296 research outputs found

    Photo-stabllization of Butyl Rubber in Solid State by Phenyl Allyl Mercury

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    Kinetics of Photo-oxidative Degradation of Butyl Rubber by Light Scattering

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    Disaster preparedness and response: a challenge for hospitals in earthquake-prone countries

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    An effective and immediate response from hospital personnel is critical to meet the needs of affected populations at the time of an earthquake disaster. Hospitals need to develop, practise and continuously update an effective disaster/emergency medical response plan. Communities and impacted regions cannot depend on immediate medical and humanitarian aid from other outside sources to meet medical care needs during the first three to five days following an earthquake. How hospitals in earthquake-prone countries such as India, Pakistan and Haiti can improve their medical response is discussed. This discussion of methods to improve effective disaster response of the medical and public health community includes a description of important efforts to enhance hospital accreditation, increase personnel training, and use a response capacity checklist

    Covishield vaccine experience in a health care setting

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    Background: SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has affected the whole world and India is one among the most affected countries. Vaccination is the most important tool to halt this pandemic and vaccine hesitancy unfortunately derails vaccination drive. Vaccine hesitancy among people is mainly due to concerns about vaccine safety! This study was done to assess adverse effects of Covishield vaccine among health care workers in a single health care organization.Methods: All the vaccine recipients were requested to answer a questionnaire with demographic details and various side effects following both the doses of Covishield vaccination.Results: About 665 employees responded to the questionnaire and the most common adverse reaction following Covishield vaccine was injection site pain, which was reported by 63% of vaccinees after first dose of vaccine.Conclusions: Covishield vaccine is relatively safe and incidence of major adverse events are rare following vaccination

    Differential rotation measurement of soft X-Ray corona

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    The aim of this paper is to study the latitudinal variation in the solar rotation in soft X-ray corona. The time series bins are formed on different latitude regions of the solar full disk (SFD) images that extend from 80 degree South to 80 degree North. These SFD images are obtained with the soft X-ray telescope (SXT) on board the Yohkoh solar observatory. The autocorrelation analyses are performed with the time series that track the SXR flux modulations in the solar corona. Then for each year, extending from 1992 to 2001, we obtain the coronal sidereal rotation rate as a function of the latitude. The present analysis from SXR radiation reveals that; (i) the equatorial rotation rate of the corona is comparable to the rotation rate of the photosphere and the chromosphere, (ii) the differential profile with respect to the latitude varies throughout the period of the study; it is more in the year 1999 and least in 1994 and (iii) the equatorial rotation period varies systematically with sunspot numbers and indicates its dependence on the phases of the solar activity cycle.Comment: 9 Pages, 4 Figures, Accepted for Publication in MNRA

    Analisis Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan dalam Pertunjukan Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC)

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    JFC menjadi sebuah pertunjukan yang memiliki keunikan dan keemasan yang berbeda dari karnaval yang ada sebelumnya. Sehingga JFC merupakan sebuah pertunjukan karnaval yang memiliki karakteristik tersendiri dalam penyajian pertunjukannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis nilai-nilai Pendidikan dalam pertunjukan jember fashion carnaval(JFC). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses pertunjukan JFC terdapat nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terkandung didalamnya. Adapun nilai-nilai pendidikan tersebut diantaranya adalah nilai pendidikan budaya, nilai pendidikan sosial, nilai pendidikan karakter dan nilai pendidikan kreativitas. Nilai-nilai yang didapatkan peserta tersebut didapat ketika melakukan pelatihan 6 bulan sebelum pertunjukan berlangsung


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    Keluhan pada muskuloskeletal merupakan keluhan pada otot skeletal yang dirasakan dengan intensitas nyeri yang berbeda-beda, dari nyeri yang ringan sampai nyeri yang sangat berat. Myalgia atau nyeri otot, merupakan gejala dari beberapa penyakit maupun kelainan. Bekam merupakan suatu metode pengobatan klasik yang telah digunakan dalam perawatan dan pengobatan berbagai masalah kesehatan salah satunya adalah nyeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui pengaruh terhadap penurunan nyeri pada klien dengan Trapezius Myalgia pada pekerja angkut di Kecamatan Jelbuk Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pre eksperimen dengan rancangan pretest-postest design yang bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh terapi bekam terhadap penurunan nyeri pada klien dengan trapezius myalgia pada pekerja angkut. Populasinya adalah keseluruhan klien trapezius myalgia yang melakukan terapi bekam di Kecamatan Jelbuk Kabupaten Jember, dengan jumlah sampel 15 responden. Tehnik pengambilan sampelnya menggunakan  consecutive sampling yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi yang dilakukan pada bulan November 2017 dengan pemberian terapi bekam di 5 titik dengan satu kali perlakuan selama penelitian, dan mengisi lembar observasi nyeri. Pengaruh terapi bekam terhadap nyeri pada klien dengan trapezius myalgia pada pekerja angkut di Kecamatan Jelbuk Kabupaten Jember didapatkan rerata skala nyeri klien sebelum dibekam 5,20 dan turun menjadi 1,93 setelah dibekam dan di uji menggunakan paired t-test didapatkan ρ-value sebesar 0,00. Dari hasil penelitian ini, terapi bekam terbukti berpengaruh terhadap penurunan nyeri pada klien dengan trapezius myalgia pada pekerja angkut di Kecamatan Jelbuk Kabupaten Jember. Kata kunci: Bekam, Nyeri, Trapezius Myalgia, Pekerja Angku

    Counter-intuitive evaporation in nanofluids droplets due to stick-slip nature

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    We experimentally investigate the evaporation characteristics of a sessile ethanol droplet containing Al2_2O3_3 and Cu nanoparticles of sizes 25 nm and 75 nm on a heated substrate using shadowgraphy and infrared imaging techniques. Our results demonstrate that the droplet contact line dynamics resulting from the presence of various nanoparticles plays a dominant role in the evaporation process. This is in contrast to the widely-held assumption that the enhanced evaporation rate observed in sessile nanofluid droplets is due to the higher thermal conductivity of the added nanoparticles. We observe that even though the thermal conductivity of Al2_2O3_3 is an order of magnitude lower than that of Cu, droplets containing 25 nm-sized Al2_2O3_3 exhibit pinned contact line dynamics and evaporate much more rapidly than droplets containing Cu nanoparticles of both sizes and 75 nm Al2_2O3_3 nanoparticles that exhibit stick-slip behaviour. We also found that the droplets with different nanoparticles display distinct thermal patterns due to the difference in contact line behaviour, which alters the heat transfer inside the droplets. We establish this counter-intuitive observation by analysing the temporal variations of the perimeter, free surface area, and deposition patterns on the substrate.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, Journal-Langmui