20 research outputs found

    Modelling of the influence of creep strains on the fire response of steel elements

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    The paper presents a numerical model for the behaviour of steel structures exposed to fire capable of taking into account the effect of steel creep at high temperatures by using a simple implicit model. The objective of the simple implicit model is to modify the material stationary stress-strain curves. After reaching temperatures above 400Ā°C, stress-strain curves are modified by stretching the curves using a calculated value of creep strain at current stress, temperature and time. Described numerical procedure was tested by modelling the behaviour of two simply supported steel elements that were partially exposed to high temperatures in an in-house experiment. Authors are claiming that the implicit model is applicable for modelling the behaviour of steel elements with free thermal expansion or with a low level of restriction to thermal expansion

    10.34: Creep properties of grade S275JR steel at high temperature

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    The paper describes an ongoing research project which aims to determine the creep properties of European steel Grade 275JR. The purpose of the research is to develop a reliable temperatureā€, stressā€ and timeā€dependent creep model for this alloy, since there is very little information available in the scientific community regarding its creep properties. The research within the project is focused on a series of stationary creep tests, which will be used to obtain timeā€dependent creep strains in the temperature range 400ā€“600Ā°C. The stress range for which the creep evolution is studied in this project is between 25% and 90% of the value of the stress at 0.2% strain at any particular temperature level. Comparisons between the creep output for the alloy analysed and existing creep data are presented in the paper

    WYD method for an eigen solution of coupled problems

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    Designing efficient and stable algorithm for finding the eigenvalues andeigenvectors is very important from the static as well as the dynamic aspectin coupled problems. Modal analysis requires first few significant eigenvectorsand eigenvalues while direct integration requires the highest value toascertain the length of the time step that satisfies the stability condition.The paper first presents the modification of the well known WYDmethod for a solution of single field problems: an efficient and numericallystable algorithm for computing eigenvalues and the correspondingeigenvectors. The modification is based on the special choice of thestarting vector. The starting vector is the static solution of displacements forthe applied load, defined as the product of the mass matrix and the unitdisplacement vector. The starting vector is very close to the theoreticalsolution, which is important in cases of small subspaces.Additionally, the paper briefly presents the adopted formulation for solvingthe fluid-structure coupled systems problems which is based on a separatesolution for each field. Individual fields (fluid and structure) are solvedindependently, taking in consideration the interaction information transferbetween them at every stage of the iterative solution process. The assessmentof eigenvalues and eigenvectors for multiple fields is also presented. This eigenproblem is more complicated than the one for the ordinary structural analysis,as the formulation produces non-symmetrical matrices.Finally, a numerical example for the eigen solution coupled fluidstructureproblem is presented to show the efficiency and the accuracy ofthe developed algorithm

    Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Physical and Organoleptic Properties of Muscovy Duck Meat

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    This research was aimed to study the effect of electrical stimulation period on physical and organoleptic properties of Muscovy duck meat. This research used 20 female Muscovy ducks, 1.5-2 years of age. The ducks were divided into 5 groups treatments for 4 replications. The treatments were period of electrical stimulation: 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes. The result showed that period of electrical stimulation did not affect (P0.05) cooking loss but significantly affected (P0.05) the tenderness, color, flavour, aroma, pH, and juiciness of duck meat. The best treatment was 20 minutes stimulation

    Application of Herbal Meatball Processing Technology to Increase Stamina Against Covid 19 for the Wua Wua Subdistrict, Kendari City

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    Meatballs are one of the processed meat products that can be added by Moringa leaves in the manufacturing process. Moringa leaves contain a lot of protein, vitamins, and minerals. With the addition of Moringa leaves, in addition to increasing the nutritional value of meatballs, it also increases the potential of the foodstuff and can produce products that are of high nutritional value but are economical because Moringa leaves are cheap and easily available. The method used in the first community service program is to approach, interview and deepen problems and find solutions to problems. Second, using the method of learning by doing with teaching media in the form of a guide book on how to make herbal meatballs, giving brochures and demonstrations and banners that attract the interest of the community. Providing counseling and training by providing training and demonstration material or practice how to make herbal meatballs. Outcomes of this community service program 1) Increasing the competitiveness of the business of animal origin food products with herbal raw materials, 2) Increasing the turnover of community groups such as, improving values ā€‹ā€‹in the community, 3) Providing additional knowledge to the public about processing livestock products (herbal meatballs) , 4) Producing products that can be useful to maintain fitness and body immunity so as to reduce the risk of exposure to covid-19

    Histomorphometric evaluation of intestinal cellular immune responses in pigs immunized with live oral F4ac+ non-enterotoxigenic E. coli vaccine against postweaning colibacillosis

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    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) infection is the most common type of porcine postweaning colibacillosis (PWC). Among fimbriae of porcine ETEC strains the best studied family of fimbriae are the members of F4 adhesins, existing in at least three variants: ab, ac, ad. Active immunization against porcine PWC is difficult due to: i) ETEC strains are only one of the essential predisposing factors, ii) the success of vaccinal antigen uptake depends on the presence of enterocyte receptors for F4 adhesins, iii) the intestinal immune system may react with tolerance or hypersensitivity to the same antigens depending on the dose and form of the vaccinal immunogen, and iv) kinetics of the specific immune responses may be different in the case of F4 (earlier) and the other ETEC adhesins, particularly F18 (later). The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of a live attenuated F4ac+ non-ETEC vaccine against porcine PWC by analyzing quantitative differences in the small intestinal lymphoid and myeloid cell subsets of immunized (with or without levamisole given as an adjuvant) vs control non-immunized pigs. Four week-old pigs were intragastrically immunized with a vaccine candidate F4ac+ non-ETEC strain 2407 at day 0, challenged 7 days later with a virulent F4ac+ strain ETEC 11-800/1/94, euthanatized at day 13 and sampled for immunohistology. Non-immunized pigs received saline at day 0 and were processed as the principals. Immuno-phenotypes of lymphoid and myeloid cell subsets were demonstrated within jejunal and ileal mucosa by immunohistochemical avidin-biotin complex method and corresponding morphometric data were analyzed using software program Lucia G for digital image analyses. Monoclonal antibodies reactive with surface molecules on porcine immune cells such as CD3, CD45RA, CD45RC, CD21 and SWC3 enabled clear insight into distribution patterns and amount of these cells within the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) examined. The numbers of jejunal and ileal cell subsets tested were significantly increased (at P<0.5 or lower) in both principal groups (vaccinated or levamisole primed-vaccinated) of pigs, compared to those recorded in the control non-vaccinated pigs. Based on the histomorphometric quantification of porcine intestinal immune cells from the GALT compartments tested, it is possible to differentiate the responses of pigs immunized by an experimental mucosal vaccine from those of non-immunized pigs


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    Sebuah buku pengantar, yang menghantarkan penelitian bidang penelitian pendidikan. Penelitian dipandang sebagai suatu kegiatan serangkaian kerja ilmiah dengan tujuan untuk memecahkan suatu permasalahan yang ada. Akan tetapi jika cara kerja ilmiah ini nantinya diterapkan pula dalam lapangan pendidikan maka akan menjadi penelitian pendidikan. Penelitian pendidikan dapat diartikan sebagai proses yang sistematis untuk memperoleh pengetahuan (to discover knowledge) dan pemecahan masalah (problem solving) pendidikan melalui metode ilmiah, baik dalam pengumpulan maupun analisis datanya, serta membuat rumusan generalisasi berdasarkan penafsiran data tersebut. Penelitian pendidikan juga merupakan suatu kegiatan ilmiah yang mana akan dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan data, menganalisis data hingga memecahkan permasalahan pendidikan. Selain itu, penelitian pendidikan ini juga merupakan cara yang dapat dipergunakan dalam mengembangkan bidang pendidikan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka, buku ini menyajikan segala yang dibutuhkan oleh para pengelola pendidikan dalam menjalankan roda perputaran pendidikan agar dapat menciptakan kualitas dan kuantitas bidang pendidikan. Oleh sebab itu buku ini hadir kehadapan sidang pembaca sebagai bagian dari upaya diskusi sekaligus dalam rangka melengkapi khazanah keilmuan dibidang pendidikan, sehingga buku ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan bahan acuan bagi kalangan intelektual dilingkungan perguru tinggi ataupun praktisi yang berkecimpung langsung dibidang pendidikan