7 research outputs found

    A conceptual model to manage lexical ambiguity in Malay textual requirements

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    Ambiguity is one of the most crucial problem in natural language. When a sentence can be interpreted in more than one ways by different sets of readers, the impact is huge. It would involve many stages in system development life cycle from requirement elicitation to requirement transformation, system design, system coding as well as the end product. It is very important to ensure requirement requested by the users accurately transformed onto the end system as per desired. More often than not, the understanding between users and system developer is not tele. In this paper, we attempt to publish a conceptual model on managing lexical ambiguity to reduce the possibility of misinterpretation errors in Malay sentences. The approach that we used is by identifying potential Malay vague words based on vague criteria and mapped onto constructed Requirement Ambiguity Attributes (RAA). We designed a Model of Vagueness that has the elements of vague criteria that is mapped with RAA as a hybrid method to detect potential ambiguous sentences

    Car Dealers’ Perception Towards Digital Signage and Its’ Descriptors: An Evidence from National Car Showroom

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    Due to tough economic conditions, Malaysian car markets were experiencing a slowdown. Car makers, including national cars were facing huge sales fluctuations. This pressure car dealer to use various marketing methods, including digital signage to obtain sales. However, digital signage has been underutilized by car dealer despite of its potential to generate sales in other retail formats. Therefore, this paper aims to determine the perception of digital signage in car showrooms through car dealers perspectives. By means of semi-structured interviews which were conducted between June 2017 and August 2017, car dealers from North, Central and South Malaysia were interviewed to gain insight of their perceptions toward digital signage in their showrooms. The findings revealed that car dealers have mixed perceptions towards the functions of digital signage to automotive retails. However, digital signage has the potential to positively contribute to automotive sales with given conditions that four identified descriptors met suggested criteria. These findings shall be found useful to car dealers and digital signage suppliers in learning the issues, descriptors and potential of digital signage implementation in car showrooms. As a result, the research outcomes can be used in a wider context of improvements in determining whether digital signage contributes to sales by examining each descriptor from customers perspectives

    Role of Brand Awareness on Marketing and Purchase Intention in Service-Based Businesses

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    This research examines the influence of social media marketing, advertising, price, and product on purchase intention with the mediating role of brand awareness. Specifically, the study focuses on the restaurant industry, examining the impact of the post-COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has significantly impacted the restaurant industry globally and other industries, generally forcing the industry to address the challenges. We investigate whether the independent variables mentioned earlier still significantly affect purchase intention among restaurantgoers. Using convenience sampling, one hundred twenty-five sample sizes were gathered from restaurant consumers and proceeded with SmartPLS 4.0 for analysis. Results demonstrated that all the variables positively and significantly impacted purchase intention, and brand awareness significantly mediated the relationship. The results provide valuable insight into the actions that restaurants need to take to maintain their sustainability in the industry

    Exploring the key marketing elements that shape brand awareness in service-oriented sector

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    Marketers employ various factors to create brand awareness. Small businesses in service industry encounter challenges in attracting consumers and adapting to market competition, contributing to the factors leading to their struggles. The purpose of the paper is to elaborate on the relationship between social media marketing, advertising, price, and product towards brand awareness. A quantitative method was used and research data was obtained via questionnaires. Purposive sampling method was applied and a total of 125 sample sizes of restaurant consumers in Perak were collected. The study findings indicated a significant and positive influence of all the variables predicting brand awareness

    The Importance of Managerial Coaching in Public Organisation: A Conceptual Paper

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    Managers are facing an ever more complex and demanding work environment that requires them to prioritize their organization’s excellence. One of the significant hurdles they encounter is finding ways for their organizations to effectively compete not only within their domestic market but also on an international or global scale. In the organizational context, effective managerial coaching involves five dimensions to be practiced by the immediate superiors, the closest individuals to employees: practicing open communication, promoting working in groups, practicing employees’ orientation, embracing diversity, and facilitating employees’ development. Therefore, their coaching can help employees improve their work performance from time to time. The sensitivity of immediate superiors in enhancing employees’ development by providing required resources for work assignments, such as budget, raw materials, and adequate work equipment to employees, providing clear goals and explanations of assigned tasks, leads to increased employee confidence in completing assigned tasks effectively. Providing sufficient resources enables employees to complete new and more challenging tasks

    Antecedents and consequences of consumers' participation in virtual communities

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    All over the internet, various types of “virtual communities” are developing and gaining widespread popularity among users. The virtual communities increasingly serve as an online avenue, where users congregate and interact with other like-minded peers. Recent studies have shown that virtual communities have been recognized as a type of reference group for online users, where they not only share information but also develop online friendships. This thesis looks at consumer participation in online discussion forums in Malaysia and examines the antecedents and consequences of their participation behaviors. As an early study into this area in Malaysia, it explores the antecedents for online participation from social and psychological perspectives and investigates their implications on marketing-related variables. In addition, this research also compares the antecedents and consequences of online participation between novice and experienced users. The research undertaken is based on data collected from members of Malaysian-hosted online forums through web-surveys. Twelve forums agreed to participate in this study. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique was used to analyze the data collected, while cluster analysis was performed in order to group respondents based on their experience level. Results confirm that virtual communities, particularly product-related online discussion forums are indeed an influential reference point for Malaysian Internet users. Novices make up the majority of its members, compared to experienced users. They are also more prone to trust and be influenced by the forums than experienced users, which could eventually result in novices purchasing online, making repeat purchases and spreading word-of-mouth. As for experienced users, participation in online forums results only in online purchases. Trust in the forum does not seem to play an important role for these participants to proceed with purchase-related behaviors. This thesis contributes to the present body of knowledge by highlighting the importance of virtual communities from a marketing perspective. Perceptions about products and retailers can be developed simply based on the content of a forum, and this could potentially affect a brand or company's image well before a particular product is even purchased or consumed

    Indeks kenaikan pangkat UiTM Perak berwajaran sebagai penambahbaikan pengukuran kenaikan pangkat pensyarah / PM Dr Mohd Fauzi Mohd Harun …[et al.]

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    Penilaian untuk tujuan kenaikan pangkat di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) selain daripada tujuh kriteria asas turut dinilai oleh pelajar (SUFO), rakan sekerja (CCQ) dan pemantauan. Bagi SUFO,CCQ dan pemantauan markah penilaiannya diukur secara berasingan dan keadaan ini telah menyukarkan panel kesepakaran untuk menentukan calon manakah yang lebih baik dalam sesuatu pemilihan kenaikan pangkat. Bagi mengatasi kelemahan ini penyelidik mencadangkan dibentuk sebuah indeks yang dikenali sebagai Indeks Kenaikan Pangkat UiTM Perak Berwajaran. Indeks ini adalah merupakan indeks komposit yang merangkumi ketiga-tiga sub indeksnya iaitu indeks bagi SUFO, indeks CCQ dan indeks pemantauan. Ini bermakna hanya terdapat satu nilai indeks bagi setiap calon yang menggabungkan markah ketiga-tiga perkara tersebut. Indeks yang dicadangkan ini juga adalah merupakan indeks berwajaran dengan pemberat yang berbeza bagi menggambarkan tahap kepentingan yang berbeza bagi SUFO,CCQ dan pemantauan. Dapatan kajian mencatatkan SUFO adalah paling penting dengan nilai pemberat sebanyak 0.353 diikuti oleh CCQ dengan nilai 0.352 dan 0.297 bagi pemantauan. Kedudukan seorang calon dapat ditentukan dengan memasukkan nilai pemberat kedalam persamaan indeks dan seterusnya dibandingkan dengan satu pengukuran piawai. Penggunaan indeks ini dicadangkan kepada UiTM Perak dalam penentuan kenaikan pangkat pensyarah kerana kelebihan yang ada padanya. Antara kelebihan yang dikenalpasti ialah ketigatiga markah CCQ,SUFO dan pemantauan dapat digabungkan secara komposit ke dalam satu nilai indeks sahaja. Ini lebih mudah bagi panel kesepakaran membuat penilaian kerana telah mengurangkan amalan persepsi bagi perkara yang subjektif. Disamping itu, dengan nilai indeks yang dibandingkan dengan satu pengukuran piawai bermakna kesemua calon mendapat penilaian yang adil dan saksama kerana masalah perbezaan penilaian dalam kumpulan dan masa yang berbeza telah dapat diatasi