15 research outputs found

    The Survey of the Agroeconomical Potential of Hungary - A Brief Summary

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    This paper deals with two subjects: first we give a short account of "The Survey of the Agroecological Potential of Hungary" and then we outline a model for regional allocation of agricultural investment. The latter model is going to be a component of a model system developed for the methodology for the Hungarian Task 2 Case Study of the "Analysis of the Impacts of Technological Development on Production and the Environment". The first subject is not connected with IIASA research but the results of the ecological survey project can serve as a data basis for the planned case study now under way. The first chapter contains, besides the description of the data basis, a short summary of the main goals of the study and also of its methodology. In the second chapter we give the concept of the investment submodel of the planned model system of the Hungarian Task 2 case study. This paper was prepared by Z. Harnos, Head of Department, Bureau for Systems Analysis (Budapest) during his visits to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Food and Agriculture Program) in December 1980

    Perspectives for Developing the Land Component of the Biosphere Program

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    One of the goals of IIASA's Biosphere Project is to develop strategic frameworks showing the net impact of human activities on properties of the environment that are relevant for sustainable human development. The first contribution to this goal was the paper by Paul Crutzen and Thomas Graedel on "The role of atmospheric chemistry in environment -- development interactions", published in W.C. Clark and R.E. Munn, eds. (1986): Sustainable Development of the Biosphere (Cambridge University Press). In this paper the author begins the task of shaping a complementary framework for the land/soil system. The challenge is in many ways greater than that for the atmosphere, due to the extreme spatial heterogeneity of soil systems. This paper is especially useful as an effort to bridge the gap that normally separates the microscale of studies of soil dynamics from the macroscale surveys of soil state and classification

    Final Results of the Tisza, Guadiana and Inner Mongolia Regional Case-studies

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    This deliverable reports on the work done in ADAM work package P3d. It examines the constraints and opportunities for mainstreaming adaptation to climate change in land use and water management in three study regions: the Guadiana River Basin in Spain and Portugal, the Tisza River Basin in Hungary and the Alxa region in western Inner Mongolia, Chin