15 research outputs found

    IWRM and the environment: A view on their interaction and examples where IWRM led to better environmental management in developing countries

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    This paper investigates the interaction between water resources management and the environment. It argues that an integrated, holistic approach to water management is beneficial for the environment but also that environmental concerns are not to be ignored for integrated water management to be effective. To this purpose the paper introduces the interactions between different water uses and why it is important to address these interactions for sustainable water resources management. It explains how the environment is being effected by the use of water by other sectors, and the benefits and implications of an integrated management system for the environment. Illustrated by several practical cases in Asia, Southern Africa and small island developing states, the paper makes a strong case for IWRM to be an effective approach for sustainable management at river basin level. It also demonstrates that stakeholder engagement form the start. and the process being driven by local interests and addressing real needs are elements of IWRM without which it will not work. The paper argues that addressing environmental is essential for sustainable use of water resources, and that strong political support and institutional backing is required for IWRM to be successful.Keywords: integrated water resources management, environment, river basins, interaction, water uses, benefits, implications, institutional, legislation, instruments, stakeholder participation, local managemen

    Status Report on the Application of Integrated Approaches to Water Resources Management 2012

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    UN-Water produced a status report regarding the progress of water resources management in several countries as well as possible outcomes and impacts of integrated approaches. It is also based on a 2011 UN-Water survey sent to the governments of all UN member states and a series of complementary interviews in 30 representative countries

    Hydrological modelling of extreme floods in Sweden

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    The Swedish guidelines for design flood determination are examined with emphasis on sensitivity analyses of modelling aspects. The research is mainly based on conceptual hydrological modelling with the HBV model. An automatic calibration methodology is presented and discussed. The influence of model calibration, model structure and climatic variability on the design flood simulation as well as the preset meteorological and hydrological conditions suggested in the guidelines are studied. The thesis also includes a discussion of the annual exceedance probability of the Swedish design floods by comparisons with observed extreme floods and frequency analyses. The design precipitation and snowpack magnitude are the most important rescriptions in the Swedish guidelines for design flood determination. Consequently, the regional design precipitation sequence and all suggested correction factors to the design rainfall sequence (area, altitude and season) are crucial. In application, the most important factors are: choice of  hydrological model, model calibration and selected climate period. These factors can lead to an uncertainty in the order of plus/minus 20 % on the design flood peak in catchments with good quality data and good model performance. In catchments with poor data quality, the uncertainty in design flood simulation will be larger. The corresponding uncertainty on reservoir water stage development will depend on local conditions

    Hydrological modelling of extreme floods in Sweden

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    The Swedish guidelines for design flood determination are examined with emphasis on sensitivity analyses of modelling aspects. The research is mainly based on conceptual hydrological modelling with the HBV model. An automatic calibration methodology is presented and discussed. The influence of model calibration, model structure and climatic variability on the design flood simulation as well as the preset meteorological and hydrological conditions suggested in the guidelines are studied. The thesis also includes a discussion of the annual exceedance probability of the Swedish design floods by comparisons with observed extreme floods and frequency analyses. The design precipitation and snowpack magnitude are the most important rescriptions in the Swedish guidelines for design flood determination. Consequently, the regional design precipitation sequence and all suggested correction factors to the design rainfall sequence (area, altitude and season) are crucial. In application, the most important factors are: choice of  hydrological model, model calibration and selected climate period. These factors can lead to an uncertainty in the order of plus/minus 20 % on the design flood peak in catchments with good quality data and good model performance. In catchments with poor data quality, the uncertainty in design flood simulation will be larger. The corresponding uncertainty on reservoir water stage development will depend on local conditions

    Uppföljning av Flödeskommitténs riktlinjer

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    Flödeskommittens förslag till nya riktlinjer för bestämning av dimensionerande flöden för dammanläggningar utkom 1990. Kontrollberäkningar enligt riktlinjerna visar att de dimensionerande flödena för hösten ligger något lägre än de preliminära beräkningarna i Flödeskommittens rapport. Medelvärdet av de uppmätta flödena i relation till de dimensionerande är med det nu tillgängliga materialet 43% för våren och 40% för hösten. Det finns inga tydliga skillnader i säkerhetsmarginal mellan olika delar av landet, eller mellan vår och höst. Trots detta finns det en relativt stor spridning mellan stationerna.Samtidigheten mellan hög snösmältning och hög nederbörd studerades. Resultaten visar att de två faktorerna sällan uppträder samtidigt. Genom att man i en dimensioneringsberäkning kombinerar kraftig snösmältning och extrem nederbörd fås en avsevärd säkerhetsmarginal, trots att ingen av de två faktorerna har extrapolerats utanför det observerade. De högsta flödena i oreglerade vattendrag i Norrland skapas i första hand av snösmältning. En mindre del av flödena är kombinationsflöden, och en ännu mindre andel domineras av regn. Höstflödena, som vanligtvis är lägre, domineras dock av regn. I södra Sverige orsakas de högsta flödena ofta av kombinationer av regn och snösmältning.Det är mycket svårt att fastställa återkomsttiden för de dimensionerande flödena med någon större precision. Man kan inte förutsätta att de dimensionerande flödena har samma återkomsttid överallt. Det mesta talar dock för att återkomsttiden överstiger 10 000 år med god marginal i de flesta områdena. Risken för att ett dimensionerande flöde skall uppträda någonstans i landet under en hundraårsperiod, bör vara mycket liten. Säkerhetsmarginalen, eller återkomsttiden, tycks ligga på ungefär samma nivå för våren som för hösten. Det är mycket svårt att uppskatta de dimensionerande flödenas återkomsttid genom att utgå från återkomsttiden för det dimensionerande regnet på 24 timmar. Detta beror på att regnets återkomsttid ej är känd och att de högsta flödena i landet till största delen orsakas av snösmältning eller långvarigt regn.Ett något mer homogent resultat vad beträffar det 30 åriga snötäcket i en dimensioncringsberäkning erhölls då snötäckena uppdaterades med hjälp av den uppmätta vattenföringsserien. Underlaget är dock ganska begränsat. Den justering av 30-årssnön som erhölls i de 2 testade områdena innebar en justering av tillrinningsmaximum med knappt 2%. En ny förbättrad avdunstningsrutin i HBV-modellen, hade obetydlig effekt på de  dimensionerande flödena på våren. De dimensionerande höstflödena i södra samt östra Sverige blev I0 - 22 % högre med den nya avdunstningsfunktionen.De höga flödena under sommaren 1993 var i flera av de reglerade Norrlandsälvarna exceptionellt höga för årstiden, men däremot inte i förhållande till oreglerade vårflöden. Exempelvis skulle sommarens flödesnivå i Luleälven uppnås ungefär vart femte år om älven hade varit oreglerad. Nederbördsmängdema på ett dygn låg långt under Flödeskommittens dimensionerande värden. Tillrinningstoppen till Parki och Letsi i Luleälvenanalyserades närmare. Långvarigt regn, och inte snösmältning, var den utlösande faktorn för flödestoppen

    Application of the HBV model to the Upper Indus River for inflow forecasting to the Tarbela dam

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    This report describes the HBV model application for inflow forecasting on a daily time step to the Tarbela dam in the Indus River. The model application forms part of the new Tarbela control center for Pakistan's Water and Power Development Authority (W APDA). The new control system will be an ABB S.P.I.D.E.R. SCADA system, delivered on a turnkey basis by ABB Network  Control of Sweden. SMHI have as subconsultants to the ABB Network Control been responsible for the set up, calibration, training and delivery of the inflow forecasting system based on the HBV model

    Känslighetsanalys av Flödeskommitténs riktlinjer för dimensionering av hel älv

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    En känslighetsanalys av Flödeskommittens riktlinjer för beräkning av dimensionerande flöden tillämpade på flermagasinssystemet i Ljusnan redovisas. Simuleringarna har gjorts med hjälp av ett modell.system baserat på HBV-modellen, som kompletterats med regleringsstrategier. Det 14 560 km 2 stora avrinningsområdet delades in i 16 delområden. Vid tre kraftverksdammar studerades känsligheten hos de dimensionerande vattennivåerna med hänsyn tagen till ändringar i de föreskrivna riktlinjerna, regleringsstrategier och modellparametrar. Förändringar i den dimensionerande nederbörden, snömagasinet eller utskovskapaciteten hade betydande inverkan på högsta vattenståndet i alla tre magasinen. Ändringar i regleringsstrategierna hade mindre effekt. Den högsta recessionsparametern i HBV-modellen, Ko, hade stor inverkan på de dimensionerande vattennivåerna. Efter det att magasinet fyllts, syntes ett klart samband mellan högsta tillrinning och maximal vattennivå. Studien visar, att det är svårt att förutbestämma den integrerade effekten av extrem nederbörd, snösmältning, markfuktighetstillstånd och reglering i ett system

    Effect of build location on microstructural characteristics and corrosion behavior of EB-PBF built Alloy 718

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    Electron beam-powder bed fusion (EB-PBF), a high-temperature additive manufacturing (AM) technique, shows great promise in the production of high-quality metallic parts in different applications such as the aerospace industry. To achieve a higher build efficiency, it is ideal to build multiple parts together with as low spacing as possible between the respective parts. In the EB-PBF technique, there are many unknown variations in microstructural characteristics and functional performance that could be induced as a result of the location of the parts on the build plate, gaps between the parts and part geometry, etc. In the present study, the variations in the microstructure and corrosion performance as a function of the parts location on the build plate in the EB-PBF process were investigated. The microstructural features were correlated with the thermal history of the samples built in different locations on the build plate, including exterior (the outermost), middle (between the outermost and innermost), and interior (the innermost) regions. The cubic coupons located in the exterior regions showed increased level (~ 20 %) of defects (mainly in the form of shrinkage pores) and lower level (~ 30-35 %) of Nb-rich phase fraction due to their higher cooling rates compared to the interior and middle samples. Electrochemical investigations showed that the location indirectly had a substantial influence on the corrosion behavior, verified by a significant increase in polarization resistance (Rp) from the exterior (2.1 ± 0.3 kΩ.cm2) to interior regions (39.2 ± 4.1 kΩ.cm2). © 2020, The Author(s)

    Monitoring Water Resources Governance Progress Globally: Experiences from Monitoring SDG Indicator 6.5.1 on Integrated Water Resources Management Implementation

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    Improved water resources governance supports important social, economic, and environmental objectives. The 2030 Agenda recognizes improved water governance to be critical for achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and commits to monitor the progress of implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM). This paper critically reviews the approach to monitoring SDG indicator 6.5.1 on implementation of IWRM. Firstly, the paper places the indicator monitoring within the context of other initiatives to measure water governance. Secondly, it analyzes experiences of application of the SDG indicator 6.5.1 methodology to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the indicator and presents the key findings of the 2017/2018 global baseline assessment of IWRM implementation. Baseline reporting shows that degree of IWRM implementation globally is 49%, though country scores range from 10 to 100%. Disaggregating the data by country and by aspect of water resources governance provides a diagnostic tool to identify areas of high and low progress, and, therefore, where increased resources and attention are required. The article concludes by suggesting how the next iteration of SDG indicator 6.5.1 monitoring cycle can be made into a tool for advancing the IWRM implementation and improved governance practices on the ground. It also proposes how the methodology can be strengthened to address current limitations, including aspects relating to integrity, accountability and transparency