19 research outputs found

    Natural disturbances and the physiognomy of pine savannas : A phenomenological model

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    Abstract. Question: The decline of the Pinus palustris ecosystems has resulted from anthropogenic influences, such as conversion to pine plantation forestry, agriculture and land development, all of which are closely related to increases in human populations. Other effects, however, have arisen from alterations in disturbance regimes that maintain the structure and function of these ecosystems. How have alterations of the disturbance regime altered the physiognomy of ‘old-growth’ stands, and what are the implications for ecosystem conservation and restoration? Methods: In contrast to models that emphasize close interactions among the vertically complex strata, we develop a conceptual phenomenological model for the physiognomic structure of Pinus palustris stands. We relate two natural disturbances (tropical storms and fire) that affect different stages of the life cycle to different aspects of the physiognomic structure. We then compare overstorey stand structure and ground cover composition of two old-growth longleaf stands near the extremes of different composite disturbance regimes: the Wade Tract (frequent hurricanes and fire) and the Boyd Tract (infrequent hurricanes and long-term fire exclusion). Results: We predict that tropical storms and fires have different effects on stand physiognomy. Tropical storms are periodic, and sometimes intense, whereas fires are more frequent and less intense. Hurricanes directly influence the overstorey via wind-caused damage and mortality, and indirectly influence the herb layer by altering the spatial distribution of shading and litter accumulation. Fire exerts direct effects on juvenile stages and indirect effects on the herb layer via fine fuel consumption and selective mortality of potential competitors of P. palustris juveniles. These differences in effects of disturbances can result in widely different physiognomies for P. palustris stands. Finally, some global climate change scenarios have suggested that changes may occur in tropical storm and fire regimes, altering frequency and severity. Such changes may greatly affect pine stands, and ultimately entire pine savanna ecosystems. Conclusions: Our phenomenological model of disturbance regimes in Pinus palustris old-growth produces very different physiognomies for different disturbances regimes that reflect natural process and human management actions. This model can be used to derive restoration strategies for pine savannas that are linked to reinstitution of important ecological processes rather than specific physiognomic states

    Sapling size influences shade tolerance ranking among southern boreal tree species

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    1 Traditional rankings of shade tolerance of trees make little reference to individual size. However, greater respiratory loads with increasing sapling size imply that larger individuals will be less able to tolerate shade than smaller individuals of the same species and that there may be shifts among species in shade tolerance with size. 2 We tested this hypothesis using maximum likelihood estimation to develop individual-tree-based models of the probability of mortality as a function of recent growth rate for seven species: trembling aspen, paper birch, yellow birch, mountain maple, white spruce, balsam fir and eastern white cedar. 3 Shade tolerance of small individuals, as quantified by risk of mortality at low growth, was mostly consistent with traditional shade tolerance rankings such that cedar > balsam fir > white spruce > yellow birch > mountain maple = paper birch > aspen. 4 Differences in growth-dependent mortality were greatest between species in the smallest size classes. With increasing size, a reduced tolerance to shade was observed for all species except trembling aspen and thus species tended to converge in shade tolerance with size. At a given level of radial growth larger trees, apart from aspen, had a higher probability of mortality than smaller trees. 5 Successional processes associated with shade tolerance may thus be most important in the seedling stage and decrease with ontogeny

    Biocomplexity and conservation of biodiversity hotspots: three case studies from the Americas

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    The perspective of ‘biocomplexity’ in the form of ‘coupled natural and human systems’ represents a resource for the future conservation of biodiversity hotspots in three direct ways: (i) modelling the impact on biodiversity of private land-use decisions and public land-use policies, (ii) indicating how the biocultural history of a biodiversity hotspot may be a resource for its future conservation, and (iii) identifying and deploying the nodes of both the material and psycho-spiritual connectivity between human and natural systems in service to conservation goals. Three biocomplexity case studies of areas notable for their biodiversity, selected for their variability along a latitudinal climate gradient and a human-impact gradient, are developed: the Big Thicket in southeast Texas, the Upper Botanamo River Basin in eastern Venezuela, and the Cape Horn Archipelago at the austral tip of Chile. More deeply, the biocomplexity perspective reveals alternative ways of understanding biodiversity itself, because it directs attention to the human concepts through which biodiversity is perceived and understood. The very meaning of biodiversity is contestable and varies according to the cognitive lenses through which it is perceived