3 research outputs found


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    Ca-alginate for the adsorption of Fe and Mn in peat water has been carried out using a batch method. Brownish water color, low pH, and high content of Fe and Mn metals are obstacles in direct utilization of peat water. Peat water treatment can be done by the adsorption method. The stages of this study began with the preparation of the adsorbent by dripping Na-alginate solution into a variety of CaCl2 solution concentrations. Furthermore, the adsorption of peat water was carried out by batch method with variations in the contact time and mass of the adsorbent to get the adsorbent with the highest % removal. The optimal contact time for Fe and Mn adsorption on peat water is 6 hours. The optimal % removal value for the influence of Fe adsorption contact time for Ca-alginate variations of 0.1 M and 0.2 M CaCl2 solution were 20.38% and 21.19%, respectively. The optimal % removal value for the influence of Mn adsorption contact time for Ca-alginate variations of 0.1 M and 0.2 M CaCl2 solution were 30.98% and 41.37%, respectively. The optimal mass of adsorbent for Fe and Mn adsorption in peat water is 0.75 g. The optimal % removal value for the influence of Fe adsorption mass adsorption for Ca-alginate variations of 0.1 M and 0.2 M CaCl2 solution were 79.28% and 21.67%, respectively. The optimal % removal value for the mass effect of Mn adsorption adsorption for Ca-alginate variation of 0.1 M and 0.2 M CaCl2 solution respectively at 24.44% and 26.13%.Ca-alginat untuk adsorpsi Fe dan Mn pada air gambut telah dilakukan menggunakan metode batch. Warna air yang kecoklatan, pH yang rendah, dan tingginya kandungan logam Fe dan Mn merupakan kendala dalam pemanfaatan air gambut secara langsung. Pengolahan air gambut dapat dilakukan dengan metode adsorpsi. Tahapan penelitian ini dimulai dari preparasi adsorben dengan meneteskan larutan Na-alginat ke dalam variasi konsentrasi larutan CaCl2. Selanjutnya dilakukan adsorpsi air gambut dengan metode batch dengan variasi parameter waktu kontak dan massa adsorben untuk mendapatkan adsorben dengan % removal tertinggi. Waktu kontak optimal untuk adsorpsi Fe dan Mn pada air gambut adalah 6 jam. Nilai % removal optimal untuk pengaruh waktu kontak adsorpsi Fe untuk Ca-alginat variasi larutan CaCl2 0,1 M dan 0,2 M berturut-turut sebesar 20,38% dan 21,19%. Nilai % removal optimal untuk pengaruh waktu kontak adsorpsi Mn untuk Ca-alginat variasi larutan CaCl2 0,1 M dan 0,2 M berturut-turut sebesar 30,98% dan 41,37%. Massa adsorben optimal untuk adsorpsi Fe dan Mn pada air gambut adalah 0,75 g. Nilai % removal optimal untuk pengaruh massa adsorben adsorpsi Fe untuk Ca-alginat variasi larutan CaCl2 0,1 M dan 0,2 M berturut-turut sebesar 79,28% dan 21,67%. Nilai % removal optimal untuk pengaruh massa adsorben adsorpsi Mn untuk Ca-alginat variasi larutan CaCl2 0,1 M dan 0,2 M berturut-turut sebesar 24,44% dan 26,13%

    Building the Capacity and Knowledge about Coral Rehabilitation of Tour Guides in Lemukutan Island

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    The coral reef ecosystem is one of the marine tourism attractions on Lemukutan Island, West Kalimantan. However, currently, some locations are in a relatively degraded condition, which should be addressed. One solution to this problem is coral transplantation activities involving tour guides. As part of the effort to rehabilitate the coral reef habitats, the Aquatic Resource Management Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Nahdlatul Ulama University, West Kalimantan, conducted community development activities to increase the capacity and knowledge of tour guides regarding coral reef ecosystems and coral transplantation techniques. This training was attended by fifteen tour guides from the Lemukutan Guide Group and ARTUNA (Anak Remaja Teluk Cina) Group. The participants were previously trained under PT Pertamina (Persero) and Yayasan Jejak Pesisir Nusantara. This training was carried out in three stages: (i) materials presentation and discussions, (ii) direct practice on the field, and (iii) evaluation. The post-test results showed that the training had increased participants' understanding of coral reef ecosystems and coral transplantation techniques by 40,00% and 33,33%, respectively

    Struktur Komunitas Ikan Pada Aliran Sungai Peniung Yang Melintasi Desa Ribang Kadeng Kecamatan Kalis Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu

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    The island of Kalimantan, known as Borneo to the international community, consists of three allied countries, namely Sarawak, Brunei Darussalam and Indonesia. In this part of the island there is an Indonesian territory whose northern part is directly adjacent to Sarawak and the Natuna Sea, the area is the Province of West Kalimantan. West Kalimantan province covers an area of 421,891 km2 and has hundreds of small and large rivers. The number of river flows in this province makes West Kalimantan province one of the provinces known as the area of a thousand rivers. The existence of the river is the soul of the people of West Kalimantan from the past until now. The Peniung River is one of the rivers located in Ribang Kadeng Village, Kalis District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. This river crosses the villages of Ribang kadeng and Na'sebintang (Nanga Sebintang) and flows into the Mandai River at the village of Na' Peniung. Information related to the diversity of fish species is necessary for the sustainable management of fishery resources. With this information, of course, the determination of policies and decision-making in the process of water resource management or use of hydrographic basins can be carried out correctly. However, the reality he is facing today is the lack of information on the diversity of freshwater fish, especially from the West Kalimantan region. This study managed to obtain 126 individuals of freshwater fish consisting of 10 families and 15 species. The diversity index obtained is moderate, index of Evenness is high and there are no dominant species