62 research outputs found

    Childhood in flux – Part II: Modern times until today

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    Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts wurde in New York die „Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children“ gegründet nach dem Bekanntwerden eines grausamen Falls von Vernachlässigung und Misshandlung eines Mädchens. Hiermit begann die Zeit, seitdem Kinder vermehrt Schutz erfahren. Doch erst in den 1950er Jahren wurde in den USA eine Anzeigepflicht für Ärzte eingeführt, die bei Verletzungen von Kindern Fälle von Misshandlung vermuteten. In Schweden wurde ein Körperstrafenverbot 1981, in Deutschland 2001 eingeführt. Der sexuelle Missbrauch von Kindern wurde über Jahrhunderte tabuisiert, wenngleich einzelne Versuche unternommen wurden, das Tabu zu durchbrechen – beispielsweise von S. Freud mit der Verführungstheorie. Erst mit der Frauenbewegung zu Beginn der 1970er Jahre wurde eine öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit hierfür geschaffen. Durch die Arbeiten des englischen Psychiaters J. Bowlby in den 1950er Jahren wurde das Bewusstsein befördert, dass Kinder von Primaten mehr brauchen als Luft, Wasser und Nahrung – nämlich die Bindung zu einer erwachsenen Bezugsperson. Inwieweit die grundlegenden Bedürfnisse von Kindern heute in den westlichen Kulturen erfüllt werden, wird kontrovers diskutiert.(DIPF/Orig.)At the end of the 19th century, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was founded in New York, after a barbarous case of neglect and abuse of a girl became public. From then on, children received more and more protection. Only in the 1950s were doctors in the USA bound by law to report cases of putative physical abuse to officials. In Sweden, physical punishment of children has been forbidden since 1989, and in Germany since 2001. The existence of sexual abuse of children had been a taboo subject for centuries, even though individual attempts to break that taboo were made – e. g., by S. Freud in the theory of seduction (Verführungstheorie). Only with the birth of the women’s liberation movement in the early 1970s has public awareness arisen. Due to the work of J. Bowlby in the 1950s, it became clear that children of primates need more than air, water and food, namely a relationship between the child and an adult person (attachment). To what degree the basic needs of children are being fulfilled in Western societies today is still a controversial issue.(DIPF/Orig.

    Suicidality, depression, major and minor negative life events: a mediator model

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    Background: Major negative life events are associated with higher suicidality. In this association, two mediating paths were hypothesized: (a) via minor negative life events and (b) via depression

    The Comparison of childhood adversities and their possible consequences in Poland and Germany

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    Aim: How children grow up differs from country to country. The aim of the present investigation was to compare childhood experiences, family characteristics and psychological features during the post-World War II period in Poland and Germany. Subject and methods: A questionnaire regarding various childhood experiences and family circumstances was administered to two samples, one each in Poland and Germany (n = 500 each) via the Internet. Comparisons between Poland and Germany were performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and χ2 tests, and logistic regressions were performed to compare the effects of risk factors. Results: Probands from Poland described almost all aspects of their lives, their families and their childhoods as having been better than did probands from Germany. Risk factors for suicide attempts were childhood physical abuse, and for alcohol abuse gender and childhood sexual abuse in both countries. Conclusion: There is some evidence for idealisation of the past in Poland, which might be due to the fact that almost 90% of the Poles were Christians. Germans seem to be more realistic in their views of the past but possibly deny their personal weaknesses

    Rechtsextreme Einstellungen, Politikverdrossenheit und die Wahl der Republikaner: zur Rolle von Interaktionseffekten in Logit-Modellen allgemein und in einem speziellen empirischen Fall ; eine Stellungnahme zu Wolfgang Jagodzinski und Markus Klein (1997)

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    'In der logistischen Regression wird die abhängige Variable in unterschiedlichen Transformationen geschätzt: Logits, Odds und Wahrscheinlichkeiten. Diese sind nicht-linear verknüpft. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird die von Jagodzinski und Klein in der ZA-Information 41 vertretene Auffassung, in logistischen Regressionen würde eine bestimmte Art von Interaktionen 'implizit' mitgeschätzt, diskutiert. Im Zuge der Argumentation wird deutlich, daß bei sozialwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen nicht alle berechenbaren Koeffizienten bzw. Kennzahlen interpretiert werden sollten. Die alternative Schätzung von Interaktionseffekten mittels CHAID-Segmentationen birgt Probleme. Inhaltlich ergibt die Analyse: Die Neigung zur Wahl der Republikaner im Jahre 1994 läßt sich in erster Linie durch rechtsextreme Einstellungen erklären. Ein zusätzlicher Erklärungsbeitrag von Politikverdrossenheit ist gering. Für die Behauptung, nur das Zusammenwirken dieser beiden Variablen bedinge eine Neigung zur Republikanerwahl, finden sich keine Anhaltspunkte.' (Autorenreferat)'In logistic regression analysis the dependent variable is estimated in different transformations: logits, odds and probabilities. The links are non-linear. The interactional consequences of these conditions, as suggested by Jagodzinski and Klein (ZA-Information 41) are discussed. In the course of argumentation it turns out that in social science not all coefficients that can be calculated should also be interpreted. CHAID-Segmentation as an alternative procedure to estimate interactions also involves certain problems. As a substantial finding we show that the tendency to vote for 'Republikaner' in 1994 is mainly explained by right-wing attitudes. The additional explanatory power of political disaffection is only of minor importance. No evidence is found that the exclusive combination of both variables causes the tendency to vote for 'Republikaner'.' (author's abstract)

    Barriers and opportunities for implementation of a brief psychological intervention for post-ICU mental distress in the primary care setting – results from a qualitative sub-study of the PICTURE trial

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    Additional file 2: Table S1. of A new questionnaire for measuring quality of life - the Stark QoL

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    Tests for nonlinear associations, (unstandardizised regression coefficients). (DOC 54 kb

    Additional file 1: of A new questionnaire for measuring quality of life - the Stark QoL

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    The Stark QoL version 1 with nine items and answering options. (DOC 1221 kb
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