22 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang analisis variabilitas temperatur udara selama periode 2003-2012 di daerah Kototabang. Temperatur udara diukur dengan optical rain gauge (ORG) dengan sampling data temperatur setiap satu menit. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh nilai batas atas tertinggi yaitu 32,2 °C dan nilai batas bawah terendah yaitu 19,0 °C. Pola rata-rata temperatur di Kototabang mulai mengalami kenaikan pada pukul 07:00–08:00 WIB dan mengalami puncaknya pada pukul 12:00–13:00 WIB. Dari pukul 13:00-14:00 temperatur mengalami penurunan hingga pada pukul 19:00–20:00 WIB dan temperatur mulai stabil hingga pukul 23:00-24:00 WIB. Nilai rata-rata temperatur harian tertinggi di Kototabang terjadi pada tanggal 11 Juni 2010 yaitu sebesar 25,4 °C dan nilai rata-rata temperatur terendah terjadi pada tanggal 3 September 2007 yaitu sebesar 18,8 °C. Temperatur bulanan tertinggi terjadi pada bulan Mei yaitu 23 °C dan terendah terjadi pada bulan Desember yaitu 22 °C. Rata-rata temperatur bulanan tertinggi terjadi pada saat curah hujan bulanan terendah dan begitu pula sebaliknya. Temperatur tahunan tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2003 yaitu 22,4 °C dan yang terendah terjadi pada tahun 2008 yaitu 21,9 °C. Secara umum kenaikan dan penurunan temperatur masih berada dalam range batas atas dan batas bawah kecuali untuk rata-rata temperatur harian terendah. Faktor lokal masih mendominasi pola temperatur di Kototabang dan tidak adanya kecendrungan kenaikan temperatur di Kototabang akibat faktor global.Kata kunci : Variabilitas, temperatur udara, KototabangAbstractThe research about variability analysis of air temperature for 2003-2012 in Kototabang area has been conducted.  Air temperature were measured using optical rain gauge (ORG) with temperature data sampling was every minute. Results show that the value of upper limit was 32.2 °C and the value of lower limit was 19.0 °C. The average daily temperature in Kototabang start to increased at 07:00-08:00 and the reached the highest value at 12:00-13:00. The temperature decreased from 13:00-14:00 until 19:00-20:00 and start to stabile at 23:00-24:00. The highest of average daily temperature occurred at June 11, 2010 that was 25.4 °C. The lowest average daily temperature occurred at September 3, 2007. Its value was 18.8 °C. The highest monthly temperature was 23 °C in May and the lowest temperature was 22 °C in December.  The highest monthly temperature occurred when the rainfall was the lowest and the lowest temperature occurred when the rainfall was the highest. The highest annual temperature was 22.4 °C in 2003 and the lower annual temperature was 21.9 °C in 2008. In general, the increasing and decreasing of temperature was still in upper and lower limit, axcept for the lower average daily temperature.  Local factor was still predominate the temperature pattern in Kototabang and there was no increasing temperature trend that caused by global factor in Kototabang.Keywords : Variability, air temperature, Kototaban

    Differences in Mechanisms of Orographic Rainfall over West Sumatra (Case Study: 10 April and 23 April 2004)

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    Two different mechanisms of orographic rainfall enhancement  in West Sumatra were investigated utilizing observed data during the Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere (CPEA)-I campaign. The variation of the atmospheric conditions during the campaign was shown by rainfall, surface wind, humidity, and stability index. An X-band Doppler radar captured the atmospheric conditions related to the enhancement of orographic rainfall mechanisms. The dry and less stable atmospheric conditions resulted in the convective type of rainfall. In contrast, the humid and stable atmospheric conditions brought the large-scale rainfall in the mountainous region where the events took place coincided with the inactive and active MJO phases.

    Perbandingan Karakteristik Distribusi Butiran Hujan yang Berasal dari Awan Laut dan Awan Darat di Kototabang

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    Karakteristik distribusi ukuran butiran hujan atau raindrop size distribution (RDSD) dari hujan yang berasal dari awan laut dan awan darat di Kototabang, Sumatera Barat, telah dibandingkan. Asal hujan diamati menggunakan X-band Doppler radar (XDR) selama proyek Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere (CPEA)-I (10 April 2004 - 9 Mei 2004). Data RDSD berasal dari pengamatan two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD). RDSD dimodelkan dengan distribusi gamma dan parameternya didapatkan menggunakan metode momen. Dari penelitian ini terlihat bahwa intensitas curah hujan yang tinggi lebih banyak pada hujan dari awan darat dibandingkan dengan yang dari awan laut. Selain itu, butiran hujan yang berukuran besar pada awan darat lebih banyak daripada awan laut. Banyaknya butiran hujan dengan ukuran yang besar ini berdampak kepada nilai radar reflectivity (Z) pada awan darat yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan awan laut untuk intensitas curah hujan yang sama. Hal ini mengakibatkan persamaan Z-R antara awan darat dan awan laut berbeda dimana nilai koefisien A dari persamaan Z-R untuk awan darat lebih besar daripada awan laut. Dengan demikian, perbedaan karaktersitik RDSD antara awan darat dan laut sebaiknya dipertimbangkan dalam pengembangan radar meteorologi di kawasan tropis. Penggunaan Z-R tunggal (Z = 200R1,6) untuk mengkoversi data radar cuaca di Sumatera terutama Sumatera Barat tidak akan akurat terutama untuk hujan dari awan laut.Kata kunci: distribusi butiran hujan (RDSD), awan darat, awan laut, Kototaban

    Spatial integration framework of solar, wind, and hydropower energy potential in Southeast Asia

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    Amid its massive increase in energy demand, Southeast Asia has pledged to increase its use of renewable energy by up to 23% by 2025. Geospatial technology approaches that integrate statistical data, spatial models, earth observation satellite data, and climate modeling can be used to conduct strategic analyses for understanding the potential and efficiency of renewable energy development. This study aims to create the first spatial model of its kind in Southeast Asia to develop multi-renewable energy from solar, wind, and hydropower, further broken down into residential and agricultural areas. The novelty of this study is the development of a new priority model for renewable energy development resulting from the integration of area suitability analysis and the estimation of the amount of potential energy. Areas with high potential power estimations for the combination of the three types of energy are mostly located in northern Southeast Asia. Areas close to the equator, have a lower potential than the northern countries, except for southern regions. Solar photovoltaic (PV) plant construction is the most area-intensive type of energy generation among the considered energy sources, requiring 143,901,600 ha (61.71%), followed by wind (39,618,300 ha; 16.98%); a combination of solar PV and wind (37,302,500 ha; 16%); hydro (7,665,200 ha; 3.28%); a combination of hydro and solar PV (3,792,500 ha; 1.62%); and a combination of hydro and wind (582,700 ha; 0.25%). This study is timely and important because it will inform policies and regional strategies for transitioning to renewable energy, with consideration of the different characteristics present in Southeast Asia

    Spatial integration framework of solar, wind, and hydropower energy potential in Southeast Asia

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    Amid its massive increase in energy demand, Southeast Asia has pledged to increase its use of renewable energy by up to 23% by 2025. Geospatial technology approaches that integrate statistical data, spatial models, earth observation satellite data, and climate modeling can be used to conduct strategic analyses for understanding the potential and efficiency of renewable energy development. This study aims to create the first spatial model of its kind in Southeast Asia to develop multi-renewable energy from solar, wind, and hydropower, further broken down into residential and agricultural areas. The novelty of this study is the development of a new priority model for renewable energy development resulting from the integration of area suitability analysis and the estimation of the amount of potential energy. Areas with high potential power estimations for the combination of the three types of energy are mostly located in northern Southeast Asia. Areas close to the equator, have a lower potential than the northern countries, except for southern regions. Solar photovoltaic (PV) plant construction is the most area-intensive type of energy generation among the considered energy sources, requiring 143,901,600 ha (61.71%), followed by wind (39,618,300 ha; 16.98%); a combination of solar PV and wind (37,302,500 ha; 16%); hydro (7,665,200 ha; 3.28%); a combination of hydro and solar PV (3,792,500 ha; 1.62%); and a combination of hydro and wind (582,700 ha; 0.25%). This study is timely and important because it will inform policies and regional strategies for transitioning to renewable energy, with consideration of the different characteristics present in Southeast Asia


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    京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(工学)甲第22048号工博第4629号新制||工||1722(附属図書館)京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻(主査)教授 中北 英一, 准教授 山口 弘誠, 准教授 田中 賢治学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)Kyoto UniversityDFA

    Pembentukan Awan Dan Hujan Di Pegunungan Sumatera Barat

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    Pengaruh topografi yang paling berperan penting terhadap cuaca adalah pengaturan pembagian curah hujan. Contoh paling nyata adalah curah hujan maksimum di sisi arah angin bertiup, di lain pihak sisi lain gunung disebut dengan daerah bayangan hujan menerima hujan lebih sedikit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk lebih mengungkap pembentukan awan dan hujan orografi di daerah pegunungan Sumatera Barat. Data utama yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data temperatur awan (TBB). Temperatur awan menunjukan awan terbentuk menjadi awan konvektif dan menghasilkan hujan yang terisolasi di daerah lereng bukit. Arah angin yang di deteksi oleh pengamatan radiosonde di Padang dan Kototabang bergerak menuju barat pada malam hari (19.00 pm). Di waktu yang sama hujan terpantau di permukaan oleh raingauge. Intensitas awan berkurang ketika hujan terpantau di permukaan.Hlm.212-21

    Observasi Awan Dan Hujan Menggunakan X-Doppler Radar Di Sumatera Barat

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    XDR (X-Doppler Radar) is a weather radar which is used Doppler effect to measure Objectvelocity (Cloud and Rain). XDR have been Installed in Sungai puar (0.36_S, 100.41_E, 1121MSL), agam District, West Sumatera. Range Observation of XDR is about 83 km with antennaazimuth scan 360 degree and antenna elevation is from 0.6 degree until 40 degree. By usingDRAFT software which is developed bu Hokkaido University, Japan, RAW data which takenfrom observation can be changed to XY data, and by using grads, this data will giveinformation to us about PPI, CAPPI, Vertical-Cross Section. Then by using Vis5D we also canfigured out two dimensional of cloud. From those data we may know cloud and rain movementpattern in West Sumatera. This is very usefull to study about the weather in West SumateraHal.489-49

    Pengamatan Kabut Asap Menggunakan Ear Dan Lidar

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    Kabut asap yang terjadi di beberapa wilayah di daerah Sumatera pada pertengahan bulan Februari tahun 2014 telah menimbulkan polusi udara untuk daerah yang cukup luas. Berdasarkan pengamatan satelit Terra ditemukan bahwa kabut asap ini dihasilkan oleh pembakaran lahan perkebunan di daerah Riau yang ditunjukkan dengan banyaknya hot spot yang terlihat oleh satelit pada daerah tersebut. Berdasarkan data true color satelit Aqua ditemukan bahwa hasil dari pembakaran tersebut berupa asap yang dibawa oleh angin ke beberapa wilayah lainnya. Satu diantaranya adalah wilayah Sumatera Barat. Hasil pengamatan pergerakan angin pada tanggal 1213 Februari 2014 dengan menggunakan EAR (Equatorial Atmosphere Radar) di Kototabang menunjukan bahwa angin pada ketinggian diatas 4.5 km didominasi bergerak ke arah Barat. Pengamatan aerosol menggunakan mie LIDAR (light Detection and Ranging) untuk waktu yang sama menunjukkan bahwa backscattering lidar mengalami kenaikan pada tanggal 12 Februari tahun 2014. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa aerosol yang cukup tinggi melewati daerah Kototabang pada tanggal tersebut. Berdasarkan data pengamatan pm10 di permukaan ditemukan juga bahwa konsentrasi pm10 meningkat sesuai dengan nilai kenaikan backscattering mie lidar.Hlm.493-49