712 research outputs found

    “God Told Me to Kill”: Religion or Delusion?

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    This Article explores how, in assessing the motivation of those who kill because they believe they were directed by God to do so, society distinguishes religious-based decisions from delusional decisions that result from mental disorder. Part II discusses how religion is defined in our society, and Part III considers the extent to which religious conduct, as opposed to religious belief, is protected from governmental intrusion

    Practices and Beliefs Relating to Authentic Assessment of Kindergarten Teachers in the Suburbs of Jerusalem

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    This study aimed at investigating kindergarten teachers’ practices and beliefs relating to authentic assessment. The study also aimed at investigating differences in teachers’ practices and beliefs based on level of education, study major, and length of experience. The sample of the study consisted of (92) teachers working in kindergartens in the suburbs of Jerusalem. Two questionnaires were developed and implemented to collect the data of the study. In addition, individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 teachers from the sample of the study. Content analysis of some kindergarten documents was also used. The results showed that worksheets were the main method used to assess children learning, while project-based assessment was not used at all. In addition, the results showed significant differences in the teachers’ utilization of authentic assessment methods relating to level of education and study major, but there were no differences relating to the length of the teachers teaching experience. The teachers showed a strong belief in the importance of authentic assessment methods. The results of the interviews and content analysis supported the findings of the questionnaires. The study concluded a number of recommendations for future research, teacher educators and kindergarten principals

    Measurement of IgG Levels Can Serve as a Biomarker in Newly Diagnosed Diabetic Children

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    This study was undertaken to determine humoral immune response to the presence of anti-immunoglobulin antibodies in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus, using as a target cow immunoglobulins, in an attempt to elucidate further complex immuno-pathogenetic interactions of the disease. Serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations were measured by ELISA in 30 children with type 1 diabetes mellitus and 30 healthy matched normal children. It was found that normal children had a mean IgG level of 7.41 mg/ml while diabetic individuals had a mean IgG level of 8.52 mg/ml (p<0.00004). On the contrary, the mean level of IgG in diabetic sera after purification from anti-cow immunoglobulins was determined to be 7.52 mg/ml. Therefore, there was no significant difference in IgG level in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus after removal of anti-cow immunoglobulin antibodies compared to normal children (p<0.58). Visualization of IgG and immuno-precipitation confirm that anti-cow immunoglobulins antibodies, which were unrelated to antigen, were co-precipitated with the antigen-antibody complex. A circulating immunoglobulin reacting with other immunoglobulins is thus present in children with type 1 diabetes and may well play a part in the complex immuno-pathogenetic interactions

    Competency to Stand Trial on Trial

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    This Article considers the legal standards for the determination of competency to stand trial, and whether those standards are understood and applied by psychiatrists and psychologists in the forensic evaluations they perform and in the judgments they make–judgments that are routinely accepted by trial courts as their own judgments. The Article traces the historical development of the competency construct and the development of two competency standards. One standard, used today in eight states that contain 25% of the population of the United States, requires that the defendant be able to assist counsel in the conduct of a defense “in a rational manner.” The second, adopted by the Supreme Court in Dusky v. United States, 362 U.S. 402 (1960) as the Court’s interpretation of the federal competency statute, requires that the defendant have an ability to consult with counsel with a reasonable degree of “rational understanding.” The “rational manner” standard seemingly focuses on the defendant’s behavior; the “rational understanding” standard seemingly focuses on the defendant’s thinking. The Article reports on a survey we conducted of 273 forensic psychiatrists and psychologists who were asked to read two case study vignettes and assess the competency of each criminal defendant using the “rational manner” standard, the “rational understanding” standard, and the federal statutory standard that merely requires that the defendant be able to “assist properly” in his or her defense. In one vignette, the defendant’s thinking was irrational but his behavior was rational. In the other, the defendant’s thinking was rational, but her behavior was irrational. In responding to both vignettes, more than three-fourths of all respondents either found the defendant competent under all three standards or incompetent under all three standards. Surprisingly, in answering the first vignette, the respondents divided almost equally in deciding whether the defendant was competent. The Article analyzes the results of the study and concludes with specific proposals to improve competency to stand trial assessments. Fairness to the defendant requires that the competency standard be clearly defined and applied by those who assess and determine competency

    Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of grain sorghum variety Abu Timan

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    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;أُجريت هذه التجربة الحقلية لموسمين زراعيين (2004/05، 2005/06) بالمزرعة الإيضاحية، كلية الزراعة أبو نعامة لمعرفة تأثير ثلاث مستويات من النتروجين على مؤشرات النمو والإنتاجية لصنف ماريق أبو تيمان (صنف محلي من غرب السودان). تمت مقارنة أبو تيمان مع صنفي قدم الحمام وود أحمد (أصناف مجازة). أظهرت الدراسة أن هنالك إختلافاً في الشكل الظاهري بين الأصناف الثلاثة .صنف أبو تيمان يتفوق في الطول (203سم) علي صنف قدم الحمام (111.4سم ) وصنف ود أحمد (111.3سم) . كما أن القنابات لصنف أبوتيمان تحتوي علي بذرتين بينما تحتوي علي بذرة وأحدة للصنفين الآخرين . من نتائج الدراسة تبين أن أبوتيمان متأخر في الأزهار بينما ود أحمد كان المبكر في الإزهار . كان عدد الأيام لـ 50% أزهار لكل من أبوتيمان ، قدم الحمام وود أحمد 86 ، 76 ، 73&nbsp; علي التوالي . تأثير إضافة سماد النتروجين علي مؤشرات مكونات الإنتاج&nbsp; - عدد البذور في القندول ووزن الألف بذرة والإنتاجية غير معنوي . أثبتت الدراسة أن الصنف قدم الحمام قد حقق أعلي إنتاجية (5.42 ، 6.55 طن/هـ) وماريق أبو تيمان في المرتبة الثانية بإنتاجية (4.99 ، 6.48 طن/هـ ) وفي المرتبة الأخيرة ود أحمد بإنتاجية (4.04 ،6.04 طن/هـ) في موسمي 2004/05 و2005/06مد بإنتاجية (4.اجية (بذور في القندول ووزن الألف بذرة والإنتاجية لم يكن معزياً . ، علي التوالي . إضافة 2N (86 كجم نتروجين/هـ) أدي إلي زيادة معنوية في إنتاجية أصناف الذرة الرفيعة الثلاثة في موسم (2005/06) . نتائج الدراسة توضح أن ماريق أبو تيمان له مقدره إنتاجية عالية. والتوصية بالمزيد من الدراسات لتحديد المعاملات الفلاحية المناسبة للحصول علي أعلي إنتاجية ممكنة

    The association of polymorphic sites in some genes with type 1 diabetes mellitus in a sample of Egyptian children

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    Background: The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes have been implicated as the major genetic component in the predisposition to type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Other loci outside the MHC had also been reported to contribute in the susceptibility of T1DM. The aim of this study was to examine the role of some variants of polymorphic sites in some genes associated with T1DM in a sample of Egyptian children. Patients and methods: 60 patients with T1DM from the diabetes clinic at Alexandria University Children’s Hospital, and 60 healthy individuals were enrolled in this study. Genomic DNA was extracted using isopropanol precipitation method. Interleukin 18 (IL-18), interleukin 10 (IL-10), vitamin D receptor (VDR), protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) were genotyped. Results: The findings obtained from logistic regression analysis suggest that the IL-18 single nucleotide polymorphisms SNP-137 G&gt;C (rs#187238), the VDR Fok1 SNP T&gt;A (rs#2228570) and the SNP-1123 C&gt;G (rs#2488457) in PTPN22 gene showed a significant difference between patients and controls (P = 0.026, 0.030, and 0.003, respectively). The genotype distributions of PTPN22 SNP-1858, CTLA-4 SNP 49, IL-10 SNP-819, IL-18 SNP-607, and VDR BsmI SNP G&gt;A did not show any significant difference. Conclusion: The IL-18 SNP-137 G&gt;C (rs#187238), VDR SNP-Fok1 T&gt;A (rs#2228570), and the SNP-1123 C&gt;G (rs#2488457) in PTPN22 gene may have an effect on the occurrence of T1DM in Egyptian children. Further large-scale, population-based, case-control studies are needed.Keywords: Genes; Genomic DNA; Single nucleotide polymorphism; Type 1 diabetes mellitu

    Association Between Lipid Profile and Glyceamic Control in Sudanese Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus at Gezira State, Sudan

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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus describes a metabolic disorder of multiple aetiology characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Objectives This study aimed to assess the metabolic control of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) in Sudanese children. Methods: One hundred and seventy four children with type 1 diabetes mellitus were enrolled in this study; 56 healthy non-diabetic children served as a control group. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerol (TG), low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) were measured, very low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (VLDL), and LDL-C/HDL-C ratio were calculated. Results: HbA1c,TC, LDL-C LDL-C/HDL-C ratio and TG were significantly higher among diabetic group compared to non-diabetic group (P&lt;0.001 and P&lt;0.05 for TG).In the diabetic group, there was a positive significant correlation of: HbA1c with TC, TG, HDL- C, LDL-C, VLDL and LDL/HDL ratio; TC with TG, HDL- C, LDL-C, VLDL and LDL/HDL; TG with LDL- C, VLDL and LDL/HDL ratio; HDL-C with LDL-C;LDL-C with VLDL and LDL/ HDL;VLDL-C with LDL/HDL ratio. A significant negative correlation was observed between HDL- C and LDL/HDL ratio. Diabetic group with poor metabolic control (HbA1c level &gt;8).had significantly higher levels of TC and LDL-C (P&lt;0.001),TG and VLDL (P&lt;0.01), HDL-C and LDL-C/ HDL-C ratio (P&lt;0.05) compared with diabetic group with good metabolic control (HbA1c &lt;8%). Conclusion: 85.63% of diabetic patients were found to have poor metabolic control (HbA1c level &gt;8). يوصف مرض السكري بأنه من المسببات المرضية المتعددة التي تتميز بفرط&nbsp; سكر الدم المزمن واضطراب في التمثيل الغذائي ( اضطرابات من الكربوهيدرات والدهون واستقلاب البروتين) الناتج عن نقص في إفراز الأنسولين، عمل الانسولين أو كليهما.هدفت هذه الدراسة لاستخدام التقييم الكيموحيوي لمعرفة مدي التحكم لضبط السكر عند مرضي السكري النوع الاول. إشتملت هذه الدراسه علي 174طفل مصابين مرض السكري و56 أصحاء من نفس العمر.تضمنت هذه الدراسة&nbsp; القياسات الكيموحيويه الأتيه: خضاب الدم المسكر، الكوليستيرول ، ثلاثي أسيل الجليسرول و الكوليستيرول المرتبط&nbsp; بالبروتينات الشحميه منخفضة وعاليه الكثافة والبروتينات الشحميه المنخفضة جدا ونسبة البروتينات الشحميه منخفضة الكثافة الي البروتينات الشحميه عالية الكثافة. وجد أن تركيز كل من خضاب الدم المسكر، الكوليستيرول ، الكوليستيرول المرتبط&nbsp; بالبروتينات الشحميه منخفضة الكثافة ونسبة البروتينات الشحميه منخفضة الكثافة الي البروتينات الشحميه عالية الكثافة وثلاثي أسيل الجليسرول يرتفع إرتفاعا ذا معني عند مجموعة مرضي السكري.مستوي خضاب الدم المسكر يرتبط إرتباطا موجبا ذا معني مع كل من الكوليستيرول ، ثلاثي أسيل الجليسرول والبروتينات الشحميه عالية ومنخفضة الكثافة والبروتينات الشحميه المنخفضة جدا ونسبة البروتينات الشحميه منخفضة الكثافة الي البروتينات الشحميه عالية الكثافة، الكوليستيرول مع كل من ثلاثي أسيل الجليسرول والبروتينات الشحميه عالية و منخفضة الكثافة والبروتينات الشحميه المنخفضة جدا ونسبة البروتينات الشحميه منخفضة الكثافة الي البروتينات الشحميه عالية الكثافة ، يرتبط ثلاثي أسيل الجليسرول مع كل من البروتينات الشحميه منخفضة الكثافة والبروتينات الشحميه المنخفضة جدا ونسبة البروتينات الشحميه منخفضة الكثافة الي البروتينات الشحميه عالية الكثافة . كما أن&nbsp; مستوي البروتينات الشحميه عالية الكثافة يرتبط إرتباطا ذا معني مع نسبة البروتينات الشحميه منخفضة الكثافة الي البروتينات الشحميه عالية الكثافة.طبقا لتقسيم مجموعة الدارسين لمرض السكري العالميه الأمريكيه أظهرت هذه الدراسه أن نسبة (85.63) &nbsp;من المرضي يبلغ معدل خضاب الدم المسكر عندهم أكثر من&nbsp; 8% (ضبط غير مقبول) بينما &nbsp;(%14.37) يبلغ معدل خضاب الدم المسكر عندهم أقل من&nbsp; 8% (ضبط مقبول).&nbsp; وجدت هذه الدراسة ان مرضي السكري والذين لديهم ضبط غير مقبول لخضاب الدم المسكر ترتفع عندهم مستويات الكوليستيرول ، ثلاثي أسيل الجليسرول و الكوليستيرول المرتبط&nbsp; بالبروتينات الشحميه منخفضة وعاليه الكثافة والبروتينات الشحميه المنخفضة جدا ونسبة البروتينات الشحميه منخفضة الكثافة الي البروتينات الشحميه عالية الكثافة ارتفاعا ذا معني مقارنة مرضي السكري والذين لديهم ضبط مقبول لخضاب الدم المسكر

    Caffeine consumption among Zayed University students in Dubai, United Arab Emirates: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Over the past decade, the global caffeine consumption rate has increased dramatically. Coffee and tea are among the common sources, but energy drinks are becoming an important contributor to total caffeine consumption. Recommendations for daily caffeine intake is not being followed due to the perceived benefits of caffeine which include mood improvement, concentration, social factors, and energy boosting. This study was important to add to the limited data about caffeine consumption in the Gulf region and mainly in the UAE. Objectives : The objectives were to determine the prevalence of caffeinated beverage consumption among university students and perceived benefits in addition to the estimation of daily caffeine consumption (mg/day). Design: Data was collected through a self-reported questionnaire from a total of 175 participants (129 females and 46 males) who were conveniently selected from different settings at Zayed University - Dubai. Usual Caffeine intake was calculated from all caffeine containing beverages.  Results: Eighty-six percent of the 175 participants, both males and females, at Zayed University-Dubai consumed caffeinated beverages with an average intake of 249.7±235.9 mg. The intake among the 150 caffeine consumers varied from 4.2 mg/day to 932.2 mg/day. Average intake of caffeine was not significantly different between genders (P=0.125). Thirty-five percent of the population consumed more than 400 mg/day of caffeine, with no statistical difference between males and females (P=0.202). Coffee was the most commonly consumed drink among both genders, followed by tea. Most perceived benefits of caffeine consumption were not significantly different except for the relationship between caffeine and improved exercise performance (P=0.018) and caffeine in relation to weight loss (P=0.001) among males. Conclusion: The prevalence of caffeine consumption at Zayed University was high among both males and females. Further research is necessary to estimate the total caffeine intake from all dietary sources, mainly the cultural foods and beverages, and to determine the relationship between accessibility to caffeine containing beverages and caffeine consumption among University student

    Caffeine Consumption among Zayed University Students in Dubai, United Arab Emirates: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Over the past decade, the global caffeine consumption rate has increased dramatically. Coffee and tea are among the common sources, but energy drinks are becoming an important contributor to total caffeine consumption. Recommendations for daily caffeine intake is not being followed due to the perceived benefits of caffeine which include mood improvement, concentration, social factors, and energy boosting. This study was important to add to the limited data about caffeine consumption in the Gulf region and mainly in the UAE.Objectives: The objectives were to determine the prevalence of caffeinated beverage consumption among university students and perceived benefits in addition to the estimation of daily caffeine consumption (mg/day).Design: Data was collected through a self-reported questionnaire from a total of 175 participants (129 females and 46 males) who were conveniently selected from different settings at Zayed University - Dubai. Usual Caffeine intake was calculated from all caffeine containing beverages.  Results: Eighty-six percent of the 175 participants, both males and females, at Zayed University-Dubai consumed caffeinated beverages with an average intake of 249.7±235.9 mg. The intake among the 150 caffeine consumers varied from 4.2 mg/day to 932.2 mg/day. Average intake of caffeine was not significantly different between genders (P=0.125). Thirty-five percent of the population consumed more than 400 mg/day of caffeine, with no statistical difference between males and females (P=0.202). Coffee was the most commonly consumed drink among both genders, followed by tea. Most perceived benefits of caffeine consumption were not significantly different except for the relationship between caffeine and improved exercise performance (P=0.018) and caffeine in relation to weight loss (P=0.001) among males.Conclusion: The prevalence of caffeine consumption at Zayed University was high among both males and females. Further research is necessary to estimate the total caffeine intake from all dietary sources, mainly the cultural foods and beverages, and to determine the relationship between accessibility to caffeine containing beverages and caffeine consumption among University student

    Regresión aguda de los bosques de Cystoseira abies-marina en la isla de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias, Atlántico este)

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    Brown macroalgae within the genus Cystoseira are some of the most relevant “ecosystem-engineers” found throughout the Mediterranean and the adjacent Atlantic coasts. Cystoseira-dominated assemblages are sensitive to anthropogenic pressures, and historical declines have been reported from some regions. In particular, Cystoseira abies-marina, thriving on shallow rocky shores, is a key species for the ecosystems of the Canary Islands. In this work, we analyse changes in the distribution and extension of C. abies-marina in the last decades on the island of Gran Canaria. This alga dominated the shallow rocky shores of the entire island in the 1980s; a continuous belt extended along 120.5 km of the coastline and occupied 928 ha. In the first decade of the 21st century, fragmented populations were found along 52.2 km of the coastline and occupied 12.6 ha. Today, this species is found along 37.8 km of the coastline and occupies only 7.4 ha, mainly as scattered patches. This regression has been drastic around the whole island, even in areas with low anthropogenic pressure; the magnitude of the decline over time and the intensity of local human impacts have not shown a significant correlation. This study highlights a real need to implement conservation and restoration policies for C. abies-marina in this region.Las algas pardas pertenecientes al género Cystoseira se distribuyen a lo largo del Mediterráneo y las costas atlánticas adyacentes, siendo uno de los “ingenieros ecosistémicos” más relevantes. Los bosques constituidos por especies de Cystoseira son sensibles a perturbaciones de origen antropogénico y, por esta razón, se han registrado declives históricos en distintas regiones. Concretamente, Cystoseira abies-marina, una especie que habita en costas rocosas someras, es clave para la buena salud de los ecosistemas costeros de las Islas Canarias. En este trabajo, analizamos los cambios en la distribución y extensión de C. abies-marina en las últimas 4 décadas en la isla de Gran Canaria. Esta especie dominaba las costas rocosas poco profundas de toda la isla en la década de los 80; una banda continua se extendía a lo largo de 120.5 km de costa, ocupando 928 ha. A comienzos del siglo XXI, poblaciones fragmentadas cubrían 12.6 ha, a lo largo de 52.2 km de la línea de costa. Hoy en día, se distribuye a lo largo de 37.8 km del perímetro costero, en su mayoría como parches dispersos, ocupando una extensión de tan sólo 7.4 ha. Esta regresión ha sido drástica en toda la isla, incluso en zonas con baja presión antropogénica; no encontramos una correlación significativa entre el número de impactos locales y la magnitud del declive en el tiempo. Este estudio señala la necesidad real de implementar políticas de conservación y restauración para C. abies-marina en esta región