655 research outputs found

    Biochemical pathways represented by Gene Ontology-Causal Activity Models identify distinct phenotypes resulting from mutations in pathways.

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    Gene inactivation can affect the process(es) in which that gene acts and causally downstream ones, yielding diverse mutant phenotypes. Identifying the genetic pathways resulting in a given phenotype helps us understand how individual genes interact in a functional network. Computable representations of biological pathways include detailed process descriptions in the Reactome Knowledgebase and causal activity flows between molecular functions in Gene Ontology-Causal Activity Models (GO-CAMs). A computational process has been developed to convert Reactome pathways to GO-CAMs. Laboratory mice are widely used models of normal and pathological human processes. We have converted human Reactome GO-CAMs to orthologous mouse GO-CAMs, as a resource to transfer pathway knowledge between humans and model organisms. These mouse GO-CAMs allowed us to define sets of genes that function in a causally connected way. To demonstrate that individual variant genes from connected pathways result in similar but distinguishable phenotypes, we used the genes in our pathway models to cross-query mouse phenotype annotations in the Mouse Genome Database (MGD). Using GO-CAM representations of 2 related but distinct pathways, gluconeogenesis and glycolysis, we show that individual causal paths in gene networks give rise to discrete phenotypic outcomes resulting from perturbations of glycolytic and gluconeogenic genes. The accurate and detailed descriptions of gene interactions recovered in this analysis of well-studied processes suggest that this strategy can be applied to less well-understood processes in less well-studied model systems to predict phenotypic outcomes of novel gene variants and to identify potential gene targets in altered processes

    Impaired perception of facial motion in autism spectrum disorder

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    Copyright: © 2014 O’Brien et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Facial motion is a special type of biological motion that transmits cues for socio-emotional communication and enables the discrimination of properties such as gender and identity. We used animated average faces to examine the ability of adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to perceive facial motion. Participants completed increasingly difficult tasks involving the discrimination of (1) sequences of facial motion, (2) the identity of individuals based on their facial motion and (3) the gender of individuals. Stimuli were presented in both upright and upside-down orientations to test for the difference in inversion effects often found when comparing ASD with controls in face perception. The ASD group’s performance was impaired relative to the control group in all three tasks and unlike the control group, the individuals with ASD failed to show an inversion effect. These results point to a deficit in facial biological motion processing in people with autism, which we suggest is linked to deficits in lower level motion processing we have previously reported

    Overview of PHENIX results from the first RHIC run

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    Results from the PHENIX experiment for the first RHIC run with Au-Au collisions at roots(NN) = 130 GeV are presented. The systematic variation with centrality of charged particle multiplicity, transverse energy, elliptic flow, identified particle spectra and yield ratios, and production of charged particles and pi(0)\u27s at high transverse momenta are presented. Results on two-pion correlations and electron spectra are also provided, along with a discussion of plans for the second run at RHIC

    Dental profile of patients with Gaucher disease

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    BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to determine whether patients with Gaucher disease had significant dental pathology because of abnormal bone structure, pancytopenia, and coagulation abnormalities. METHODS: Each patient received a complete oral and periodontal examination in addition to a routine hematological evaluation. RESULTS: Gaucher patients had significantly fewer carious lesions than otherwise healthy carriers. Despite prevalence of anemia, there was no increase in gingival disease; despite the high incidence of thrombocytopenia, gingival bleeding was not noted; and despite radiological evidence of bone involvement, there was no greater incidence loss of teeth or clinical tooth mobility. CONCLUSIONS: These data represent the first survey of the oral health of a large cohort of patients with Gaucher disease. It is a pilot study of a unique population and the results of the investigation are indications for further research. Based on our findings, we recommend regular oral examinations with appropriate dental treatment for patients with Gaucher disease as for other individuals. Consultation between the dentist and physician, preferably one with experience with Gaucher disease, should be considered when surgical procedures are planned

    Literature Triage and Indexing in the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) Group

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    The Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI; "http://www.informatics.jax.org":http://www.informatics.jax.org) group is comprised of several collaborating projects including the Mouse Genome Database (MGD) Project, the Gene Expression Database (GXD) Project, the Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB) Database Project, and the Gene Ontology (GO) Project. Literature identification and collection is performed cooperatively amongst the groups.

In recent years many institutional libraries have transitioned from a focus largely on print holdings to one of electronic access to journals. This change has necessitated adaptation on the part of the MGI curatorial group. Whereas the majority of journals covered by the group used to be surveyed in paper form, those journals are now surveyed electronically. Approximately 160 journals have been identified as those most relevant to the various database groups. Each curator in the group has the responsibility of scanning several journals for articles relevant to any of the database projects. Articles chosen via this process are marked as to their potential significance for various projects. Each article is catalogued in a Master Bibliography section of the MGI database system and annotated to the database sections for which it has been identified as relevant. A secondary triage process allows curators from each group to scan the chosen articles and mark ones desired for their project if such annotation has been missed on the initial scan.

Once articles have been identified for each database project a variety of processes are implemented to further categorize and index data from those articles. For example, the Alleles and Phenotype section of the MGD database indexes each article marked for MGD and in this indexing process they identify each mouse gene and allele examined in the article. The GXD database indexing process has a different focus. In this case articles are indexed with regard to the stage of development used in the study as well as the assay technique used. In each case the indexing gives an overview of the data held in the article and assists in the more extensive curation performed in the following step of the curation process. Indexing also provides each group with valuable information used to prioritize and streamline the overall curation process.

The MGI projects are supported by NHGRI grants HG000330, HG00273, and HG003622, NICHD grant HD033745, and NCI grant CA089713

    Genotype tunes pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma tissue tension to induce matricellular fibrosis and tumor progression

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    Fibrosis compromises pancreatic ductal carcinoma (PDAC) treatment and contributes to patient mortality yet anti-stromal therapies are controversial. We found that human PDACs with impaired epithelial transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling have elevated epithelial Stat3 activity and develop a stiffer, matricellular-enriched fibrosis associated with high epithelial tension and shorter patient survival. In several Kras-driven mouse models, both the loss of TGF-β signaling and elevated β1-integrin mechanosignaling engaged a positive feedback loop whereby Stat3 signaling promotes tumor progression by increasing matricellular fibrosis and tissue tension. In contrast, epithelial Stat3 ablation attenuated tumor progression by reducing the stromal stiffening and epithelial contractility induced by loss of TGF-β signaling. In PDAC patient biopsies, higher matricellular protein and activated Stat3 associated with SMAD4 mutation and shorter survival. The findings implicate epithelial tension and matricellular fibrosis in the aggressiveness of SMAD4 mutant pancreatic tumors, and highlight Stat3 and mechanics as key drivers of this phenotype

    Status of Muon Collider Research and Development and Future Plans

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    The status of the research on muon colliders is discussed and plans are outlined for future theoretical and experimental studies. Besides continued work on the parameters of a 3-4 and 0.5 TeV center-of-mass (CoM) energy collider, many studies are now concentrating on a machine near 0.1 TeV (CoM) that could be a factory for the s-channel production of Higgs particles. We discuss the research on the various components in such muon colliders, starting from the proton accelerator needed to generate pions from a heavy-Z target and proceeding through the phase rotation and decay (π→μνμ\pi \to \mu \nu_{\mu}) channel, muon cooling, acceleration, storage in a collider ring and the collider detector. We also present theoretical and experimental R & D plans for the next several years that should lead to a better understanding of the design and feasibility issues for all of the components. This report is an update of the progress on the R & D since the Feasibility Study of Muon Colliders presented at the Snowmass'96 Workshop [R. B. Palmer, A. Sessler and A. Tollestrup, Proceedings of the 1996 DPF/DPB Summer Study on High-Energy Physics (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA, 1997)].Comment: 95 pages, 75 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Special Topics, Accelerators and Beam

    Dones i sabers : un recorregut per a recuperar el coneixement sobre plantes medicinals a la Vall d'Alinyà

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    Premi UAB de l'Observatori per a la Igualtat al millor Treball de Fi de Grau amb perspectiva de gènere, per grau i per àmbit de coneixement. 5a Edició, curs 2019-2020En aquest treball s'exposa el coneixement que posseeixen les dones sobre plantes medicinals, així com les seves propietats i remeis; després de molts anys de transmetre's oralment, generació rere generació, està quedant en l'oblit. Històricament, la labor de recol·lecció i, posteriorment, l'ús de les herbes ha estat directament relacionada amb les dones. No obstant, s'observa una mancança de reconeixement per part de la societat; fins i tot jutjant aquests sabers en termes pejoratius. Amb la finalitat de posar en valor aquest coneixement, s'identifiquen 14 plantes medicinals, es realitzen entrevistes tant a dones locals com a expertes, per tal d'obtenir propietats i remeis, i es duu a terme el disseny d'un itinerari botànic dins la ruta de l'Aiguaneix, a la Vall d'Alinyà. És a través de l'elaboració d'una Guia Suport de l'Itinerari que es connecten els objectius anteriors aconseguint reconeixement i, a més a més, documentant part d'aquests sabers. Finalment, considerem que es tracta d'un projecte innovador dins el territori català, ja que hibrida etnobotànica i perspectiva de gènere mitjançant el disseny d'un itinerari botànic. Aquesta eina permet educar i sensibilitzar tant dels límits de recol·lecció com re-apropar a les persones amb els orígens naturals
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