16 research outputs found

    Bunga Edelweis Sebagai Objek penciptaan

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    Penciptaan karya Tugas Akhir ini didasari karena pengkarya ingin meluapkan rasa prihatin dan sedih terhadap kondisi dan keadaan dari populasi dan habitat asli bunga edelweis pada saat ini. Rasa yang dihadirkan pada karya seni lukis bunga edelweis  ini disampaikan dengan karya bergaya dekoratif, yang bertujuan supaya rasa prihatin dan dan sedih itu dapat tersampaikan, dengan berusaha menampilkan visual objek dengan hiasan. Metode penciptaan yang dilakukan terdiri dari persiapan yang mengumpulkan data, perancangan dengan menuangkan ide dari hasil yang didapatkan. Perwujudan menghadirkan  proses konsep dari awal rancangan penyajian karya setelah diproses. Proses perwujudan selesai dilakukan proses finishing yaitu pembingkaian karya. Dalam penciptaan karya seni lukis, bentuk visual utama yang dihadirkan yaitu bunga edelweis, dan objek pendukung lainnya, serta di hias dengan titik-titik dan kontur pada bagian background. Masing- masing karya memiliki perbedaan baik bentuk tata letak visual dll, sebagai media untuk mengungkapkan ekspresi dari rasa prihatin dan sedih dari diri pengkarya sendiri terhadap kondisi dan keadaan dari populasi dan habitat asli dari bunga edelweis

    Effectiveness of 2-D resistivity survey to identify lineament (fault) from photolineament interpretation – case study at Kampung Dato’ Mufti, Ampang, Selangor

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    Lineaments play an important role in the stability of structures such as slopes, foundations, dams and buildings. Identification of the presence of lineament is important especially at planning and construction stage to enable mitigation measures/controls can selected earlier. The combined techniques of satellite image downloaded from Google Earth interpretation and electrical resistivity survey can assist in the identification and verification process of lineament structures. In this study, interpretation of lineament was done using satellite images Google Earth in the laboratory. Orientation and position of every lineament was determined accurately in the field. Electrical resistivity survey was conducted using Wanner configuration that cross the lineament in the field. The electrical resistivity results showed the presence of lineament structural in the pseudo section and prove the effectiveness of combination of both techniques to detect and confirm the presence of structural lineament

    The impact of healthcare expenditure and healthcare sector growth on CO2 emission using dynamic panel data system GMM estimation model during Covid 19 crisis

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    As huge consumers of water and energy, healthcare sector have a significant environmental impact. The healthcare sector is accountable for answering countless the most dangerous effects of climate change and pollution, deadly environmental emissions and other greenhouse gases itself. This study aims to observe empirically the effect of healthcare expenditure and heath sectors growth on CO2 during Covid 19 outbreak in Malaysia. As the world has awakened to the potential risks of Covid 19, there has been a massive effort to add capacity to the healthcare system rapidly. In Malaysia, apart from stressing the need for the public to strictly adhere to the Movement Control Order (MCO), the government an immediate boost in funding for healthcare services through initial stage fiscal policy response to Covid 19 outbreak. This research used Dynamic Panel Data Model also known as longitudinal study. This study explained Dynamic Panel Data System GMM Estimation model is fitting to interpret the outcome, indicate healthcare expenditure and healthcare growth on Covid-19, inflation rate and unemployment rate have significant relationship with CO2 emission. Empirical findings suggest that CO2 emissions policies reforms are required to channelize healthcare sector growth to a more government spending resulting from fiscal policy designed by the government of Malaysia. The regulators of other countries should pull out CO2 emissions policies to achieve sustainable economic growth and health sector growth development. The results provide important information to allow comparisons of the health-care sector with other economic sectors in Malaysia and the global healthcare sector in terms of CO2 emission. In particular, the results are intended to contribute to the understanding of the CO2 emission of national healthcare systems so that policymakers, especially in low-income and middle-income countries, can develop relevant CO2 emissions mitigation policies

    The initial fiscal policy response to Covid-19 in Malaysia: The impact of government spending on healthcare sector using dynamic panel data system GMM estimation analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to examine empirically the effect of government spending on healthcare systems on malaysia’s economic growth during the early stages of the Covid 19 epidemic. Even as society became aware of the potential dangers of Covid 19, there has been a massive effort to rapidly increase capacity in the healthcare system. In Malaysia, in addition to emphasising the importance of strict adherence to the Movement Control Order (MCO), the government announced an immediate increase in funding for healthcare services as part of the initial phase fiscal policy reply to the Covid 19 outbreak. This study employed Dynamic Panel Data, also identified as a longitudinal study, and collected data over a four-month period, from December 2019 to March 2020, in five Asian countries involved with Covid 19. This study discovered that the Dynamic Panel Data System GMM Estimation model is suitable for interpreting the results, indicating that government expenditure on Covid-19 (p-value = 0.036), unemployment rate and inflation rate have a significant relationship with healthcare sector growth of 1%, 2%, and 5%, respectively. In terms of limitations, such a study only focuses on four months of data from selected Asia countries participating in Covid-19. The findings of panel causality recommend that there are bidirectional links between healthcare sector growth and government spending. Empirical findings suggest that fiscal policy reforms are required to channel healthcare industry growth to increased government spending as a result of Malaysia’s fiscal policy

    The effect of healthcare industry growth on the interest rate: Economic growth of selected ASEAN country

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    The objective of the study was to analyze the consequences of interest rate on healthcare industry in selected ASEAN country for the period 2005 to 2015. Interest rate were established as the dependent variable while the independent variables were economic growth, inflation, unemployment rate, exchange rate and healthcare industry. The study sought to understand the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. This research will be focused on healthcare industry in five selected Asian country which is Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand because nowadays healthcare industry seem to be an important part in the economy of a country. The sample of countries selected are depended on their interest rate performance. While, the data provided in this research are based on World Bank data covers the period from 2005 to 2015. In addition, the researcher proposed to use the dynamic panel data in order to explore the relationship between interest rate and a number of independent variables: economic growth, inflation, unemployment, exchange rate and healthcare industry. These independent variable are choose as they seen to be the most key factor that affecting interest rate. Furthermore, the researcher decide to use healthcare expenditure as new measurement for this study

    Behavior intention for athlete post retirement life using Acylic Behavior Change Diagram (ABCD)

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    Athletes quality of life is very important to be look at. The reason is that the transition they experience is different from other people because most athletes experiencing a drastic change of routine once they retired. And this could lead the psychological problem for example having anxiety, nervousness and worry about their life without sport. With recent challenges due to the recent pandemic of Covid-19, the chances to escalate athlete exit from sport voluntary or involuntary is there. Using JAMOVI, Therefore, this study adopted Acyclic Behaviour Change Diagram (ABCD) to proposing the behaviour intervention and processes of transition in understanding the flows of voluntary and involuntary retirement in sport. The current study contributes toward the literature in understanding the diagram and flow of athlete retirement which, many researches before this were only proposing a theoretical framework and lacking in providing detail workflow processes

    Fundamental of zero trust among digital employees in migration to industry 4.0: Cyber security and movement to iot in Malaysian perspectives

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    Malaysia is now approaching towards Industrial 4.0. Many initiatives are taken by the government to improve in this digital era. 18.2% contribution towards country’s growth domestic product was achieved in 2016 through digital economy which was targeted in 2020 (Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, 2018). This showed a positive sign that the world is accepting the era of digital technologies in many of the industries including in healthcare. The objective of this research is to determine the factor influencing zero-trust among employees in using technologies in healthcare sector. This research proposed a conceptual framework on Zero trust model for digital employees. The contribution in this research is that it may help Malaysian Productivity Corporation have some information that will be useful to Industry4WRD Readiness Assessment. Furthermore, this research hopes will give insight for Malaysia’s National Applied Research and Development Centre (MIMOS) for National Internet of Things Strategic Roadmap

    Employee socialization process and engagement in Malaysian hotel industry

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    Employee in the organization always the core of the activities implemented in the company. without engaged employee, organization would remain constants and there are slim chances for organization to survive in the future. Our world has viewed the importance of employee engagement in the organization that act as energy to empower all employees to boost productivity and overall performance. However, to obtain engaged employees, requires certain level of work understanding. although research on employee engagement has been growing since 90’s, however, little was known to study on the understanding before employee could engaged. This research contributes the gap by using Socialization Theory to explain the theoretical concept of employee engagement. Respondents are from selected hotel employee in northern region in Malaysia. Findings conclude that socialization proses phase 3 which is element of acquire shows significant relationship towards employee engagement of absorption and dedication (P-value1.645). This research is importance for researcher in the field of human resource to understand better on the construct of employee engagement and its antecedent