38 research outputs found

    Adaptations in irrigated agriculture in the Mediterranean region:an overview and spatial analysis of implemented strategies

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    In order to meet future food demand while sustainably managing available land and water resources, irrigated agriculture in semi-arid regions needs to adapt as a response to climate and socio-economic change. In this study, we focus on the Mediterranean region, a dynamic region, which is highly dependent on irrigated agriculture. We provide insight on adaptation strategies implemented on farm level, by doing a systematic review of studies in the region. Our analysis reports 286 implemented adaptations, on 124 different locations throughout the Mediterranean. Additionally, 142 drivers and 324 effects of adaptations were noted. We identified 31 adaptation strategies in 5 main categories: (1) water management, (2) sustainable resource management, (3) technological developments, (4) farm production practices, and (5) farm management. Strategies in the categories water management and farm production practices are most often implemented by farmers in the region. The main driver in the area is water scarcity and adaptations often affected water use and resources in addition to farm practices. Subsequently, we studied the spatial context of adaptations by analyzing the location factors of the five main strategies, using Geographic Information Systems and maximum entropy modeling. Our results show that farmers are more likely to adapt in less rural areas with lower poverty values and better market access, and in areas with higher temperatures and less rainfall. This demonstrates that both biophysical and socio-economic factors determine the context in which adaptations are implemented and that considerable spatial variability in the area exists

    The future of theological libraries in Indonesia (and South East Asia) and the Netherlands (and Europe)

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    Papers and short report of the jubilee seminar of the Foundation Library Development Indonesia, Amsterdam - 12 December 2014. Contributors: Mechteld Jansen, At Ipenburg, Hilda V. Putong, Geert Harmanny, Wiljan Puttenstein, HĂ©lĂšne Oosterdijk-van Leeuwe

    Over de grens: Nederlands extreem geweld in de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949

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    Op 17 augustus 1945, twee dagen na de Japanse capitulatie, verklaarde IndonesiĂ« zich onafhankelijk. Nederland erkende dit niet en trachtte met geweld zelf de regie te voeren over het onvermijdelijke proces van dekolonisatie. Dit leidde tot vier jaren van moeizame onderhandelingen en bittere oorlogvoering. In 2005 verklaarde de Nederlandse regering dat Nederland die oorlog niet had moeten voeren. Over het geweld dat de Nederlandse militairen tijdens deze oorlog hadden toegepast, staat echter nog altijd het regeringsstandpunt uit 1969 overeind: er waren wel ‘excessen’, maar de krijgsmacht had zich in de regel ‘correct’ gedragen.Naarmate de aanwijzingen van extreem Nederlands geweld zich opstapelden, bleek dit officiĂ«le standpunt steeds moeilijker vol te houden. De Nederlandse regering besloot daarom in 2016 tot financiering van een groot onderzoeksprogramma. De belangrijkste conclusies daarvan zijn in dit boek te vinden. De auteurs maken aannemelijk dat de Nederlandse krijgsmacht op structurele basis extreem geweld toepaste en dat dit toen en ook lang daarna op allerlei manieren werd toegedekt. Dit alles past slecht bij een rooskleurig nationaal zelfbeeld – zoals eigenlijk de hele koloniale geschiedenis met dat zelfbeeld schuurt.Colonial and Global Histor

    Multistatic micro‐Doppler radar feature extraction for classification of unloaded/loaded micro‐drones

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    This paper presents the use of micro-Doppler signatures collected by a multistatic radar to detect and discriminate between micro-drones hovering and flying while carrying different payloads, which may be an indication of unusual or potentially hostile activities. Different features have been extracted and tested, namely features related to the Radar Cross Section of the micro-drones, as well as the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and centroid of the micro-Doppler signatures. In particular, the added benefit of using multistatic information in comparison with conventional radar is quantified. Classification performance when identifying the weight of the payload that the drone was carrying while hovering was found to be consistently above 96% using the centroid-based features and multistatic information. For the non-hovering scenarios classification results with accuracy above 95% were also demonstrated in preliminary tests in discriminating between three different payload weights

    Iron fist: Artillery and air power in the Indonesian war of independence, 1945-1949

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    The Indonesian war of independence has long been referred to in the Netherlands by the veiled propaganda term 'police actions'. In reality, it was a proper war in which the Dutch armed forces fought with modern weapons against the troops of the Indonesian Republic, which was proclaimed in 1945. The use of artillery, bombers and naval gunfire was not shunned in the effort to suppress the armed 'insurgency'. In this study, the application of artillery and air forces in this four-year war has been systematically examined for the first time. The research shows that the Dutch troops eagerly used heavy weapons to limit the risks for their own troops. Intimidation of the Indonesian opponent and discouraging the population from supporting the independence struggle were also important motivations, next to reprisals or retaliation. The dissertation provides both statistical overviews and analyses of high-profile battles involving large-scale use of heavy weapons. These show that the effectiveness of the deployment of heavy weapons was highly situationally dependent. Large-scale actions in particular were often a shot in the dark and therefore not very effective. Legacies of violence from the Dutch colonial army (KNIL) and experiences from the recently ended Second World War significantly influenced the way heavy weapons were deployed. Dutch army command and military personnel were often prepared to accept the consequences of the use of heavy artillery, even if large numbers of civilian casualties were involved. Disproportionate and/or indiscriminate use of heavy weapons went largely unpunished during and after the end of the conflict

    Iron fist. Artillery and air power in the Indonesian independence war, 1945-1949

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    Data retrieved from relational database at nodegoat.net

    ‘Technisch geweld’ in de Nederlands-Indonesische Oorlog. Zware wapens in de periode van dekolonisatie

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    In this contribution, the authors want to offer a first response to the observation that research about the use of heavy weapons in the Dutch-Indonesian War yet shows major lacunae. In order to put the Dutch deployment of this ‘indirect fire’, primarily by artillery and fighter planes, into context, the authors first examine how other military forces used heavy arms in the same period as part of regular and irregular wars. In the case of Indonesia, they analyse the use of what is also termed ‘technical violence’ in the Dutch debate and they take a closer look at the ‘Wonosari incident’. They conclude that the Dutch militaries used technical violence in similar ways as other military forces, and they question the common assumption that indirect weapons led to more casualties among non-combatants than direct violence did.   In deze bijdrage willen de auteurs een eerste reactie bieden op de constatering dat het onderzoek naar de inzet van zware wapens in de Nederlands-Indonesische Oorlog tot nog toe grote lacunes vertoont. Om de Nederlandse inzet van dit ‘indirect vuur’, voornamelijk door artillerie en gevechtsvliegtuigen, in een context te kunnen plaatsen, bekijken de auteurs eerst hoe andere strijdkrachten in dezelfde periode zware wapens gebruikten in reguliere en irreguliere oorlogen. Voor de Indonesische casus analyseren zij de toepassing van wat in het Nederlandse debat ook wel ‘technisch geweld’ is genoemd en nemen zij het ‘Wonosari-incident’ onder de loep. Zij concluderen dat de Nederlandse militairen op vergelijkbare manieren gebruikmaakten van technisch geweld als andere strijdkrachten, en plaatsen vraagtekens bij de gangbare opvatting dat indirecte wapens tot meer slachtoffers onder non-combattanten hebben geleid dan direct geweld

    De groei van bomen op grond gemengd met gecomposteerd zuiveringsslib

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    In een experiment werd de groei van en onttrekking (N, P, K, Cd en Zn) door bomen gekwantificeerd, waarbij tevens chemische en fysische bodemkarakteristieken werden gemeten. In een ander meerjarig experiment werd de N-levering van het substraat, bestaande uit 2 mengverhoudingen van locale grond met zuiveringsslibcompost, voortgezet door jaarlijks een snel groeiend gras in te zaaien en dit regelmatig te oogste