3 research outputs found

    Family Self Stigma at People with Mental Disorder

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    Self-stigma mostly occurs in individuals with mental illness or in their family. Self-stigma has the impact on decreasing family self-esteem and disruption of family member’s recovery process. Some of the family seceded from social environment and health services. The aim of the study was to identify family’s self-stigma with mental illness member in the working area of Puskesmas Jatinangor. This study used a descriptive quantitative method with the cross-sectional approach. Consecutive sampling was used to obtain 32 samples. This study used The Family Experience Interview Schedule (FEIS) Scale – Section L (Stigma) with the value of validity 0,71-0,84 and value of Cronbach alpha 0,851. This instrument has score ranged from 0 – 15. A higher score signifies higher self-stigma perceived by family.  The data obtained in this study were analyzed using univariate analysis.  The results showed the score of self-stigma within the range of 0 – 9 from the maximum total score 15 with the mean of 3,31 and SD 2,402. The item which was dominantly perceived by the family was the anxiety which appears when the condition of their mentally ill family member was found by others. Based on the results of the study, family felt 3 items out of 15 items on the instrument. A psychoeducation program for reducing anxiety in the family has to be encouraged in primary health care, especially in the nursing program

    Barriers and Coping Strategies of Students with Disability During Inclusive Learning in Higher Education

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    Abstrak: JJumlah penyandang disabilitas yang mengikuti sistem Pendidikan inklusi di perguruan tinggi semakin meningkat seiring dengan adanya Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) Kuliah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tantangan hambatan yang dihadapi mahasiswa disabilitas selama mengikuti kuliah inklusi dan strategi koping mahasiswa dalam mengatasinya. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dan data dikumpulkan dengan teknik interview, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan metode analisis studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa tunanetra menghadapi hambatan belajar terkait teks, gambar atau simbol/angka, sedangkan mahasiswa tunadaksa memiliki hambatan terkait aktiVitas fisik. Strategi koping yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa adalah dengan menggunakan Assistive Technology (AT), meningkatkan komunikasi dengan dosen, dan melakukan diskusi kelompok. Dari temuan di atas, disimpulkan bahwa teknik pengajaran dan materi perkuliahan harus beaptasi dengan kebutuhan murid dan dapat digunakan secara universal.Abstract: The number of disabled students enrolled in the inclusive system in higher education has increased due to a card used to access colleges issued by the Indonesian government known as Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah (KIP Kuliah). The research aims to describe learning barriers encountered by students with visual and physical disabilities during inclusive class and their coping strategies to overcome this predicament. The research is qualitative descriptive, and data were collected by interview, class observation, and documentation. The data were analyzed by using the case study analysis method. The results indicate that written material containing text, pictures, and symbols/numbers are barriers for visually disabled students, while physically disabled students have barriers in terms of class that requires physical activities. Students’ coping strategies are using Assistive Technology (AT), increasing communication frequency with the lecturers, and conducting study groups after class. It is concluded that the lecturer’s teaching technique and material should be adapted to meet the students’ needs and should be universal

    Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0

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    The book entitled “Accelerating Sustainable Innovation towards Society 5.0” reviews various efforts to achieve Society 5.0 through the acceleration of sustainable innovation, especially in the fields of science and technology. Society 5.0 is an era of society that is expected to be able to solve various challenges and problems by utilizing various innovations that are adapted to the development of science and technology. Society 5.0 has a vision that is to harmonize the relationship between technology and society. Various forms of sustainable innovation to support the achievement of Society 5.0 are grouped into 3 (three) topics, namely (1) Science and Mathematics for Innovation; (2) Sustainable Food and Agriculture, and (3) Environment and Sustainable Development. The grouping of topics refers to the fields of science and expertise of lecturers at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universitas Terbuka, and accommodates 9 (nine) study programs at Faculty of Science and Technology including Information Systems, Mathematics, Statistics, Food Technology, Agribusiness, Biology, Urban Regional Planning, Fisheries Management (S2), and Environmental Studies (S2). This book is expected to provide benefits, insight, and inspire readers more broadly, especially in achieving Society 5.0 through continuous innovation