2 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Antioksidan Alami Daun Sukun Fermentasi terhadap Produktivitas Itik di KTTI “Unggas Jaya”

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    Dilatarbelakangi kondisi petani  di pedesaan yang pendapatannya rendah dan  umumnya petani mempunyai usaha sampingan yaitu beternak. Beternak yang erat kaitannya dengan kehidupan petani adalah beternak itik. Di desa Pegalongan kecamatan Patikraja terdapat Kelompok tani ternak itik (KTTI) yang masih aktif,  yaitu KTTI “Unggas Jaya”.  Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kelompok mitra adalah pengadaan bibit, harga pakan, performan itik, harga jual telur dan itik afkir rendah,  Solusinya menggunakan daun sukun fermentasi yang berpotensi sebagai bahan pakan itik berkualitas, karena murah, mudah didapat, mengandung vitamin E,C dan A, mineral, antioksidan dan senyawa aktif  lain yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh ternak itik. Antioksidannya dapat meningkatkan performan, kesehatan, kualitas produk sehingga aman dan berkualitas. Metode untuk memecahkan masalah di kelompok mitra melalui alih tehnologi, praktek (IB, penetasan, fermentasi, pengolahan dan pengemasan produk), evaluasi, pendampingan dan pengkaderan. Target luaran adalah produk, artikel ilmiah popular. Hasil dari demo yang sudah dilakukan adalah : pertumbuhan itik lebih baik daripada sebelumnya, itik lebih sehat-sehat, petani sudah mampu melakukan IB,  fertilitas telur hasil IB tinggi yaitu pemeliharaan pejantan lebih dihemat dan peternak dapat menetaskan telur menggunakan mesin tetas.Kata kunci: karkas itik; keamanan pangan; antioksidan; daun sukun, fermentasiAbstractThe background is the low income of farmers in rural areas and side business of farmers is raising livestock. Duck raising was closed with farmer lifes. There are active duck farmer groups (KTTI), namely the "Unggas Jaya" in Pegalongan village, Patikraja sub-district. The problems in farmer group are procurement of day old duck, feed prices, duck performance, low selling prices of eggs and culled ducks. Solution of the problem is using fermented of breadfruit leaf which have the potential as quality duck feed ingredients, because they are cheap, easily obtained, contain vitamins E, C and A , minerals, antioxidants and other active compounds that are beneficial to ducks health. Antioxidants are safe because the performance and ducks health can be improved. Problem solving method in “Unggas Jaya” farmer groups use by technology transfer, practice (Artificial Incemination, operation of hatching machine, fermentation, product processing and packaging), evaluation, mentoring and cadre of participant. Output targets are products and publication of articles in journal. The results of the demonstrations that have been carried out are: duck growth is better than before. The duck is healthier, farmers are able to do IB, high IB fertility eggs are more conserved and farmers can hatch eggs using hatching machine

    The Effect of Soursop (Announa Muricata L.) Leaves Powder on Diameter of Muscle Fiber, Lipid Cell, Body Weight Gain and Carcass Percentage of Tegal Duck

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    The present study investigated the supplementation of soursop leaves powder (Annona muricata L.) on body weight gain and carcass percentage of male Tegal duck. Research was conducted from 29 November 2015 to 3 January 2016 in duck cage in Sokaraja Kulon, Purwokerto. One hundred male Tegal duck were fed basal feed consisted of 30% corn, 7% soy bean meal, 6,1% vegetable oil, 17% poultry meat meal, 38,2% ricebran, 0,1% L-lysin HCL, 0,3% DL-methionin, 0,2% topmix, 0,1% NaCl, and 1% CaCO3. Experimental research used completely randomized design with treatments composed of basal feed plus 0, 5, 10, and 15% soursop leaves meal, each with 5 replicates. The observed variables were diameter of muscle fiber, lipid cell, body weight gain, and carcass percentage. The obtained data were subject to analysis of variance followed by orthogonal polynomial test. Result showed that treatments affected non significantly (P>0.05) to the diameter of chest muscle fiber, carcass percentage and carcass but significantly affected (P<0,05) body weight gain with equation Y = 427,74 - 67,10 X + 2,27 X2.. Conclusively, supplementation of soursop leaves meal (Annona muricata L.) in feed has not been able to increase the muscle fiber diameter of intermuscular lipid cell, carcass percentage and carcass parts. Excessive supplement even lowers the body weight gain of male Tegal duck