44 research outputs found

    Implementing academagogy: the first case study

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    As proposed in McAuliffe, Winter, Chadwick and Hargreaves (2008), academagogy could be used as an “umbrella” term allowing the teacher to select from a range of teaching approaches – pedagogy (teacher as source of all information to student without power or knowledge), andragogy (teacher as source of information for adult student), or heutagogy (student with knowledge seeking information from teacher to fill the gaps in their own knowledge). During Semester 1, 2009, one of the authors of this paper decided to treat his third-year students in a more heutagogical manner by allowing them to experience ownership of their own learning. This article is a case study of that experience which reveals that, although initially more time-consuming, academagogy can result in better student outcomes

    Exploring Halo Substructure with Giant Stars. VI. Extended Distributions of Giant Stars Around the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy -- How Reliable Are They?

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    The question of the existence of active tidal disruption around various dSph galaxies remains controversial. That debate often centers on the nature (bound vs. unbound) of extended populations of stars. However, the more fundamental issue of the very existence of the extended populations is still contentious. We present an evaluation of the debate centering on one particular dSph, Carina, for which claims both for and against the existence of stars beyond the King radius have been made. Our review includes an examination of all previous studies bearing on the Carina radial profile and shows that the survey method which achieves the highest detected dSph signal-to-background in the outer parts of the galaxy is the Washington M, T2 + DDO51 (MTD) filter approach from Paper II in this series. We then address statistical methods used to evaluate the reliability of MTD surveys in the presence of photometric errors and for which a new, a posteriori statistical analysis methodology is provided. Finally, these statistical methods are tested by new spectroscopy of stars in the MTD-selected Carina candidate sample. Of 74 candidate giants with follow-up spectroscopy, the MTD technique identified 61 new Carina members, including 8 stars outside the King radius. From a sample of 29 stars not initially identified as candidate Carina giants but that lie just outside of our selection criteria, 12 have radial velocities consistent with membership, including 5 extratidal stars. Carina is shown to have an extended population of giant stars extending to a major axis radius of 40' (1.44x the nominal King radius).Comment: 56 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to the Astronomical Journal, 2004 Sep 2

    Correction: International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: Nutrient timing

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    Position Statement: The position of the Society regarding nutrient timing and the intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in reference to healthy, exercising individuals is summarized by the following eight points: 1.) Maximal endogenous glycogen stores are best promoted by following a high-glycemic, high-carbohydrate (CHO) diet (600 – 1000 grams CHO or ~8 – 10 g CHO/kg/d), and ingestion of free amino acids and protein (PRO) alone or in combination with CHO before resistance exercise can maximally stimulate protein synthesis. 2.) During exercise, CHO should be consumed at a rate of 30 – 60 grams of CHO/hour in a 6 – 8% CHO solution (8 – 16 fluid ounces) every 10 – 15 minutes. Adding PRO to create a CHO:PRO ratio of 3 – 4:1 may increase endurance performance and maximally promotes glycogen re-synthesis during acute and subsequent bouts of endurance exercise. 3.) Ingesting CHO alone or in combination with PRO during resistance exercise increases muscle glycogen, offsets muscle damage, and facilitates greater training adaptations after either acute or prolonged periods of supplementation with resistance training. 4.) Post-exercise (within 30 minutes) consumption of CHO at high dosages (8 – 10 g CHO/kg/day) have been shown to stimulate muscle glycogen re-synthesis, while adding PRO (0.2 g – 0.5 g PRO/kg/day) to CHO at a ratio of 3 – 4:1 (CHO: PRO) may further enhance glycogen re-synthesis. 5.) Post-exercise ingestion (immediately to 3 h post) of amino acids, primarily essential amino acids, has been shown to stimulate robust increases in muscle protein synthesis, while the addition of CHO may stimulate even greater levels of protein synthesis. Additionally, pre-exercise consumption of a CHO + PRO supplement may result in peak levels of protein synthesis. 6.) During consistent, prolonged resistance training, post-exercise consumption of varying doses of CHO + PRO supplements in varying dosages have been shown to stimulate improvements in strength and body composition when compared to control or placebo conditions. 7.) The addition of creatine (Cr) (0.1 g Cr/kg/day) to a CHO + PRO supplement may facilitate even greater adaptations to resistance training. 8.) Nutrient timing incorporates the use of methodical planning and eating of whole foods, nutrients extracted from food, and other sources. The timing of the energy intake and the ratio of certain ingested macronutrients are likely the attributes which allow for enhanced recovery and tissue repair following high-volume exercise, augmented muscle protein synthesis, and improved mood states when compared with unplanned or traditional strategies of nutrient intake

    Understanding data management in asset management: a survey

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    Data and information management systems have become a cornerstone for almost all operations of an organisation by providing quality, timely data for decision support. Information systems have progressed to cover a wide variety of asset management areas including asset registration, financial management, process scheduling and control, materials management, maintenance management, condition monitoring, risk management, reliability management, and safety management. Past studies into data management within asset management have focused on understanding why specific systems or specific data management processes are implemented in a firm. However, there has been little investigation into the broader picture of such asset management information systems and their overall data integration strategies. An exploratory, cross-sectional survey was conducted during 2007 and 2008 that explored a variety of data management issues in asset management across more than forty organisations. The survey research questions addressed practices in information system selection, data warehousing, integration, and data retention. Results show the significant adoption of information systems and data warehousing across different industries; the primary use of information systems to streamline business processes and enhance reporting; and the strong desire for improved system integration for next generation asset management information systems

    A conceptual data modelling methodology for asset management data warehousing

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    In an attempt to turn data management into a profitable enterprise, many businesses are seeking to integrate and centralise their data through data warehousing. A data warehouse then allows businesses to turn data into knowledge, and turn knowledge into tangible profits. One key success factor of a data warehouse lies in its ability to integrate data from multiple sources through a unified data model. Within asset management, several such integrated data models have been proposed, however these individually only cover a limited number of areas within asset management data and are not designed with data warehousing in mind. This paper presents the development process of a novel conceptual data warehousing data model that holistically integrates numerous asset management data areas. The comprehensive ethnographic modelling methodology involves a diverse set of inputs (including data model patterns, standards, information system data models, and business process models) that describes asset management data. The outputs of the process were verified by more than 20 experts in asset management and validated against four case studies

    From tiers to tables - enhancing student experience through collaborative learning spaces

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    BACKGROUND Collaborative and active learning have been clearly identified as ways students can engage in learning with each other and the academic staff. Traditional tier based lecture theatres and the didactic style they engender are not popular with students today as evidenced by the low attendance rates for lectures. Many universities are installing spaces designed with tables for group interaction with evolutions on spaces such as the TEAL (Technology Enabled Active Learning) (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, n.d.) and SCALE-UP (Student-Centred Activities for Large-Enrolment Undergraduate Programs) (North Carolina State University, n.d.) models. Technology advances in large screen computers and applications have also aided the move to these collaborative spaces. How well have universities structured learning using these spaces and how have students engaged with the content, technology, space and each other? This paper investigates the application of collaborative learning in such spaces for a cohort of 800+ first year engineers in the context of learning about and developing professional skills representative of engineering practice. PURPOSE To determine whether moving from tiers to tables enhances the student experience. Does utilising technology rich, activity based, collaborative learning spaces lead to positive experiences and active engagement of first year undergraduate engineering students? In developing learning methodology and approach in new learning spaces, what needs to change from a more traditional lecture and tutorial configuration? DESIGN/METHOD A post delivery review and analysis of outcomes was undertaken to determine how well students and tutors engaged with learning in new collaborative learning spaces. Data was gathered via focus group and survey of tutors, students survey and attendance observations. The authors considered the unit delivery approach along with observed and surveyed outcomes then conducted further review to produce the reported results. RESULTS Results indicate high participation in the collaborative sessions while the accompanying lectures were poorly attended. Students reported a high degree of satisfaction with the learning experience; however more investigation is required to determine the degree of improvement in retained learning outcomes. Survey feedback from tutors found that students engaged well in the activities during tutorials and there was an observed improvement in the quality of professional practice modelled by students during sessions. Student feedback confirmed the positive experiences in these collaborative learning spaces with 30% improvement in satisfaction ratings from previous years. CONCLUSIONS It is concluded that the right mix of space, technology and appropriate activities does engage students, improve participation and create a rich experience to facilitate potential for improved learning outcomes. The new Collaborative Teaching Spaces, together with integrated technology and tailored activities, has transformed the delivery of this unit and improved student satisfaction in tutorials significantly

    Vibration of L-shaped plates under a deterministic force or moment excitation: a case of statistical energy analysis application

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    Analytical and closed form solutions are presented in this paper for the vibration response of an L-shaped plate under a point force or a moment excitation. Inter-relationships between wave components of the source and the receiving plates are clearly defined. Explicit expressions are given for the quadratic quantities such as input power, energy flow and kinetic energy distributions of the L-shaped plate. Applications of statistical energy analysis (SEA) formulation in the prediction of the vibration response of finite coupled plate structures under a single deterministic forcing are examined and quantified. It is found that the SEA method can be employed to predict the frequency averaged vibration response and energy flow of coupled plate structures under a deterministic force or moment excitation when the structural system satisfies the following conditions: (1) the coupling loss factors of the coupled subsystems are known; (2) the source location is more than a quarter of the plate bending wavelength away from the source plate edges in the point force excitation case, or is more than a quarter wavelength away from the pair of source plate edges perpendicular to the moment axis in the moment excitation case due to the directional characteristic of moment excitations. SEA overestimates the response of the L-shaped plate when the source location is less than a quarter bending wavelength away from the respective plate edges owing to wave coherence effect at the plate boundar

    Addressing challenges for internationalisation and mobility in engineering through CDIO standards

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    There is a growing need for international transparency of engineering qualifications, and mechanisms to support and facilitate student mobility. In response, there are a number of global initiatives attempting to address these needs, particularly in Europe, North America and Australia. The Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) Initiative has a set of standards, competencies, and proficiency levels developed through a global community of practice. It is a well-structured framework in which best-practice internationalisation and student mobility can be embedded. However, the current 12 CDIO Standards do not address international qualifications or student mobility. Based on an environmental scan of global activities, the underpinning principles of best practice are identified and form the basis of the proposed 13th CDIO Standard — “Internationalization and Mobility”

    Collaborative learning approach to introduce computational fluid dynamics

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    This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of a collaborative learning activity designed to replace traditional face-to-face lectures in a large classroom. This activity aims to better engage the students with their learning and improve the students’ experience and outcomes. This project is implemented in the Fluid Mechanics unit of the Mechanical Engineering degree at the Queensland University of Technology to introduce students with the concept, terminology and process of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The approach integrates a constructive collaborative assignment which is a key element in the overall quality of teaching and learning, and an integral component of the students’ experience. A detailed survey, given to the students, showed an overall high level of satisfaction. However, the results also highlighted the gap between students’ expectations both for contents and assignment and teacher expectations. Discussions to address this issue are presented in the paper based on a critical reflection