230 research outputs found

    Способы перевода аббревиатур и сокращений в области компьютерных технологий (на примере русского и немецкого языков)

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа 75 с., 2 главы, 42 источника. Предмет исследования: способы перевода аббревиатур и сокращений в области компьютерных технологий с немецкого языка на русский язык. Объектом исследования: аббревиатуры и сокращения, относящиеся к области компьютерных технологий. Цель работы: выявить эффективные способы перевода аббревиатур и сокращений в области компьютерных технологий с немецкого языка на русский. Результаты исследования: были сформулированы особенности перевода аббревиатур и сокращений в области компьютерных технологий Степень внедрения/апробация работы: Было опубликовано две статьи Область применения: лингвистика, языкознание, переводоведение.Graduation thesis: 75 pg., 2 chapters, 42 resources. Subject of research: translation methods of acronyms and reductions in the field of computer technology from German into Russian. Object of research: Acronyms and reductions in the field of computer technology. Purpose of research: : to identify the translation methods of acronyms and reductions in the field of computer technology from German into Russian. Results of research: The features of the translation of acronyms and reductions in the area of computer technology has been revealed. Degree of implementation /work approbation: two articles were published. Field of application: Linguistic, theory of translatio

    Versatile Aggressive Mimicry of Cicadas by an Australian Predatory Katydid

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    Background: In aggressive mimicry, a predator or parasite imitates a signal of another species in order to exploit the recipient of the signal. Some of the most remarkable examples of aggressive mimicry involve exploitation of a complex signal-response system by an unrelated predator species. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have found that predatory Chlorobalius leucoviridis katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) can attract male cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) by imitating the species-specific wing-flick replies of sexually receptive female cicadas. This aggressive mimicry is accomplished both acoustically, with tegminal clicks, and visually, with synchronized body jerks. Remarkably, the katydids respond effectively to a variety of complex, species-specific Cicadettini songs, including songs of many cicada species that the predator has never encountered. Conclusions/Significance: We propose that the versatility of aggressive mimicry in C. leucoviridis is accomplished by exploiting general design elements common to the songs of many acoustically signaling insects that use duets in pairformation. Consideration of the mechanism of versatile mimicry in C. leucoviridis may illuminate processes driving the evolution of insect acoustic signals, which play a central role in reproductive isolation of populations and the formation of species

    Modular prevention of heart disease following acute coronary syndrome (ACS) [ISRCTN42984084]

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    BACKGROUND: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Australia and it is recommended that all persons with unstable angina (UA) or myocardial infarction (MI) participate in secondary prevention as offered in cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs. However, the majority of patients do not access standard CR and have higher baseline coronary risk and poorer knowledge of CHD than those persons due to commence CR. The objective of this study is to investigate whether a modular guided self-choice approach to secondary prevention improves coronary risk profile and knowledge in patients who do not access standard CR. METHODS/DESIGN: This randomised controlled trial with one year follow-up will be conducted at a tertiary referral hospital. Participants eligible for but not accessing standard CR will be randomly allocated to either a modular or conventional care group. Modular care will involve participation in individualised modules that involve choice, goal-setting and coaching. Conventional care will involve ongoing heart disease management as directed by the participant's doctors. Both modular and conventional groups will be compared with a contemporary reference group of patients attending CR. Outcomes include measured modifiable risk factors, relative heart disease risk and knowledge of risk factors. DISCUSSION: We present the rationale and design of a randomised controlled trial testing a modular approachfor the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease following acute coronary syndrome

    The concept of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) after poststernotomy mediastinitis – a single center experience with 54 patients

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    Deep sternal infections, also known as poststernotomy mediastinitis, are a rare but often fatal complication in cardiac surgery. They are a cause of increased morbidity and mortality and have a significant socioeconomic aspect concerning the health system. Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) followed by muscular pectoralis plasty is a quite new technique for the treatment of mediastinitis after sternotomy. Although it could be demonstrated that this technique is at least as safe and reliable as other techniques for the therapy of deep sternal infections, complications are not absent. We report about our experiences and complications using this therapy in a set of 54 patients out of 3668 patients undergoing cardiac surgery in our institution between January 2005 and April 2007

    Phospholipase C-eta enzymes as putative protein kinase C and Ca2+ signalling components in neuronal and neuroendocrine tissues

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    Phosphoinositol-specific phospholipase C enzymes (PLCs) are central to inositol lipid signalling pathways, facilitating intracellular Ca2+ release and protein kinase C activation. A sixth class of phosphoinositol-specific PLC with a novel domain structure, PLC-eta (PLCeta) has recently been discovered in mammals. Recent research, reviewed here, shows that this class consists of two enzymes, PLCeta1 and PLCeta2. Both enzymes hydrolyze phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and are more sensitive to Ca2+ than other PLC isozymes and are likely to mediate G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signalling pathways. Both enzymes are expressed in neuron-enriched regions, being abundant in the brain. We demonstrate that they are also expressed in neuroendocrine cell lines. PLCeta enzymes therefore represent novel proteins influencing intracellular Ca2+ dynamics and protein kinase C activation in the brain and neuroendocrine systems as putative mediation of GPCR regulation

    Radioactive Holmium Acetylacetonate Microspheres for Interstitial Microbrachytherapy: An In Vitro and In Vivo Stability Study

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    Purpose The clinical application of holmium acetylacetonate microspheres (HoAcAcMS) for the intratumoral radionuclide treatment of solid malignancies requires a thorough understanding of their stability. Therefore, an in vitro and an in vivo stability study with HoAcAcMS was conducted. Methods HoAcAcMS, before and after neutron irradiation, were incubated in a phosphate buffer at 37°C for 6 months. The in vitro release of holmium in this buffer after 6 months was 0.5%. Elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry were performed on the HoAcAcMS. Results After 4 days in buffer the acetylacetonate ligands were replaced by phosphate, without altering the particle size and surface morphology. HoAcAcMS before and after neutron irradiation were administered intratumorally in VX2 tumor-bearing rabbits. No holmium was detected in the faeces, urine, femur and blood. Histological examination of the tumor revealed clusters of intact microspheres amidst necrotic tissue after 30 days. Conclusion HoAcAcMS are stable both in vitro and in vivo and are suitable for intratumoral radionuclide treatment.Radiation, Radionuclides and ReactorsApplied Science

    Development and testing of innovative patient resources for the management of coronary heart disease (CHD): a descriptive study

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    BACKGROUND: Although heart disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality the majority of patients do not access existing rehabilitation programs and patient resources are not designed to facilitate patient choice and decision-making. The objective of this study was to develop and test a series of risk factor modules and corresponding patient information leaflets for secondary prevention of CHD. METHODS: In phase one, a series of risk factor modules and management options were developed following analysis of literature and interviews with health professionals. In phase two, module information leaflets were developed using published guidelines and interviews of people with CHD. In phase three, the leaflets were tested for quality (DISCERN), readability (Flesch) and suitability (SAM) and were compared to the existing cardiac rehabilitation (CR) information leaflet. Finally, the patients assessed the leaflets for content and relevance. RESULTS: Four key risk factors identified were cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking and physical inactivity. Choice management options were selected for each risk factor and included medical consultation, intensive health professional led program, home program and self direction. Patient information needs were then identified and leaflets were developed. DISCERN quality scores were high for cholesterol (62/80), blood pressure (59/80), smoking (62/80) and physical activity (62/80), all scoring 4/5 for overall rating. The mean Flesch readability score was 75, representing "fairly easy to read", all leaflets scored in the superior category for suitability and were reported to be easy to understand, useful and motivating by persons with CHD risk factors. The developed leaflets scored higher on each assessment than the existing CR leaflets. CONCLUSION: Using a progressive three phase approach, a series of risk factor modules and information leaflets were successfully developed and tested. The leaflets will contribute to shared-decision making and empowerment for persons with CHD

    Nonvirally Modified Autologous Primary Hepatocytes Correct Diabetes and Prevent Target Organ Injury in a Large Preclinical Model

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    BACKGROUND: Current gene- and cell-based therapies have significant limitations which impede widespread clinical application. Taking diabetes mellitus as a paradigm, we have sought to overcome these limitations by ex vivo electrotransfer of a nonviral insulin expression vector into primary hepatocytes followed by immediate autologous reimplantation in a preclinical model of diabetes. METHODS AND RESULTS: In a single 3-hour procedure, hepatocytes were isolated from a surgically resected liver wedge, electroporated with an insulin expression plasmid ex vivo and reimplanted intraparenchymally under ultrasonic guidance into the liver in each of 10 streptozotocin-induced diabetic Yorkshire pigs. The vector was comprised of a bifunctional, glucose-responsive promoter linked to human insulin cDNA. Ambient glucose concentrations appropriately altered human insulin mRNA expression and C-peptide secretion within minutes in vitro and in vivo. Treated swine showed correction of hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia and other metabolic abnormalities for > or = 47 weeks. Metabolic correction correlated significantly with the number of hepatocytes implanted. Importantly, we observed no hypoglycemia even under fasting conditions. Direct intrahepatic implantation of hepatocytes did not alter biochemical indices of liver function or induce abnormal hepatic lobular architecture. About 70% of implanted hepatocytes functionally engrafted, appeared histologically normal, retained vector DNA and expressed human insulin for > or = 47 weeks. Based on structural tissue analyses and transcriptome data, we showed that early correction of diabetes attenuated and even prevented pathological changes in the eye, kidney, liver and aorta. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that autologous hepatocytes can be efficiently, simply and safely modified by electroporation of a nonviral vector to express, process and secrete insulin durably. This strategy, which achieved significant and sustained therapeutic efficacy in a large preclinical model without adverse effects, warrants consideration for clinical development especially as it could have broader future applications for the treatment of other acquired and inherited diseases for which systemic reconstitution of a specific protein deficiency is critical

    A systematic review of patient reported factors associated with uptake and completion of cardiovascular lifestyle behaviour change

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    Background: Healthy lifestyles are an important facet of cardiovascular risk management. Unfortunately many individuals fail to engage with lifestyle change programmes. There are many factors that patients report as influencing their decisions about initiating lifestyle change. This is challenging for health care professionals who may lack the skills and time to address a broad range of barriers to lifestyle behaviour. Guidance on which factors to focus on during lifestyle consultations may assist healthcare professionals to hone their skills and knowledge leading to more productive patient interactions with ultimately better uptake of lifestyle behaviour change support. The aim of our study was to clarify which influences reported by patients predict uptake and completion of formal lifestyle change programmes. Methods: A systematic narrative review of quantitative observational studies reporting factors (influences) associated with uptake and completion of lifestyle behaviour change programmes. Quantitative observational studies involving patients at high risk of cardiovascular events were identified through electronic searching and screened against pre-defined selection criteria. Factors were extracted and organised into an existing qualitative framework. Results: 374 factors were extracted from 32 studies. Factors most consistently associated with uptake of lifestyle change related to support from family and friends, transport and other costs, and beliefs about the causes of illness and lifestyle change. Depression and anxiety also appear to influence uptake as well as completion. Many factors show inconsistent patterns with respect to uptake and completion of lifestyle change programmes. Conclusion: There are a small number of factors that consistently appear to influence uptake and completion of cardiovascular lifestyle behaviour change. These factors could be considered during patient consultations to promote a tailored approach to decision making about the most suitable type and level lifestyle behaviour change support