12 research outputs found

    Three Strategic Pillars : Finnish University Libraries' Network Fuelling Open Science and Access to Research-Based Information

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    In the fast-developing landscape of open science, university libraries need to constantly keep up to date in order to provide expert services that meet the current and future needs of researchers, students, and anyone in need of research-based information. Joint actions are needed both nationally and internationally. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that open science currently only gives partial access to research information. A significant part of the information resources are behind paywalls, and as library premises have been closed for the public walk-in access, the information resources have not been accessible to a wider audience. The Finnish University Libraries’ Network, FUN, acts as a collaborative forum for Finnish university library directors. FUN encourages university libraries to experiment with new modes of operation, to demonstrate impact, and to increase the visibility of the library operations. In this paper, we explore how a network like FUN can promote open science and provide access to research-based information. The strategy of FUN builds on three pillars: Impact – Visibility – Experiment. These three pillars form our framework. We use multiple methods to describe the strategy and give examples of the practices, and also discuss the challenges faced in the new circumstances. University libraries work towards open science together with other important stakeholders such as researchers, publishers and funding agencies. Still, there is a need to voice the concerns of the university libraries as their role differs from those of the other stakeholders. Through its actions, FUN seeks to make the work of Finnish university libraries more visible both within the network and in the society, and thus increase the impact of the libraries in promoting open science and access to research information. Since during the COVID-19 pandemic access to information has been limited, FUN, together with other stakeholders, has taken action and sent a petition to Finnish scientific publishers to temporarily open their publications. One of the three pillars in FUN’s strategy is Experiment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, of most importance for FUN has proved to be establishing a culture of sharing experiences with colleagues, so that every library can benefit from the endeavours of others.©2021 The Authors. Published by IATUL, International Association of University Libraries.fi=vertaisarvioimaton|en=nonPeerReviewed

    Three Strategic Pillars: Finnish University Libraries\u27 Network Fuelling Open Science and Access to Research-Based Information

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    In the fast-developing landscape of open science, university libraries need to constantly keep up to date in order to provide expert services that meet the current and future needs of researchers, students, and anyone in need of research-based information. Joint actions are needed both nationally and internationally. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that open science currently only gives partial access to research information. A significant part of the information resources are behind paywalls, and as library premises have been closed for the public walk-in access, the information resources have not been accessible to a wider audience. The Finnish University Libraries’ Network, FUN, acts as a collaborative forum for Finnish university library directors. FUN encourages university libraries to experiment with new modes of operation, to demonstrate impact, and to increase the visibility of the library operations. In this paper, we explore how a network like FUN can promote open science and provide access to research-based information. The strategy of FUN builds on three pillars: Impact – Visibility – Experiment. These three pillars form our framework. We use multiple methods to describe the strategy and give examples of the practices, and also discuss the challenges faced in the new circumstances. University libraries work towards open science together with other important stakeholders such as researchers, publishers and funding agencies. Still, there is a need to voice the concerns of the university libraries as their role differs from those of the other stakeholders. Through its actions, FUN seeks to make the work of Finnish university libraries more visible both within the network and in the society, and thus increase the impact of the libraries in promoting open science and access to research information. Since during the COVID-19 pandemic access to information has been limited, FUN, together with other stakeholders, has taken action and sent a petition to Finnish scientific publishers to temporarily open their publications. One of the three pillars in FUN’s strategy is Experiment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, of most importance for FUN has proved to be establishing a culture of sharing experiences with colleagues, so that every library can benefit from the endeavours of others

    Reconstruction and Validation of RefRec: A Global Model for the Yeast Molecular Interaction Network

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    Molecular interaction networks establish all cell biological processes. The networks are under intensive research that is facilitated by new high-throughput measurement techniques for the detection, quantification, and characterization of molecules and their physical interactions. For the common model organism yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, public databases store a significant part of the accumulated information and, on the way to better understanding of the cellular processes, there is a need to integrate this information into a consistent reconstruction of the molecular interaction network. This work presents and validates RefRec, the most comprehensive molecular interaction network reconstruction currently available for yeast. The reconstruction integrates protein synthesis pathways, a metabolic network, and a protein-protein interaction network from major biological databases. The core of the reconstruction is based on a reference object approach in which genes, transcripts, and proteins are identified using their primary sequences. This enables their unambiguous identification and non-redundant integration. The obtained total number of different molecular species and their connecting interactions is ∼67,000. In order to demonstrate the capacity of RefRec for functional predictions, it was used for simulating the gene knockout damage propagation in the molecular interaction network in ∼590,000 experimentally validated mutant strains. Based on the simulation results, a statistical classifier was subsequently able to correctly predict the viability of most of the strains. The results also showed that the usage of different types of molecular species in the reconstruction is important for accurate phenotype prediction. In general, the findings demonstrate the benefits of global reconstructions of molecular interaction networks. With all the molecular species and their physical interactions explicitly modeled, our reconstruction is able to serve as a valuable resource in additional analyses involving objects from multiple molecular -omes. For that purpose, RefRec is freely available in the Systems Biology Markup Language format

    Olli-Tommi & Taikalasit : Draamakasvatus näkyväksi esikoululaisille

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    Opinnäytetyön kuvaus: Lähtökohtana opinnäytetyössämme oli tutkia osallistavan draamakasvatuksen ja soveltavan draamakasvatuksen teorioita ja soveltaa teoriat toiminnallisiksi esityksiksi. Teorian pohjalta sovelsimme ja loimme oman prosessidraamatarinan esikouluikäisille lapsille. Draaman luomisessa on otettu huomioon lasten tarpeita sisällyttämällä esitykseen toiminnallisuutta, leikkiä, luovuutta, fiktiota ja musiikkia. Asetimme draamatarinan sisälle ryhmän ikätason mukaiset, konkreettiset vaiheet vaiheelta kuvatut tavoitteet. Näitä tavoitteita olivat lasten osallistuminen esityksen toteuttamiseen yhdessä ohjaajien kanssa kerronnan ja leikinomaisten harjoitusten avulla. Meidän itsellemme asettamia tavoitteita olivat kahden esityksen käytännön suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi. Toiminnallisessa osiossa suunnittelun ja toteutustavan pohjana käytettiin teoriatietoa soveltavasta draamasta ja osallistavasta draamasta. Työtapoina esityksissä vaihtelivat kerronta ja leikinomaiset har-joitukset. Työmenetelminä sovellettiin esimerkiksi forumteatteria ja työpajateatteria. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda sovellettu ja toimiva käyttöteoria draamasta itsellemme ja kaikille esikouluikäisten kanssa työskenteleville. Tämä luomamme draamatarina ja sen monikäyttöisyys voi toimia mallina myös draamakasvatuksesta kiinnostuneille lukijoille. Teoreettinen ja käsitteellinen esittely: Opinnäytetyömme aihe on ajankohtainen. Opetushallituksen työryhmä on ehdottanut draamaa oppi-aineeksi peruskouluun. Olemme suunnanneet opinnäytetyömme toiminnallisen osion esikouluikäisille lapsille. Tämä siksi, että olisi perusteltua käyttää draamaa enemmän myös varhaiskasvatuksessa. Näin draamalle tulisi jatkumo esiopetuksesta kouluun. Kehittelemämme draamatarina voi osaltaan tukea esikouluikäisille varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmissa asetettuja kieleen ja vuorovaikutukseen liittyviä tavoitteita. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä rajasimme aihettamme, tarkastelemalla draamakasvatusta soveltavan ja osallistavan draamakasvatuksen näkökulmasta. Tarkastelemiemme teorioiden pohjalta sovelsimme käytäntöön omannäköisen draamatarinan. Näin toimme lukemamme teorian näkyväksi. Tuotostamme kuvaamme, analysoimme ja pohdimme toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön kulkua mukaillen. Metodologinen esittely: Hyödynnämme opinnäytetyössämme toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön menetelmiä, jossa yhdistyvät käytännön toteutus ja sen raportointi tutkimusviestinnän keinoin. Toiminnallinen työ sallii, että emme pyri keräämään aineistoa kohderyhmästä, vaan keskiössä on itse tuotos ja sen analysointi. Tuotoksessa keskeisenä tavoitteena oli saada lapset osallistumaan draaman toteutukseen. Analysoimme esitysten toteutusta, itsellemme ja kohderyhmälle asetettuja tavoitteita sekä näiden toteutumista videohavainnoinnin ja piirrosten avulla. Havainnoinnin ja analysoinnin osalta työssämme on piirteitä toiminnallisen tutkimustyön metodeista. Keskeiset tutkimustulokset: Keskeisimpänä tuloksena työssämme näkisimme, että sovellettu ja osallistava draama sopii mainiosti työskentelyvälineeksi kasvattajille ja oppimisvälineeksi lapsille esiopetukseen ja havaintojemme pohjalta myös, erityistä tukea tarvitseville lapsille. Nämä lapset olivat mm. kaikkein aktiivisimpia kommentaattoreita esityskerroillamme. Huomioitavaa oli myös lasten keskittyminen esitysten aikana. Hyvin suunniteltu kehystarina on monikäyttöinen ja sitä voi muokata kohderyhmän mukaan, elementtejä muutamalla valmista draamapohjaa voi käyttää uudelleen ja uudelleen. Johtopäätökset: Tulosten perusteella sovellettua ja osallistavaa draamaa työ- ja opetusvälineenä esiopetuksessa tulisi hyödyntää nykyistä enemmän. Draamakasvatus työmenetelmänä ja käyttöteoriana soveltuu erityisesti kasvatusalan työtehtäviin suuntautuville sosionomiopiskelijoille.Thesis description: The starting point of our bachelor’s thesis work was to research the theory of drama education. Based on the theory we wanted to create a process drama story we would plan and implement ourselves addressed to preschoolers. The children’s needs were considered and we included play, creativity, music, fiction and other activities in our drama. We set step-by-step goals according to the age group. These goals aimed at the children to participate with our help and different practical activities. Our personal aims were planning two different presentations of the drama story, implementing the theory and assessment of the outcome. In the practical part, the base for planning and implementing was the theory of applied and participatory drama education. We used and implemented different methods, playful activities for instance, in presenting the drama for preschoolers. The aim of our thesis work was to create an applied and functioning practical theory of the drama for ourselves and everyone working with preschoolers. Our creation can also work as an example for readers interested in drama education. Theoretical summary: The topic of our thesis is closely linked with the current context because the possibility of increasing drama teaching in the basic education has been publicly discussed. We have addressed the practical part of our work to children in preschool because it would be justifiable to use drama more also in early childhood education. Thus the drama would create a continuum from preschool to elementary school. The drama piece we came up with can support the language and interaction goals set for preschoolers in their educational plans. We narrowed our focus down to applied and participatory drama education. Based on the theory we created our own original drama story. Thus we brought the studied theory visible in practise. We analysed our work and found out how the goals we set for the thesis came true. Methodological summary: In our bachelor’s thesis, we benefit the methods of practical research. We aim at creating dialogue which encourages the children to voluntarily participate in creating the drama with various playful exercises. We analyse the participation of the children and the success of our own goals by watching video recordings, talking about our own observations and looking at drawings the children have created after the presentation. Main results: In our opinion, a central result in our work is the deduction that drama is an excellent tool for preschoolers, and based on our observations, children in the need of special help, too. These children were the most active commentators during our presentations for instance. Their incessant concentration was also noteworthy. A well planned script of a drama can be developed, manipulated and used over and over again depending on the audience. Conclusions: Based on the found results, drama should be utilised more as a teaching method in preschools than it currently is. Drama education as a working method and as a theory is especially convenient for bachelors of social services who are prospective workers in the educational field. Key words: Childhood education, drama, drama education, processing dram