59 research outputs found

    Persistent homology in cosmic shear: constraining parameters with topological data analysis

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    In recent years, cosmic shear has emerged as a powerful tool to study the statistical distribution of matter in our Universe. Apart from the standard two-point correlation functions, several alternative methods like peak count statistics offer competitive results. Here we show that persistent homology, a tool from topological data analysis, can extract more cosmological information than previous methods from the same dataset. For this, we use persistent Betti numbers to efficiently summarise the full topological structure of weak lensing aperture mass maps. This method can be seen as an extension of the peak count statistics, in which we additionally capture information about the environment surrounding the maxima. We first demonstrate the performance in a mock analysis of the KiDS+VIKING-450 data: we extract the Betti functions from a suite of wwCDM NN-body simulations and use these to train a Gaussian process emulator that provides rapid model predictions; we next run a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo analysis on independent mock data to infer the cosmological parameters and their uncertainty. When comparing our results, we recover the input cosmology and achieve a constraining power on S8≡σ8Ωm/0.3S_8 \equiv \sigma_8\sqrt{\Omega_\mathrm{m}/0.3} that is 5% tighter than that of peak count statistics. Performing the same analysis on 100 deg2^2 of Euclid-like simulations, we are able to improve the constraints on S8S_8 and Ωm\Omega_\mathrm{m} by 18% and 10%, respectively, while breaking some of the degeneracy between S8S_8 and the dark energy equation of state. To our knowledge, the methods presented here are the most powerful topological tools to constrain cosmological parameters with lensing data

    A revised density split statistic model for general filters

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    Studying the statistical properties of the large-scale structure in the Universe with weak gravitational lensing is a prime goal of several current and forthcoming galaxy surveys. The power that weak lensing has to constrain cosmological parameters can be enhanced by considering statistics beyond second-order shear correlation functions or power spectra. One such higher-order probe that has proven successful in observational data is the density split statistics (DSS), in which one analyses the mean shear profiles around points that are classified according to their foreground galaxy density. In this paper, we generalise the most accurate DSS model to allow for a broad class of angular filter functions used for the classification of the different local density regions. This approach is motivated by earlier findings showing that an optimised filter can provide tighter constraints on model parameters compared to the standard top-hat case. We build on large deviation theory approaches and approximations thereof to model the matter density PDF, and on perturbative calculations of higher-order moments of the density field. The novel addition relies on the generalisation of these previously employed calculations to allow for general filter functions and is validated on several sets of numerical simulations. The revised model fits well the simulation measurements, with a residual systematic offset that is small compared to the statistical accuracy of current weak lensing surveys. The accuracy of the model is slightly lower for a compensated filter than for a non-negative filter function, and that it increases with the filter size. Using a Fisher matrix approach, we find constraints comparable to the commonly used two-point cosmic shear measures. Hence, our DSS model can be used in competitive analyses of current cosmic shear data, while it may need refinements for forthcoming lensing surveys.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    On cosmological bias due to the magnification of shear and position samples in modern weak lensing analyses

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    The magnification of galaxies in modern galaxy surveys induces additional correlations in the cosmic shear, galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering observables used in modern lensing "3x2pt" analyses, due to sample selection. In this paper, we emulate the magnification contribution to all three observables utilising the SLICS simulations suite, and test the sensitivity of the cosmological model, galaxy bias and redshift distribution calibration to un-modelled magnification in a Stage-IV-like survey using Monte-Carlo sampling. We find that magnification cannot be ignored in any single or combined observable, with magnification inducing >1σ>1\sigma biases in the w0−σ8w_0-\sigma_8 plane, including for cosmic shear and 3x2pt analyses. Significant cosmological biases exist in the 3x2pt and cosmic shear from magnification of the shear sample alone. We show that magnification induces significant biases in the mean of the redshift distribution where a position sample is analysed, which may potentially be used to identify contamination by magnification.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    Starlet higher order statistics for galaxy clustering and weak lensing

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    We present a first application to photometric galaxy clustering and weak lensing of wavelet based multi-scale higher order summary statistics: starlet peak counts and starlet ℓ1\ell_1-norm. Peak counts are the local maxima in the map and the ℓ1\ell_1-norm is computed via the sum of the absolute values of the starlet (wavelet) decomposition coefficients of a map, providing a fast multi-scale calculation of the pixel distribution, encoding the information of all pixels in the map. We employ the cosmo-SLICS simulations sources and lenses catalogues and we compute wavelet based higher order statistics in the context of combined probes and their potential when applied to the weak lensing convergence maps and galaxy maps. We get forecasts on the matter density parameter Ωm\Omega_{\rm m}, the reduced Hubble constant hh, the matter fluctuation amplitude σ8\sigma_8, and the dark energy equation of state parameter w0w_0. We find that, in our setting for this first application, considering the two probes as independent, starlet peaks and the ℓ1\ell_1-norm represent interesting summary statistics that can improve the constraints with respect to the power spectrum also in the case of photometric galaxy clustering and when the two probes are combined.Comment: A&A Letters to the Editor, Forthcoming article, accepte

    Non-Gaussianity in the Weak Lensing Correlation Function Likelihood -- Implications for Cosmological Parameter Biases

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    We study the significance of non-Gaussianity in the likelihood of weak lensing shear two-point correlation functions, detecting significantly non-zero skewness and kurtosis in one-dimensional marginal distributions of shear two-point correlation functions in simulated weak lensing data. We examine the implications in the context of future surveys, in particular LSST, with derivations of how the non-Gaussianity scales with survey area. We show that there is no significant bias in one-dimensional posteriors of Ωm\Omega_{\rm m} and σ8\sigma_{\rm 8} due to the non-Gaussian likelihood distributions of shear correlations functions using the mock data (100100 deg2^{2}). We also present a systematic approach to constructing approximate multivariate likelihoods with one-dimensional parametric functions by assuming independence or more flexible non-parametric multivariate methods after decorrelating the data points using principal component analysis (PCA). While the use of PCA does not modify the non-Gaussianity of the multivariate likelihood, we find empirically that the one-dimensional marginal sampling distributions of the PCA components exhibit less skewness and kurtosis than the original shear correlation functions.Modeling the likelihood with marginal parametric functions based on the assumption of independence between PCA components thus gives a lower limit for the biases. We further demonstrate that the difference in cosmological parameter constraints between the multivariate Gaussian likelihood model and more complex non-Gaussian likelihood models would be even smaller for an LSST-like survey. In addition, the PCA approach automatically serves as a data compression method, enabling the retention of the majority of the cosmological information while reducing the dimensionality of the data vector by a factor of ∼\sim5.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, published MNRA

    MGLENS: Modified gravity weak lensing simulations for emulation-based cosmological inference

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    We present MGLENS, a large series of modified gravity lensing simulations tailored for cosmic shear data analyses and forecasts in which cosmological and modified gravity parameters are varied simultaneously. Based on the FORGE and BRIDGE N-body simulation suites presented in companion papers, we construct 100 × 5000 deg2 of mock Stage-IV lensing data from two 4D Latin hypercubes that sample cosmological and gravitational parameters in f(R) and nDGP gravity, respectively. These are then used to validate our inference analysis pipeline based on the lensing power spectrum, exploiting our implementation of these modified gravity models within the COSMOSIS cosmological inference package. Sampling this new likelihood, we find that cosmic shear can achieve 95 per cent CL constraints on the modified gravity parameters of log10[fR0 ] 0.09, after marginalizing over intrinsic alignments of galaxies and including scales up to = 5000. We also investigate the impact of photometric uncertainty, scale cuts, and covariance matrices. We finally explore the consequences of analysing MGLENS data with the wrong gravity model, and report catastrophic biases for a number of possible scenarios. The Stage-IV MGLENS simulations,the FORGE and BRIDGE emulators and the COSMOSIS interface modules will be made publicly available upon journal acceptance

    Increasing the Fisher Information Content in the Matter Power Spectrum by Non-linear Wavelet Weiner Filtering

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    We develop a purely mathematical tool to recover some of the information lost in the non-linear collapse of large-scale structure. From a set of 141 simulations of dark matter density fields, we construct a non-linear Weiner filter in order to separate Gaussian and non-Gaussian structure in wavelet space. We find that the non-Gaussian power is dominant at smaller scales, as expected from the theory of structure formation, while the Gaussian counterpart is damped by an order of magnitude on small scales. We find that it is possible to increase the Fisher information by a factor of three before reaching the translinear plateau, an effect comparable to other techniques like the linear reconstruction of the density field.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Cosmology from weak lensing peaks and minima with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey first-year data

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    We present cosmological constraints derived from peak counts, minimum counts, and the angular power spectrum of the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam first-year (HSC Y1) weak lensing shear catalog. Weak lensing peak and minimum counts contain non-Gaussian information and hence are complementary to the conventional two-point statistics in constraining cosmology. In this work, we forward-model the three summary statistics and their dependence on cosmology, using a suite of NN-body simulations tailored to the HSC Y1 data. We investigate systematic and astrophysical effects including intrinsic alignments, baryon feedback, multiplicative bias, and photometric redshift uncertainties. We mitigate the impact of these systematics by applying cuts on angular scales, smoothing scales, statistic bins, and tomographic redshift bins. By combining peaks, minima, and the power spectrum, assuming a flat-Λ\LambdaCDM model, we obtain S8≡σ8Ωm/0.3=0.810−0.026+0.022S_{8} \equiv \sigma_8\sqrt{\Omega_m/0.3}= 0.810^{+0.022}_{-0.026}, a 35\% tighter constraint than that obtained from the angular power spectrum alone. Our results are in agreement with other studies using HSC weak lensing shear data, as well as with Planck 2018 cosmology and recent CMB lensing constraints from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and the South Pole Telescope
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