199 research outputs found

    Joint inversion of teleseismic and ambient noise Rayleigh waves for phase velocity maps, an application to Iceland

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    We present a method for joint inversion of teleseismic and ambient noise Rayleigh wave data for phase velocity maps from 18 to 50?s period. We adapt the two-plane wave method for teleseismic data to include ambient noise phase data. We apply the method to data from Iceland's ICEMELT and HOTSPOT arrays. Checkerboard tests show that the joint inversion improves phase velocity model recovery over methods that use the data sets independently, particularly at 18?s period. The addition of ambient noise data also extends resolution to shallower depths and shorter periods in comparison to previous teleseismic results beneath Iceland. We show there are significant differences in the phase velocity maps from the joint approach in comparison to other approaches, for instance, using only teleseismic data, only ambient noise data, or the mean of the two. The difference in phase velocities in turn affects the resulting shear velocity models. The advantage of the joint inversion is that it produces a single phase velocity map that satisfies both data sets simultaneously. Our phase velocity maps show a transition from low velocities centered beneath the main volcanic centers in Iceland at 18–25?s period, primarily crustal depths, to a low-velocity region that traces the rift zones from the Reykjanes Ridge in the south to the Kolbeinsey Ridge in the north at 29–50?s period, greater depths. These results are consistent with previous studies, although with an extended and improved region of resolution, which extends further into the Atlantic and Arctic Ocean

    Seismic imaging of a mid-lithospheric discontinuity beneath Ontong Java Plateau

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    Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) is a huge, completely submerged volcanic edifice that is hypothesized to have formed during large plume melting events ?90 and 120 My ago. It is currently resisting subduction into the North Solomon trench. The size and buoyancy of the plateau along with its history of plume melting and current interaction with a subduction zone are all similar to the characteristics and hypothesized mechanisms of continent formation. However, the plateau is remote, and enigmatic, and its proto-continent potential is debated. We use SS precursors to image seismic discontinuity structure beneath Ontong Java Plateau. We image a velocity increase with depth at 28±4 km consistent with the Moho. In addition, we image velocity decreases at 80±5 km and 282±7 km depth. Discontinuities at 60–100 km depth are frequently observed both beneath the oceans and the continents. However, the discontinuity at 282 km is anomalous in comparison to surrounding oceanic regions; in the context of previous results it may suggest a thick viscous root beneath OJP. If such a root exists, then the discontinuity at 80 km bears some similarity to the mid-lithospheric discontinuities (MLDs) observed beneath continents. One possibility is that plume melting events, similar to that which formed OJP, may cause discontinuities in the MLD depth range. Plume–plate interaction could be a mechanism for MLD formation in some continents in the Archean prior to the onset of subduction

    Where We Stand: 1975-2011

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    Where We Stand is an extension of the 2009 exhibit Strive & Struggle: Documenting the Civil Rights Movement at Cal Poly, 1967 – 1975 and similarly draws from Mustang Daily articles, student club documents, and oral accounts to construct a brief history of African American advocacy on the Cal Poly campus from the Civil Rights Movement to the present day. The exhibit documents the roles that student and faculty organizations played in building awareness of issues of diversity and identity on campus. Assessing their efforts reveals both what has changed since 1975 and what remains to be addressed on the Cal Poly campus. The Black Student Union, fraternities and sororities, faculty groups, the Society of Black Engineers & Scientists, and the Multicultural Center served as catalysts for student empowerment. These organizations promoted African American culture and diversity on campus at a grassroots level and established a community for black students at Cal Poly. Despite difficulties in obtaining both members and recognition from the student population, these organizations remain relevant and are crucial to campus efforts to reach a shared understanding of issues of race and diversity

    Strive and Struggle: Documenting the Civil Rights Movement at Cal Poly, 1967-1975

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    “Strive and Struggle: Documenting the Civil Rights Movement at Cal Poly, 1967-1975,” pays tribute to the students, administration, and national civil rights leaders that brought about lasting changes to Cal Poly. In collaboration with University Archives, Kennedy Library staff, Graphic Design student assistants, and History Department graduate students, the exhibition is presented through the pages of the campus newspaper, the Mustang Daily, and explores campus reactions, struggles and triumphs during the Civil Rights years, as well as the efforts to establish Ethnic Studies courses, recruit Black faculty, and combat racial prejudice on campus. Though the peak of the Civil Rights Era fell between 1955 and 1968, as Myrlie Evers indicated, the struggle continued long after this period. The exhibit focuses on the height of the Civil Rights Movement on the Cal Poly campus during these latter years. The exhibit also highlights national Black leaders who visited Cal Poly’s campus during this period. Visitors included political leaders, sports legends, comedians, musicians, educators, and civil rights activists. These men and women shared their experiences combating racism, encouraged cooperation, and discouraged apathy. “We must continue to strive and struggle for equality no matter how tired or successful we are ourselves, to help all our brothers and sisters... we must pick up and finish the work that others have died for trying to get our rights.” -- Myrlie Evers, African American Activist, as quoted during her campus visit on Jan. 8, 1973. The Mustang Daily, Cal Pol

    Evidence for Melt Leakage from the Hawaiian Plume above the Mantle Transition Zone

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    Dehydration reactions at the top of the mantle transition zone (MTZ) can stabilize partial melt in a seismic low-velocity layer (LVL), but the seismic effects of temperature, melt and volatile content are difficult to distinguish. We invert P-to-S receiver function phases converted at the top and bottom of a LVL above the MTZ beneath Hawaii. To separate the thermal and melting related seismic anomalies, we carry out over 10 million rock physics inversions. These inversions account for variations arising from the Clapeyron slope of phase transition, bulk solid composition, dihedral angle, and mantle potential temperature. We use two independent seismic constraints to evaluate the temperature and shear wave speed within the LVL. The thermal anomalies reveal the presence of a hot and seismically slow plume stem surrounded by a “halo” of cold and fast mantle material. In contrast to this temperature distribution, the plume stem contains less than 0.5 vol% melt, while the surrounding LVL—within the coverage area—contains up to 1.7 vol% melt, indicating possible lateral transport of the melt. When compared to the melting temperatures of mantle rocks, the temperature within the LVL, calculated from seismic observations of MTZ thickness, suggests that the observed small degrees of melting are sustained by the presence of volatiles such as CO2 and H2O. We estimate the Hawaiian plume loses up to 1.9 Mt/yr H2O and 10.7 Mt/yr CO2 to the LVL, providing a crucial missing flux for global volatile cycles

    Seafloor sediment thickness beneath the VoiLA broad-band ocean-bottom seismometer deployment in the Lesser Antilles from P-to-S delay times

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    Broad-band ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) deployments present an opportunity to investigate the seafloor sediment thickness, which is important for constraining sediment deposition, and is also useful for subsequent seismological analyses. The Volatile Recycling in the Lesser Antilles (VoiLA) project deployed 34 OBSs over the island arc, fore- and backarc of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone for 15 months from 2016 to 2017. Using the amplitudes and delay times of P-to-S (Ps) scattered waves from the conversion of teleseismic earthquake Pwaves at the crust–sediment boundary and pre-existing relationships developed for Cascadia, we estimate sediment thickness beneath each OBS. The delay times of the Ps phases vary from 0.20 ± 0.06 to 3.55 ± 0.70 s, generally increasing from north to south. Using a single-sediment and single-crystalline crust earth model in each case, we satisfactorily model the observations of eight OBSs. At these stations we find sediment thicknesses range from 0.43 ± 0.45 to 5.49 ± 3.23 km. To match the observations of nine other OBSs, layered sediment and variable thickness crust is required in the earth model to account for wave interference effects on the observed arrivals. We perform an inversion with a two-layer sediment and a single-layer crystalline crust in these locations finding overall sediment thicknesses of 1.75 km (confidence region: 1.45–2.02 km) to 7.93 km (confidence region: 6.32–11.05 km), generally thinner than the initial estimates based on the pre-existing relationships. We find agreement between our modelled velocity structure and the velocity structure determined from the VoiLA active-source seismic refraction experiment at the three common locations. Using the Ps values and estimates from the VoiLA refraction experiment, we provide an adjusted relationship between delay time and sediment equations for the Lesser Antilles. Our new relationship is H=1.42dt1.44^{1.44} , where H is sediment thickness in kilometres and dt is mean observed Ps delay time in seconds, which may be of use in other subduction zone settings with thick seafloor sediments

    Seafloor sediment thickness beneath the VoiLA broad-band ocean-bottom seismometer deployment in the Lesser Antilles from P-to-S delay times

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    Broad-band ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) deployments present an opportunity to investigate the seafloor sediment thickness, which is important for constraining sediment deposition, and is also useful for subsequent seismological analyses. The Volatile Recycling in the Lesser Antilles (VoiLA) project deployed 34 OBSs over the island arc, fore- and backarc of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone for 15 months from 2016 to 2017. Using the amplitudes and delay times of P-to-S (Ps) scattered waves from the conversion of teleseismic earthquake Pwaves at the crust–sediment boundary and pre-existing relationships developed for Cascadia, we estimate sediment thickness beneath each OBS. The delay times of the Ps phases vary from 0.20 ± 0.06 to 3.55 ± 0.70 s, generally increasing from north to south. Using a single-sediment and single-crystalline crust earth model in each case, we satisfactorily model the observations of eight OBSs. At these stations we find sediment thicknesses range from 0.43 ± 0.45 to 5.49 ± 3.23 km. To match the observations of nine other OBSs, layered sediment and variable thickness crust is required in the earth model to account for wave interference effects on the observed arrivals. We perform an inversion with a two-layer sediment and a single-layer crystalline crust in these locations finding overall sediment thicknesses of 1.75 km (confidence region: 1.45–2.02 km) to 7.93 km (confidence region: 6.32–11.05 km), generally thinner than the initial estimates based on the pre-existing relationships. We find agreement between our modelled velocity structure and the velocity structure determined from the VoiLA active-source seismic refraction experiment at the three common locations. Using the Ps values and estimates from the VoiLA refraction experiment, we provide an adjusted relationship between delay time and sediment equations for the Lesser Antilles. Our new relationship is H=1.42dt1.44^{1.44} , where H is sediment thickness in kilometres and dt is mean observed Ps delay time in seconds, which may be of use in other subduction zone settings with thick seafloor sediments

    The Role of Oceanic Transform Faults in Seafloor Spreading: A Global Perspective From Seismic Anisotropy

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    Mantle anisotropy beneath mid-ocean ridges and oceanic transforms is key to our understanding of seafloor spreading and underlying dynamics of divergent plate boundaries. Observations are sparse, however, given the remoteness of the oceans and the difficulties of seismic instrumentation. To overcome this, we utilize the global distribution of seismicity along transform faults to measure shear wave splitting of over 550 direct S phases recorded at 56 carefully selected seismic stations worldwide. Applying this source-side splitting technique allows for characterization of the upper mantle seismic anisotropy, and therefore the pattern of mantle flow, directly beneath seismically active transform faults. The majority of the results (60%) return nulls (no splitting), while the non-null measurements display clear azimuthal dependency. This is best simply explained by anisotropy with a near vertical symmetry axis, consistent with mantle upwelling beneath oceanic transforms as suggested by numerical models. It appears therefore that the long-term stability of seafloor spreading may be associated with widespread mantle upwelling beneath the transforms creating warm and weak faults that localize strain to the plate boundary.We acknowledge funding from the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/M003507/1 and NE/K010654/1) and the European Research Council (GA 638665

    Local seismicity around the Chain Transform Fault at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from OBS observations

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    Summary Seismicity along transform faults provides important constraints for our understanding of the factors that control earthquake ruptures. Oceanic transform faults are particularly informative due to their relatively simple structure in comparison to their continental counterparts. The seismicity of several fast-moving transform faults has been investigated by local networks, but as of today there been few studies of transform faults in slow spreading ridges. Here we present the first local seismicity catalogue based on event data recorded by a temporary broadband network of 39 ocean bottom seismometers located around the slow-moving Chain Transform Fault (CTF) along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) from March 2016 to March 2017. We locate 972 events in the area by simultaneously inverting for a 1-D velocity model informed by the event P- and S-arrival times. We refine the depths and focal mechanisms of the larger events using deviatoric moment tensor inversion. Most of the earthquakes are located along the CTF (700) and Romanche transform fault (94) and the MAR (155); a smaller number (23) can be observed on the continuing fracture zones or in intraplate locations. The ridge events are characterised by normal faulting and most of the transform events are characterised by strike slip faulting, but with several reverse mechanisms that are likely related to transpressional stresses in the region. CTF events range in magnitude from 1.1 to 5.6 with a magnitude of completeness around 2.3. Along the CTF we calculate a b-value of 0.81 ± 0.09. The event depths are mostly shallower than 15 km below sea level (523), but a small number of high-quality earthquakes (16) are located deeper, with some (8) located deeper than the brittle-ductile transition as predicted by the 600˚C-isotherm from a simple thermal model. The deeper events could be explained by the control of seawater infiltration on the brittle failure limit
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