34 research outputs found

    Near-Optimal Cache Block Placement with Reactive Nonuniform Cache Architectures

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    The growing core counts and caches of modern processors result in data access latency becoming a function of the data's physical location in the cache. Thus, the placement of cache blocks determines the cache's performance. Reactive nonuniform cache architectures (R-NUCA) achieve near-optimal cache block placement by classifying blocks online and placing data close to the cores that use them

    Reactive NUCA: Near-Optimal Block Placement and Replication in Distributed Caches

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    Increases in on-chip communication delay and the large working sets of server and scientific workloads complicate the design of the on-chip last- level cache for multicore processors. The large working sets favor a shared cache design that maximizes the aggregate cache capacity and minimizes off-chip memory requests. At the same time, the growing on-chip communication delay favors core-private caches that replicate data to minimize delays on global wires. Recent hybrid proposals offer lower average latency than conventional designs, but they address the placement requirements of only a subset of the data accessed by the application, require complex lookup and coherence mechanisms that increase latency, or fail to scale to high core counts. In this work, we observe that the cache access patterns of a range of server and scientific workloads can be classified into distinct classes, where each class is amenable to different block placement policies. Based on this observation, we propose Reactive NUCA (R- NUCA), a distributed cache design which reacts to the class of each cache access and places blocks at the appropriate location in the cache. R-NUCA cooperates with the operating system to support intelligent placement, migration, and replication without the overhead of an explicit coherence mechanism for the on-chip last-level cache. In a range of server, scientific, and multi-programmed workloads, R-NUCA matches the performance of the best cache design for each workload, improving performance by 14% on average over competing designs and by 32% at best, while achieving performance within 5% of an ideal cache design

    Toward Dark Silicon in Servers

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    Server chips will not scale beyond a few tens to low hundreds of cores, and an increasing fraction of the chip in future technologies will be dark silicon that we cannot afford to power. Specialized multicore processors, however, can leverage the underutilized die area to overcome the initial power barrier, delivering significantly higher performance for the same bandwidth and power envelopes

    An Analysis of Database System Performance on Chip Multiprocessors

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    Prior research shows that database system performance is dominated by off-chip data stalls, resulting in a concerted effort to bring data into on-chip caches. At the same time, high levels of integration have enabled the advent of chip multiprocessors and increasingly large (and slow) on-chip caches. These two trends pose the imminent technical and research challenge of adapting high-performance data management software to a shifting hardware landscape. In this paper we characterize the performance of a commercial database server running on emerging chip multiprocessor technologies. We find that the major bottleneck of current software is data cache stalls, with L2 hit stalls rising from oblivion to become the dominant execution time component in some cases. We analyze the source of this shift and derive a list of features for future database designs to attain maximum performance. Towards this direction, we propose the adoption of staged database system designs to achieve high performance on chip multiprocessors. We present the basic principles of staged databases and an initial implementation of such a system, called Cordoba

    Database Servers on Chip Multiprocessors: Limitations and Opportunities

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    Prior research shows that database system performance is dominated by off-chip data stalls, resulting in a concerted effort to bring data into on-chip caches. At the same time, high levels of integration have enabled the advent of chip multiprocessors and increasingly large (and slow) on-chip caches. These two trends pose the imminent technical and research challenge of adapting high-performance data management software to a shifting hardware landscape. In this paper we characterize the performance of a commercial database server running on emerging chip multiprocessor technologies. We find that the major bottleneck of current software is data cache stalls, with L2 hit stalls rising from oblivion to become the dominant execution time component in some cases. We analyze the source of this shift and derive a list of features for future database designs to attain maximum performance

    Temporal Streaming of Shared Memory

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    Coherent read misses in shared-memory multiprocessors account for a substantial fraction of execution time in many important scientific and commercial workloads. We propose Temporal Streaming, to eliminate coherent read misses by streaming data to a processor in advance of the corresponding memory accesses. Temporal streaming dynamically identifies address sequences to be streamed by exploiting two common phenomena in shared-memory access patterns: (1) temporal address correlation — groups of shared addresses tend to be accessed together and in the same order, and (2) temporal stream locality — recently- accessed address streams are likely to recur. We present a practical design for temporal streaming. We evaluate our design using a combination of trace-driven and cycle- accurate full-system simulation of a cache-coherent distributed shared-memory system. We show that temporal streaming can eliminate 98% of coherent read misses in scientific applications, and between 43% and 60% in database and web server workloads. Our design yields speedups of 1.07 to 3.29 in scientific applications, and 1.06 to 1.21 in commercial workloads

    SimFlex: a fast, accurate, flexible full-system simulation framework for performance evaluation of server architecture

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    The new focus on commercial workloads in simulation studies of server systems has caused a drastic increase in the complexity and decrease in the speed of simulation tools. The complexity of a large-scale full-system model makes development of a monolithic simulation tool a prohibitively difficult task. Furthermore, detailed full-system models simulate so slowly that experimental results must be based on simulations of only fractions of a second of execution of the modelled system. This paper presents SimFlex, a simulation framework which uses component-based design and rigorous statistical sampling to enable development of complex models and ensure representative measurement results with fast simulation turnaround. The novelty of SimFlex lies in its combination of a unique, compile-time approach to component interconnection and a methodology for obtaining accurate results from sampled simulations on a platform capable of evaluating unmodified commercial workload

    Parallel depth first vs. work stealing schedulers on CMP architectures

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    In chip multiprocessors (CMPs), limiting the number of off-chip cache misses is crucial for good performance. Many multithreaded programs provide opportunities for constructive cache sharing, in which concurrently scheduled threads share a largely overlapping working set. In this brief announcement, we highlight our ongoing study [4] comparing the performance of two schedulers designed for fine-grained multithreaded programs: Parallel Depth First (PDF) [2], which is designed for constructive sharing, and Work Stealing (WS) [3], which takes a more traditional approach.Overview of schedulers. In PDF, processing cores are allocated ready-to-execute program tasks such that higher scheduling priority is given to those tasks the sequential program would have executed earlier. As a result, PDF tends to co-schedule threads in a way that tracks the sequential execution. Hence, the aggregate working set is (provably) not much larger than the single thread working set [1]. In WS, each processing core maintains a local work queue of readyto-execute threads. Whenever its local queue is empty, the core steals a thread from the bottom of the first non-empty queue it finds. WS is an attractive scheduling policy because when there is plenty of parallelism, stealing is quite rare. However, WS is not designed for constructive cache sharing, because the cores tend to have disjoint working sets.CMP configurations studied. We evaluated the performance of PDF and WS across a range of simulated CMP configurations. We focused on designs that have fixed-size private L1 caches and a shared L2 cache on chip. For a fixed die size (240 mm2), we varied the number of cores from 1 to 32. For a given number of cores, we used a (default) configuration based on current CMPs and realistic projections of future CMPs, as process technologies decrease from 90nm to 32nm.Summary of findings. We studied a variety of benchmark programs to show the following findings.For several application classes, PDF enables significant constructive sharing between threads, leading to better utilization of the on-chip caches and reducing off-chip traffic compared to WS. In particular, bandwidth-limited irregular programs and parallel divide-and-conquer programs present a relative speedup of 1.3-1.6X over WS, observing a 13- 41% reduction in off-chip traffic. An example is shown in Figure 1, for parallel merge sort. For each schedule, the number of L2 misses (i.e., the off-chip traffic) is shown on the left and the speed-up over running on one core is shown on the right, for 1 to 32 cores. Note that reducing the offchip traffic has the additional benefit of reducing the power consumption. Moreover, PDF's smaller working sets provide opportunities to power down segments of the cache without increasing the running time. Furthermore, when multiple programs are active concurrently, the PDF version is also less of a cache hog and its smaller working set is more likely to remain in the cache across context switches.For several other applications classes, PDF and WS have roughly the same execution times, either because there is only limited data reuse that can be exploited or because the programs are not limited by off-chip bandwidth. In the latter case, the constructive sharing PDF enables does provide the power and multiprogramming benefits discussed above.Finally, most parallel benchmarks to date, written for SMPs, use such a coarse-grained threading that they cannot exploit the constructive cache behavior inherent in PDF.We find that mechanisms to finely grain multithreaded applications are crucial to achieving good performance on CMPs

    Scheduling threads for constructive cache sharing on CMPs

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    In chip multiprocessors (CMPs), limiting the number of offchip cache misses is crucial for good performance. Many multithreaded programs provide opportunities for constructive cache sharing, in which concurrently scheduled threads share a largely overlapping working set. In this paper, we compare the performance of two state-of-the-art schedulers proposed for fine-grained multithreaded programs: Parallel Depth First (PDF), which is specifically designed for constructive cache sharing, and Work Stealing (WS), which is a more traditional design. Our experimental results indicate that PDF scheduling yields a 1.3 - 1.6X performance improvement relative to WS for several fine- grain parallel benchmarks on projected future CMP configurations; we also report several issues that may limit the advantage of PDF in certain applications. These results also indicate that PDF more effectively utilizes off-chip bandwidth, making it possible to trade-off on-chip cache for a larger number of cores. Moreover, we find that task granularity plays a key role in cache performance. Therefore, we present an automatic approach for selecting effective grain sizes, based on a new working set profiling algorithm that is an order of magnitude faster than previous approaches. This is the first paper demonstrating the effectiveness of PDF on real benchmarks, providing a direct comparison between PDF and WS, revealing the limiting factors for PDF in practice, and presenting an approach for overcoming these factors. Copyright 2007 ACM

    Temporal Approximate Function Memoization

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