955 research outputs found

    ExoMars Atmospheric Science and Missions Workshop Abstracts

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    The “ExoMars Atmospheric Science and Missions” Workshop served as a forum for general discussions on Martian atmospheric science with a focus on the assessment of the results and instrumentation development cycle of the ExoMars 2016 mission. These led to presentations and discussions of the atmospheric investigation plans and strategies for the ESA ExoMars-2020 mission in particular and for forthcoming Mars missions in general. The workshop gave overviews of the ExoMars atmospheric investigations through invited talks by Exomars scientists. The ExoMars atmospheric results and planned investigations were covered by individual scientific presentations. The workshop engaged early career scientists, inclusiveness states and scientific and technological cooperation in the European planetary science community. The Workshop provided a forum for discussion and debate on the outstanding scientific topics of the Martian atmosphere, and on how to integrate and network the scientific teams with providers of instruments and technical systems. Thus the workshop also contributed to international cooperation in the field of Martian atmospheric science and technology

    Measurement of Martian boundary layer winds by the displacement of jettisoned lander hardware

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    Abstract Martian boundary layer wind speed and direction measurements, from a variety of locations, seasons and times, are provided. For each lander sent to Mars over the last four decades a unique record of the winds blowing during their descent is preserved at each landing site. By comparing images acquired from orbiting spacecraft of the impact points of jettisoned hardware, such as heat shields and parachutes, to a trajectory model the winds can be measured. We start our investigations with the Viking lander 1 mission and end with Schiaparelli. In-between we extract wind measurements based on observations of the Beagle 2, Spirit, Opportunity, Phoenix and Curiosity landing sites. With one exception the wind at each site during the lander’s descent were found to be   20 m s − 1 ), blowing from the north-west was required at a high altitude ( > 2 km) together with a gust close to the surface ( < 500 m altitude) originating from the north. All in all our investigations yielded a total of ten unique wind measurements in the PBL. One each from the Viking landers and one each from Beagle 2, Spirit, Opportunity and Schiaparelli. Two wind measurements, one above about 1 km altitude and one below, were possible from observations of the Curiosity and Phoenix landing site. Our findings are consistent with a turbulent PBL in the afternoon and calm PBL in the morning. When comparing our results to a GCM we found a good match in wind direction but not for wind speed. The information provided here makes available wind measurements previously unavailable to Mars atmosphere modellers and investigators.Peer reviewe

    Surface Energy Fluxes and Temperatures at Jezero Crater, Mars

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    Diurnal ground surface and air temperatures (Tg, Ta) and the five major surface energy budget fluxes are displayed as derived from M2020 mission observations and from column model simulations in two extreme cases (low and high diurnal Tg-variation) along the Perseverance rover track in the Jezero crater. In both cases the fluxes and Tg are well modeled when using diurnally variable apparent ground thermal inertia I derived via a Fourier series method from the hourly observations. Hence the measurements, the diagnostic method and the model results are consistent with high- and low-I nonhomogeneous terrain in the field-of-view (FOV) of the thermal infrared and solar sensors. In contrast less extreme values of I consistent with THEMIS retrievals are necessary for good simulations of observed Ta. We deduce that the measured Tg for the small ?3 m2 FOV may not always be representative for the larger region around the rover, which controls the near-surface atmospheric temperature profile.Peer reviewe

    Surface energy budget at Curiosity through observations and column modeling

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    Diurnal ground surface temperatures (T-g) and the five major terms of the surface energy budget (SEB) are dis-played from hourly Mars Science Laboratory observations and from column model simulations in four contrasting cases along the Curiosity traverse. T(g )and the SEB terms are otherwise well simulated on regolith near the landing spot and on rocky Pahrump Hills, but the residual in observation-based SEB (-downwelling longwave radiation) shows unexplained peaks in the morning and evening and simultaneously model-T(g )is too cold. Enhanced or diurnally variable crater dust does not help but diurnally variable soil thermal inertia (suggested by Fourier analysis of observed T-g) reduces both defects at both sites. Sand on the steep Namib dune is instead homogeneous, defects here being reduced by taking into account slope effects. Regolith at the 2018 dust storm site appears inhomogeneous, with the SEB terms and T(g )relatively well simulated even in this case of extremely heavy dust load.Peer reviewe

    NMR Structure Determinations of Small Proteins Using only One Fractionally 20% 13C- and Uniformly 100% 15N-Labeled Sample

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    Uniformly 13C- and 15N-labeled samples ensure fast and reliable nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) assignments of proteins and are commonly used for structure elucidation by NMR. However, the preparation of uniformly labeled samples is a labor-intensive and expensive step. Reducing the portion of 13C-labeled glucose by a factor of five using a fractional 20% 13C- and 100% 15N-labeling scheme could lower the total chemical costs, yet retaining sufficient structural information of uniformly [13C, 15N]-labeled sample as a result of the improved sensitivity of NMR instruments. Moreover, fractional 13C-labeling can facilitate reliable resonance assignments of sidechains because of the biosynthetic pathways of each amino-acid. Preparation of only one [20% 13C, 100% 15N]-labeled sample for small proteins

    NMR Structure Determinations of Small Proteins Using only One Fractionally 20% 13C- and Uniformly 100% 15N-Labeled Sample

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    Uniformly 13C- and 15N-labeled samples ensure fast and reliable nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) assignments of proteins and are commonly used for structure elucidation by NMR. However, the preparation of uniformly labeled samples is a labor-intensive and expensive step. Reducing the portion of 13C-labeled glucose by a factor of five using a fractional 20% 13C- and 100% 15N-labeling scheme could lower the total chemical costs, yet retaining sufficient structural information of uniformly [13C, 15N]-labeled sample as a result of the improved sensitivity of NMR instruments. Moreover, fractional 13C-labeling can facilitate reliable resonance assignments of sidechains because of the biosynthetic pathways of each amino-acid. Preparation of only one [20% 13C, 100% 15N]-labeled sample for small proteins

    Light scattering by the Martian dust analog, palagonite, modeled with ellipsoids

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    We have investigated the suitability of the ellipsoidal model particles to mimic scattering by Martian dust particles by comparing simulations against laboratory data for palagonite, a Mars analog sample. By optimizing the shape distribution of ellipsoids, a very good match with a laboratory-measured scattering matrix was obtained. Even an equiprobable distribution of ellipsoids performed well. The asymmetry parameter and single-scattering albedo were found to depend on the assumed shape distribution as much as on the typical uncertainties associated with refractive indices and size, suggesting that shape is an important parameter that potentially influences remote retrievals of dust particle properties

    Investigating thermal properties of gas-filled planetary regoliths using a thermal probe

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    We introduce a general purpose penetrator, fitted with a heater, for measuring temperature and thermal diffusivity. Due to its simplicity of deployment and operation the penetrator is well suited for remote deployment by spacecraft into a planetary regolith. Thermal measurements in planetary regoliths are required to determine the surface energy balance and to measure their thermal properties. If the regolith is on a planet with an atmosphere a good understanding of the role of convection is required to properly interpret the measurements. This could also help to identify the significant heat and mass exchange mechanisms between the regolith and the atmosphere. To understand the role of convection in our regolith analogues we use a network of temperature sensors placed in the target. In practical applications a penetrator will push material out of the way as it enters a target possible changing its thermal properties. To investigate this effect a custom built test rig, that precisely controls and monitors the motion of the penetrator, is used. The thermal diffusivity of limestone powder and sand is derived by fitting a numerical thermal model to the temperature measurements. Convection seems to play an important role in the transfer of heat in this case. Firstly a diffusion-convection model fits the laboratory data better than a diffusivity-only model. Also the diffusivity derived from a diffusivity-convection model was found to be in good agreement with diffusivity derived using other methods published in the literature. Thermal diffusivity measurements, inspection of the horizontal temperature profiles and visual observations suggests that limestone powder is compacted more readily than sand during entry of the penetrator into the target. For both regolith analogues the disturbance of material around the penetrator was determined to have an insignificant effect on the diffusivity measurements in this case