469 research outputs found

    Elements of Proximal Formative Assessment in Learners’ Discourse about Energy

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    Proximal formative assessment, the just-in-time elicitation of students\u27 ideas that informs ongoing instruction, is usually associated with the instructor in a formal classroom setting. However, the elicitation, assessment, and subsequent instruction that characterize proximal formative assessment are also seen in discourse among peers. We present a case in which secondary teachers in a professional development course at SPU are discussing energy flow in refrigerators. In this episode, a peer is invited to share her thinking (elicitation). Her idea that refrigerators move heat from a relatively cold compartment to a hotter environment is inappropriately judged as incorrect (assessment). The instruction (peer explanation) that follows is based on the second law of thermodynamics, and acts as corrective rather than collaborative

    Specifying computer-supported collaboration scripts

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    Collaboration scripts are activity programs which aim to foster collaborative learning by structuring interaction between learners. Computer-supported collaboration scripts generally suffer from the problem of being restrained to a specific learning platform and learning context. A standardization of collaboration scripts first requires a specification of collaboration scripts that integrates multiple perspectives from computer science, education and psychology. So far, only few and limited attempts at such specifications have been made. This paper aims to consolidate and expand these approaches in light of recent findings and to propose a generic framework for the specification of collaboration scripts. The framework enables a description of collaboration scripts using a small number of components (participants, activities, roles, resources and groups) and mechanisms (task distribution, group formation and sequencing)

    Probing non-linear MHD stability of the EDA H-mode in ASDEX Upgrade

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    Regimes of operation in tokamaks that are devoid of large ELMs have to be better understood to extrapolate their applicability to reactor-relevant devices. This paper describes non-linear extended MHD simulations that use an experimental equilibrium from an EDA H-mode in ASDEX Upgrade. Linear ideal MHD analysis indicates that the operational point lies slightly inside of the stable region. The non-linear simulations with the visco-resistive extended MHD code, JOREK, sustain non-axisymmetric perturbations that are linearly most unstable with toroidal mode numbers of n = \{6 \dots 9\}, but non-linearly higher and lower n become driven and the low-n become dominant. The poloidal mode velocity during the linear phase is found to correspond to the expected velocity for resistive ballooning modes. The perturbations that exist in the simulations have somewhat smaller poloidal wavenumbers (k_{\theta} \sim 0.1 to 0.5 cm^{-1} ) than the experimental expectations for the quasi-coherent mode in EDA, and cause non-negligible transport in both the heat and particle channels. In the transition from linear to non-linear phase, the mode frequency chirps down from approximately 35 kHz to 13 kHz, which corresponds approximately to the lower end of frequencies that are typically observed in EDA H-modes in ASDEX Upgrade