. Bridging the technical, operational, regulatory and economic gaps demands the joint actions from public and industry stakeholders across national and global boundaries

    Conserving a globally threatened species in a semi-natural, agrarian landscape

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    Agriculture threatens biodiversity across the tropics, particularly in semi-natural grassland landscapes, where human populations are high, habitat is easily converted and agriculture is prone to intensification. Over the last 20 years intensive, commercial Dry Season Rice (DSR) cultivation has emerged as the dominant threat to the Bengal florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis), a globally threatened bustard that breeds in the seasonally inundated grasslands of central Cambodia. Whilst florican have been extensively monitored for 10 years, no socio-economic research has yet been undertaken to understand how local livelihood activities interact with florican. We conducted household questionnaires and focus groups in 21 villages in the Northern Tonle Sap Conservation Landscape (NTSCL) to gather information on household demographics, rice farming and bird hunting in protected and unprotected areas of florican breeding habitat. We identified a significant increase in DSR adoption by local communities since 2005. DSR cultivation was strongly associated with agro-chemical use and DSR fields directly overlapped with breeding season habitat for florican, reducing habitat availability throughout breeding season. We identified a low, but significant level of bird hunting in grassland households (8%) and revealed a demand for wild bird meat amongst local communities. Our findings suggest an urgent need for conservation interventions in unprotected farmland and emphasize the role of enforcement and community engagement in improving protection within protected areas. We highlight the potential of private sector initiatives such as the Sustainable Rice Platform in reconciling conservation and development for impoverished rural communities

    Adiposity and cardiovascular outcomes in three-year-old children of participants in UPBEAT, an RCT of a complex intervention in pregnant women with obesity

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    Background: Maternal obesity is associated with offspring cardiometabolic risk. UPBEAT was a randomised controlled trial of an antenatal diet and physical activity intervention in 1555 women with obesity. The intervention was associated with lower gestational weight gain, healthier diet and metabolic profile in pregnancy, and reduced infant adiposity at six months. Objective: We have investigated whether the UPBEAT intervention influenced childhood cardiometabolic outcomes or was associated with sustained improvements in maternal lifestyle 3-years after delivery. Methods: In UPBEAT mother-child dyads at the 3-year follow-up, we assessed childhood blood pressure, resting pulse rate, and adiposity (body mass index, skinfold thicknesses, body fat, waist and arm circumferences) and maternal diet, physical activity, and anthropometry. Results: 514 three-year-old children attended the appointment (49% intervention, 51% standard care). There was no difference in the main outcome of interest, subscapular skinfold thickness, between the trial arms (−0.30 mm, 95% confidence interval: −0.92, 0.31). However, the intervention was associated with a lower resting pulse rate (−5 bpm [−8.41, −1.07]). There was also a non-significant lower odds of overweight/obesity (OR 0.73; 0.50, 1.08). Maternal dietary improvements observed in the UPBEAT trial, including glycaemic load and saturated fat were maintained 3-years postpartum. Conclusion: This study has demonstrated that an antenatal dietary and physical activity intervention in women with obesity is associated with lower offspring pulse rate and sustained improvement in maternal diet. Whilst larger than previous cohorts, there remains potential for bias from attrition and these findings require validation in future cohorts

    The origins of belonging : Social motivation in infants and young children

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    Our reliance on our group members has exerted a profound influence over our motivation: successful group functioning requires that we are motivated to interact, and engage, with those around us. In other words, we need to belong. In this article, I explore the developmental origins of our need to belong. I discuss existing evidence that, from early in development, children seek to affiliate with others and to form long-lasting bonds with their group members. Furthermore, when children are deprived of a sense of belonging, it has negative consequences for their well-being. This focus on social motivation enables us to examine why and in what circumstances children engage in particular behaviours. It thus provides an important complement to research on social cognition. In doing so, it opens up important questions for future research and provides a much-needed bridge between developmental and social psychology

    Melanoma central nervous system metastases: current approaches, challenges, and opportunities

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    Melanoma central nervous system metastases are increasing, and the challenges presented by this patient population remain complex. In December 2015, the Melanoma Research Foundation and the Wistar Institute hosted the First Summit on Melanoma Central Nervous System (CNS) Metastases in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Here, we provide a review of the current status of the field of melanoma brain metastasis research; identify key challenges and opportunities for improving the outcomes in patients with melanoma brain metastases; and set a framework to optimize future research in this critical area